Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 130: Blackwater Shinji [Unban]

姐妹 Sisters Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, for Sister Bai, the relationship is not bad. Between women, most of the time they are full of sorrows and joys.

Seeing that Bai Jing and Bai Qiong were also here, Chen Shuang said "um" with a lukewarm tone, and then stopped talking, looking at the back, hoping to see Li Xing earlier.

Wu Baiqiong was slightly annoyed and couldn't help asking: "Chen Shuang, do you really like Li Xing?"

霜 Chen Shuang turned his head and looked at Bai Qiong strangely: "I like someone, does it have anything to do with you?" As a woman, Chen Shuang can obviously feel Bai Qiong's state of mind at the moment, which is the kind of jealousy and disdain.

Seeing her sister in embarrassment, Xi Baijing sneered and said, "Not to mention that Li Xing's origins are unclear, and he has offended too many people. If you are not broken, you will never talk to such people."

Chen Xue was not a talkative person, but when she heard this, she said coldly: "No matter what Li Xing is, it is a hundred times better than going into the palace as a servant." Of course she knows that the sisters of the Bai family want to enter the palace. At this time, sarcasm was spoken.

Baijing angrily said, "What are you talking about? We are going to marry the princes and nobles, not servants!"

At this moment, Li Xing just happened to go out. He listened to the dialogue between the two parties and thought, "The two women have always been abominable!"

Li Xing has always believed that those who regard fame and fortune as dirt are noble than those who admire vanity. But the latter is by no means eligible for irony, because everyone has the right to choose a way of life.

Bai Qiong and Bai Jing downplay Chen Xue and Chen Shuang in the face, as a man, Li Xing is inevitably angry.

"It's up to you? To have no figure, to have a cheeky face, rough skin, foolish behavior, one with bad breath, one big foot, and said to marry a king and aristocrat, I don't see anyone as a servant!"

Li Xing's harsh words were uttered in a breath, and Bai Jing and Bai Qiong were stunned, and then they became extremely angry.

In Li Xing's memory, she knew the shortcomings of many second daughters. Under the dress, the first impression of the two women is really beautiful. But if you look closely, you will find all the above shortcomings. In particular, Bai Qiong had a little bad breath, and Bai Jing's feet were as big as men's.

缺点 These disadvantages are unknown to outsiders, but no one is more clear about Li Xing as a man in Sanyiyuan.

"You ... you ..." Bai Qiong and Bai Jing pointed at Li Xing, their faces were irritated and embarrassed.

"You just have a fantasy of marrying the prince and aristocracy. With one fantasy, are you eligible to look down on others?" Li Xing sneered, approaching step by step.

Bai Qiong and Bai Jing suddenly realized that the man in front of them was very dangerous, and they both scared back.

"Li Xing!"

霜 Chen Shuangmei smiled, only felt that Li Xing's words were extremely deflated. She went to Li Xing and smiled at him with a grin.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Why are you here?" Then his eyes fell on Murong Jiaojiao behind him.

Wu Murong Jiaojiao didn't look at Li Xing, she set her sights on black panther and spirit snake.

Murong Jiaojiao is a triple figure who can practice qi, and can feel the terrible breath emanating from black panthers and spirit snakes.

"Let's take a look." Chen Xue said indifferently.

Li Xing also noticed that the black panther and spirit snake were unusual. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the two. In front of the two, Li Jie's smile was very dark. Li originally wanted to whisper to Li Xing to please him, but now it is not necessary because he is about to be killed by the black panther and spirit snake!

争 Li Zheng and Li Fei's expressions were equally cruel and cruel, and they stared at Li Xing fiercely.

"Li Jie, what are you doing here?" Li Xing asked, keeping his eyes on the black panther and spirit snake.

杰 Li Jie smiled: "Look at how you die!"


The black panther and the spirit snake moved at the same time, and flung left and right towards Li Xing. The three figures who practiced Qi were shocked by the movement. Outside of the black panther, a thick layer of black suffocation was cold and sharp. Outside the spirit snake, a layer of blue radon gas circulates, and the electric light extinguishes.

As soon as the two men moved, Li Xing also moved. He exhibited the flying bear step, and the whole person turned into a shadow of blood, flashing. Even Black Panther and Spirit Snake couldn't catch up with him at once.

The room was full of electricity, and the three phantoms moved away one after another, without substantial contact.

In fact, as soon as the Panther and Spirit Snake fired, Li Xing knew that he was definitely not an opponent, and he was a dead opponent. Black radon and blue radon, one almost resembling an emergency power, the other as cold as ice, and without getting close, forced Li Xing into a panic.

"Black water breaths! Yin electricity breaths!" Murong Jiao Jiao sighed.

After the triple training of Qi, you can refine the breath between heaven and earth into true Qi, and turn true Qi into radon. Radon can be divided into water system, fire system, thunder system, gold system, wind system, wood system, star system, soil system and so on. The above is only a rough division. In fact, a kind of radon may be both a water system and a wood system; it is both a soil system and a thunder system.

And there are several branches in the first line. For example, in the water system, there are ice radon, cloud mist radon, blizzard radon, Tianhe radon, and so on.

The power of many kinds of radon is also different. According to the power, it can be divided into four orders and twelve. The fourth order is Jin order, Jade order, Tian order, Xuan order. Each level is subdivided into three grades, with the lowest grade being the lowest grade and the highest grade being the highest grade.

Those breaths that can blend with true qi are called Yuan 罡. After Yuanzheng merges with Zhenqi, it is called Zhenzheng or Qi. Shinji means the fusion of Zhenqi and Yuanzhang.

In fact, not everyone can get Yuan Zhen. Even if you get Yuanzhang, not everyone can succeed.

Black water radon gas and Yin electricity radon gas both belong to Jinjie Zhongpin radon gas, UU Kanshu www. uukanshu.com is very rare, and is surprised by Murong Jiaojiao. You know, she hasn't made radon gas so far, and she knows the difficulties of making radon. Once radon is refined, its power is also terrifying.

"Si La La!"

The Yin and the electric power suffocate, killing Li Xing in the air.


Smell the black water and siege.

The strength of the two sides is better than Li Xingqiang. If he hadn't just learned how to fly, he might have been killed in person.

As soon as the two shot, Li Jie, Li Zheng, and others all stared excitedly at the scene, hoping that Li Xing would die early. Chen Xue and Chen Shuang were stunned, and rushed up anxiously, being pulled by Murong Jiaojiao, she asked coldly, "Can you save him?"

At this moment, the ethereal female voice sounded, "If you promise to join the ethereal palace, this messenger can save this person's life."

霜 Chen Shuang said angrily: "You brought us here for the purpose of intimidation!"

"It's not coercion. If you don't want to, you don't have to join the misty palace." The voice said coldly.


At this moment, Li Xing was swept in the arm by the black panther's black water qi, and the external blood was immediately forced into the body. He also felt a stiff action and was shaken by the qi.

"I promise!"

Almost at the same time, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang were so frightened that they were afraid that Li Xing would be killed and they cried out in tears.

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