Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1313: Ancient Tianting Ruins

There are more than two hundred people under the four-folded broken celestial body, more than 1,400 people with triple-breakers, more than 12,000 people with double-breakers, and more than 200,000 people with one heavy-breaker.

There are countless types of warships. The super-level warships alone have more than 1.8 million ships. These forces are extremely powerful. Even if the current mixed-yuan empire competes with such forces, it will be destroyed.

However, the Emperor's method was clever, and he finally won the entire forty-nine district, making it the backyard of the mixed Yuan empire, and controlling this powerful force in his hands, greatly improving the empire's strength.

However, forty-nine districts are too big after all, and there will always be some stubborn forces that will not join the mixed yuan empire anyway. For this power, Li Xing's three avatars personally went out and successively lowered them.

When all the forces are settled, the rest is the integration of resources.

All the forces of the original forces were taken over by the empire, and then the warships with uniform distribution standards, such as the four-, five-, and six-version mixed-yuan battleships, and mixed-yuan motherships.

In terms of supply, it was also fully provided by the mixed-yuan empire, and several living places were opened up. These living places are divided into levels, which are referred to as first-class residence, second-class residence, and third-class residence.

The higher the level, the better the conditions of the place of residence, such as being able to accept the baptism of civilization, get all the cultivation resources, teach enough secrets, and so on. Low-level, treatment is not so good, everything must be self-reliant.

In addition, the mixed yuan empire also issued to all citizens a status symbol № share amulet, which records a person's cultivation, origin, and contribution to the mixed yuan empire.

Contributions are recorded as points of contribution, the greater the contribution, the higher the citizenship. Contribution points can be exchanged for things that you want, such as the right to live in a superior place of residence, magic effects, magic tools, secret skills, and even imperial titles.

Such a system greatly aroused the enthusiasm of citizens and made everyone willing to contribute to the empire, because in this way, points can be contributed, which represents wealth.

This idea was conceived by the Emperor. He also did not expect that after the implementation of this system, even some forces around it would join the mixed Yuan empire.

Because relatively speaking, the mixed-yuan empire is a fair place. As long as you are willing to work hard, you will have a chance to get ahead.

For a moment, nearby monks were proud to be citizens of the Empire.

The emperor ruled everything, the emperor ruled everything, the emperor ruled the world, and the mixed Yuan empire developed healthily and rapidly. Li Xing was very relieved about this and devoted more energy to improving himself.

Feeling that the empire's power still had to accumulate for a period of time to be a blockbuster, he decided to go to the ancient Tianting ruins first and run into luck.

The ninth emperor has not left this time. He has benefited a lot from the mixed Yuan plane. Not long ago, he broke through to the Fivefold Fragmentation and created his own civilization. Everything was given to him by Li Xing.

After the mixed-yuan civilization entered the advanced level, Li Xing learned about a secret technique of civilization, which is called civilization cultivation. After the mystery is performed, a certain civilization can be penetrated into someone's body, making it a great civilization.

This process is equivalent to the fact that large nobles have the right to seize small nobles, and the number of seizures is limited. With Li Xing's current level of civilization, up to a hundred civilizations can be planted, and one less is used.

The ninth emperor has become a civilized god, and he has made rapid progress. He has easily broken into ascending fivefold, and he has the potential to improve in the future.

With the rest of the matter under the management of the three major avatars, Li Xing and the ninth emperor left the mixed Yuan empire and went to heaven. It was calm all the way, and soon arrived in heaven.

The ninth emperor's extraterrestrial branch was born, and as soon as he arrived in the court, Li Xing was sent to the site of the court.

The access to the site is a teleportation array. Li Xing directly enters the ancient Tianting site through the teleportation array.

Now, he was in the middle of a wall of ruins, with a depression, full of ancient desolation.

Xianhua, here is the ancient Tianting site. The vastness is boundless. I do n’t know how many there are.

Li Xing picked up a brick from the ground and squeezed it with his hands, but he couldn't crush it. You know, he is now a master of five broken pieces, but he can't break a brick.

"It is indeed ancient heaven, a brick is so hard." Li Xing secretly, then thought about it, and released the five hundred real people in the plane.

At the beginning, 100,000 mixed real people entered the gate of time and practiced hard work, and finally achieved results. Among them, 500 people broke through to the state of fourfold or fivefold. So Li Xing took them all to the ancient Tianting ruins, so they could have good luck.

After the five hundred hybrid real people came out, they saw that Li Xing issued an order that made them very depressed.

"Remove all the intact bricks on the ground." Li Xing Shen said.

As a result, five hundred labor divisions began, some pushed the wall, some pried the bricks, and some moved the bricks, constantly sending a large number of bricks to the mixed plane.

After moving for a long time, a real hybrid Yuanyuan could not help but wonder, "Your Majesty, although these bricks are a little harder, there is nothing strange about them, why should they be removed?"

Li Xing said nothing, picked up a brick and patted it down. A real man in Yuanyuan couldn't avoid it. He had a pain in his forehead and sat on the ground with a buttock, with a shocked expression on his face.

Li Xingdao: "Just a little more strength just now, your head was broken. Do you think this brick is useful?"

Everyone was speechless for a while. His Majesty made these bricks to shoot people?

Li Xing understood their thoughts and said, "These bricks should be made of precious materials. They are extremely hard. They are most suitable for the manufacture of battleship armor. Even if they are broken in ninefolds, they cannot be opened.

Five hundred mixed yuan real people suddenly came to the spirit, heart said that it was a baby, so he stepped up to move bricks. They are all four- and five-fold broken masters, and they can split into hundreds of millions in one thought, so the speed of moving bricks is very fast.

Often in the breath, hundreds of billions of billions of ancient bricks were transferred to the plane of the mixed element.

In this way, Li Xing went forward, and behind him were a group of people who moved bricks, where they moved. Buildings disappeared in this way, turning into piles of slabs and appearing in the mixed plane.

"Your Majesty is so wise, I found such a good baby!" Someone admired.

"That is, these bricks can not only be used as weapons for shooting people, but also can be made into armor. Really baby, let's take more and go back and make a brick armor!"

Everyone thought it was reasonable, and began to think about what kind of good brick armor to make.

In this way, a group of people walked around for more than a month and gradually went deep into the site.

I felt that the tiles were enough, Li Xing stopped, and said to everyone, "Go around in groups of three or five, and see if you can find anything."

"Yes!" The five hundred mixed-yuan real people scattered and went away with luck.

Li Xing is now alone and has officially started his adventure.

For more than a month, because of moving bricks, he walked too slowly, so he didn't meet any baby, and even the second person who entered the site did not see it.

Now he was limping quickly, but he soon found his peers, the three broken celestial deities, but none of them reached a state of severe fragmentation.

The three people also saw Li Xing. Li Xing's current practice is invisible. They only feel that Li Xing is just like them, with a combat power of 500 to 600 million steps.

So one of them shouted, "Could you come here for a comment?"

"No interest." Li Xing refused, and he didn't have time to mix with these little shrimps.

The three were furious because of Li Xing's "insolence", and one said: "The boy is crazy, stop me!"

Li Xing still ignored and continued to move forward. The three were angry and shot together to give Li Xing to # # #.


Li Xing turned around and drank lightly, and there was a surge of force coming. The three broken Datianzun screamed back, spitting blood in seven holes, and fell to the ground seriously.

The three men were in fear, watching Li Xing walk away without looking back.

Similar incidents didn't happen too often, Li Xing didn't bother to care about them, only wounded them and did not kill anyone.

However, the further he went, the more masters he met, and he became cautious.

When entering a dense group of buildings, Li Xing suddenly felt that under the ancient tree of civilization, the slowly flowing river of blood suddenly agitated, and countless kinds of blood power in it kept in conflict.

This made Li Xing jump in his heart, knowing that there must be something nearby, which led to the instability of the blood. As a result, he launched his consciousness and began a large-scale search.

You know, this is the ancient Tianting ruins. Naturally, there is a kind of coercion. Once the consciousness is unfolded, it will be restrained and suppressed, and it is difficult to extend too far. With Li Xing's strength, he is only able to explore a region that is far and wide.

A few days later, UU read the book www. uukanshu.com He finally found out what made the blood flow restless. It is a vast plain outside the building complex. When he entered the plain, he saw countless remains, lying on the ground in various postures.

From the shape of the bones, it can be seen that they were either beheaded or beheaded during their lifetime, with many deaths. Li Xing inferred that there had been a battle on the plain, and the two sides fought fiercely, and eventually all died here.

Most of these bones held weapons, including knives, swords, axes, guns, halberds, and so on. After an unknown era, they still shone cold and sharp.

These bones are also extremely hard, and time has not allowed them to decay, which indicates that they were not early in life, because only people in the broken world would have this phenomenon after death.

On the endless plain, there are corpses everywhere, and in some places they are piled up in corpses mountains, and the scenes are tragic.

Li Xing trembled: "These people obviously have the breath of ancient blood. No wonder the ancient Blood River will be affected by it."

As long as he thought about it, the Blood River rushed out of the plane on its own, turned into a blood light, and suddenly spread out all around, a few breaths enveloped the whole plain, all the bones.

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