Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 128: Black Panther. Spirit Snake [Unban]

Sanyi Garden is just the Sanyi Garden in Qingyun City. No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to go beyond the scope of Sanyi Garden. But now, Li Xing has become the owner of Benma City, even if Li Ying is stupid, he can smell a huge opportunity from it.

英 Li Ying walking around, suddenly stopped, Shen said: "No matter what, Li Xing, you must take a walk!"

Chen Jinsong's mood was the most complicated. He could have become Li Xing's father-in-law and owned a patron. But the fact is the opposite. Because of the relationship between Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, he had a grudge with Li Xing.

He squeezed his fists, Chen Jinsong seemed to make a decision, and suddenly said, "Brother Li, I understand, Xiao Xue and Xiao Shuang, I already have an idea. As long as they are willing, I will not stop."

Li Ying was very happy, came forward and patted Chen Jinsong's shoulders: "Brother Chen, you finally know what happened. Why did Wang Zixing kill Li Xing without Wang Yang's temper? Because he also saw that Li Xing had great potential, I hope he can be recruited for his use. "

"In the beginning, we didn't want Li Xing to be strong, because we didn't want him to be the second Li Nature. However, once Li Xing grew up, we had to change our strategy to make him our own." His eyes flashed, "This world There are no eternal enemies. As long as they have common interests, they will become friends. "

Bai Pingdu nodded repeatedly: "Yes, with Sanyi Garden as a support, Li Xing developed more smoothly. With Li Xing Xiangzuo, Sanyi Garden can also expand the site, why not do it? However, the gap between the two parties is not a short-term one. Can be eliminated. "

Whether it is Li Ying, Chen Jinsong, or Li Jie, Li Zheng, etc., Li Xing has been counted, and the conflict between them has not been removed at once.

英 Li Ying gritted his teeth: "As long as you are willing to work hard, this is not difficult! Li Jie's unsuccessful thing, I will let him personally apologize to Li Xing!"

Bai Pingdu laughed: "Okay! Bai Qiong and Bai Jing are not as good as Chen Shuang and Chen Xue, but they are also beautiful. They will go together. As long as Li Xing nods, they will be members of the Li family in the future. . "

Chen Jinsong laughed: "Li Xing is really a blessing, Chen and Bai's outstanding daughters have to follow him." Then he said, "But isn't Bai Xiong ready to marry Bai Qiong and Bai Jing to the capital? ? "

Bai Pingdu said indifferently, "How easy is it to marry into the capital? Xiao Qiong and Xiao Jing have less than one-tenth chance to enter the palace. Instead, it is better to follow Li Xing and help me Yiyuan takes more tangible benefits. "

After a discussion among the three people, they finally reached a consensus, and that was to try their best to attract Li Xing for the use of the Sanyi Garden.

Li Jie's convoy entered Benma City. Their faces were ugly during the journey. Among them, the most uncomfortable is Li Jie. Li Ying repeatedly explained that he must submit to Li Xing.

As soon as I thought about it, I would whisper and talk to the wild species he always looked down on. Li Jie felt a rage in his chest, which made his mind confused for a time, and he couldn't control his desire to yell and vent his anger.

Li Zheng and Li Fei's mood is embarrassing. They are not like Li Jie, the son of the head of the family. They do not have a high status.

In the carriage, Bai Jing and Bai Qiong were still sitting. These two women are usually very proud, like two noble phoenixes, and never look at people very much. In particular, Li Xing, in their eyes, this person has always been an incompetent, cowardly and hopeless waste.

Although Li Xing is gradually rising now, the impression of waste materials left by Li Xing at the beginning is deeply in their hearts and it is difficult to change. In their opinion, Li Xing today is nothing more than an upstart with better luck, which is not worthy of attention at all.

But before setting off, Bai Pingdu called them to the study and issued a strict order.

"Every way to win Li Xing's favor, at least make him feel that you two like him very much and are willing to marry him!"

Bai Pingdu's expression was so solemn, which made Sister Bai Jing have to take it seriously. However, as soon as they think of Li Xing, they will be associated with "soil buns" and "waste". This feeling is so deep-rooted that they cannot be removed at once.

Therefore, Bai Qiong and Bai Jing are also unwilling. Feeling that approaching Li Xing in this way is an insult to their personality.

For a long time, the people in the carriage did not speak until they were close to the city's main house. When they were about to meet Li Xing, Li Zheng finally could not help but shouted, "Are we really going to bow to Li Xing's wild species?"

杰 Li Jie slammed into the car with a bang, and said angrily, "Father, they are so confused! Li Xing has offended Qi Yunpai. What good end can he do? He valued him so much!"

Bai Qiong's small nose gently hummed: "To put it bluntly, what is Li Xing compared to the emperor's king, Guiyang Sun?"

The sisters of the Bai Family always thought that, depending on their appearance, if they entered the Imperial City, they would probably become the best among the three thousand beauties in the harem. At least he will also become the wife of a grandson of a king in Pingguo and live a life 100 times more noble than in Sanyi Garden.

Naturally, compared to the nobles of Li Xing and He Pingguo, they are nothing, they hate them like reptiles.

"It's a pity! Zhou Xiang hasn't done anything, otherwise we won't be humiliated by this!" Li Jie sighed.

Suddenly, a voice came from the roof: "If you are willing to cooperate, Li Xing will die today."

The people in the car were taken aback.

"Who!" Li Jie sang loudly, alerting himself.

A curtain flickered and a teenager appeared in the room.

The young man in a black suit was gloomy, and his appearance ~ www.readwn.com ~ caused the temperature in the carriage to drop sharply, and everyone shivered.

No one dared to move, because everyone saw that a layer of black breath was flowing outside the young man's body, and that was radon!

After the triple training of Qi, you can collect various breaths between heaven and earth, such as thunder, yin, cold, gold, poisonous gas, etc., and refine it into true Qi to form radon. Radon is more powerful than Zhenqi.

A man who has become a qi man can almost kill the two who practice qi. It is for this reason that Li Ziran became a real figure in Sanyi Garden.

In the face of the three fighters who practiced Qi, Li Jie and others understood that they did not have the opportunity to resist at all, so they were all honest.

杰 Li Jieqiang smiled and asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

"Black Panther." The boy said coldly, "Qi Yun sent the elders to his disciples."

As soon as Li Jie's eyes lighted, his thoughts turned and he suddenly thought of a possibility and suppressed the meaning of excitement. He asked with a trembling voice: "Are you here to kill Li Xing?"

The black panther nodded: "Yes, this man offended the lady and must die. Originally, I wanted to control you, and then mixed into the city's mansion to kill Li Xing. I did not expect that you actually wanted to deal with Li Xing, which surprised me .It looks like we can cooperate. "

The three men and two women in Sanyiyuan glanced at each other, and nodded strongly.

"OK! We are willing to cooperate with you!" Li Jie said fiercely.

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