Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1320: 10 heavy broken

Under the shroud of this style, both hollow and empty feel certain death. Even the faith of resistance has been lost. It seems that they can only wait to die with their eyes closed. However, the killer flashed by, and Li Xing was half-elliptical, staring coldly at the three.

The Emperor Tiangong closed up the Emperor's Door, sighed, and said, "No wonder Your Majesty valued you so much. I see. We are wrong."

Kongshan Datianzhuang said angrily: "Empty, what are you talking about?

Empty Ming glanced at him and said, "Empty mountain, even if the three of us are killed today, Your Majesty may not come forward to stop it."

Kong Shan was taken aback. Tiandi's rescue was his support, because they were sacrifices for Tiandi's success. But if the Emperor does not take action, he would never dare to be so arrogant.

Hollow also sighed, saying to Li Xing: "You, the emperor of Yuan Dynasty, you can always be good for heaven. In this case, we are willing to blame the past and never be against you."

Empty also said: "Yes, heaven does not want to have such a powerful enemy as you."

With a struggle in his heart, Kongshan had to make a wise choice and stared at Li Xing. "Although the old man will not ask you trouble in the future, but he will not meet you again, so you know it!"

In fact, Li Xing didn't want to conflict with these people, otherwise the killer had already been killed, and said lightly: "People don't offend me, I don't offend people. Just that, San must understand what I mean."

Nodded emptyly: "There will be a period later."

As soon as the three Tianting Pavilions were gone, Li Xing was missing a heart disease. There are several people who are empty of hatred against him, which is extremely detrimental to him. After he enters the broken ancient road in the future, these people are likely to be detrimental to the mixed Yuan empire.

Today the two sides talked and the former grievances were gone, which was undoubtedly a good thing for him.

The next day, Li Xing became even more in the ruins, which greatly facilitated him to explore more treasures. But after a few months, he handed over all the treasure hunts to the real people in Yuanyuan and Zhongjiao, while he himself searched for a hidden place to repair.

The time of the ancient Tianting site is not synchronized with the outside time, which is equivalent to the role of the gate of time, so cultivation here can be mentioned as soon as possible. At the time, the seventh and the ninth emperors, through this method, became masters of the broken territory in the ruins.

This is a palace with only one entry portal, which is exceptionally strong. Li Xing released the shard of the treasure blade in the Promontory Altar ###, and the shard immediately turned into a killing and strangling him.

However, he has long been sharpened by the Nine Change, and he immediately started to use mixed-arms to kill him. At the beginning, Li Xing fell into the downwind and was so overwhelmed that he was barely able to protect himself.

This is also the reason why the treasure blade fragments are not intelligent, otherwise Li Xing is not an opponent at all.

This is a dozen years. Li Xing exhausted the power of reversing the world, but ultimately failed to gain an advantage. So, he tried to create the fourth form, so as to confront the shard of the treasure blade.

Using the pressure of life and death threats to create a mixed-element weapon, the success rate is very high. This is his experience. Therefore, he would not hesitate to take risks and fight the debris.

The change of the shard of the treasure blade is unpredictable, and there is a sense of sword. Li Xing gradually realizes this meaning, and the fourth type of marksmanship gradually becomes childish.

In this way, for another few decades, Li Xing in the battle suddenly shouted aloud, and uttered the fourth style of the hybrid gun. The first style was accumulated for decades, and it was brewed successfully. It was called no return, no return !!

As soon as this gun-type came out, the fragments were instantly killed and pushed back to the front. After repeated exercises, this style became more and more mature, and eventually gained the upper hand in the battle with the debris.

Seven years later, Li Xing yelled, the tip of the gun would kill all the power and suppress it, and he would not be allowed to move in the air. The fourth style of the hybrid Yuan, which represented his success, had surpassed the shard of the sword.

As a result, his combat power was broken from fivefold, steadily, and entered the peak of ninefold crushing. In fact, his strength has been steadily increasing since he learned about mixed-element gun shooting here.

However, due to the scourge of heaven and earth, his improvement in strength has not been shown. Under the contract of Tiandi Honglu, he was already Jiuzhong's broken strength, leading to breakthroughs below Jiuzhong, all of which are stealth breakthroughs and proceeded silently.

It wasn't until he created the fourth type of hybrid gun that his strength reached the peak of the ninth level that this change became apparent, and he was truly felt by him.

It took him only a few hundred years to go from five-fold to nine-fold. It can be seen that this ancient Tianting site is indeed a place suitable for breakthrough, and it is no wonder that so many experts have made continuous breakthroughs here.

After suppressing the treasure blade, Li Xing still ### it up, and then has a solid strength, there are three white clothes Jiao to protect his law, he is not in danger.

But he said that since the ancient civilization tree was watered by the fountain of civilization, it has been full of vitality. On the ancient tree, the fruits of those civilizations have begun to grow, and one day they will mature.

When the fruits of these civilizations mature, they will all become Li Xing's avatars of civilization, each with powerful strength. And the process of maturity is also the process of the self-satisfaction of the ancient civilization tree. The mixed-yuan civilization will continue to evolve and improve.

There is also a change in the Kendo plane.

The Kendo plane moved into the mixed-yuan plane. Every day, people break through. Over the past few hundred years, the number of white clothes Jiao has reached thousands, and the number of black clothes Jiao has also exceeded the ten-person mark.

As for the following blue clothes, red clothes, etc., the number is even more, it is difficult to count.

The plane of Kendo civilization began a full-scale outbreak, and its combat power even surpassed Li Xing's mixed-yuan plane. However, the growth of a plane requires a lot of resources, all of which are provided by Li Xing.

In this regard, Zhongjiao are inexplicable. Finally, one day, after ten black Jiao Jiao discussed, they decided to formally join the mixed Yuan empire to serve the empire.

Li Xing was naturally happy, and after obtaining the consent of the public, he planted an ancient kendo tree that was born out of that ancient civilization tree into the kendo plane. Nourished by Kendo civilization, this ancient tree immediately thrived.

Hundred years later, the ancient Kendo tree has grown into a towering tree, absorbing enough of the true meaning of Kendo. It is part of the ancient tree of civilization, and its growth is beneficial to the growth of the ancient tree of civilization.

So it didn't take long for the mixed Yuan civilization to advance from this level, from the 24th level to the 23rd level.

Subsequently, Li Xing increased his investment in the Kendo plane. As a result, the development of this ten-level advanced civilization has been more rapid, and masters have emerged for a while.

In addition, in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the mixed Yuan people, Li Xing agreed that every year, the mixed Yuan civilization had to compete with the Kendo civilization to promote the integration and competition between the two civilizations.

For the first few hundred years, the real people of the mixed Yuan were at a disadvantage. Kendo civilization focuses on killing and logging, and has strong attack power, which is not easy to defeat.

This result is ashamed of the real people who have never been defeated. They have always regarded themselves as heavenly pride and can hardly accept this fact. As a result, many real people practiced hard, seeking breakthroughs, and their potential continued to develop, and a large number of masters emerged one after another.

Black Yijiao's strength is roughly at the peak of Ninefold, White Yijiao is at the peak of Eightfold, and Blueyijiao is at the seventh level. Moreover, they all have the skill of killing swords. Once they are displayed, their combat power can soar two or three levels.

For example, Jiaojie Hei, if he shoots with all his strength, he can instantly soar the combat power to a level of eleven broken, but it can not last. But this is enough for Jiao, who can easily kill enemies stronger than herself.

If you want to defeat such a powerful opponent, it is absolutely impossible for a real person in Xunyuan to make two moves. Li Xing took the opportunity to impart the Wu Jing to everyone, and encouraged everyone to develop martial arts skills and practice the great killing tricks.

He even taught the first three tricks of mixed yuan marksmanship to real people with good qualifications.

So, five hundred years later, the real people of the mixed Yuan had already been able to fight against the Kendo Civilization Chamber. They had been tied to admire the people of the Kendo plane and were forced to work hard to avoid being overtaken by the real people of the mixed Yuan.

Unconsciously, this is nearly 1,000 years. For more than a thousand years, Li Xing's strength broke through to the tenth level, and civilization was elevated to the twenty-second level.

Of course, his biggest gain was the Kendo plane, and the improvement of the real people in Junyuan. In recent years, a large number of masters have emerged from the plane. From the fact that they can compete with the jewels of Kendo civilization, these can be seen How much do people become stronger.

In addition, those warships found in the site were also repaired one after another, and many treasures recovered from their powerful combat power were also sorted by Li Xing and stored in the warehouse.

Some that can be used at that time were used to select the plane.

In these years, Li Xing didn't just stay in one place to practice, he also scolded him away. In the meantime, he broke into some fierce dangers and gained a lot.

However, there are two places where he has not entered. These two places are known as the three most violent lands and the kendo civilization. They are an ancient cave and a deep pool of water.

Both Gudong and Tanshui have killed many masters. Since they can be regarded as the three major lands of kendo civilization, they are naturally extremely dangerous, so Li Xing was not in a hurry to enter. He decided to improve his strength first and wait for certainty. Go explore again.

This day has finally arrived ~ www.readwn.com ~ His strength has reached tenfold, and he is fully capable of entering the two fierce lands.

The first place that Li Xing was going to was a cave. The cave was unknown, but you were cold and cold, and I did n’t know how deep it was. People only know that anyone who has gone in has never come out. Several pavilions stood outside the cave for a few days, but eventually dared not go in.

After reaching the cave, Li Xing felt the biting cold wind blowing out of the cave, causing his hair to stand upside down. His expression calmed, but he stepped into the cave steadily.

In the distance, hundreds of monks watched him enter. When Li Xing stepped into the cave, they were all relieved.

"After all these years, he is finally going to make this hole!" Someone said excitedly.

"Yeah, I really want to know what's in this cave, it killed too many people!"

"You said, can the Yuanyuan Emperor come out?"

"It's best not to come out to kill the star. However, if he can crack the hole, it will not be a bad thing, it will be a dream that many of us have achieved for many years.

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