Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 127: The owner of galloping horse [unlock]

什么 "What? You succeeded so quickly?" The people in the Houfu Hall were shocked. They clearly remembered that Li Xing had only walked for two or three days. How could he succeed so quickly?

Wang Yang was even more stunned, his mind was blank.

The scholar who practiced triple Qi frowned slightly and asked, "Who is that Li Xing? How strong is the master of Qi?" Qi Yun sent his family to a great cause. Although Li Xing's name was not small, he could not reach Qi. In the cloud school, these people do not know who Li Xing is.

Xi Wangzixing was in a good mood and laughed: "Li Xing is a strong general under the younger brother's hands, and he has great training."

"You can kill Zhao Youji by training ten times? Zhao Youji can be the master of the sub-rudder, at least also a training qi national. How did the warrior kill him?"

Wang Xing said indifferently: "There are some means by which I have killed more than one scholar." Then "hehe" smiled: "With Li Xingli doing his best and winning the city, he paved the way for us, and when we did the following, Much easier. "

He said, Wang Zixing turned to call the army division Feng Tang, and ordered: "Issuing a military order to Benma City, Li Xing temporarily assumed the post of Benma City master, and took charge of all the city affairs!"

Unconsciously, three days later, Li Xing left everything to the people in the clash camp to do. For these tasks of maintaining order and stability, most of them are given to the forward camp. Most of them have more experience than Li Xing.

For the past three days, Li Xingdu had been practicing Tianmo fierce Zen, but did not make much progress. However, he has become fully familiar with the cultivation process of the fiendish Zen, laying the foundation for further cultivation in the future.

On this day, after Li Xing practiced, he talked with the Emperor Tianxie about the Jiuyang Pearl.

"Master, after being injured by Zhao Youji, the wound recovery speed has increased a lot." Li Xingdao said, "If it were not for Jiuyangzhu, Zhao Youji could kill me with one palm."

"Huh! Your boy is too desperate, he was sent to be beaten." Tian Xie the emperor disapproved. "I had to fight others for the sake of my teacher. Where was this? It's a shame.

兴 Li Xinggan laughed: "Master, as long as the apprentice does not die, how many injuries are you afraid of? Instead, each additional injury will increase your physique."

Emperor Tianxie: "It is inevitable. You will be the body of Jiuyang when the power of Jiuyang completely trains you. However, you are far from this step. At present, you can only get Baiyang. Power, there are still eight kinds of positive power that cannot be turned on. "

"To gain more power, you must first cultivate to the level of training and become a scholar."

兴 Li Xing smiled bitterly: "At the moment, if you want to break through in cultivation, you must start with the demon fierce Zen. But it is not easy for the demon fierce Zen to cultivate, and I don't know how long it will take to succeed."

Emperor Wu Tianxie: "So you need to prepare a few more hands. In the unlikely event that the demon Zen has no effect, you can go another way."

"Is Master saying elixir?" Li Xing asked. The Emperor Tianxie once said that elixir can help practice.

"Yes! I collected a lot of Gu Danfang for the teacher at the beginning. If you can open up the Jiuyang Realm in the future, you can cultivate a lot of elixir. Grab a few medicine pots, and then we can start cooking alchemy! Hey kid Alchemy is a rarity. Learning alchemy means mastering an inexhaustible treasure. "

Li Xing felt itchy in his heart and quickly asked, "Master, when will my disciples learn alchemy?"

"Easy, as long as you can grab a piece of medicine, you will immediately teach you the method of refining alchemy. As long as you open the lungs and elicit the fire, you can refining the alchemy."

"Ignite the fire?" Li Xing couldn't help sighing. "I'm afraid this is not easy."

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey," Alchemy uses three fires, ground fire, real fire, and sky fire. Three kinds of fire can be used to make different grades of elixir. In Tianyuanzhou, ground fire can be seen everywhere, but not every one. Earth fires can be used for alchemy. "

"As for the real fire, it is the secret fire of the Dandan factions. It is precious and unusual. You don't have to think about it for now, even if you know where it is, it is not a heavenly person. Don't want to grab it."

那么 "What about the sky fire?" Li Xing asked.

"Skyfire?" Tianxie Emperor smiled, "Heavenfire, Skyfall Fire, the quality is higher than the real fire, but it is also more scarce. As a teacher, I could not get a skyfire when I was in Tianyuanzhou. Don't even think again. "

兴 Li Xinggan laughed: "How can Master dedicate himself to the disciples? Maybe the disciples will be lucky, and I will encounter a skyfire one day."

Tian Xie said, "Entrust the future to luck, this is what idiots do! Boy, what you have to do now is to enhance your strength, give me a stronger, stronger and stronger! Only then can you have Qualify to talk about alchemy, talk about the future! "

Li Xing said to himself: "Yes!"

The next day, Wang Zixing passed a military order, and Li Xing temporarily served as the owner of Benma City. The master of a city is not so easy to take. After receiving the order, Li Xing was not happy. He now concentrates on daily cultivation. How can he deal with urban affairs?

Fortunately, ~ www.readwn.com ~ the former city owner left the team, Li Xing had something to explain directly, let them handle it by themselves, and only sent a few people from the forward camp to supervise.

Li Xing is not willing to put his mind on it, because on the one hand he will not stay here for a long time in the future, on the other hand, he has no time to waste. After all, practice every day without spending too much energy in other areas.

A few days later, Ben Macheng came with a group of people. Li Jie's face was ugly, and Li Ying sent him to Benma.

Li Xing took the matter of running horse city, the wind spread like a wind, spread to Sanyi Garden as early as possible. Li Ying immediately felt that the opportunity for Sanyi Garden came.

The original forces of Ben Ben City were all wiped out by the Tsing Yi League. Now that the Tsing Yi League is no longer there, Li Xing is also the owner of the city, and Sanyi Garden can take the opportunity to extend its tentacles into Benma City and grow stronger.

He said that although he and Li Xing had contradictions of all kinds, although he hated Li Xing internally, even if there were 10,000 reasons to hate Li Xing, he could not conceal the fact that he had great use value.

After Wang Zixing, Bai Pingdu, and Chen Jinsong negotiated, Li Jie was given a generous gift. On the one hand, they pleaded guilty to Li Xing, and on the other, they had to repair it with Li Xing.

Before Ying came to Benma City, Li Ying and Chen and Bai discussed the idea one night before they got the idea.

I returned to the night three days ago, Li Ying walked back and forth in the hall. He just got the news from Li Xing. Li Xing won the horse race and killed Zhao Youji, who is now the city's master.

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