Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1328: Invincible

Although Li Xing's soul came from thirty-three heavens, his physical body was born in the dragon elephant world. At the beginning, he also had difficulty in cultivation because the spirit and flesh could not fit together, and it was not resolved until later.

Today, he burned away all the remaining physical breath, and since then he has nothing to do with the dragon elephant world, naturally he is no longer affected by the dragon elephant's will.

The ancestor of Wujie was taken aback, surprised: "How did you do that? Actually erase the breath of the inheritance, how is this possible?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "Most people can't do this naturally, but it's not too difficult for me. Without robbing the ancestor, what tricks do you have, although you can make it out?"

After a moment of surprise, the ancestor of Wucai was calm again, and he laughed: "Yes, you are really interesting, old and a little bit want to kill you."

"Unfortunately, even if you don't want to kill me, I still want to kill you." Li Xing coldly, "I have some fate with the dragon elephant, after all, I have to report this revenge."

"Really? Poor boy, you have no idea what the situation is, and you are so rampant. People like you often end up with very miserable results." The ancestor of Wujiao shook his head and said, "Do you know why the old man is called 'Wujiao" ? "

Li Xingdao: "I don't know, will you tell me?"

"It doesn't matter if I tell you." Wujie ancestor said, "But the premise is that you must worship the old husband's door, and then serve the old husband."

Li Xing laughed: "Old thing, are you frustrated? Are you crazy or not? Take a shot first!"


The body of the gun shook, a ray of murder locked the ancestor, and Li Xing directly displayed the fourth style of the mixed yuan gun method, pointing directly at the ancestor. The power of this type of gun method, once exhibited, can make Li Xing's combat power soar to the peak of twelve broken pieces, and he is fully capable of injuring such characters.

Feeling Li Xing's powerful combat power, the ancestor of Wucai's eyes brightened and said: "Good boy! You can actually use killing to increase the power of the two, and it is really amazing!"

When I saw his big sleeve wave, a surging force smashed out. It was very weird to block Li Xing's gun power. The gun power pierced by Li Xing came into contact with it, and he suddenly lost his wounds. Force, become soft.

His face changed, the gun trembled, and another shot stabbed. The latter still made a big move, which also made Li Xing's killing moves lose their lethality and could not pose a threat to it at all.

The ancestor of No Robbery laughed and said, "Junior, do you now know why the old husband's name is no longer Robbery? No calamity can bless the old husband, so no one can kill the old husband!"

Li Xing's heart sank. If he didn't say anything, then I'm afraid he won't be killed today, leaving a big trouble. He immediately ordered Twelve Jin Yijiao to form a mixed-up jacket on the periphery, forming a siege of Wujie.

These Jin Yijiao have the same combat power as Li Xing. Once they form a killing line, their lethality will naturally be strong, and they will lock the ancestors without looting. However, the same phenomenon happened. As soon as their sword gas came into contact with the force without robberies, they would lose their lethality and become a drizzle without threat.

"Junior, it's useless, Hugh said it's you. Even if the emperor is close, he can't treat the old man. How about, the old man gives you another chance to worship the door without robber, and the old man will spare you." .

Li Xing snorted: "Of course I can't kill you, you can't kill me either."

"If the old man kills you, only in one thought." The ancestor of Wujie said coldly, "If you don't believe it, the old man will cut you off first!"

In other words, the ancestor of No Calamity locked in Li Xing, and the latter suddenly felt a scourge of calamity coming and suppressed him. At this time, Li Xing had a feeling that no matter where he went, there would be endless calamities and calamities, which would completely kill him.

"What's going on?" He was startled and froze for a moment.

The ancestor of Wujie gazed at Hanguang and said, "Break!"

Hearing only a "click" sound, a thunderbolt landed from the void, hit Li Xing, hit him with somersault, his right arm was scorched, and felt tingling.

"What is this thunder? It's so powerful!" Li Xing was surprised.

Even more surprised than Li Xing was the ancestor without robbery. The thunder that had just fallen was one of the five great disaster mines. It was supposed to have broken his arm. In fact, Li Xing suffered only minor injuries, not even injuries.

As soon as Li Xing shook his arm, the scorched skin returned to truth, he said coldly, "This is what you call a killing?"

The ancestor of Wucai snorted heavily: "It was the old man who looked down on you and did not expect your plane to be so strong. But it does not matter, the old man will let you see the real strength and destroy me!"


In the direction of Li Xing, the void on all sides collapsed, and an infinite calamity and thunder fire appeared. It surrounded Li Xing and launched a horrific bombardment. Li Xing turned into an electric ball at this moment. The thunder kept blasting, the smoke was billowing, and the wind was blowing.

This situation lasted for a full half an hour before the ancestors stole the disaster mines. Everyone saw that at this time Li Xing seemed to be picked out of the pot ash, only one pair of eyes was not black.

Li Xing slightly released his breath, and a layer of dead skin fell off his body, but he was still not harmed. ÷ In fact, when the infinite disaster thundered, he quietly used the hybrid Yuan sky rail to introduce this power into the giant's Into the plane, and then into the sea of ​​golden blood.

These Rays of Light fell into the sea of ​​blood, and all of them were absorbed by the cubs he had bred in the big flower. The avatars are undoubtedly very powerful. This little Ray of Light can't help him.

Li Xing glared at the ancestor, saying: "Old things are blowing loudly, but this kind of injury can only tickle the emperor. What else can you do to make it out of trouble?"

The reality is that there is something weird on this ancestor, and he can't kill him at all. Of course, today's ancestral master has the same headaches as Li Xing, because he cannot hurt Li Xing either.

"What is there on your body?" Wujie ancestor stared at Li Xing. He was not a fool. He naturally felt the thunder from his own body, and most of them did not know where he was going.

Li Xing said coldly: "This is also the question I want to ask. What is there on your body that will save you from all disasters?"

The ancestor of Wujie stared at Li Xing, and Li Xing was doomed to the other side. After a while, the ancestor of Wujie sneered, "Although the old man can't kill you, he can kill other people!"

Li Xingyang raised his eyebrows: "How? You want to start with the mixed Yuan empire? I advise you, or die, because with your old bones, it is not enough to look at."

"When the old man was in the middle of the north, the junior was not born yet, let's walk and see!" He stopped paying attention to Li Xing, and disappeared as soon as his body flashed.

Li Xing said to Twelve Jiao: "Return to the empire, treat this old thing hard!"

The ancestor of Wucai really did nothing to force him. He originally intended to use his own advantages to get rid of Li Xing in one fell swoop. However, it was unexpected that the other party also had extraordinary means, and his attack was completely exempted.

Therefore, he decided to start with the mixed Yuan empire established by Li Xing, and to destroy this huge empire a little bit. With his twelve-fold broken cultivation and his strong advantage of not being afraid of any attack, he believes it is no problem to destroy the mixed empire.

On the other hand, Li Xing returned to the mixed empire earlier, took out the ancient altar, and forcibly communicated with the strange power of the altar representative.

"How about we make a deal?" Li Xing's idea was put into the altar.

It didn't take long for a dozen powerful thoughts to come out of the altar, the main idea was to ask what the deal was.

Li Xingdao: "There is a person who is not afraid of any calamity, and ignores any attacks. I suspect that he has a treasure on his body that can transform disasters. I wonder if you have any way to restrain this power. If possible, I will cooperate with you and take this People refine. "

Those thoughts replied: The Proto-Altar has been damaged, so that we cannot come down with enough power, I am afraid we cannot complete it. That person's strength has reached twelve levels of shattering, out of his ability.

Li Xingdao: "It's easy, as long as you tell the mystery of the Proto-Altar, I can repair it."

Obviously, those wills were unacceptable to this suggestion, and they only responded after a long time: this matter involves confidentiality, and we cannot agree.

Li Xing sneered: "Confidential? Do you really not know when I am? You people are actually ### in a secret time and space, I do not know what means will be used to lower the will through the Protero Altar to the lower bound, I said Right? "

These wills were taken aback ~ www.readwn.com ~ They did not expect that Li Xing actually made their general situation so clear ÷ In fact, Li Xing is now a high-level civilization, with the help of the ancient tree of civilization, The power of reckoning is unparalleled in the world, and it is reasonable to know this.

After being shocked, those wills finally agreed to Li Xing's request and conveyed a ray of thoughts to the bottom of the thoughts, which contained many messages that surprised Li Xing, involving the source of civilization and the ancient mother star.

The message is as follows: In the era of Taikoo Mother Star, they were all characters who followed Taikoo Heavenly Emperor, and each of them had a powerful fighting force and an extraordinary position. Later, the ancient heavenly courts collapsed, and they also lost their homes, and were concentrated by the rulers of later generations ### on somewhere in the source of civilization.

Naturally, these people were unwilling to submit to this. They all had supreme ability, so they used a certain opportunity to create the Proto-Altar. This altar is very peculiar. The material used to make it is an extraterrestrial iron, which does not belong to the plane of heaven and earth.

The peculiar materials, combined with the extraordinary power of these great figures, have made the Proto-Altar altar have a magical function. It has landed under the Nether, and has had numerous masters, one of the most successful of which is the Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. In the era of Taikoo Mother Star, they were all characters who followed Taikoo Heavenly Emperor, and each of them possessed a powerful fighting force and an extraordinary position. Later, the ancient heavenly courts collapsed, and they also lost their homes, and were concentrated by the rulers of later generations ### on somewhere in the source of civilization.

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