Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1312: 9 Yin 9 Yang

The masters of the Broken Realm, whether it is the one below the one, the one above the one, or even the thirty-three, are essentially the same. They all have the strength and potential to break the constraints of heaven and earth.

The difference is that different levels of broken masters have different strengths and different means. For example, the difference between one-break and two-break is that the latter is powerful and powerful, and strong enough to break the second sky barrier, while the former can only break the first sky barrier.

The cultivation of masters in the broken realm often does not improve the realm, but enhances the strength. There are many ways to improve your strength. The most common are to learn more powerful mysteries and practice more powerful martial arts.

The disadvantages of the first method are obvious. It is too difficult to create a powerful combat technique. Few people are able to reach the end of the road, and most of them are blocked below the broken nine.

However, there are also peerless figures. With their extremely powerful convictions and talents, they have broken through the ninefold and broken up, and the people who have been all the way up are all masters of terror. The second method is to create your own civilization, and then to enhance your own combat power by fulfilling the strength of civilization. The more perfect the plane of civilization, the more means it has, and the stronger the master of the plane.

Li Xing is now adopting the second method to improve the combat effectiveness by improving the advanced civilization of the senior twenty-four and so on. Compared to the first method, this is a shortcut.

A complete civilization, his greatest reliance is on the ancient tree of civilization. The ancient civilization has gathered the strengths of all civilizations, and assisted Li Xing in developing a mixed-yuan civilization. It can make the mixed-yuan civilization quickly improve the shortcomings and improve rapidly.

As civilization advances, Li Xing also sits in the chaos of time and space, calmly realizes Taijiquan, and prepares to incorporate this method into the second style of the mixed yuan gun method. Once the fusion is successful, the power of the second style will be astonishing.

During the process of understanding the mixed yuan marksmanship, the war fighter broke through in the gate of time all the way, from five broken, all the way to seven broken. When he stepped into the Seventh Break, he seemed to have encountered a bottleneck and couldn't survive. After some thinking, the war avatar rushed out of the gate of time, the war plane opened wide, and the gate of war rushed out, chanting: "One civilization, one evolution!"

Suddenly, all the war-related forces in the mixed-yuan civilization joined the gates of war. The ancient trees, the guardian trees, the ancient trees in space, and so on all instantly merged into the war plane.

This change increased the strength of the war avatar once again, almost breaking through the Seventh Fragmentation, and finally at the pinnacle of the Seventh Fragmentation.

Among the war planes, the war ancient trees and the guardian ancient trees are used as the foundation, and the Yuanyuan sky orbit is supplemented to form an efficient war system and a powerful war machine.

In this plane, there are various war weapons, various arms, powerful and efficient. For example, after the ancient trees of war combined with the civilization of war, they immediately focused on several types of war tools.

The first is an invincible tank.

This chariot can be randomly equipped with war cannons, broken cannons, and various defensive shields. The war cannons, including the first-class war cannons, the second-class war cannons, and so on, are roughly as powerful as the first- and second-class cannons.

Within a short time, three thousand invincible chariots appeared in the war plane. Each tank is equipped with four hundred first-class cannons. Under the command of the hybrid Yuan Tianyu, they can exert their strongest combat power.

The second is the broken bow.

This is used for individual combat, but it is equally powerful. At present, only 100,000 war planes can be produced. Each broken bow is equipped with a number of broken arrows. The broken arrow is the key. It has a role similar to that of a cannonball on the plane. Once fired, it will generate great power.

After a broken arrow was fired, it was not a matter of bombardment. When tens of thousands of broken bows and arrows are fired, the power is even more terrifying. It is not a problem to kill four or five times. The advantage of the broken bow is its flexibility and maneuverability, which is suitable for individual soldiers. Each warrior can hold a broken bow, as long as he has an infinite amount of practice.

In addition, some weapons have been upgraded, such as war crossbow vehicles, war ships, war rushers, etc., which have considerable power and are siegeable.

The war plane has not only increased its strength, but it is now part of the plane of the mixed element. He is the avatar of the war. When he returns, he is part of the plane of the mixed element.

This change is undoubtedly beneficial to both the mixed plane and the war plane. It will limit the maximum combat effectiveness of both sides without affecting either party.

The war avatar was promoted, but the Jiuyang avatar failed to do so because of a major change in Pan Guzhu. It turned out that the panguzhu, always ### 着 书 之 书, both are peerless treasures, powerful.

Now, the Jiuyang avatar wants to absorb the power of Pan Guzhu. As a result, the book of order has the opportunity to rush out and fight again with Pan Guzhu to fight a good fight, which also shocked Li Xing's deity. He was careful After the calculation, there was a flash of light in my mind. So, he calculated the enlightenment according to the true meaning of Yinyang Avenue, and finally decided to create another clone, the sequence clone.

Yin and Yang are associated, and there is order and destruction. He now has the clone of the destroyer, so he must have another clone of the order.

"The so-called yin and yang, floating and sinking, rising and falling, rising and falling, moving and still, and bright and dark. Today's Jiuyang differentiates, as the anode, breaking the law; the order is split, when it is the cathode, and it keeps order . "

Li Xing prepared a plan and immediately implemented it.

At this time, Pan Guzhu and the Book of Order were in a state of balance. Their powers were all stimulated, and no one could suppress the other. They are like two wild cows wrestling. No matter which bull's **** is pushed, they will win first. In this balanced state, Li Xing just had time to create the Jiuyin avatar. He practiced Jiu Yang Gong that year, and he was also familiar with Jiu Yin Gong, and finally merged with Jiu ### 阳 to achieve today's achievements.

In the plane of mixed elements, a ray of silence and coldness was captured. It was injected with a ray of thought by Li Xing, and then turned into an embryo, which became a fetus. Then in October, Jiuyin broke out and broke out.

Once the birth was born, it was a broken state, but it was not enough. Li Xing also ordered him to practice in the gate of time, and practiced until it was broken to five levels, equal to Jiuyang's avatar.

In fact, it is not difficult to create such a five-fold broken avatar. As long as Jiuyang's experience is incorporated into it, the chance of success is very high. Of course, this process is extremely resource-intensive, and the general forces cannot afford it.

Once the Jiuyin avatar stepped into the fivefold fragmentation, it immediately stood side by side with the Jiuyang avatar, both of which were yin and yang, staring at the gate of order and Pan Guzhu respectively. They all released a ray of strength, slowly and gently entangled, wanting to refine the two treasures with the current balance of the two.

This is a long process. At least one billion years have passed in the gate of time, and the two are the most successful. In the Jiuyin plane of Jiuyin, there is a book of order ###; in the Jiuyang plane, there is Panguzhu ###.

After the two avatars each took their own needs, they re-entered the retreat again. Once again, it was a long time. Jiuyang and Jiuyin stepped into the eighth fragmentation without distinction.

One is the emperor of order and the other is the emperor of fragmentation. They are endless in combat power and can be regarded as masters in the northern wilderness. In particular, the Jiuyin avatar condenses the door of order.

This door of order is obviously different from the other one. The former is much weaker. Li Xing speculated that the gate of the latter order should have been formed by a powerful emperor of order. For some reason, the powerful emperor of order fell, and the door of order remained. The origin of the book of order and the staff of order should also be related to it, otherwise it will not be called the three treasures of order.

The three avatars have made rapid progress, but Li Xing is still slowly inferring Taijiquan outside, and researching and creating mixed yuan marksmanship. One study is more than thirty years.

In the past thirty years, he seems to have not changed much, but secretly improved the civilization of the mixed Yuan, so his power has also unknowingly reached fivefold. Moreover, a gate of mixed yuan has quietly condensed out.

The promotion of the masters in the Broken Realm, because it is not to upgrade the realm, so it will not lead to disasters. In fact, 108 disasters are already full, and the rest is the process of improving strength.


Suddenly, Li Xing stabbed a shot with a soft shot, agile simplicity, and endless mystery. However, he finally succeeded in participating in the second type of research, and his strength reached a new level. In his mind, a jade god, a jade god, a tall and mighty shore rushed out, and he was unparalleled. He held the door to the Yuanyuan and arrogant in all directions.

Li Xing nodded, and with the door to the mixed Yuan, even if he encounters danger ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jade God can protect himself. One of the many wonderful uses of the gate of civilization is to protect the jade god.

You must know that Jade God is very fragile compared to the physical body, so everyone tries to protect it. The gate of civilization is one of the best methods. As long as the jade **** hides deeply, even if the body falls, it can be taken away.

After the jade **** escaped, he could also use the gate of civilization to regroup and become stronger again. These are all magical uses of the gate of civilization, which are difficult for other treasures to do.

Compared with the improvement of Li Xing's strength, things outside have also progressed ← Tianxu Forty-nine District, has been completely controlled by the Hunyuan Empire and has become the backyard of the Hunyuan Empire. All the masters in the forty-ninth district have also joined the mixed yuan empire in various ways. Some simply rushed, some cooperated with the empire, and some were hired by the empire. In short, the strength of this area has been controlled by the mixed Yuan empire.

By the time of the final statistics, Li Xing learned that in the 49 districts, there were as many as 13 people in the five-fold shattered celestial body!


The author is very hard. Today ### At this point, please stay tuned for exciting content and understanding will be the biggest motivation for the author to continue to create!

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