Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1322: Golden ocean

"He ... he actually came out, he wasn't dead!"

"Like the last time, he broke through two fierce lands, what did he see? What did he get? What exactly was in the hole?"

"This man is a wizard! It seems that the third fierce land will be destroyed by others. │ 飞 | 速 ∽ 中 | 文 | 网 'm"

Li Xing turned a blind eye to these eyes, he began to perform arts and quickly left the scene. After a while, he returned to the cultivation place and rested for a while.

It can be said that this time is different from breaking into the first fierce land, and only survived by virtue of luck. If it weren't for the phalanx, he believed that even if it was broken in the 20th and broken in the 30th, it would be killed.

That card is too sharp, too powerful, without a sharp edge, and it should not exist in the lower world. It must be created by the peerless characters on the mother star in the ancient times.

However, Li Xing does not think that his previous approach is reckless. In fact, these experiences, by accident, necessarily inevitably, in fact, with the wisdom of his advanced civilization, he can clearly predict good and bad.

The moment he entered the ancient cave, he knew that this trip would not fall, as long as he did not fall, then he could try it, which is why he dared to enter.

In fact, every great deity has this ability to predict. However, sometimes the change is too fast, and even the hunch can't save the party, so the **** thing is to die.

Li Xing has never relied on this so-called prophetic vision. If the prophetic vision could really save his life, then there would be no fall of the Great Celestial Master. Therefore, the main thing for him to do is to rely on wisdom and courage.

Here, after all the injured were recovered, Li Xing set off again and headed to the deep pond of the site's third fierce land. The fierce name of the pond is not inferior to the first two places. Many people died here.

When Li Xing entered the deep pool, it still attracted the attention of nearly ten thousand people. Nearly half of the people in the site ran over to see the excitement, as if sending a hero. Of course, these people don't think so, they just want to see the excitement and satisfy curiosity.

The moment he entered the deep pool, Li Xing felt wrong and did not want to go deep into the subconscious. However, he hesitated quickly after a little hesitation.

About ten breaths, not knowing the depth of the lameness, he saw that in the cold water, an ancient corpse corpse was huge, with a huge body and a head like a peak.

He has blonde hair, bronze skin, eyes closed, and there is no vitality. However, from this giant corpse, Li Xing could sense a familiar atmosphere, similar to the breath released by the big flower in the golden pond, which is similar to the seven, but without the majesty of that emperor.

This breath is equally sacred and noble. It is the only one in the sky and the earth, and proudly independent. This momentum alone can kill monks below fivefold broken, so there are many normal human-sized corpses near the huge corpses, densely packed, and I don't know how much they have accumulated.

Li Xing is most fond of collecting corpses. You must know that these corpses contain complete planes. If you refine them, they are all pure heaven and earth aura, or broken dans of varying levels.

The corpses were layered layer after layer, and Li Xing received numbness in his hands. Finally, more than 130,000 corpses and some corpses were loaded in the celestial furnace, most of which were five-fold broken, and the sea state was four-fold broken and three-fold broken. Monk.

These people died very simply. They were killed by oppression of the corpse at once, and the plane was ruined and ruined.

More than a hundred thousand broken planes have been refined into broken Dan, which is worth more than one trillion yuan.

After clearing the body, Li Xing officially looked at the body. He could clearly sense that there was a great and vast plane inside the giant corpse, and that place was the key to this trip.

Just imagine, how powerful is a character who can kill five broken pieces with the breath of a corpse? Doesn't his plane have endless treasures?

However, Li Xing was very calm. He found more treasures and encountered more dangers, so he didn't get any excitement. He just went on according to the plan.

After searching for a few days, he found an entrance easily into the plane of the giant from the position of the giant's brow bone. He did not hesitate to enter it instantly.

This is a huge plane, desolate and ancient. It is a pity that in this plane, every place is filled with the breath of magic breath. Such places, most of them breed breeding demons, are not good.

Not long after Li Xing appeared, before he could observe it in detail, he found that in all directions, countless fiendish demons rushed over. These magic ices were formed by tyrannical resentment and murder.

Because the people who release grievances and murders are too powerful, these demon heads are also outrageous. At either end, there are more than five broken pieces of repairs. They are thousands and densely packed, and they surround Li Xing like an ant colony.

Seeing so many fierce souls, Li Xing is not surprised, because he feels that these fiends are too suitable for refining war souls. Fighting against ancient trees, he can control the enemy's will and refining war souls.

"Good time!" Li Xingchang laughed, the whole body of Guanghua circulated, and the Yuanyuan rail started at this moment.

After entering the advanced Twenty-Three Civilizations, the Junyuan Sky Orbit evolved to an unbelievable level and possessed many peculiar abilities. At this moment, it is constantly moving the old trees of war to help it devour the demon head here.

These ancient war trees are all different, but it is quite difficult to swallow these powerful devil heads. But the magic of the hybrid Yuan orbit is that it can compress these demon heads into two-dimensional space-time, thereby reducing their level of power and making the ancient trees of war easy to handle.

Of course, this method can also be used when confronting the enemy, greatly weakening the enemy's combat effectiveness.

The space-time of the hybrid Yuan orbit is very complicated, with up to three thousand dimensions criss-cross, there are countless variables and countless paths, so it is unpredictable and difficult for the enemy to capture. ”It can also rely on several Dimension, to build a space-time, for the ### enemy, or hide the friendly forces.

I saw light and shadow changing, those eight broken, seven broken power of the demon, one by one by the ancient war tree ###, devoured, it will not be long before they will become the soul of war.

The process of refining ancient war spirits is very long, so Li Xing has no time to wait. He hits the demon blocking the road with one palm and walks deep. With the help of the mixed Yuan sky, even if the number of monsters is large and the strength is strong, he cannot be surrounded, and he can easily walk to any place.

After walking in such a huge plane for a few days, Li Xing saw nothing but the devil head, and seemed to have entered a world of devil heads.

In this way, more than a month later, he accidentally entered a zone without the presence of magic heads, filled with a breath of life, strong and mighty shore, which made Li Xing's heart shake, did the giant not die? Where is his jade god?

He quickly approached the source of the breath. After entering the ocean, the sea was full of golden, magnificent and boundless. And in the sea, flowing golden blood, each drop contains powerful and incomparable power.

"What is this?" Li Xingda was taken aback, rushed to the beach in one step, held out a handful of golden liquid, only felt that it was hot and noble, the sacred should not offend the breath, it was similar to the golden liquid that nourished the big flowers.

"Is both the same bloodline?" Li Xing thought.

At this moment, the blood river dormant under the ancient tree of civilization shook slightly. After this continued for a period of time, it suddenly burst out of the plane of the hybrid element, flying like a lightning in the golden rear.

However, the Blood River traveled many circles, and was afraid to throw itself into the golden sea, as if there was a kind of instinct awe, or the power contained in the Blood River, a natural surrender to the golden blood.

I don't know how many laps fly around, Blood River finally quieted down, it hovered quietly above the golden color, motionless.

Li Xing's big wonder, what's going on? In the blood river, but a collection of many ancient blood vessels of ancient times, how can it be afraid of golden blood? Could it be said that this golden blood also belongs to a powerful race in Swire?

He couldn't help but think of the blooming branch in the golden pond, took it out immediately, and threw it into the golden sea, and wanted to see if there would be any response. The scene that stunned Li Xing happened. As soon as the flowers entered Jinhai, they quickly recovered from withering.

It quickly gave birth to a beard, plunged into it, and with the undulating waves, it remained motionless. The blooming petals slowly closed again, it seemed that another baby was about to be born.

A flash of aura in Li Xing's mind, Gang Xinzhi, instantly cut through his fingers, dripped a drop of essence blood, attached a ray of will, and then plunged into the petals that were closing.

The blood dripped in, a golden light burst, and Li Xing's heart shook, and there was an inexplicable connection between the big flower and ~ www.readwn.com ~ When the flower petals were closed and gathered into buds, Li Xing knew that it was his clone.

"Sure enough! This flower stick is absolutely a supreme treasure. It can draw some kind of power and cultivate the corresponding creature. What is it?" Li Xing thought intently, his expression in wonder.

After standing by the seashore for more than ten days, Li Xing felt that in the buds, a pure blood power was constantly merging into his avatar. For a person like him, a drop of blood can be transformed into a clone, that is, a drop of blood is born again.

Even a hair, a breath, and an idea can be transformed into avatars. This is the power of the Great Celestial Master, incredible.

That drop of blood attached to Li Xing's idea could naturally form an avatar. Li Xing wanted to use this to discover the mystery of this thing, how to draw strength and to conceive a baby.

Therefore, he has been standing by the sea, watching quietly, motionless. In the buds, there have been changes all the time, and all these changes are in the hands of Li Xing.

Day after day, year after year, Li Xing turned into a statue, and the wind blew through. His clothes did not move. With a pair of eyes, he stared quietly at the flower bone, his eyes were deep in the sea.

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