Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1326: Civilization Contract

Seeing that Li Xing's face was ugly, Tianxu Pavilion said, "Even if you don't like this reality, you should also see that it is the reason why you can live to the present and grow up. [飞 | 速: 中, 文 | 网"

"Also tell you that there is a limit to the indulgence of heaven and earth government to you. If both find that you are not expected to bring the Yin and Yang era to death, you will lose all value. Because the saboteur though It's rare, but it's not just one of you, so you have to understand that you can only be a valuable person if you work for the heavenly courts and are loyal to the heavenly courts. "

Li Xing calmed down quickly and said lightly: "I see, I will do my best to work for heaven in the future."

Ge Lao nodded with satisfaction: "You understand, just cooperate with Heaven. The mixed Yuan empire will quickly become strong, and you will become a peerless powerhouse, which will benefit each other."

"Presumably, the old man has already figured out the means to ensure my allegiance to the heaven, isn't it?" Li Xingdao said, if he is the old man and the heavenly court, he will certainly take certain measures.

Tian Xu Ge stared at Li Xing and said, "Yes, this is why the old man called you today. You and Tian Tian must have a trust."

"Please speak straight." Li Xing said.

"The method is very simple. You must enter into a civilized contract with the court of heaven," said the old man. "The contract can restrict you from doing only things that are beneficial to the court of heaven."

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "I have heard of the contract of civilization. It is said that once the contract is completed, it cannot be changed. The contractee will be subject to the contractor's life throughout his life. Unless the contractee can achieve a satisfactory civilization, he can break free of this bond.

"You really have broad knowledge, yes, that's it. You will be the contractee, and the old man will be the contractor who writes the contract. Between you and me, a contract will be established." Tian Xu Ge said, "You will make it now. Decide, agree, or disagree. "

Li Xing didn't seem to hesitate and immediately said: "I naturally agree. I have said that I will be loyal to the heaven. This is not empty words."

Tianxu Pavilion is very happy and said: "Old is not wrong with you at the beginning, you are not only clever, but also decisive, OK, very good!"

Li Xing laughed, "I can continue to grow and expand my power under the shelter of Heaven. What else is more pleasing than this? As for the contract, that's okay. As long as I stay loyal to Heaven, my contract will not restrict the mixed-yuan empire. Growth. "

"Oh, well said, let's not delay, let's get things done now." Then, in the palm of his hand, a breath of civilization arose, in which extremely complex civilization runes circulated.

The strength of the Tianxue Pavilion has reached fifteenth level, and it is a civilized celestial being. Therefore, the contract he entered into is very strict, and Li Xing cannot do anything.

He glanced at the civilized runes. As a civilized deity, he could understand the meaning of these runes softly. However, he did not hesitate, at that time he reached out his palm, turned it over, and pressed it lightly.

In his palm, there are also civilized runes flowing, representing profound meaning. Every civilization has a word. At this time, Li Xing concluded the contract with the text of the mixed civilization, and Tianxu Pavilion used the text of the civilization.

This contract is so strong that it cannot be regretted.

After the two sides exchanged text, Li Xing felt his civilization as if **** by a chain, and he would carry the chain with him whenever he came to him.

Tianxu Pavilion felt that there was an extra rope in his hands, and this rope could always feel Li Xing. In particular, once Li Xing did something that would harm the heavenly courts, the mixed civilization would immediately fluctuate and let him know.

At this time, the old idea of ​​Tianxu Pavilion was able to launch contract punishment, which caused great harm to Li Xing. For example, civilization regresses, and even destroys civilization.

The main content of the contract is that Li Xing submits to heaven and only does things that are good for heaven. In terms of heaven, Li Xing will also try to meet Li Xing's growth needs, help her expand its forces, cooperate with each other, and so on.

When the palms of the two were separated, the old "Haha" of Tianxue Pavilion laughed and said, "This thing is not rewarding! Li Xing, you are the first destroyer to establish a contract with the court of heaven, and the court of heaven must be abnormal to you. Attention! "

Li Xingdao: "Thank you for the old cultivation."

Marshal Bingma also laughed: "Yes, Li Xing, you will be a real peacemaker in the future, and you will soon become a hegemon!"

After the contract was signed, Marshal Bingma and Tianxu Pavilion veterans were obviously closer to Li Xing, and they stayed with him for three more days, talked about some current times in the North, and talked about the progress of the Tianting and Difu wars.

Three days later, Li Xing left and left.

Li Xing returned to Taiping and immediately called everyone to meet and talked about his experience during the trip. The crowd was delighted to know that Li Xingxiu had been broken to tenfold, and that they had gained a great deal in the ancient Tianting ruins.

When they heard that Li Xing was forced to enter into a contract, they were extremely angry. Li Ba was furious: "Why should my father be willing to be constrained by heaven? With the strength of our mixed Yuan empire, we can go out independently and lay down a country in the Four Desolates."

Others also thought in this way, expressing their dissatisfaction with the heavens and being puzzled by Li Xing's approach.

The emperor Li Gui thought for a moment, but said, "I think that my father did this very pathologically." He looked at the crowd, "You forgot one thing, that is, this contract can only be effective in civilizations below the perfect level."

Taiyi Datianzun said: "But Her Majesty, how difficult is that successful civilization? Even if the emperor can step in, that will be a long time later."

The Emperor did not answer, but looked at Li Xing, and said, "Please let my father tell them what you think."

Li Xing laughed: "You think so because you haven't seen the situation clearly. I ask you, who are the enemies of the mixed empire in the near future?"

Everyone thought about it, some said it was the gate of order, some said it was the great power of the Northern Famine, and some said it was the prefecture.

After hearing, Li Xing said, "You are right. All the above forces are currently likely to be the enemy of the empire. In contrast, the recent heavenly court will not only become an enemy of the mixed empire, but also an empire. A strong impetus. "

When Li Xing said so, Li Ba immediately said: "I understand, my father's meaning, to resolve the recent matter first is to let the empire grow and grow, and then we can deal with the enemy in the distant future."

Li Xing nodded: "Whether Tianting will become an enemy is hard to say. It can only be said that it is possible, so now it is not necessary to turn around and stand on the opposite side. And even if there is a day when the anti-purpose of Tianting really does, I have Way to terminate the contract. "

As soon as Li Ba's eyes lighted up, did this sentence tell everyone that he was confident that he would eventually enter a successful civilization?

Li Xing added: "In the court of heaven, we don't need to think too much about it now. What the empire has to do now is to expand." He exclaimed, "After years of development and accumulation, we are already strong enough, it is time to show our teeth and expand Construction site. "

"Expansion of the site requires strong force. It can unify the strength of the entirety-ninety-nine districts. This will be a huge force. In addition, I will introduce to you the new members of the empire, the jealous people of Kendo civilization. "

Speaking, Li Xing opened a portal in front of him, and a famous Jiao stepped out of the portal. ☆ In front of it was Jin Yijiao, followed by Black Yijiao, White Yijiao, Blue Yijiao and so on.

Everyone was taken aback when they saw these Jiao, and their powerful momentum, and someone exclaimed: "My God! Where are so many masters, where did your Majesty come from?"

The Jiao people met the old people of the mixed empire one by one and were familiar with each other. Then, those puppet real people who also became strong under the pressure of Jiao came out, and their breath was equally terrifying and powerful.

This is not to say, Li Xing took out a large number of ancient Tianting battleships, which can be found in the ancient Tianting ruins, which can enhance the combat effectiveness. Of course, there are other treasures he found in the site. Most of these treasures will be sent to the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, and a small amount will be rewarded to the empire members.

This is not to mention. In the thought of Li Xing, the great war lord appeared, leading a large number of old war trees. Some old war trees are not morning, and a considerable number of them are broken with five or more fighters.

It turned out that in the ancient Tianting ruins and the giant plane, a large number of battle souls were refined into battle souls by Li Xing, which is definitely an extremely horrific fighting force. Once the war breaks out, the ancient war tree can release a lot of broken souls.

Seeing that the strength of the empire was actually so powerful, everyone was encouraged and felt that with this kind of strength, it would not be difficult to level the four wastelands.

However, Li Xing's next words calmed them down, and he said in a deep voice: "These powers can indeed make the empire run rampant, but they are still too weak compared to the real power. You know, Tianxuege is old What level of combat power? He is fifteen-fold broken, and he is a civilized god, and he can blow this emperor to death! "

"And ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tianxumen is not the most powerful. Beihuang also has a force for the birth of a successful civilization. It is really powerful. In comparison, what is the mixed yuan empire? "

At this moment, he turned his voice and said, "But we don't have to be arrogant, as long as we move forward steadily, the empire will one day become the first force in the Northern Wilderness and the first force in the Four Wilderness!"

The crowd roared loudly, and the sound shook.

Li Xing smiled and announced: "Take your weapons, the battle is about to begin!"

On the same day, the mixed-yuan empire began to dispatch a large number of troops, dividing the troops into eighty-one roads. At the same time, it launched an attack on nearby forces, large and small, and recently repelled the Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce to unite and constantly harass the border.

However, due to Li Xing's order to hide the dark, the imperial generals have been tolerating. But today, they don't have to put up with it anymore, urging warships, wielding weapons, and attacking those forces that have not only shown off their powers.

The powerful fighting power of the mixed yuan empire was displayed at this time, and it was invincible. In just three days, it won all 81 districts!

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