Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1323: Archaic Protoss

In this way, the millennia of years quietly flowed away, the avatar in the bud finally completely merged with the blood, and a faint memory appeared in Li Xing's mind.

It was an unparalleled, huge star that was unimaginable. On the star, there are countless races, one of which is extremely powerful, they are born with noble blood. Disdain all kinds.

This race is very rare, but each member is extremely powerful, side by side, and dominates the superstar. They have blond hair, bronze skin, golden blood, and endless power.

These memories flashed in Li Xing's mind, letting him know the origin of this race. They came from the Archaeological Mother Star, one of the strongest races above the Mother Star, so they called themselves gods.

The “God” mentioned here has a different meaning from the “God” in the kingdoms of the gods. It represents omnipotence and invincibility. They were born to be the masters of heaven and earth, the rulers of the world, and the universe.

Therefore, this group is called "protoss".

Li Xing opened his eyes, and it was already clear in his heart that Hua Huazhi was able to draw the blood of God and infuse his avatar. For this avatar, let's call it the avatar of God.

This avatar is many times stronger than the original **** avatar, and the two are not in the same grade. However, it will take a long time before the birth of the avatar.

However, Li Xing's deity has also gained something. From the vague memory and the transformation process of the avatar, he realized a superb method, called the God of Heaven. This work is similar to the silkworm work he practiced.

The difference is that Tian Silk Gong can only be cultivated below Da Tianzun, and he was later incorporated into Da Luozhen's body skills. But this day, she is dedicated to the practice of Da Tianzun who is in the broken world.

Cultivation of this skill can continue to transform, and each transformation will be powerful once. If conditions permit, it will continue to be strong to the extent that it is broken, so that the world is invincible!

At present, Li Xing has fully comprehended this skill and can try cultivation in the future.

At this time, he sacrificed the heaven and earth flood furnace, took a lot of golden blood from the sea of ​​blood, and some of the blood was very precious. He was going to use it to refine some magical effects for the real people in Hunyuan.

In the millennium, the demon of the entire plane has either been collected by the ancient trees of war, or has been ### up and left to Li Xing in the future.

As a result of the war, the ancient tree possessed many powerful fighting spirits, the strongest being the ninefold broken, and the eight, seven, and six broken powerful fighting souls, which greatly enhanced the strength of the war avatar and the defense of the mixed plane Greatly improved.

Li Xing stepped out of the giant's plane and exerted unparalleled means to take this huge body directly into the plane of the mixed element and store it. Among the giant planes, his fourth avatar was born.

At present, the fourth avatar is still growing. In the future, this avatar will grow into a non-morning big existence, far exceeding the previous three avatars, because he is "God".

After receiving the corpse, Li Xing walked out of the deep pool for years. Outsiders had already gone. Most of them thought that Li Xing had already died. A few thought that Li Xing could survive. They did not have the patience to continue to wait.

Out of the deep pool, Li Xing immediately summoned the real people from Zhongjiao and Junyuan. For more than a thousand years, they have searched the entire site for almost everything they can find, and basically everything has been found, and the rest are fragmentary.

After inquiring about the situation during this time, Li Xing was very satisfied, and immediately led the people away from the ancient Tianting site, which was of little value to him.

Li Xing walked out of the site and was the first to find the ninth emperor.

Coincidentally, the ninth emperor's house is having a high feast. The people in the house naturally knew Li Xing's identity, and they were shocked and happy to see him. The housekeeper said, "Master Li is back! The ninth master is entertaining the disciples of Northern Wilderness Luomen, Aojian Datian."

Li Xing had heard of Da Luo Men long ago, and was created by his master. The great ancestor Luo was ranked third in the broken list of the Northern Wilderness. He was an extraordinary figure, and his cultivation was unpredictable.

He asked, "Why do the big Romans come?"

The steward said: "A female nun of Da Luomen in the ninth prime minister, he accepted it, so he invited Da Luomen to come."

Li Xing laughed and said, "Is this brother still romantic? Okay, you take me there."


The steward took Li Xing and went straight to the Temple of Heaven. At this time, the ninth emperor raised a glass to persuade the wine, and a man and a woman sat below. The man's hawk-nosed leopard has eyes, and his expression is dark.

The woman was born with all kinds of beauty, her eyes were like soft waves, and her attention was on the ninth emperor.

The ninth emperor persuaded, but the man did not move, coldly: "I do not drink."

The ninth emperor is very embarrassed and secretly angry. He said that this place is heaven. If you do this, you can't help but think of emperor. Li Xing arrived at this time and laughed: "Brother really is, there is no wine for his brother, but to give it to outsiders, it is not as big as you."

As soon as the words fell, Li Xing appeared in the main hall, grabbed a glass of wine from the table with a smile, and respected the ninth emperor. The ninth emperor was overjoyed and said, "Brother, you are out!"

Li Xing laughed: "Come out, let the elder brother wait for a long time." Then looked at the man and said nothing.

The ninth emperor was overjoyed. He stood up and pulled Li Xing to his side. The two sat on the throne of the emperor and laughed: "Brother, the time in the ruins is different from the outside. Actually you and I broke up soon. Wait a long time. "

When the man saw that Li Xing was so valued, he was very unconvinced and sneered, "I don't know who this person is, and can he get the respect of the ninth man?"

Li Xingdao: "Everyone is in Beihuang, I know you, under the guidance of Master Da Luo. The Great Emperor is a mixed Yuan, you should have heard of it."

"Hunyuan emperor?" The man sneered, "Unknown little soldier, how could I have heard of it?"

The woman became interested in Li Xing and said, "I know you, your mixed-yuan empire is very powerful. I heard that it has annexed a lot of great forces. Now it has joined the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce Alliance, hasn't it?"

Li Xing said with a smile: "Is this # ## good and well-informed news, don't you know how to tell Fang Ming?"

The man said angrily: "What kind of thing do you deserve to ask my sister's name?"

Li Xing stretched out his hand and tore through the void, and grabbed the man in his hand, as relaxed as a chicken, and said lightly, "I didn't hear you clearly."

The man's face changed drastically. He was a six-fold broken master. This kind of strength was already outstanding in the northern wilderness. I didn't expect that people would not be able to take a trick. Seeing Sen Ran's murderousness from Li Xing's eyes, he did not dare to speak hard, and said busyly: "I didn't say anything."

"Did not say?" Li Xing faced a cold face. "Are you deaf when you become the emperor?"

Seeing the arrest of the brother, the woman couldn't help but raise her grievance, and said, "Why are you so rude, and you just do it?"

Li Xing glanced at her, and smiled, "###, because he spoke well, I just taught him for Da Luomen."

"Da Luomen doesn't need anyone to take a shot." The woman stood up, "please drop him."

She leveled out, and suddenly released a ray of kendo around her body. At the same time, she also repaired her body to expose it, and it was broken in eightfold!

The ninth emperor's mouth twitched, and he could not help seeing the woman's cultivation before, and could not help but be shocked.

Li Xing laughed: "Why, you want to do it with me? But you are not yet qualified, so let the monks in my plane fight you."

After all, a white-dressed Jiao came out. This Bai Yijiao also has eight-fold broken strength, which is comparable to a woman's fanfare, which is just the challenge.

The woman was surprised at the sight of Bai Yijiao. He is known as the No. 1 in Da Luo Men, and even the proud Sword Emperor in front of him is far from his enemy. But he never expected that Li Xing had such a master of kendo in his plane.

For the same eyelashes, both can sense the sharp sword discouragement from each other's body, like a tiger encountering a tiger, and they should never treat each other like a lion.

"You have to make an ambassador first, otherwise there won't be a chance for a sword." Bai Yijiao said coldly, his breath was highly restrained.

The woman sneered, "I don't know what to say, I'll send out my sword first, I'm afraid you'll die right away."

Having said that, the woman did not dare to carelessly, stabbed with a sword, and thundered with lightning, the momentum was as rainbow. Bai Yijiao didn't move. It wasn't until Jianguang was in shape that he issued a sword.

The coquettish out of the Kendo civilization often masters the killing sword technique. Once this sword technique is exhibited, it can instantly improve its strength by two levels, from the eighth crush to the tenth crush.

I saw a flash of Jianguang, the woman ’s sword was completely scattered, one of her hair was cut in half, and she trembled back, her face full of fear.

Bai Yijiao received the sword, then gave a gift to Li Xing and the ninth emperor, and returned to the Xunyuan plane.

Li Xing shook his head and sighed, and said, "I still overestimated you, and didn't even take one move."

The woman's face was irritated, and she said coldly, "Hunyuan, what do you want to do?"

Li Xing laughed: "My elder brother wants to marry you, I just want to ask you, would you like to marry?"

The woman sneered: "Unfortunately, your brother's cultivation is not as good as mine ~ www.readwn.com ~ The tone turns," If I change to you, I can consider it. "

Li Xing laughed: "I won't think about it, because my mother-in-law is very fierce."

The woman turned her head and snorted, "You are willing, this girl doesn't agree yet!"

The ninth emperor sighed and was about to speak, but Li Xing said, "You are nothing but an eight-fold broken cultivation. This is nothing. Give us three days. After three days, you will receive a ninth emperor with a sword. Can't live. "

"Are you talking in a dream?" The woman sneered. "I'll see how you do it."

Li Xing dropped Aojian Sect and said, "So, see you in three days. Don't regret it."

The woman and the gray-faced Aojian Datianzun retreated, and the ninth emperor smiled bitterly: "Brother, what the **** are you doing? How can I fight her in three days? That's all right, then people will watch jokes."

Li Xing said positively: "When did the brothers lie to you, I can do it!"

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