Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 134: Attack the enemy

Li Jie, a group of people from Sanyi Garden, left Benma City that day and returned to Qingyun City to report the results. At this time, it was a while before Li Xingping ran to the horse city, with the assistance of Qi Yunpai, Wang Zixing quelled the remaining 14 cities one by one.

Of course, the process of peace and chaos was abnormally bloody, and the people in Qiyun faction were also injured, and Wang Zixing's subordinates were even more deadly.

But in just a few days, Zhucheng can be calmed down, showing the strength of Qi Yunpai.

In Xuanwu City, the prince hosted a banquet in honor of Qiyun's party. Between the banquets, the prince celebrated with a glass of wine: "Thanks to your colleagues, we can quell the rebellion. I respect you all for a drink!"

After sipping the next glass of Chinese wine, Qi Yun sent one person to the truth: "This rebellion has advantages and disadvantages. It may not be all bad things."

Wang Zixing nodded: "My brother said that in the original place of Liudong, there were forces in the 35 cities. Although these forces appear to be bowing to me, they act independently and are not truly loyal. The forces in the four cities were all cultivated by myself, and all served by my confidants, and they were bound to be loyal to me. "

Suddenly Wang Yang said, "Father, Li Xing is now the owner of Benma City, and he is preparing to win Huaguang City. It is inappropriate for his son to give such a great power!"

Uncle Xing was displeased and said, "I have my own decision for my father!"

Wang Yang didn't dare to say it, but his heart was more resentful.

Li Xing is indeed preparing to win Huaguang City, but before the siege, he has to deal with one thing.

No matter how hard Zhang Zhang and Han Qing hid, they were finally found by Li Xing. When surrounded by Zhao Youji, he felt that the matter was related to the two, so he ordered to search for the two.

In the lobby, several people from the forward camp and Li Xing were there. Han Qing and Zhang Xu knelt down and looked pale.

Li Xingduan sat in the hall, staring sternly, and sternly asked, "I asked you to go out and ask about the situation, why can't you return?"

Han Qing quickly said: "The villain **** it! After going out, he was followed by Zhao Youji's people, so he did not dare to return, and has been walking around the city."

Li Xing sneered: "Oh? Didn't you report the position of the striker camp to Zhao Youji?"

"No! No! The villain will not dare to betray him!" The two were so scared that they were finally surprised.

Li Xingteng stood up and walked in front of the two of them. On the palms of his hands, the blood flashed, and the yin voice said: "Don't admit it?" Zhang Xu stretched out his hand and twitched suddenly. Curled up into a ball.

Li Xing's shot, sent the vigorous blood into the other side's meridians, rammed, the pain produced was beyond human tolerance.

Zhang Xu screamed, Han Qing was so scared that he only looked at the hoe, and he dared not say a word.

"Say." Li Xing shot again, and the pain disappeared.

Zhang Xu was sweating and trembling, but he did not speak.

Li Xing sneered: "Zhang Xu, you don't say, I will kill you. If you say it, you may still have a life!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Xu couldn't hold on anymore. Even if he was loyal to Wang Yang, it was not more important than his own life, so he screamed, "The villain has to say everything, please ask the director to save his life. ! "

At this point, Han Qing didn't dare to hide it either. He scratched his head and begged for mercy while saying the same thing.

Li Xing said lightly: "Speak clearly!"

Alas, two people, you say me to me, and make the whole thing clear.

I heard it halfway, and the wind yelled, "This Wang Yang is really hateful! How dare he harm the master like this!"

After Xun said, Li Xing made Zhang Xu be held down, and the whole person was lost in thought.

Wang Wangyang is obviously a fool. For personal grudges, he ignores Wang Zixing's great cause. But the more such a person, the more headache Li Xing felt. If the other person is a sane person, then he can speculate on his behavior. But in the case of Wang Yang's two hundred and five types, even Li Xing couldn't guess what he would do.

"In the future, Wang Xing will be my enemy, but at this time he can't completely tear his face, this matter can only be discussed later." Li Xing thought helplessly.

Thinking about this, Li Xing yelled, "Brothers! Today, you broke into Huaguang City with me!"

"Sworn to follow the master!" The men in the forward camp shouted.

Gao Huaguang City and Benma City are more than two hundred miles away, and it will be half a day away.

This time, Li Xing did not sneak into Huaguang City quietly, but was just and upright, and brought the fifty striker battalions to the city gate.

Gao Huaguang City had already received the news that Benma City was broken, and Qi Yunpai and Wang Zixing jointly won the fourteen cities. So Huaguang City was well prepared in the morning.

At this time, above the tower, Huaguang City made its best efforts, including the Tsing Yi League sub-helmsman, who is a strong player with dual qi. In addition, there are four priests practicing Qi and one heavy, eight fighters practicing ten blood and so on.

When Xun reached below the tower, Li Xing ran a flying bear walk, bleeding gas under his feet, and saw a ball of blood supporting him, rising slowly. Outside his body, the fierce blood gas turned into nine red air bands, which surrounded him.

"Thirty-five cities in Liudong, now there is only one Huaguang city. If you are smart, surrender immediately, you will be spared! Otherwise, you will all die, and it will be too late to repent!"

Li Xing's voice was clearly conveyed, making the people of Huaguang City angry.

Upstairs in the city tower, the main sub-rudder stood out. This man is one meter and nine meters tall, with a large round waist, black and red face, purple hair, a thunderous voice, and shouted, "You are Li Xing? I heard that you are strong, how dare you fight me?"

Li Xing laughed at "Hey" ~ www.readwn.com ~ took out the black iron knife on his back, and said in a dark voice: "Feng Kaishan, life is precious, you should never take it as a drama.

"No more nonsense, kill!"

Feng Huashan, the sub-rudder master of Huahua Guangcheng, sighed angrily and rushed to Li Xing. He carried a thick-backed ghost-headed sword in his hand and had 18 large iron rings on it. This ghost-headed sword is two meters and five meters long, thirty centimeters wide, and weighs 180 kilograms.

A huge ghost-headed sword swept wildly, forming a huge fan face, beheading Li Xing.

兴 Li Xing's black iron knife is about 1.5 meters long and weighs only 48 pounds. It is not as good as the other in terms of length and weight. However, he was not afraid, fully operating his blood power, exerting the Heavenly Sword Technique, and greeted him fiercely.

The guillotine flashed and a collision occurred.


The violent Zhenli suddenly smashed Li Xing's knife, and his people were also smashed to the ground, sinking the ground down more than ten centimeters deep, forming a pit.


开 Feng Kaishan laughed, and in one hit, he concluded that Li Xing was definitely not his opponent. He is really powerful, up to 1,100 buckets, or 1.1 million pounds of strength!

虽然 Although Li Xing's blood power is more than 1,500, it is blood power, and the quality is not as strong as the real power. At this point, his body was sore and his bones were shaken with tiny cracks.

This is still his physique is different from ordinary people.

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