Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 131: Take notice

Li Xing felt a sense of coldness rushing into his body, he immediately lost his ability to move, and his arm was in severe pain. The Black Panther Snake, at the same time, lashes down to kill him.

At this time, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang exclaimed, a faint shadow flashed, blocking the black panther and the snake in front of them. The boys and girls yelled at the same time, rushing out of the hall like shells, and never returned.

The faint silhouette flickered and disappeared again.

In the Nine-Yangyang Realm, the power of Bai Yang circulated in Li Xing's body for a week. He immediately restored his ability to move and slowly rose from the ground.

Li Jie and others are stuck, what's going on? Who did you just shot? At the same time, they also realized that Li Xing was not dead. I am afraid they will have big trouble!

Li Xing ignored Li Jie and others, he looked at Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, his eyes were full of questions.

Chen Xue sighed softly, "Li Xing, I'm leaving."

"Where are you going? Where are you going?" Li Xing asked in a hurry without a reason in his heart. After so much, he and Chen Xue and Chen Shuang have developed a constant relationship of love.

"We are going to the Ethereal Palace." Chen Shuangyu watched Li Xing. "The next time we meet, it may take a long time."

The faint figure flashed in front of Chen Xue again, and the female voice said, "Well, I saved this person, you should follow me back to the misty palace."

Li Xing is so clever, thinking of this person to save himself, then listened to her, and immediately guessed.

"Save my life at the cost of entering the misty palace, isn't it?" Li Xing asked coldly.

雪 Chen Xue smiled bitterly, and Chen Shuang stared at Li Xing sternly: "Either go to the misty palace, save your sadness!"

Li Xing knew what Chen Shuang said. Their sisters had something to do with them. How will they be in the future? Two women work together? Or is there an exit?

In fact, even if Li Xing didn't dare to think deeply, he can only take one step at a time.

"I will go to the misty palace soon." Li Xing calmed down quickly. At this moment, his tone was full of confidence.


Yan Ren's tone was very disdainful: "Only you, also want to break through the misty palace?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Three days later, the princes will look great! How do you know that I am not qualified to go to the misty palace in the future?"

Mayor don't look at it for three days. This sentence sounds philosophical, and everyone's heart is slightly shocked.

The figure was silent, and he snorted softly. There was a strong wind in the hall. When the wind blew, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang had disappeared, including Murong Jiaojiao, and they had disappeared.

I slowly turned around, Li Xing stared at Li Jie coldly: "I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation! Otherwise, even if you are Li Ying's son, I will kill you today!"

His tone was eerie and terrifying. Li Jie's face suddenly turned white, and he stood up and trembled, "Misunderstanding, totally misunderstanding!"

争 Li Zheng and Li Fei also saw the opportunity quickly, one after another said, "It is a misunderstanding! The two people just now are from the Qiyun faction, forcing us to bring them here."

Li Xing is not a fool, naturally do not believe their words. However, he did not really kill these people. There are enough enemies now. Killing a few people is equivalent to turning over to Sanyiyuan completely, which is not suitable at present.

With a sneer, Li Xing refused to comment, and continued to ask, "What are you doing when you come to Benma City?"

虽然 Although Li Jie's behavior is arrogant, it is by no means a fool. It has nothing to do with small life. He had to deal with it carefully and said quickly: "It was the three homeowners who sent us to comfort the striker camp.

杰 Li Jie's heart was bleeding, hate and resentment, but she had to make a smile and hang on to Li Xing.

哦 "Oh?" Li Xing looked at Li Jie with a mocking look. "Interpretation misunderstanding, is there a misunderstanding between us?"

杰 Li Jie secretly gritted his teeth and laughed dryly: "Of course there is a misunderstanding. I used to be blind-eyed, which led to many misunderstandings between each other. I hope Li Xing will ignore you and forgive me for my mistake.

Reaching out without smiling, although he knew Li Jie was false and unfriendly, but he was not interested in Sanyi Garden, he was too lazy to deal with him, and said lightly, "I haven't taken my mind into the past, and need not say. "

Li Jie was relieved. He was really afraid that Li Xing would kill and kill him. With his strength, he couldn't stop it.

争 Li Zheng and Li Fei were even more kind and shameless than Li Jie, and immediately stepped forward shamelessly to welcome them.

"Li Xing, I haven't seen you in just a few days, and your strength has increased a lot! The two practicing scholars just couldn't meet you at all. It's really admirable to have such strength by practicing blood!"

"Yeah! Brother Li Xing is so young, he has achieved so much, and he will have great future in the future.

Li Xing suddenly felt funny, unwilling to talk with them, and asked directly: "Is there any other thing that Sanyiyuan sends you over?"

杰 Li Jie quickly gave a letter to Li Xing.

The letter was written by Li Ying himself. It first praised Li Xing's achievements and talked about the development of Sanyi Garden. Finally, Sanyi Garden hopes to cooperate with Li Xing to build another Sanyi Garden in Benma City. .

Li Xing can't see why Li Ying is going to use the power of others to expand the sphere of influence of Sanyi Garden.

"Boy, the power of Sanyi Garden is good for you, but it is better to agree to it." Emperor Tianxie stood by and offered suggestions.

Li Xing: "Master said that although Sanyiyuan has conflicts with me, it is the place where I was born after all."

As his thoughts turned, Li Xingdan said indifferently: "You have worked hard all the way, stay here for one night, and I will reply to you tomorrow." After that, I let the subordinates greet these people, and he stepped back ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ As soon as Li Xing left, Li Jie sat on the chair with his buttocks, and his back was soaked with cold sweat.

I calmed down for a while, Li Jie stared at Bai Jing and Bai Qiong. The two sisters looked very awkward. They had thought that Li Xing would die, so they made sarcasm before.

Li Ke Xing now lives well, which makes them both overwhelmed and never dare to speak.

"Sister Qiong, Jingmei, and Uncle Bai have brought you here in order to please Li Xing. You offended him, don't you think of a way to recover it?" Li Jie said coldly.

This Li Jie had coveted Sister Bai's family in the morning. However, Bai Qiong and Bai Jingxin are taller than the sky, and they want to marry into the giants, so they don't look at Li Jie. After Li Jie touched his gray nose, he felt resentment towards the two women.

He saw the two women in distress at the moment, and their hearts were dark.

Bai Qiong and Bai Jing were panicked. Bai Pingdu repeatedly explained when they came, and must not offend Li Xing.

"What shall we do?" Bai Qiong asked Li Jie quickly.

When Li Jie's eyes turned, he suddenly thought of a vicious idea and said, "Bai Qiong and Bai Jing had eyebrows with the nineteenth emperor of the Emperor last year. If not, they would not be so desperate to want to enter the palace! Li Xing slept both of them, did the 19th emperor have to eat dry vinegar? Then he killed Li Xing? "

After thinking about it, Li Jie smiled, "Hey, there are ways, but I don't know. Are you two willing to pay the cost?"

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