Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 125: The battle in the inn [unban]

As soon as Li Xing started, Zhao Youji, Tian Yi, and Ye Yizhou shot at the same time, and three purple crossbows were issued at the same time.


紫 Each Ziguang crossbow fired seventy-two arrows, killing forward men in three directions. Among them, Zhao Youji's arrow light pointed at Li Xing.

As soon as the silkworm wing knife was shot, Zhao Youji's face changed, so when he shot, he tried his best to hit Li Xing with a stroke.

Each arrow light is bright purple, about thirty centimeters long, as thick as a little finger. In order to succeed, Zhao Youji shot all 72 arrows at Li Xing. Arrows fluttered across the sky, carrying Xiao Ran evil spirits.

The tussah winged sword moved forward, collided with the arrow light, and issued a "ding ding" sound. Seventy-two arrow lights were instantly scattered and thirty-six were scattered. There are still thirty-six arrows, forcing Li Xing.

The power of the 国 士 using the magic weapon is terrible. If you change to a warrior, no matter how powerful you are, you cannot escape this attack. In a critical moment, Li Xingqi raised the black iron knife behind him, and the first type of phaseless knife was cast in an instant.

The sword without phase is in the word "phaseless". Although Li Xing has not fully comprehended the true meaning of the word "phaseless", he can already exert a certain power.

Wu Wuxiang cut it out, and a magically woven wall appeared in front of him, as if numerous black iron knives were juxtaposed together to form this knife wall.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

After a strange noise, thirty-six light arrows were all shaken by the black iron sword. Li Xing took a two-step step and stepped on the foot with five centimeter-thick footprints. The cloth shoes shattered to reveal the bare feet inside.

After the thirty-six light arrows were blocked by the tussah wing knife, the cast was slightly slowed down, and then killed towards Zhao Youji again.

Purple light crossbow, each time it takes about ten seconds to launch a second time. At this time, Zhao Youji could not launch continuously, and could only use Zhenli to counter the Silkworm wing knife. He waved on his right sleeve, and a violent anger burst out.

由 Zhao Youji's true spirit condensed into the image of an eagle, screaming and rushing forward, bumping forward, he slammed the silkworm wing knife a little.

Li Xing understands that Zhao Youji has prepared at this time, and it is very difficult to kill him with a silkworm wing knife. So when the silkworm wing knife struck, he moved. With his toes scratched on the ground, Li Xing was like a lightning bolt, flashed across a distance of 30 meters, and moved to Zhao Youji in front of him.

Tiptoe grasping and panning to kill the enemy, the average warrior can also do it, but it must not be as fast as Li Xing, as if ghostly.

Putian Yi and Ye Yizhou also issued purple crossbow.

When Li Xing issued the order, the fifty forward battalion soldiers had formed five spin dragons in an instant. Spinning the dragons, you can concentrate the power of nine people in one place, and multiply the power.

I saw five circles of knife light spinning, welcoming the arrow light.

The sound of "Ding Ding" was endless, and the two sets of arrow lights were all blown away by the sword light of the spin dragon.

However, the power of the magic weapon is really powerful. All the people in the formation are shocked and their mouths and noses overflow with blood.

"Kill!" Li Xing once again issued the first phase of non-phase cutting.

This knife, although not invisible, was weird, and suddenly came to Zhao Youji. As if the knife had been in front of him, beheaded from the void.

Zhao Youji shouted loudly, slipped under his feet, and pulled back three meters stiffly. The black iron knife passed "Sen" against his throat knot, and the fierce blood sprayed from the blade tip was intimately in contact with his body , Friction produces a strange sound of "Si La La".

I dodged the knife, Zhao Youji's back was cold, and his forehead was cold and sweaty.

"What a terrible sword!"

In a flash of thought, Zhao Youji regarded Li Xing as his most powerful opponent, and raised his twelve-point spirit to fight against the enemy.

He couldn't get a single blow, Li Xing knew that this battle might take a long time.

After all, Qi Lian Qi is a Qi Leng duo. He wants to succeed, and Li Xing has suffered a weak loss in the realm.

Under the impact of Zhen Qi, Zhao Youji vacated from time to time, sometimes gliding, and was extremely flexible. And Li Xing can only rely on the ground to gradually fall into a disadvantage. This is the difference between true qi and blood qi, the former is more powerful and more wonderful.

Li Xing put the silkworm wing knife on his arm and waved the knife for a sudden attack. The same moves, but each time Zhao Youji frightened, afraid to get too close.

"Divided Boxing!"

When Li Xing's sword stopped, Zhao Youji seized the opportunity, suddenly surrendered, and punched fiercely. This boxing came out as if the thunder exploded and the meteorite blasted to the ground.


Li Xing's eyes were opened, and his body was full of blood more than half a meter high, like a burning fire, and shouted, "Break me!"

挥 He waved his sword in both hands, violent blood flew across a rainbow, tearing the air, and quickly chopping the true qi sent to Zhao Youji.


With this stab, the anger sent by the "Fangboquan" was broken openly. The two invigorating spirits, divided into two, rushed out from both sides of Li Xing.

However, Li Xing was also uncomfortable. He was dizzy with this punch and felt quite strenuous.

After slamming a punch, Li Xing trembled: "The realm is too different to compete with him." At the moment, he uses a walking strategy to entangle with Zhao Youji.

On the other side, five spin dragons killed the battlefield and surrounded Tian Yi and Ye Yizhou. They didn't pay much attention to the striker camp. After all, the qi nationality can look down at the blood fighter. However, it turned out that they were too undervalued. Since the power of the spin dragon to kill the array can block the arrow light emitted by the purple light crossbow, it shows that it has a terrifying combat power.

The five groups of swords rolled around, sandwiching Tian Yi and Ye Yizhou in the middle, tired of coping, and had to fly into the air ~ www.readwn.com ~ But the spin dragons were very rare, and the warriors urged blood , The large array can actually hang in the air for a short time, hunting down the two.

The two sides fought, and for the time being, they were tied, and no one could help each other. At this moment, whoever can win in the end depends on Li Xing's battle with Zhao Youji.



With a flash of light, Li Xingshi exhibited the Heavenly Sword Technique.

Obviously, the power of the Heavenly Sword is far worse than Wuxiang. However, when Li Xing displayed his sword skills, he actually used a lose-lose approach.

Zhao Youji is not a fool. He feels that Li Xing's power is terrible. If the black iron knife is really beheaded, he will be able to cut him in half. Therefore, once Li Xing is desperate, he will not lose even if he uses a simple sword-killing technique.

On the contrary, after Zhao Youji was timid, the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

One sword after another, Li Xing took turns to perform 2048 strokes. Each knife is simple and straightforward, without any mystery.

In this way, Li Xing cut more than a thousand knives, Zhao Youji gradually became impatient, and trembled: "I am a patriarch with a dignified temperament. I can't even win the **** warrior!" Annoyed in his heart, he began to mad Angrily, he drank loudly, as if a thunderstorm rang.

"Crazy palm! Go to death!"

"Boom!" The force of violent horror came from the mountains, and Li Xing's face changed slightly.

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