Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 132: Aphrodisiac

"What's the cost?" Bai Qiong asked quickly, as long as he saved the previous recklessness, it would not hurt to have more strength.

Li Jie's smile became ambiguous. He looked at the son-in-law of the second son-in-law and leisurely said, "Men are all women, and Li Xing is no matter how strong he is, he is also a man. And your sisters, though It ’s not a national beauty, but it ’s good-looking. If you take the initiative to take your arms, go to bed with Li Xing ... ”

He didn't speak, and the two women's faces changed. Bai Jing exclaimed: "He wants to be beautiful!"

怎么 "What?" Li Jie sank his face. "Do you know what Li Xing is worth now? Even Fang Hou Wangxing Xing also values ​​him very much. This person has a very promising future. It is better to follow him than to enter the palace?"

"He's not thinking!" Sister Bai's voice was firm.

Li Jie didn't know that Bai Qiong and Bai Jing had already shared the same seat with the 19th prince, and they were two women and one man. The nineteen princes had risen in the game world and passed by Qingyun City for a few days.

Since Bai Qiong and Bai Jing were willing to please Fengying, and they were quite attractive women, the nineteenth prince was very happy and said that he would certainly marry them into the Imperial City and enjoy the glory.

Yun Yi, sisters of the Bai family have a beautiful dream in their hearts, hoping to enter the imperial city as soon as possible, and live a wonderful life. Qingyun City is just an ordinary city. Compared with the prosperity of the imperial capital, it is worthless to mention.

I mean, no matter how good Li Xing is, they are just a civilian bun in their eyes, far less noble than the royal children. Of course, not only Li Xing, but all the men in Qingyun City are not in the eyes of the second sisters.

Li Jie sneered: "I just make a suggestion, is it right? It's your business!" After that, he left the hall calmly.

Bai Qiong and Bai Jing looked at each other, both seem helpless, they offended Li Xing, will be blamed by Bai Pingdu.

"Do you really want to do what Li Jie said?" Bai Jing bit her lip and flushed.

Bai Qiong's eyes flickered: "Of course not! We are the woman of the nineteenth prince, if the matter spreads, what would the nineteenth prince think?"

Baijing sighed: "I said earlier to tell my father about this, you wouldn't let it go. If my father knew we were already the woman of the 19th prince, we would never send us to see Li Xing."

Bai Qiong smiled bitterly: "How can this kind of thing happen? I just hope the 19th prince will take us into the palace early. By then, my father will not say anything, but will be happy for us."

"But what now?" Bai Jing frowned, and Li Xing had a headache.

"Even if he offended him, did Li Xing kill us? Take a step and look at it, don't think too much." Bai Qiong couldn't think of a way to say that.

But he said that when Li Jie returned to the room, he immediately called two close servants and whispered, "Find a way to put this packet of medicine in the tea and food of Bai Qiong and Bai Jing, and come to report as soon as possible! Talking, he gave a packet of powder to the servant.

The servant didn't ask much. He took the medicine and immediately went to work.

守护 In the city main residence where Li Xing lives, the guard is not very strict. Li Jie and others can move freely and even leave the house at will. Two servants quietly entered the place where Bai Qiong and Bai Jing lived.

Li Jie's two servants are the sixth generation of blood training. And Bai Jing and Bai Qiong are only triple training. One servant was responsible for attracting attention, while the other sneaked into the bedroom. In the bedroom, a teapot and fruit were placed, and this person was skilled at medicine, obviously not the first time to do such things.

"What did Li Jie ask you to do?" Bai Qiong asked.

仆 The servant gave a basket of fruit with a smile: "The fruit that the young master brought from Sanyi Garden is very delicious, so the villain can bring it to the two young ladies for tasting."

Bai Qiong is very strange, but she knows what Li Jie is doing. If she has no idea, she will never send people to give them fruit to eat.

Wei Wei nodded: "Let's go down, thank Master Li for us."

The servant dropped the basket and smiled back. The other servant had already finished the medicine and left the scene.

It's getting late. In the bedroom, Bai Jing and Bai Qiong sit under the lamp and chat. Most of them talked about things with the 19th prince. They talked so much that their mouths were dry. They had drank more than one glass of water, and a few fruit on the table.

Of course, out of reassurance about Li Jie, they did not eat the fruit they sent.

Gradually, Bai Qiong and Bai Jing's consciousness started to be a little confused, their bodies were hot, they clamped their legs, rubbed them back and forth gently, their eyes became bright, and they seemed to overflow the water.

"What's going on ... I'm so uncomfortable ..." Bai Qiong supported the table with both hands, and his body was a little swayed, unable to sit still.

Bai Jing glanced at the teapot with a horrible expression: "It's Li Xing, he ... actually gave us medicine ..."

The servant Li Jie, who was responsible for surveillance outside the window, saw this scene, showing a secret smile, and quietly retreated.

Soon after, the servant went to Li Xing.

At this time, Li Xing was practicing the fierce Zen of Demon. When he heard someone asking for advice, he stopped practicing and called him into the room. The servant met Li Xing and said, "Ms. Bai Qiong and Ms. Bai Jing, please ask the director to go there.

Li Xing didn't know, this servant is Li Jie's or Bai Jing's. I've seen him today, I didn't think about it when I saw him ~ www.readwn.com ~ But he was very puzzled: "What are they looking for?"

In spite of doubt, Li Xing followed the servant to Bai Qiong and Bai Jing's residence.

Originally, Sister Bai Qiong, as a guest, should have come to meet in person, rather than invited. However, Bai Qiong and Bai Jing have always been arrogant, and Li Xing did not find it inappropriate.

The servant led Li Xing to the room, pushed the door directly, and laughed, "Miss is in the room, please, director."

Li Xing nodded and strode into the room. Behind him, the servant closed the door with both hands and left immediately.

No one was in the living room. After Li Xing entered, he felt the servant closed the door, he was slightly surprised, and at the same time, he heard a fine and urgent gasp in the right room.

"What's going on?" Li Xing was curious, turned to open the curtain, and saw a **** scene.

Bai Qiong and Bai Jing's clothes are already messy, bare **** and breasts, hugging and touching and kissing each other. Their faces were flushed, their breath was swift, their bodies trembling, and they seemed quite intolerable.

They saw Li Xing appear, as if the cat saw a fish, and rushed over.

Li Xing's eyes narrowed, and in an instant, thought of countless possibilities. He flickered out of the bedroom and returned to the living room.

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