Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1319: Fountain of Civilization

"That's crazy!" The woman sneered. "Do you know who cares for our soft incense palace?"

Li Xingdao: "Even the ancient emperor is useless. I will give you three breaths and give it away immediately." Then, the mixed yuan gun was provoked again to destroy a smaller soft incense palace.

At this moment, the woman changed color, and said angrily, "Don't bully people too much! Then Wu De came to the woman without money, unless you surrendered money, don't want to take people away!"

Li Xing smiled sharply and said sternly: "The ancient Tianting site is a place for cultivation. If you set up this soft incense palace, it will only do bad things, disturb humanity, have bad intentions, and have a malicious intention. Removing it today is for Skywalk! "

With that said, he stepped out one step, and the violent force blasted all the women off. Then he stabbed his gun and pounded Huanglong. Only a loud noise was heard, and the plane on which the soft incense palace was located was suddenly shattered, and the souls inside escaped.

The woman was so angry and angry, "Don't regret it!"

Li Xing reached out and plunged directly into the woman's plane. I don't know what method was used, and the women who ran the treasures of the Soft Incense Palace were all searched by him.

The woman screamed again and again: "You **** thief, these are the wealth of the old man, you cannot move."

Li Xing kept moving, searching for things, and coldly: "No wonder it is necessary to build a soft incense palace. Originally, those old things lead the picture here, so I deliberately sent you here to deceive the treasures that everyone has found so hard. is not it?"

The woman was restrained by Li Xing, unable to move, and sternly said, "The old man won't let you go!"

Li Xing laughed: "Several old ghosts who are about to die, come and kill one." After finishing, he threw away the woman.

It is said that after the destruction of the soft incense palace, the male men ### in it have dropped less, among which there are more than 10,000 demon beautiful people, and their looks are so beautiful. Then Wu De was caught in it, his face was awkward, and at the sight of Li Xing, he fell down to the ground: "Your Majesty, I know something wrong."

Li Xing snorted heavily: "Why aren't you dead in it?"

Wu De smiled bitterly and didn't dare to talk back.

Li Xing scolded a few words, stomped a few more feet, and shouted, "Get up."

At this moment, a nymph came to Li Xing, bowed her head and worshiped, tears like a stream of springs, and said, "I beg you to accept me and wait!"

Li Xing Jianmei raised his eyebrows and said, "You want me to take you in? You are not in the soft palace, why do you want this emperor to take in?"

The demon weeped, "The Soft Incense Palace was a quiet place. We, the demon spirits, practiced with concentration, and our lives were stable. Later, there was a Tiantian Pavilion that always appeared and slept with our palace master. So the palace master Changed my mind, forcing us to go out for solicitation, and restless all day. "

Li Xing glanced at the palace master, who was stunned and stared at the female leprechaun, making the latter's face change. But she bit her lip and overcome the fear in her heart, and continued, "Please ask the emperor to take us in. We just want to practice quietly and don't want anything else."

Li Xing thought about it and said, "You can keep you, but when you get to my site, it's best to keep yourselves and don't take the initiative to do that, otherwise you will blame me for punishment."

Hearing that, 80% of the female fairies leaned over with joy, and they all turned to Li Xing. Only less than 20% remained, still following the palace master. It turns out that these two women are used to picking up customers and appreciate the beauty of it, so they are unwilling to change careers.

As for the 80% to go, most of them have not been touched by men, and have been regarded as "reserved talents" by the palace master, so they are determined to leave the place.

As soon as Li Xing waved his hand, nearly 10,000 fairies took in the plane, and then said to the palace: "If Ge Lao comes, you tell him that I am the Great Emperor." After that, he went away.

Gongzhu was so angry that he bit his silver teeth and hated, "Little thief, you won't have good fruit!"

Wu De was rescued, Li Xing continued to do his thing and explore his treasure. Then Wu De knew that he had made a big mistake, so he worked very hard for a period of time, desperately looking for treasures to restore the impression left in Li Xing's heart.

Kung Fu is worthy of a caring person, but it didn't take long for him to find a treasure place. This place is located in the core of the ruins. There is a dilapidated palace. Many monks came in but couldn't find anything.

Wu De was more attentive, and he found that the palace was not constructed properly. It turned out that in the mixed-yuan civilization, many schools, such as arithmetic, medical ethics, fortune-telling, astronomy, geosciences, geomantic sciences, and so on, have been arguing.

This Wu De is an expert in Feng Shui. You can see the anomalies and advantages at a glance. After discovering that the palace layout was incorrect, he thought about it, and after a few days of exploration in the place, he demolished the entire palace.

The palace was very sturdy and cost him a little half a month. And when he finished demolishing the palace, he found that there was a pond below. Although it had dried up, there was a civilized atmosphere flowing inside.

Wu De was overjoyed, digging and telling Li Xing the news. By the time Li Xing arrived, Wu De had dug out a clear spring. As the spring flowed, the purity of civilization made people feel refreshed.

Li Xing's eyes brightened and he said, "The Fountain of Civilization!"

Wu Deyi said, "Your Majesty, is this the fountain of civilization?"

Li Xing nodded, and he came forward and patted Wu De's shoulder, and said, "You did a good job, and you look back on the rewards."

Wu Dexi is overjoyed. He doesn't care about rewarding him. As long as Li Xing can value him, it is the biggest gain. The real people in Junyuan have probably thought this way.

"The fountain of civilization has always existed only in the source of civilization. It is a fountain of pure civilization. Even in the source of civilization, spring water is not common, and it is a valuable thing. With it, the ancient tree of civilization is It can grow quickly for a while, which is a great thing. "Li Xingdao.

After a brief explanation of Wu De, he immediately exerted his means and dug out Quan Yan. The eye of the spring is the size of a bowl mouth, and there is a plane of civilization in it. After a large amount of civilization breaths together, it finds an outlet to flow out, so the spring water is formed.

When Li Xing had just dug out Quan's eyes, three old men suddenly appeared in front of them, all of them murderous, staring at Li Xing.

The visitors were old friends, and it was the empty, empty mountains, hollow that killed him that day. Kongshan Pavilion said indignantly: "Li Xing, do you dare to destroy the soft incense palace, is it true that our 12th Pavilion is always a mess?"

Even so, his eyes stared at Wenmingquan.

Li Xing first put away his eyes and planted them directly under the ancient tree of civilization. Suddenly, a jubilant fountain of civilization was formed. The ancient civilization trees were irrigated, and the excess spring water could overflow, forming a small pond with fresh style under the ancient trees.

After doing this, he slowly said: "It turned out to be three pavilions, and we met again. What did you just say, did you build the Soft Fragrant Palace?"

"You don't pretend to be garlic and ruin the Soft Fragrance Palace. How can you pay us three?" Hollow Taoist reprimanded sharply.

Li Xing said, "Three old things, do you know the sin?"

The three were drunk, and Kongshan exclaimed, "Boy, what are you talking about?"

Li Xing sneered, saying, "The site was created by Tiandi to cultivate and cultivate talents, but you have come up with something like the Soft Incense Palace. Isn't this facing Tiandi?"

The three were speechless, and that hollowness shifted the topic: "If you want to fight against the emperor, I think you are the right one! We just heard that one third of the monks were beheaded and killed by you, leaving Tianting to lose What a hell, how do you say? "

Li Xing replied coldly: "If people kill me, they won't let me fight back? Hugh said that killing a third of them is just killing them all? Isn't my mixed Yuan a person in heaven? Those who died, It's all waste, and it's a waste of resources to live. What's more, what do you want for so much waste?

Empty frowning: "You Yuandao friends, you are too arrogant, thousands of monks have been killed. This is a big sin, and the emperor will not allow you. You obediently go out with us and accept the fine."

Li Xingyi satired: "Accept punishment? I ask you, monk in the site, which one has not killed anyone? You have to be clear, this is a place of experience, without discipline, where did you grow up? If you want to dispose of this great emperor, here Everyone has to deal with it. Fifty steps and a hundred steps, don't you think you are stupid? "

Empty loudly: "Hunyuan child, don't quibble, grab it now, or the consequences will be sincere!"

Li Xing snorted and said, "Three of your old things are getting more and more deprived of their minds. Thousands of people died at the site. Does n’t Tiandi know? Tiandi knows, but does n’t ask, do you not know the reason?"

"Don't listen to his nonsense, win this person!" Kongshange Lao hated Li Xing the most and sang loudly, the first shot, and at the same time, "This is not your mixed-yuan empire ~ www.readwn.com ~ I see you How to escape, who can save you! "

"Stupid, why do you think the emperor killed more than a thousand people? Give me a break!" Li Xingchangxiao, mixed yuan gun to the air, and shot fiercely.

This shot, completely relying on his own strength, shot out, the world changed, and the ghost was shocked. You know, the mixed yuan marksmanship, but under the sharpening of the nine changes, the attack is terrifying.

Kong Shan Da Tian Zun only felt ashamed, he didn't say anything with one palm, Li Xing's gun tip was killed, he screamed, and hurried back, but it was too late. I slammed into it, trying to smash the tip of the gun.

Unexpectedly, the yuan gun stunned, stabbed from another angle, and instantly penetrated the head of Kongshan Datianzun, and then flung it away like a dead dog.

Although his head was opened, Kongshan did not die, because Li Xing did not really kill. After all, these three are the old men. If the emperor's protector was killed, it would be disrespect to the emperor.

The empty mountain screamed, and under the surprise of the empty and hollow, one after another sent out fierce moves. However, today Li Xing is much stronger than he was then, and is shot again.

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