Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1393: No trick wins trick

In this way, although the princes and ministers itched against Li Xing, they were helpless. For one thing, the Emperor did not say that they are not good at making their own claims. On the other hand, Li Xing is now the actual ruler of the Four Wildlands. He is so powerful that he is even above the court of heaven and earth. Who dares to mess with him?

Compared with the court of heaven, the practice of the Difu is relatively mild. It also sends messengers constantly and mentions the original "doll", which makes Li Xing not torn his face.

Soon after the Four Guardians had just become the empire of the empire, the prefecture sent another messenger. Maybe it is because the reincarnation of the great demon and Li Xing are familiar, so this time, he still came as an ambassador.

After the meeting, reincarnation was very humbly, and kept silent about the purpose of this, but only talked about the "friendship" between the land government and the mixed Yuan empire. In fact, there is no half-dollar friendship between the two, but in his mouth, the land government and the empire are like twin brothers, intimate.

Li Xing was impatient, and he waved his hand and said, "Reincarnation, if you don't have anything important, then step back."

Reincarnation smiled: "The emperor, the villain naturally has something to do." He looked completely. "After searching, the land government finally found the few villains who wanted to murder the emperor, and they have already been brought over."

Li Xing was curious and asked, "The one who murdered me?"

Speaking of which, he suddenly thought of something. When he changed his life against the sky and entered the state of heaven, someone killed him with the power of destiny. And more than one person started, making the time very angry.

Only later, with the improvement of strength, I felt that such trivial matters were not a big deal, and they were gone. Unexpectedly, the land government actually lifted those people out, which made him very surprised.

As soon as the reincarnation Da Mozun waved his sleeves, five Da Tianzun dropped from his sleeves. These five people are pitifully weak, but they are only a small beginning. It's just that each of them has a breath of fate, which is very unique.

Li Xing stretched out his hand and performed a secret "civilization reconnaissance technique", and immediately saw that these people were not humans at all, but a natural will derived from the heavens and the earth, without any affection.

His face was gloomy, so to speak, was this Fang Tiandi going to destroy himself? Or is it related to that supreme will?

Seeing Li Xing's expression was not good, Samsara hastily said, "Imperial, these people were hard to find. These guys are hidden in the endless void, do not drink or eat, and a few days later, I am afraid It will be integrated into the world, and it will never appear again. Thanks to our best efforts, we finally found it and brought them to the emperor for disposal. "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Reincarnation, are you just sending these people over?"

Reincarnation: "The great emperor, the reason why the prefectural government paid attention to the emperor at the beginning and bet all the treasures on the emperor was actually related to these people." Then he said a story.

It turned out that Li Xing's soul and will had just entered this world, which aroused the interest of these five strands of will, and he had been observing the growth of Li Xing in secret.

Any plane is xenophobic. If alien life enters it, the plane will spontaneously monitor it. So, the moment Li Xing's soul entered, these five strands of will were born in the theme.

Their strength is not high, and they do not have the complex emotions of human beings. They just execute the rules and orders in the plane rationally.

This change failed to escape the eyes of the prefecture, so it also attracted the attention of the prefecture. After careful consideration, the emperor decided to train Li Xing to achieve certain goals.

The emperor determined that Li Xing would be a big variable in the future, so he always helped, and even sent an incarnation to him and gave Jiu Yinzhu.

Reincarnation revisited this past event, the purpose is to let Li Xing see the great role of the prefecture to his growth, and have a good impression. He also understood that it was impossible for Li Xing to favor the land government completely, but at least it was necessary to keep him neutral.

After hearing this, Li Xingdan said indifferently: "I really want to thank the prefecture. When you go back and pass a message, you will say that in the future, the emperor will go to the prefecture."

Samsara was overjoyed, and after saying a few more words, he left.

Li Xing looked at the people in front of him and asked: "You are the derivative of the will of heaven and earth, and I don't remember to hate you. However, there are a few questions now, I hope you can answer."

One humane: "You are a foreign alien and should not exist in this world, but the highest will acquiesce to your existence, otherwise we will obliterate you as soon as you appear."

Li Xing was not angry, saying: "Since the highest will has been acquiesced, why did you fight against me that year and cut my destiny?"

The human said: "It's not that I'm going to chop you, but if you can't bear it, you'll die if you die, and that's fine."

The implication is that the supreme will is taking the opportunity to test Li Xing. If he can't even handle this small attack, then it has no use value? Is it dead?

This is just Li Xing's speculation. This idea made him very uncomfortable.

Seeing that Li Xing was silent, the man said, "At the time, there was another person who was just like you, a foreigner, and you and him knew each other."

Li Xing said, "Do you mean my teacher respects the evil ancestors?"

All five nodded. They didn't seem to know these were secrets, so they could tell Li Xing, so they said.

"That person was very powerful. He refused to be drawn to Heaven. Somehow he broke into the broken ancient road. Now he should have reached the source of civilization, or he has gone to the upper bound." The man said, "You two are both amazing. Even the Supreme Will is praised. "

After speaking these words, the figures of the five people gradually blurred and vanished into nothingness. They were part of heaven and earth. They should have disappeared long ago. It is a miracle to barely support them.

After telling Li Xing about this, it seemed that he had fulfilled his mission, and then he couldn't hold it anymore and dissipated.

Li Xing thoughtfully, thinking: "To respect the means and personality of his elderly people by master, now must be a big celebrity in the source of civilization. As long as I enter the source, I can see him."

At this time, Li Xing's deity, at the 80th stage of the broken ancient road, had already started a battle with the challenger.

The challenger ranked fourth in the broken list, second only to Li Xing. He came forward to challenge, Li Xing could not refuse, and he did not need to refuse.

The person had silver hair, and his eyes were also silver. His skin had a metallic silver-red color, his expression was cold and full of killing temperament. He stared at Li Xing, coldly: "Ten days ago, my ranking was nineteen. During this time, I have been challenging the people above, and you are the fifteenth person challenged by me." His voice Full of self-confidence and contempt for the enemy.

Li Xing said lightly: "It's a pity that you have already won fifteen innings."

"It's a pity?" The other side was puzzled.

Li Xingdao: "It is a pity that you, who have won the fifteenth inning, will soon die in the hands of the emperor. Is it a pity?"

Brother Yintong said coldly, "You say as much as you can, because after today, you can never speak."

Li Xing looked at the person in front of him with interest, and this person was also the sixth-ranking supreme, and seeing his temperament, he should be an archaic physique.

He suddenly thought of something, and he laughed: "It seems that you should be an ancient body. What kind of family is it? Can you tell each other?"

"You have some eyesight. I'm Taikoo Mystery Silver, one of the top ten physiques in Taikoo." The other side proudly said, "It is your honor to die in my hands."

Li Xing laughed and said, "The Archaic mysterious silver body, okay, I have a clone that has devoured many well-known Archaic physiques, including the Dai family and the Protoss. I'll see if you can fight it."

Monk Yintong froze for a moment, can't believe his ears, and yelled, "What nonsense? Can you devour the Protoss? Devour you? Are you crazy? Or do you want to try to survive with these words?"

Li Xing struck a finger, and secretly teleported Gui Yuan to appear in front of him. The Guiyuan clone is a constitution with many archaic physical advantages, and it is even more terrifying and powerful than the Protoss constitution.

This toughness is born, and after the cultivation of Tian Lixing, the quality of this avatar is good, and the potential is strong, so that the other three avatars are much worse.

The appearance of Guiyuan's avatar gave Yin Tong a great sense of crisis. He could sense the blood in his heart that made him surrender from his opponent's body.

In the Archaean era, races were divided by blood strength. Lower blood is naturally suppressed when encountering higher blood. This is the reason that higher civilization suppresses lower civilization, and it is the relationship between nobility and civilians.

This kind of induction is innate, and the instinct engraved in the bone is absolutely not wrong.

"You actually have such a powerful bloodline, how did you do it? The bloodlines of the various ancient ethnic groups are impossible to merge!" Brother Yintong was completely shocked, and his voice was somewhat unstable.

Guiyuan's avatar faintly said: "This world ~ www.readwn.com ~ is not impossible, just you don't know it." He said, "You can take a shot, kill you, my blood is again Can improve the front line. "

Brother Yintong even chopped fifteen people along the way. I thought that this time I would definitely be able to chop Li Xing. How can I know that one of his avatars is so powerful that I can't help but feel bad.

However, after all, he was a person who had experienced a violent storm, and immediately adjusted his mentality, entered a combat state, and launched an attack on Li Xing.

Guiyuan's avatar remained motionless until the other party approached, and then simply punched out. His punch is similar to the mixed-yuan killing technique, but the power is much stronger.

In fact, when Li Xing realized the absolute power and war spirit, the mixed Yuan killing technique immediately lost its effect and was directly abandoned by him. And he cultivated the mixed Yuan war spirit, in fact, has the shadow of mixed Yuan killing life.

Now, he doesn't have any fixed moves at all when he starts.

This punch has hidden a sharp killing intention, and it has a bit of fighting spirit, but it is not fighting spirit. Yin Tong feels that there are countless blood powers roaring in the enemy's punch.

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