Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1314: Dongliyan

The sky above the plain was transformed into nine colors. Then, a powerful suction force descended from the sky, and the remaining blood power within each bone was transformed into a skein of nine-colored phosgene, which merged into the ancient blood river.

The whole process lasted more than a dozen breaths, and the power in all the bones was drained completely. Then the Blood River shrank into a blood light, and immediately fell into the plane of the mixed Yuan, sleeping under the ancient tree of civilization.

Li Xing was very surprised at first, but after thinking carefully, he knew that the power of blood must attract each other, and only the phenomenon of genius would occur. It was not the consciousness of the blood river itself. If the latter, he should have noticed long ago and would not wait until now.

The Blood River draws a lot of blood power. These blood powers contain racial civilization, which is a great supplement to the ancient trees of civilization.

After returning to God, Li Xing projected his attention on the Taikoo weapons on the ground. The power of some of the weapons had been drained by the blood river, but the remaining metal materials were more precious and it was a pity to lose them.

So he waved his sleeves, and a bunch of weapons on the ground were thrown into the plane and put away.

"A considerable part of the materials of these weapons can be used to build warships and chariots. The rest are also good materials for building weapons, which is a pity," Li Xing mumbled.

Out of the plain, Li Xing kept walking forward, only to find that the so-called plain is just the back garden in a grand building, showing how huge the building is.

From here, a magnificent tower appeared in front of it, and a powerful breath was released on the tower. The blind man could sense that there was a peerless baby inside. Li Xing rejoiced, speeded up, and hurried towards the tower.

However, when he was about to enter the pagoda, a figure appeared on the left. It was not slower than Li Xing, and the two arrived at the pagoda almost at the same time.

The comer was in a silver robe with a magnificent look and noble temperament. He glanced coldly at Li Xing and said, "Get away."

Li Xing looked still and said, "What kind of person are you?

In fact, he can see that the person in front of him is breaking in sixfold, and is a civilized god, and his strength is definitely not weak. If he did fight, he would not be absolutely sure to kill the person.

The comer said coldly, "Dong Li Yan, Dong Li Clan, where should you say it?"

With a look of surprise, Li Xing said: "It turned out that Dong was away from home.

"Let's talk nonsense, leave immediately, or else blame me for killing." Dong Liyan said coldly, seemingly holding the lives of the people in the world, indifferent to life.

Li Xing was still not angry and laughed: "Dong Li was angry, and I just got a baby next time. I want to ask the son to look at it, maybe he can help the son to break into this tower."

Dong Liyan moved in his heart. This pagoda was not his first visit, but he was stopped by the pagoda's restraint in the first two times and failed. When he heard that Li Xing had a solution, he immediately became interested and said, "What do you have?"

Li Xingdao: "Please ask the son to try this treasure, and immediately know if it is available." In other words, he took out the heaven and earth flood furnace.

The momentum of this furnace was secretly sealed by him, revealing only the six broken powers, slightly stronger than him.

At a glance, Dong Liyan said scornfully, "It's just a six-fold broken instrument, so sorry to show it in front of the boy?"

Li Xing said embarrassingly, "Can't this thing help each other? Its power is quite arrogant, you will know if you don't believe him."

Dong Li Yan is not a totally unreasonable person. Li Xing seems to be willing to help. He eliminated the murder and gave a glance at the earth and earth furnace. He said: "You, this boy can be broken with a punch. Come . "

Li Xing said with a smile: "My son is optimistic." As he said, the heaven and earth flood furnace spun down and landed slowly, covering Dong Liyan slowly. "

Originally, if the heaven and earth smelting furnaces were to refine a person, they must be locked first. This was the most critical step. If they could not lock each other, it would be difficult to refine. Dong Liyan apparently did not see the power of the heaven and earth flood furnace, only regarded it as an ordinary six-fold broken weapon, and thought that he could easily compete with it, so he intentionally locked it.

After the heaven and earth flood furnace completely shrouded Dong Liyan, Li Xing's whole body rose greatly, and the gate of the mixed yuan was released at once, and he fully urged the heaven and earth flood furnace and yelled, "Come!"

The power of the Nine-Broken Fragment suddenly erupted in the Tiandi Honglu, and the photo was taken fiercely. Although Dong Liyan is a wizard, his strength is not much weaker than Li Xing, but he was too careless and was taken in at once.

Subsequently, the "Dangdang" rang in the heavenly and earthen furnace, as if someone was hitting the wall with a fist, and at the same time, a roar came out: "Thief, you dare to conceal the son!"

Li Xing smiled and said, "The son must not be angry, you are the great deity of civilization, there must be a lot of powerful means on his body. For security reasons, he can only use some means. The son is good, and he will not give away."

In the flood furnace of heaven and earth, all are chaotic fires, which continuously corrode Dong Liyan. He played dozens of runes in succession and used seven or eight years of magic weapons. The worst ones are also ninefold, and the magical instruments are also seven or more heavyweights.

However, once he entered the heavens and earth's furnace, even the tenfold fragmentation is useless. Any attack can be absorbed and refined by the chaotic fire, so he will never escape.

Dong Liyan tossed for another half an hour, and the whole person turned into a mass of civilization, which was extracted by Li Xing and put into the ancient tree of civilization. A moment later, another fruit of civilization was added to the tree.

In addition, this Dong Liyan really has a lot of good treasures, apparently all obtained in the ruins these years. In addition, there are a lot of broken Dan and so on.

These things were all earned by Li Xing after Dong Liyan died.

After beheading Dong Liyan, Li Xing began to find ways to enter the pagoda. He could see at a glance that there was a terrible prohibition on the pagoda, and this Dongliyan had not come for the first time, and 80% of them had not been able to enter before.

The pagoda has five floors, and each floor is pecked with high teeth. Inside the tower, a powerful breath was released, and even the restrictions outside the tower could not be stopped, and I didn't know what the treasure was.

While observing, Li Xing calculated the mystery of the ban. It didn't take long for him to look dignified, and his heart trembled: "This prohibition is very powerful. There is no strength above tenfold, so let's not enter it!"

He made a few laps around the pagoda, thinking in his mind: "Dong Li Yan Baba came over, there must be some certainty, wait for me to see what he is going to use to break this prohibition."

Thinking of this, he immediately turned out all Dong Liyan's belongings and searched again. His attention was attracted by the five small flags. The five small flags were only the size of a palm, one was yellow, one was blue, and one was Red, white on one side and black on the other, with the atmosphere of the Five Elements civilization flowing on it.

After you find the flag, you find another bitmap, which is described in detail above.

It turns out that the five flags are the treasures of the Five Elements civilization era. They are the Central Wujixinghuang Banner, the Oriental Qinglian Baose Banner, the Southern Lijiang Languang Banner, the Western Plain Cloud Circle Flag, and the Northern Xuanyuan Control Water Banner.

The five flags combined with the secret law can form a five-element reversal array, specifically breaking the prohibition, and trying a hundred spirits.

Li Xing rejoiced, and immediately took the flags, inserting the Eastern Qinglian Baose flag, the southern off-ground flame flag, the western plain cloud cloud flag, and the northern Xuanyuan control water flag into the four directions of the pagoda.

As soon as these flags were inserted on the ground, they suddenly became extremely loud, blocking the world and showing off in the wind. In all directions, five-colored smoke was produced, covering hundreds of thousands of miles.

Li Xing was amazed by the strength of this array. He held the fifth Xinghuang Banner and strode toward the pagoda ”, he calculated the mystery of this array and tried to control the situation.

Outside the pagoda, there is a layer of blue killing light. This killing light is very sharp. Anything entering it will be completely strangled. This bluish maggot keeps wrapping up the entire pagoda, making it impossible to enter.

As soon as his people came into contact with the blue light outside the pagoda, the five elements reversal array was launched, and the banning force was reversed at once, forming a destructive force. Suddenly, the ban was mixed and Li Xing entered the pagoda safely.

The situation changed, and Li Xing entered the palace as soon as he saw it. The palace is short on all sides and high in the center. It is a round hall. In the center of the round hall, there is a high platform with a jade box on it.

Beyond the jade box, the treasure is dazzling and breathless, making it difficult to see what is inside.

Li Xing approached cautiously and looked closely, and found that a broken finger was contained in the jade box, and Baoguang sent it out. To the side of the broken finger, there was a fragment that seemed to have broken on the blade or blade.

This is reminiscent of someone. Did anyone cut this finger and even break down the blade?

Looking at the finger momentum, the master's strength is unfathomable, and the person who can cut his finger is definitely the master.

These thoughts flashed through my mind ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing stepped forward, ready to collect the jade box. At this moment, the abnormal change suddenly occurred, and the shard of the treasure blade in that box suddenly emitted an infinite number of kills, sweeping Li Xing.

With such a powerful killing power, Li Xing said that it was absolutely impossible to confront him. Once he was encountered, he would die without doubt, even the heavens and earth could not save him.

Fortunately, the Xinghuang Banner in his hand once again played a role, the five elements reversed the array of mysteries, and immediately reversed the killing power and returned to the fragment.

Li Xing quickly sacrificed the Proto-altar altar, and immediately collected the jade box. This thing is too powerful and evil, and he can only be reassured by using the ancient ancient altar ###.

Packing up the jade box, the entire pagoda shook. He felt that the top was dark and the pagoda collapsed suddenly, and Li Xing was shot inside.

When he snatched away the bricks and stood up from the rubble, he was suddenly startled by the situation outside. I saw that outside the four flags, the black crowd was full of people, and all of them were masters, and there was no less than ten people with a level of Dong Liyan!

However, these people were blocked by the five-element reversal and could not enter the pagoda.

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