Tian Xu Ge smiled a little, and said, "Yes, Tian Xu Men was created by old age. The elder who negotiated and cooperated with you before was also assigned by the old man. [Fly, Speed. Chinese? Text! Net"

Li Xing was silent, and the doubts that existed in his heart were resolved at this moment. Although he knew the system of the Beihuang Chamber of Commerce at the beginning, he judged that he would not question him about swallowing up the four districts of the alliance, but he would send someone to talk with him.

The subsequent negotiation process went smoothly, which surprised him. At this time, when I saw the old Tianxue Pavilion, everything made sense. This was the intention of the old Tianxue Pavilion. However, he didn't know what the Tianting Pavilion veteran was trying to do.

Tian Xu Ge said: "You don't seem surprised?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "This is a matter of reason and nothing unexpected. Your Majesty can stand out from the broken ancient road and achieve today's status and glory. Naturally, the four wastes have always been a place of concern in heaven. It's too powerful, and it's really effective in this way of internal control. "

Tianxue Pavilion nodded oldly: "Yes, Your Majesty is planning. As early as the establishment of the yin and yang civilization, he let the old man go to the Northern Wilderness to create his own territory. Now, the Tianxu Gate is the most powerful of the Northern Wilderness except the super power One of the ten forces. "

"Presumably the West, the East, and the South, there should also be forces in the heavenly courts. And the old man is only part of the plan, and the heavenly courts have more plans." Li Xingdao.

Tian Xu Ge smiled slightly: "That's nature. The reason why the court can take control of the world is not only our old bones, but also invisible power."

Li Xing nodded: "That's right."

"However, your appearance has broken the original plan of Tianting." Tianxu Ge looked at Li Xing with a full expression of admiration. "You are really a wizard. In just a few hundred years, you have already been in Beihuang. Foothold. As long as you give you enough time and give you a certain chance, the mixed Yuan Empire can definitely surpass the Tianxu Gate. "

Marshal Bingma said at this time: "Gao Lao meant to support the mixed Yuan empire as the second mixed Yuan empire to make it stronger. However, the heavenly court still has some scruples about the mixed Yuan empire."

Li Xing said coldly: "When the mixed empire of the Yuan Dynasty sat up, it would abandon the court of heaven and stand on its own? Or would I rebel against the court of heaven and surrender to the land?"

Marshal Bingma smiled "Hehe" and said, "This is also a draw for people. When your strength is strong enough, why should you be under the control of heaven? If it were me, I would choose to fly alone and rule the North. "

Li Xing asked: "Grand Marshal, dare to ask what is the reason for the court to control the four wastes?"

"Yes." Marshal Bingma said, "The four wastelands are many times larger than the heavenly courts, and the masters are like clouds. However, at present, it has always been in a loose state. The best thing in the heavens is that one day, there will be a strong character who unites all four. Famine. Don't say that there is a unified four wastes. As long as you can unify any great waste, you can fight against the heaven and make the rule of heaven unstable. "

"So Heaven must be prepared for such figures and forces. Once they appear, they should be strangled in the cradle. For those forces that may become stronger, they must also be monitored at all times to count everything possible."

Li Xingdao: "So, isn't it impossible for the mixed empire to become strong, and at most it can only be used as a chess piece in heaven?"

"That may not be so." Tianxu Pavilion veteran said, "Supporting the mixed-yuan empire means the emperor of heaven, and he is obliged to act as if he is obsolete. His Majesty seems to be unsupportive to you. He has gone to meet you in person. This kind of thing has never happened. . "

Li Xing didn't mean to be flattered at all, and said coldly, "In the next little man, there doesn't seem to be such a big face, what is all this for?"

"Good question!" Said Tian Xuge, "Old man can answer you now."

"First, the potential of the mixed Yuan empire is good. Especially with the recent destruction of several major forces, the results of the war have shocked us old guys, and we are very optimistic about you."

"Second, you are a person who has mastered the core laws of yin and yang. Do you know this better than anyone?" Tian Xuge looked at Li Xing, saying, "Having the core laws of yin and yang represents you. At any time, you can open up a secondary yin and yang civilization and become the second person under the emperor. So far, you are the only one. "

Li Xing slowly exhaled and asked, "When did it start?"

This sentence was asked inexplicably, but Tianxu Pavilion knew it, and replied: "The moment you turn to rebirth, your Majesty will know. The strange things that happened in this era cannot be concealed from His Majesty. . "

"So the heaven court tolerated me for the Jiuyang Rule?" Li Xing asked indifferently.

"Not only the heaven court, but also the prefecture will tolerate you to obtain the rule of Jiuyin." Tianxu Pavilion said, "Do you know why?"

Li Xing thought about it: "Approximately, regardless of heaven or land, I think of me as a pawn."

"This statement is not wrong." Tian Xuge's old expression gradually condensed. "Actually, even the Emperor of Heaven, this is just a passer-by of the heavens and the earth. He can only be the master of the moment, and cannot live forever."

"I know this, the Lord of Yin and Yang will disappear after this period, this is the rule." Li Xingdao.

"This is not a rule." Tianxuge shook his head. "This is controlled by some powerful will. They stand high, look down on civilization, and control everything. These people are called controllers."

Li Xing was very surprised: "Master? I have met the master. Do they have such ability to interfere with the emperor?"

Tian Xuge sneered sneerly: "The so-called controllers you see are only very low-level beings. Strictly speaking, they can only be counted as the incarnation of the controller's will. There are countless others that you will encounter in the future. To more. "

"The operation of this heaven and earth is controlled by those wills, and every civilization master will not be willing to be controlled by them. They will all resist." Ge Lao stared at Li Xing. may."

Li Xing was taken aback: "Me?"

"Yes, you." Tianxu Pavilion said, "The controllers control everything, and no one can violate them. They are the spokespersons and practitioners of the highest will. However, the controllers can only control the beings in the plane of heaven and earth. The souls of the world will not be disturbed by them. "

Li Xing's heart jumped. He had thought of this for a long time, but it was the first time he heard it from the characters of the old man in the court.

He quickly adjusted his emotions and asked, "Who is the Supreme Will as mentioned by the old man? Where do the masters and orderers come from? What are the goals of the two and Supreme Will to control the universe? How can I be What's the key to fighting all this? "

Ge Lao smiled, "Let me answer you one by one. The so-called supreme will belongs to the ultimate existence of the heaven and earth plane, no one has ever seen it, even it has always been only a legend. Presumably you have also thought about a question, Where does the heaven and earth plane come from, and does it also have the great plane, like us? "

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, I have been thinking about this question, but I cannot find the answer. My level is too low to touch this level."

"Yeah, our level is too low to discuss this issue at all. So the existence of the supreme will is only a speculation at present, unless a higher-level controller is willing to stand up and tell the truth to the world, it will always be It's just a guess. "

Li Xing has always believed that since the mixed world was created by man, the dragon elephant world was created by man. Almost all the planes in the universe were developed by man. Is n’t the main plane also developed by an ultimate person?

No one can answer this question, only to think over and over again. Today, he finally asked the old man, but the promise he got was also vague and uncertain.

"About the second question." Tianxu Pavilion veteran, "The orderer and the controller are born from the sympathy of many civilizations and heaven and earth. They may be born naturally, or they may be born by humans and beasts. The person in charge is most likely to be recognized by the highest will, and thus obtain unparalleled strength, representing the highest will to control this world. "

"The third question, old age can't answer." Tianxu shook his head. "If there is a supreme will, what is his purpose, not what we can know."

Li Xing nodded: "The fourth question, please answer me in detail."

Ge Lao: "The old man said that ~ www.readwn.com ~ The controller cannot interfere with your destiny or control what you do. People like you were once called destroyers. The number of destroyers is far less than There are many orderers, and it is often that external forces enter the theme, thus sympathizing with heaven and earth, and the kind of people born, even beasts, elves and demons. "

"The saboteurs are called saboteurs because they can ignore the rules and order. And for this reason, you have the opportunity to become the master of the yin and yang."

Li Xingdao: "I don't seem to be a special case. There are more than one spoiler in the world."

"Yes ÷ In fact, it is difficult for the saboteur to survive because of the order between heaven and earth." Tianxu Pavilion said, "The reason why you live to this day and have today's achievements is that both heaven and earth are indulging in You. You can remember that you first got Jiu Yang Gong's cultivation method, and then got Jiu Yin Gong's method. Two kinds of exercises cover your vandal status and make you go all the way to today. "

Li Xing set off a stormy sea, and he has been doubting this. Once confirmed today, it is like being poured down by a basin of ice water, and his military body is cold. From the moment of Li Xing's possession of his soul, his every move was under the surveillance of others, and all his progress and growth were only moving towards a goal, which was to be used by the heaven or the land. piece!

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