Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 126: Natural enemies

At a critical moment, Li Xing flashed two types of swords in his mind, namely the first and ninth strokes of the Heavenly Sword, which perfectly combined in his mind to form a new sword. This trick is sharper and faster!

He slammed his palms, as the name suggests, like a raging wave in the sea, coming in, one blow after another, like overlapping waves.

The black iron knife in Li Xing's hand bloomed a ray of cold mang, simply chopping it in the past. Along with the sword, a force of blood rushed out, colliding with the mad palm.

There was a muffled sound, as if conveyed from the nine days, the air was shaking violently, and the whole inn shuddered slightly.

The two-stroke swordsmanship combined with the Heavenly Swordsmanship has increased its power by more than ten times, and actually broke the mad palm. With a flash of blood, Zhao Youji was forced away by the sharp knife. Li Xing took advantage of this sword and suddenly approached his shape, punching his opponent in a punch.

"Look for death!" Zhao Youji looked fiercely, clapping his hands to meet Li Xing's fists.

With the palm of Zhao Youji, he used all his strength and wanted to kill Li Xing with a single blow.

As the palm of his hand came out, the majestic infuriating burst out. However, Li Xing's fist sank suddenly and greeted his chest towards Zhao Youji's palm. Suddenly desperately playing, Li Xing is not the first time.

由 Zhao Youji flashed a cold mang in his eyes, and his heart trembled: "I don't believe it! You can take a slap with all my strength!" Instantly, he added a point to his strength and yelled, "Stop!

Ignoring Li Xing's fist completely, Zhao Youji wanted to kill Li Xing in one fell swoop.

Before he reached the palm of his hand, a qi hit Li Xing first. A "click" sounded. His sternum fractured and his mouth sprayed a piece of blood. Immediately, the more Yuji's palm was printed on his chest, the more destructive this time.

Li Xing felt as if a meteorite that had fallen at a high speed hit him.

The moment his body was struck, Li Xing's fist suddenly changed, and he held a dagger in his hand.

天罡 刀, sixth-order magic weapon. Although he can't exert the power of the tianjian weapon at present, the dagger itself is extremely sharp, and it is also a killing weapon.

Zhao Youji dare to confront Li Xing because he is well prepared. Before coming here, he wore a precious armor called soft gold armor, a second-order weapon, which can completely resist the attack of the first-order weapon of the silk wing knife.

Therefore, he has 100% certainty that even if Li Xing uses a silk wing knife, he cannot hurt him. As for Li Xing's blood power, he could not even penetrate the soft gold armor, let alone hurt him.

On the contrary, Zhao Youji's power was so powerful that he had a great chance to kill Li Xing.

But when Li Xing revealed Tian Ji Diao, Zhao Youji's face changed. He felt that before the dagger was pierced on him, a savage gas invaded his body and made him numb.

"Not good!" Yueyou Ji shouted and wanted to step back, but it was too late.

Li Xing stared at the light, and yelled in a voice: "Kill!"

"Silk!" As if the sound of a knife cutting through thin paper, Tian 罡 dagger easily pierced the soft gold armor and pierced into Zhao Youji's heart. At this point, Li Xing's wrist swiveled, and the blade edged Zhao Youji's heart into two.


Zhao Yuji spit out blood and could no longer control his qi and fell from the air. His body shuddered, and he was silent, his eyes full of unwillingness and resentment.

"Ah! The master of the rudder is dead!" Tian Yi yelled, his spirits flying away. He was so lost that the dragons swarmed inward and chopped off one of his arms.

Putian Yi screamed, and under the pain, the square inch was chaotic, and finally he was beheaded with a knife and his life was whimpered.

The other Ye Yizhou saw that the situation was not good, he yelled, and ignored the others. He rose into the air, broke the roof, and ran away.

As soon as Zhao Youji died, Li Xing also fell from the air, looking pale and seriously injured.

"the host!"

After annihilating Li Xing's order, the forward battalion did not continue to pursue, and all came around to observe Li Xing's injury.

Li Xing spit out his mouth and calmed down: "Leave one group, and kill the remaining four groups, and take the opportunity to destroy the Tsing Yi League!"


Now, nine people stayed for Li Xing to protect the law, and the other four groups of thirty-six people went to the periphery.

The warriors outside the Ping'an Inn, when they saw Ye Yizhou running away, they knew that things were not good and morale dropped. And when the four groups of forward camps rushed out, they were even more frightened and unable to organize effective resistance.

The power of the Mediation Dragon is unparalleled. In a moment, it killed dozens of people, forcing them to flee. The four groups of horses chased and killed all the way, easily occupied the Tsing Yi League sub-helm, captured the city's main mansion, and lowered the city guards and soldiers.

In fact, as soon as Zhao Youji died, Tian Yi and Ye Yizhou died and fled, Tsing Yi League lost its main brain and the general situation has gone. In the face of Li Xing's group of tiger and wolf soldiers, there was no morale and strength to resist.

Li Xing stayed at Tianan Inn and focused on recuperating his injuries. The center of the eyebrow, the strength of the nine yangs, penetrated down and repaired Li Xing's injury faster than ever. In just three hours, Li Xing, who was seriously injured, had recovered.

At night, the forward battalion has basically controlled the city. A small number of Tsing Yi men were killed and most of them returned.

Most of the members of the Tsing Yi League were temporarily forced to join them. Once the striker camp showed enough practice ~ www.readwn.com ~, they immediately changed their allegiance targets and became Li Xing's people.

I took over a city, and there were many things to do. When Li Xing was busy, Wang Zixing was also preparing to work on the other rebel cities.

At this moment, Wang Zixing Hou Fuzhong, as the Fang Hou, is carrying out a group of guests politely. A total of ten people came, and they were all scholars of Qi training level. Two of them were triple-strength Qi training figures and had great strength.

Wang Zixing laughed and said, "Brothers and brothers, you have come all the way from Qiyun to help me, and there is work!"

十 These ten people are all disciples in Qi Yun's group, who came to help Wang Xing recapture the city.

"Brother is polite, not to mention that Liu Dong has always been the sphere of influence of the Qi Yun faction. Brother is also a disciple of the Qi Yun faction. For the public and private, we all have to come to help the brother." A triple state scholar laughed.

Xun Wangxing nodded: "If you are polite, I won't say much. The ten are divided into two groups of five, each leading a group of warriors to regain control of the city!"

When I was talking, someone heard the news.

"Report!" A spy hurriedly entered the hall.

"Speak!" Wang Xing raised his eyebrows slightly, and he foresaw the news from Li Xing.

"Reporter! Leader Li Xing led the striker battalion and killed Zhao Youji, the helm of the Tsing Yi League of Benma City, and killed Tian Yi, who has completely controlled Benma City!" The soldier's tone was quite excited.

Wang Zixing's eyes brightened: "Okay!"

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