Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 129: Flying Bear Step [Unban]

The curtains flickered again, and a young girl in Tsing Yi appeared, and she smiled charmingly: "I'm a spirit snake, black panther's sister. Since you are willing to cooperate, then Li Xing can die earlier."

After the carriage in Sanyi Garden, another carriage slowly moved. On the carriage, Chen Xue, Chen Shuang and Murong Jiaojiao sat opposite each other. Chen Xue looked at Murong Jiaojiao with an angry look, biting her teeth and said, "I won't go to the misty palace!"

Murong Jiao smiled bitterly: "This is not something I can control. I can't think of you, your qualifications are so good that they are seen by the messenger at a glance." She paused, "However, the misty palace is an override The two factions and the three ranks belong to the first-class martial arts in Tianyuanzhou. Entering the misty palace is not a bad thing for you, but a good luck for the heavens. "

"I don't need this luck!" Chen Shuang replied coldly.

Wu Murongjiao shrugged her shoulders: "The disciples that Piao Miao Palace looks after must obediently follow them. Even a princess of a country is no exception. You may not know that there are two disciples in the Piao Miao Palace."

It turned out that Murong Jiaojiao was an internal disciple in the misty palace, and was responsible for collecting information from all parties. Coincidentally, an emissary from Misty Palace passed Qingyun City and went to see Murong Jiaojiao. This messenger is mainly responsible for finding well-qualified women from all parts of Pingguo and earning a misty palace.

The messenger saw Chen Xue and Chen Shuang secretly, his eyes flashed. After careful observation, the messenger finally determined that Chen Xue and Chen Shuang were both cultivating talents.

After being informed of this, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang were shocked and scared. At the same time, they understood that Li Xing's "Xuanjie Dan Medicine" must have played a role, greatly improving their qualifications.

No matter what, the second daughter never wanted to go to any misty palace. Seeing Li Xing step by step to success, maybe in the near future, they can marry them into the door, how can they leave at this time?

However, the misty palace is a very mysterious and powerful martial art. Whether Chen Xue and Chen Shuang are willing or not, they must go to the misty palace.

"Even if I die, I won't go!" Chen Shuang said firmly.

Murong Jiaojiao sighed quietly: "Really, what's so good about Li Xing, let you Qingyuncheng sisters be so infatuated." He paused, and said, "Bring you to Benma City to see you again Li Xing side. This is the limit of what I can do, I can't help you any more. "

"The misty palace rarely recruits disciples, I will let you join willingly."

飘 A misty female voice, suddenly far and near, only heard its voice, but no figure.

"Dream!" Chen Shuang sneered.

"In the past, this messenger met many stubborn people like you, but they eventually gave in. You know, people will always encounter such troubles as life and death, separation and sorrow and joy." The master of the voice is precisely Ethereal Herald of the palace.

Speaking of her words, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang burst into a heart, feeling vaguely ominous.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Xue asked anxiously, looking around blankly, but couldn't find where the other party was.

Wu Murongjiao smiled bitterly: "In a while, you will understand, this is the second purpose of the messenger promised you to come here."

Benma City has settled down. Li Xing has been a lot more relaxed these days. He has a lot of time to practice every day. However, his cultivation progress is slow, and he still stops at the ten major successes in training. The fierce Zen that day was also at the first level, only to imagine the charm.

However, although he did not make progress in his cultivation, he had a lot to gain from the sword killing and non-phase cutting. Li Xing's comprehension is getting more and more clear about that type. With regard to the sword-slaying method, Li Xing also gradually merged 2048 strokes into 1024 strokes with the help of the Emperor Tianxie.


In the empty courtyard, Li Xing danced with a black iron sword, and he was as ghostly as a ghost. At this moment, he is using a set of footwork taught by the Emperor Tianxie to cooperate with the Heavenly Sword.

"Guo Shi can fly through the air with empty air. If the warrior is done properly, he can also fly in the air, but the time is limited." Tianxie said, "You need to improve your strength now, and teach you a set of jade steps. 'Flying bear step'. "

"Master, why is it called a flying bear step? Are there flying bears?" Li Xing was curious.

Emperor Tianxie was annoyed: "Nonsense! The flying bear is the name of an ancient saint. The name of the flying bear is the marvel of this footwork. You must know that there are few simple footwork, and they are often combined with swordsmanship. , Boxing. "

"And this flying bear step can be combined with any kind of exercise method. In fact, as far as the teacher knows, it is purely footwork and the level reaches the level of super jade steps. At present, there is only a flying bear step."

兴 Li Xinggan laughed: "The pupil was taught."

As a result, Li Xing began to practice flying bears three days ago.

Although the "fly" in the flying bear step does not mean that this step can fly, in fact, Li Xing can indeed fly when the flying bear step is performed. With his blood hitting the ground, he can levitate in the air for a short time.

Of course, the time will not be too long to stop in the air for as long as the Guoshi. After all, blood gas is not real, and it can run freely and be finely controlled.

Fei Xiongbu cooperated with the Heavenly Sword, Li Xing's strength further improved. At this time, if you fight with Zhao Youji again, Li Xing can also kill the other party ~ www.readwn.com ~ but will not be seriously injured. In other words, at this time, Li Xing was able to fight against the qi duo.

"the host!"

Suddenly, a brother of the striker came.

Li Xing stood up in front of him and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Sanyiyuan sent Li Jie and others to visit."

Li Xing raised an eyebrow: "Li Jie? What is he doing here?" After thinking about it, "Take them to the hall, I'll be right there."

Li Jie entered the lobby and sat down. Behind Li Jie, the black panther and spirit snake stood as servants, fully converging.

Li Xing changed his clothes, and before he arrived in the hall, someone reported: "Master, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang of Sanyi Garden, and the master of Murong Jiaojiao County arrived."

怎么 "How come at the same time?" Li Xing was surprised and hurried into the hall to find out what was going on.

雪 Chen Xue, Chen Shuang, and Murong Jiaojiao came to the living room and took a picture with Li Jie and others.

"Hum!" Bai Qiong glanced at Chen Xue with a dismissive noise in his nostrils. A woman's mind is sometimes weird. She obviously doesn't think much about Li Xing, but when Chen Xue and Chen Shuang have an eye on Li Xingqing, she will feel very uncomfortable inside.

In particular, Li Xing's recent ups and downs have made Bai Qiong's heart more unpleasant.

"Isn't this Chen Xue and Chen Shuang? Why are you here too?" Bai Jing said with a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes.

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