Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1392: Heavenly Will

Li Xing snorted and said, "Yes? Give me a chance to rehabilitate? I think you should not be able to control the ban at all, or you can control the ban, but you dare not start it easily, I said right?"

Who is he? After experiencing countless vicious dangers, the ability to calculate is unparalleled in the world. With a little thought, I came up with the most likely cause.

When the four elders heard it, the boss didn't feel it, knowing that to this day they can't lie to others. It's not as honest as this, but it can achieve the desired effect.

The old man from Donghuang said: "Boy, you have some eyesight, yes, although we have mastered the ban, but the ban is too strong, the four husbands can't completely urge it. If you force it, you will join yourself Go in. For you, a stranger, we don't deserve our lives. "

At this moment, the old man from Xihuang replied: "Boy, don't think that's the case, we really can't take you. If you don't know how to look, and continue to do whatever you want, then we can only fight for our old life and take you down. . "

Li Xing heard the taste, and it seemed that the matter had been discussed. He must win the four wastes. After he enters the source of civilization in the future, there must be further breakthroughs. At that time, the four wastes will most likely have a huge effect.

His mixed-yuan civilization can accommodate everything. If he can refining the entire four wastelands into the mixed-yuan plane, his power will be further enhanced to a level where he is the only one in heaven and underground.

Of course, this is only his wishful thinking. Whether he can succeed in that time depends on luck and strength. At present, his unification of the four wastes is only a precautionary plan, and he is also in order to use the resources of the four wastes.

Although the Four Wastelands cannot be compared with the thirty-three heavy heavens, and they are not comparable to the upper bound and the source of civilization, but this place is very huge. There are always resources to find it. It can cultivate his team and strengthen his own power. To lay a solid foundation for future actions.

He was a wise man, so he took away the hostility on his face and smiled a little, saying, "The four predecessors turned out to be the guardians of the Four Desolates. The Emperor has long been famous, and I am honored to see you today."

She wears everything, but she does n’t wear horses. She also understands politeness when she sees Li Xing. The old man in the Eastern wasteland said, "Boy, we do n’t talk nonsense to you anymore. Now I ’m here to warn you. Merge, or something big will happen! "

Li Xing laughed: "The predecessors haven't said it. The Four Wilds was established by Taikoo Emperor. There are restrictions in it. Does it have other mysteries? Why can't they merge? The Great Emperor is planning to unify the Four Wilds into one place. "

The four old men have no doubt that Li Xing has this ability. The person in front of him has completely controlled the four shortages, and it is only a matter of time before this can be achieved. Therefore, their faces sank, the guardian of the North Fell said, "We can't say no, you don't need to know too much."

Hearing the old man's impatient tone, Li Xing pulled his face and said, "It is a joke. There is no reason to stop the great cause of this emperor. This is ridiculous!"

As soon as Li Xing got angry, the messenger of Donghuang scolded him, but said in his mouth, "Boy, if you want to know, it's nothing to tell you. I hope you can retreat from the difficulties and don't do things that are disadvantageous to others."

Then he continued: "In fact, a long time ago, there was only one great wasteland in the heavens and the earth, and there were no four wastelands. Until later, some people discovered that there was a whistle of Taigu Heavenly Emperor hidden in the wasteland."

"One great person inferred that the will of Taikoo Emperor might be restored. Once the will was restored, it would be possible to annex all the power of the Great Wilderness and form an ancestor of Taikoo Emperor, which would be detrimental to the greats."

"So the big men persuaded the storytellers in the entire source of civilization to use unparalleled means to forcibly divide the wilderness into four, so that the will of Taigu Heavenly Emperor was divided. In this way, the will of Heaven Emperor is impossible restore."

"Now, you have to be unified. Why aren't you facing that big man? We are absolutely not allowed. If you dare to do it, we will kill your kid!"

After hearing this, Li Xing was really shocked. He never expected that this place had the will of the ancient emperor, and he did not expect that the great people in the source of civilization would jealous of the will of the emperor.

Who is that big man? Why did he do this?

Thinking in his heart, he sneered: "No wonder the four cannot fully use the Emperor's ban. It seems that you have not been approved by the ban at all and can only be forced to force it."

Since Li Xing saw this festival, they did not hide it. The guardian of the Donghuang said: "Boy, to tell you the truth, that big man has great power, and he can shake all directions with a lame in the source of civilization, so You'd better not oppose him, because it's not good for you or us. "

"Furthermore, the big man's means are all over the sky, and the realm is no longer intelligible to you. It can be broken only by one line. Not only that, he also has a successful civilization. The Great Wilderness cracked the big man and broke it. One is divided into two parts, which are given to us to control and guard the four wastelands in case the four wastelands merge. "

Hearing here, Li Xing saw that the four elders absolutely did not agree with him to unify the four wastes. If he did, then they would urge the prohibition to end with him at all costs, and that would be bad.

He weighed the pros and cons in his mind, and soon he had a choice. He said, "Since the four seniors have explained the reasons, then the emperor will not take it for granted and will not merge the four shortages for the time being."

When they heard the word "temporary," the four elders glared and said, "It can't be temporary, it can never be!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Four seniors, you must all be figures from the source of civilization. When you know that the things in this world are changing rapidly, no one can predict what will happen in the future. Can you think of him as supremely broken? "

The four elders were silent, and felt that Li Xing was right. After thinking about it, the person in Donghuang said, "Boy, unless you can beat the big man, don't want to merge the four wastes."

Li Xing said with a smile: "Natural." Then his tone changed, "Four seniors, I see that you have not been able to live in seclusion before. This is really boring. In the future, this emperor invited the four seniors to live in the palace of the mixed Yuan empire. The position of a state teacher? "

But he could see that the four old men in front of them were very strong, all of them had the highest level of cultivation. Such strength is also a master in the source of civilization, let alone in the middle of nowhere.

He will not even merge the four wastes for the time being, and there will be no conflict with the four. Then simply pull them into the group, everyone will work together, and slowly get to know the other.

The four elders were hesitant about Li Xing's suggestions, but he did not expect that he would deal with them like this, and asked them to be the masters of the mixed Yuan empire. To be honest, the taste of seclusion is not good. Their realm has reached the pinnacle of this life, and it is almost impossible to go further.

Progress is hopeless, and life span is endless. People in this state are not eager to stay low-key and retreat. They want to go out and enjoy life happily.

After listening to Li Xing's suggestion, the four elders were impressed. The mixed-yuan empire can now control the entire four wastelands, and it has powerful forces. As its master, it must be a high weight and interesting.

Several people discussed with their eyes, and after a little hesitation, they agreed.

"Okay, let's do nothing about it anyway. In addition, we must monitor your actions on the Four Desolates, so it is difficult to accept the position of National Teacher. But we have something to say, we have a few hobbies, we hope you can be satisfied.

Li Xing laughed and asked, "I don't know how many seniors have any hobbies?"

These four old children have explained one after another, some of them like drinking, some like tea, some like beautiful women, and some like to give orders and have had an official addiction.

These are all pediatric matters, Li Xing can be satisfied, and readily agreed.

In this way, there was a calamity. On the premise of Li Xing's abandonment of the merger of the four shortages, the two sides reached a joint solution and temporarily mixed together. There is nothing to lose in the mixed yuan empire, but four more experts sit in the town.

At the same time, a large frameless confrontation erupted between Tianting and Difu. Naturally, this confrontation is not at the heart of Li Xing. He just doesn't want to intervene. If he wants to intervene, he can immediately reverse the situation.

At present, the deity has not yet broken into a complete civilization, so he can only hang around the day first, and not stand in line for the time being. Of course, the court of heaven still has to give a little face, he will give soldiers some lessons without pain.

After the mixed Yuan empire basically withdrew, the strength of the land government slowly recovered, and now it is once again equal to that of Tianting. This was the result that Li Xing had anticipated and the result that he expected.

For him ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tiantingsheng or Difusheng is not a good thing. Because once the yin and yang are united, the lord of the yin and the yin will increase their strength, which is not a good thing for him.

Based on this consideration, when the local government is weaker, he will relax the blow. On the contrary, when the local government showed its advantage, he would beat it again, keeping the balance between the two, while he watched the excitement on the side, but also enjoyed it.

Of course, Tiantingdifu is quite dissatisfied with Li Xing's approach, which is not in their interest. So the two sides sent ambassadors to the mixed empire as lobbyists.

In the court of heaven, naturally, the matter of the contract of civilization was taken out. First, he condemned Li Xing's irresponsibility, and then ordered Li Xing to go all out to attack the local government. In this regard, Li Xing just dragged on, saying today that the troops were insufficient, Minger said that there was insufficient food and grass, and the day after tomorrow that he was uncomfortable.

In a word, no matter what the heavens are, he just stays on his feet, sending up a small team to fight the autumn breeze and pick up cheap. This approach made all the heavenly ministers in the heavenly court extremely unhappy and repeatedly complained to the emperor.

Strangely, Tiandi didn't say anything about this, and seemed to think that Li Xing's approach was normal and not worth discussing.

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