Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 133: Evil forever


After a thought flashed, Li Xing immediately left the house.

Outside the mortuary, the servant's disappearance was no longer visible. Li Xing paused for a moment, and went straight to Li Jie's residence.

Where the Li Xing lived, the servant reported to him: "Master, things are done, Li Xing entered the room."

"Can it be done?" Li Jie asked quickly.

没 "No problem, as long as it is a man, when you see that scene, you will be tempted!" The servant grinned with regret.


Suddenly the door of the house was smashed by a huge force, and a red shadow flashed in front of Li Jie. The person who came was Li Xing, who had strong ears before he could hear the conversation between the two.

"You ... you ..." Li Jie was so pale that he held his chair with both hands and wanted to escape.

Li Xing had no anger on his face, and smiled: "Li Jie, what medicine do you use? I think it works well."

Li Xing's attitude left Li Jie scratching his head. Is he not angry at all? I wonder if I did this to harm him?

After a while, Li Jieqiang laughed, "What medicine?"

Li Xing's face sank, staring coldly.

杰 Li Jie felt a chill in his heart and quickly found a pack of powdered medicine from his body and handed it to Li Xing embarrassingly: "This medicine is called‘ enthusiastic powder ’and cannot be forced out with blood.”

"This medicine is only effective for women?" Li Xing asked lightly.

"Men and women have effects." Li Jie quickly.

Li Xing nodded: "That's all right." His fingers popped out like lightning, hitting Li Jie's veins of blood, and suddenly, Jie couldn't move.

The method used by Li Xing is the method of "cutting the pulse" learned from the Emperor Tianxie, which can cut off the operation of qi and blood. Although it is a small means, the effect is obvious and the power is amazing.

I was cut off by the meridian, and Li Jie couldn't move at all, but stared at Li Xing with a horrified expression.

"I am a person who likes to use the other way, but also gives it to him." Then he turned and stared at the servant. "I don't kill Li Jie, but I can kill you. You are Li Jie's servant, always follow the side, you must know the details Situation, now tell me how Li Jie wants to hurt me this time. "

The servant clenched his fists and tried several times, but he did not dare. Li Xing's horror. He had heard about it before. He was not even an opponent of practicing Qi. What's more, he was a small figure of six who practiced blood.

Since he didn't dare to resist, he had to cooperate well. The servant sighed and explained the matter clearly. Although Li Jie did not tell the servant about the nineteenth prince, he had been following Li Jie for a long time, and he was the best at guessing his mind.

"Master Jie knows that the nineteenth prince liked Bai Qiong and Bai Jing. If the director likes the two, he will irritate the nineteenth prince, so ..." Speaking of this, he knelt down, "Master Xing! The villain said everything today, Master Jie will not let me go, please Master Xing to keep it! "

Li Xing knows that betraying his master often doesn't end well. He nodded: "Okay, you will stay in Benma City and follow me."

The servant was overjoyed. He used to be with Li Jie before, smashed the bad water, and was best at welcoming him. He thought that Li Xing would be used for him in the future. At the moment, he no longer cares about it and says everything. Even Li Jie's secret calculations about Li Xing before, he also poured beans out of the bamboo tube.

越 The more Li Jie listens, the whiter his face becomes, and in the end he has no face. However, the medicinal power also broke out. He gradually became fiery, his eyes became apathetic, but there was a madness hidden in the depths, like a beast.

It's almost time to see it, Li Xing waved his hand and said coldly, "Guo Xiu, take it to Bai Qiong and Bai Jing's room."

仆 The servant's name is Guo Xiu, he responded, and when he mentioned Li Jie, he went to Bai Qiong's room.

Li Jie lost Qingming and was dropped into the room by Guo Xiu. When he met Sister Bai Qiong and Sister Bai Jing who were tormented by love, he felt as if the firewood had encountered a raging fire, and it was immediately burning. There were low and high roars in the room, the sound of the tables and chairs falling, the sound of shaking on the bed, and the rest of the night.

I learned Li Jie, Li Xing returned to the room just like everyone else. In his eyes, Li Jie is just a clown jumping clown. He doesn't think too much about the other person. What we need to do now is to cultivate and become stronger. !!

In the night, in the city of Benma, black panthers and spirit snakes were hidden in a residential house. They were all wounded and couldn't do anything to others during the month.

中 In the dark, Black Panther opened his eyes and sighed: "Sister Snake, the other party should be a master of six strength training, or you can't seriously hurt me with one move."

"She has been sympathetic to her, and she must be disdainful to kill us. The strength of the Ethereal Palace is stronger than Qi Yunpai." The spirit snake also recovered from the healing and paused. ? "

当然 "Of course you want to kill, that person can save Li Xing once, but he won't save him a second time." The black panther said lightly, "About one month, we can recover."

At the same time, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, carried by the messenger, walked an unknown way, and finally reached a palace. Gong Yan was looming in the cloud, one of the palaces was the most magnificent, and the two sisters entered into it.

The hall is at least 100 meters high. The following dozens of temple pillars, paved with jade, and carved cloud patterns, give people a sense of simplicity and mystery.

The messenger finally appeared in appearance, actually a peerless beauty, in a white dress like snow, her appearance is peerless. It was just that she looked aloof.

"Here is the misty palace. There are twelve halls in the misty palace. This is the temple of forgetfulness." The voice of the messenger did not fall, and a woman in red walked out of the palace.

女 The woman's face is fuzzy, wrapped in a layer of 氤氲 breath, and she only makes a cold voice: "As soon as you enter this temple, you will forget forever."

Uh ...

Li Xing practiced all night ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Jie was crazy all night.

李 When Li Jie woke up, his mood was extremely complicated. Sleeping to Bai Qiong and Sister Bai Jing was his dream, but now he can't be happy.

Tong Baiqiong and Bai Jing both stared at him with a grudged look.

"Misunderstanding ..." Li Jie wanted to explain, but was slapped by Bai Qiong.



Li Jie opened his mouth. He originally wanted to push the matter to Li Xing, but after all he thought about it. To this point, it can't be pushed, and even a fool won't believe him.

This group of people in Sanyiyuan was invited by Li Xing to the living room at noon.

Li Jie's expression is very complicated, like crying and laughing. Bai Qiong and Bai Jing both lowered their heads and were full of tears. They worried that the nineteenth prince would not want them because of this matter.

Li Xing glanced at him, and he felt funny, and immediately coughed, "How good was the rest yesterday?"

"OK ... OK ..." Li Jie said quickly.

Li Jie said, "I thought about it overnight, and I have made a decision. When you go back, tell the three homeowners that Li Xing is from Sanyi Garden, and of course he will make a profit for Sanyi Garden. Once Benma City stabilizes, Sanyi Garden You can send someone here. "

Li Jie finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was a bad trip to the galloping horses, there was finally something going on.

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