Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1394: Ultimate ranking

The bloodline civilizations contained in the fist will perfectly fit together, superimposed tens of times, forming a force that is indestructible and destroying all things, and hit them instantly, engulfing the monk Yintong like a tsunami frenzy. . .

Monk Yintong felt at this moment like being in a sea of ​​power, completely bound, and lost his ability to fight back. The next moment, he felt that his plane was disintegrating, and the Supreme Jade God annihilated a moment later, losing his last consciousness.

Gui Wushen punched and killed Monk Yintong with a punch, and by the way, absorbed his good bloodline power, making his Guiyuan constitution have a little progress and perfection.

After defeating the challenger, Li Xing won all the other meritorious points at once and achieved an additional record. This person has a lot of merit, there are tens of billions, enough for Li Xing to splurge.

Stepping out of the challenge platform, Li Taichu laughed and said, "Father, I bet with my uncle. Uncle Tu said that his father would kill the man with three strokes, but his son thought that one stroke was enough, and I won!"

Tu Ba smiled "Hehe": "My brother still underestimates his brother's ability, and he is convinced to lose it."

Li Xing said: "This level will also have to go through three fierce battles. You are all ready to prepare. It is already the 80th level. Do not follow this level, otherwise it will be a pity."

After he had spoken, the three were waiting for the task to begin in a quiet place.

I do n’t know. Three days have passed, three months have passed, and three years have passed. The mission has not yet started. For three years, for Li Xing and others, it was actually nothing, but I also felt that something was wrong, because Li Taichu dropped from second to third, and Li Xing also dropped a place.

On this day, Li Taichu decided to go out to inquire about the news. He went out for a little while, and when he came back, he looked dumbfounded and said to Li Xing, "Father, what's the matter with you? It turned out that the whole 80-point pass was waiting for someone."

Tu Ba was taken aback: "Wait for someone? What do you mean?"

Li Taichu then told the news he heard. It turned out that at the level of Wu Shang Tower, a shockingly qualified character was hitting the 9th floor of Wu Shang Tower, which took a lot of time.

This person's strong qualifications seemed to have alarmed the supreme will, and actually delayed the progress of the 80 level, requiring everyone to wait for him.

After hearing this, Li Xing was also shocked, saying: "It actually attracted the attention of the Supreme Will?"

Tu Ba touched his chin and gritted his teeth. "It seems there is another cruel man, is there the ninth floor of the upper tower?" He looked at Li Xing. "Boss, you don't seem to be able to enter the ninth floor, this. People must be number one on the broken list? "

Li Xing was silent for a moment, and said, "This man is indeed a strong enemy." Then he smiled slightly, "The world is so big, the Wizards are so many strangers. We should have such mental preparations, regardless of who he is. war!"

Tu Ba was so arrogant and laughed: "That's right!"

This waiting continued for several months, and the mission was only shown on the trio's meritorious monument. There is no need to say that Li Xing and Li Taichu. In the first two battles, they passed easily and killed their opponents.

Tu Ba was a bit laborious. In the first game, he killed 300 opponents in the first game; in the second game, he tried hard to destroy the opponent, but he himself was slightly injured.

In the first two games, more than half of the people were eliminated, and there were only more than three hundred. These three hundred were undoubtedly all masters, and they were not easily defeated, so Tu Ba will face huge risks next time.

So in the face of the upcoming third game, Tu Ba was actually a little nervous. However, at the last minute, Li Xing gave him the three Supreme Supremes he had refined. This supreme charm can be used to launch a seven-level superior attack power, but it is very helpful.

After receiving the supreme charm, Tu Ba had a lot of confidence in his heart. He nodded to Li Xing and turned into the game. Subsequently, Li Xing and Li Taichu also entered the game and accepted the third round of choice.

In this battle, Li Xing and Li Taichu both encountered relatively powerful opponents, namely Supreme Master Class 5 and Supreme Master Class 6. However, they passed this level easily.

However, Tu Ba was the first to defeat his opponent, because it didn't take long for him to see that his opponent had five levels of supremacy, and he threw out a supreme sign and attacked wildly. This onslaught actually killed a master and won.

In the three innings of Lien Chan, there were only 160 remaining monks on the ancient road. These 160 people were teleported to another world at the same time. This is the final concubine, the eighty-first pass of the ancient road.

The Eighty One Pass is different from the previous Eighty Pass. This place is like a small town with a small area and beautiful scenery. In towns, restaurants, shops, and tea shops were built. Li Xing even saw a biscuits shop.

The residents in the town are not ordinary, because they are ancient monks walking in front of them, they just stay here. There are 160 people who have newly entered the 81st level. There are thousands of original monks in the Bayi Pass!

Thousands of monks are the people who entered the broken ancient road and eventually came to this level. It's just that the accumulation of these people is not enough, so they are still waiting for opportunities.

As soon as the 81st level was entered, the ultimate ranking suddenly appeared on the meritorious monument of Li Xing and others. This ranking list is a comprehensive record, meritorious list, and broken list, and the ranking order is listed.

At the same time, the goal of this level is also reminded. That is, as long as all monks in the level of 81 can enter the top ten of the ultimate list and stay for one year, then he can obtain the qualification to enter the source of civilization .

When seeing this request, Li Taichu and Tu Ba both took a breath of air. Li Taichu said: "Too cruel! No matter who is in the top ten, it will be challenged by people crazy, most of them will be stepped on by later people, it is too difficult to persist for a year!"

After that, Li Taichu glanced at his ranking. Now he ranks seventh on the ultimate list, right in the sensitive position of the top ten.

Li Xing is in the 17th place, Tu Ba is far away from the 500th place, and neither is in the top 10.

Li Taichu looked bitterly, and said to Li Xing, "Father, this is terrible. The son will be the target of criticism."

Li Xing was very calm, saying: "Your position is not very early, there is nothing to worry about. The people in the back should not be your opponents. The people in front will be better than you, and they will not strike you."

He thought about it, and said, "You don't have to fight, just keep the rank below seven so that you can mix to the end."

At the first hearing, Li Tai smiled, "Hey," smiled, and said, "It makes sense, then slowly mix, I'm not rare in this ranking anyway, I just want to finally enter the source of civilization."

Tu Ba's face was the ugliest. He sighed and said, "How difficult it is to get into the top ten, I'm afraid I have no hope in my life!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "You have hope. I think there are also miracle shops here. Let's buy enough materials. I will let you go to the tower again."

Tu Ba was overjoyed and said quickly: "Boss, I'll take care of you this time!"

With that said, a few people walked into the town and went into the shop to buy what was needed to build the Supreme Tower. In order to purchase these materials, Tu Ba exhausted all his achievements.

After that, Li Xing lightly opened the **** tower for the second time, allowing Tu Ba to practice in it. This Tu Ba is definitely a person with potential, but he is too young and his debut time is not long, so his competitiveness is inevitably insufficient.

Today, Li Xing has helped him to refurbish. After some painful metamorphosis, after he came out, he is already a master of level seven!

Seven levels of supremacy means that they have mastered absolute power, and their strength has been increased by several times compared to the original. It is not at all a grade.

As soon as Tu Ba came out, he gave a deep respect to Li Xing and said, "Brother, this brother is confident to go out of the 81st level!"

Li Xing nodded and said: "There are a lot of good people here. You, like Taichu, remain in the top nine and ten, unreliable."

Tu Ba nodded strongly: "Brothers understand!"

The three people sat in a restaurant for a while, before long, the meritorious monument was brightened, and it was announced that the task of this level was underway.

The crazy scene happened, almost at the same time, Li Xing was challenged by seven people! Tu Ba and Li Taichu were even more outrageous and were challenged by more than a dozen people.

Suddenly, all three were shocked, but soon they were calm and challenged.

Most of the thousands of people in the town are trained below the fifth grade, so the majority of people who challenge Li Xing are also these people. Seven people, only let him make seven moves, they were all killed, even without the opportunity to resist.

As active challengers, these people cannot quit, they must fight to the end. The rules here, only passive challengers will have the opportunity to choose to give up, and then will be directly transmitted to the upper bound, so as not to die.

Tu Ba and Li Taichu were fighting all the way, and each battle would win.

This **** killing lasted for several days. Thirty-two people died in Li Xing's hands! For thirty-two consecutive times, www.readwn.com, his achievements have soared to hundreds of billions, and his record has improved.

This led to his ranking suddenly breaking into the tenth place in the final list. Tu Ba and Li Taichu respectively dominated the ninth and eighth positions. This is still Li Taichu deliberately letting the water go, and now he is running into trouble, otherwise he may have rushed to sixth or even fifth.

After this battle, the meritorious monument announced the suspension of the challenge, giving the monks time to rest. As soon as he was free, Li Xing went to the shop, buying materials for the trial of the Supreme Tower, and spending all his merits.

The reduction in merit points caused his ranking to plummet to sixteenth place.

The materials purchased this time were enough for ten people to enter the Supreme Tower to practice once. In this regard, Li Xing didn't distress hundreds of billions of meritorious points. This thing is only useful here. After leaving, it is worthless. He doesn't want to waste it on his body, so he spends everything.

The rest period lasted for one month. After purchasing the materials, Li Xing took the opportunity to retreat. Some time ago, the beheaded man was beheaded. Although the other party's first-class civilization is relatively watery, it is indeed a first-class advanced civilization.

He decided to take a good look at it and take civilization to the next level.

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