Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1329: No hack

The role of these people in building the Provincial Altar is to allow them to absorb and refine all powers, and these powers will be transported to them through a mysterious channel to break their seal.

At that time, the Protoss of the Proterozoic era used the Protossic Altar ### to pass countless tall people, so that these behind-the-scenes characters gained a lot. Therefore, it is also good for these people to be able to recover the altar of the Proterozoic.

One of the most important information is the mystery of the Proto-Altar, which is related to a supreme mystery, which is called the secret to eat some of the people's so-called secrets, and one of them is to eat the heavens and the earth. Mystery.

Once this mystery is performed, it can refine all powers, turn it into its own use, and be domineering and weird.

I have to say that the mystery of swallowing the heavens and the earth fits well with Li Xing's mixed-yuan civilization. At that time, Li Xing's mixed Yuanding also had similar functions, which could refine all power and use it for his own purposes.

In addition, the treasure earthen furnace in Li Xing's hands also has similar effects, but it is not enough to swallow the heavens and earth.

Therefore, after getting the Secret of Devouring Heaven, Earth, and Food, Li Xing suddenly had an idea in his mind, that is to combine the civilization of the mixed Yuan Dynasty, the celestial furnace of heaven and earth, and the secret of engulfing the Earth and Eat, refining one. The treasure of civilization.

Although his mixed yuan gun is powerful, he has not yet advanced to the level of Wenzhibao, so he is eager to get a treasure of civilization to cooperate with his mixed yuan civilization and improve combat effectiveness.

After receiving the information, Li Xing immediately entered the gate of time and set about repairing the Proto-Altar. Prototype altars and other treasures were created by the great people of the ancient times. The internal structure is extremely complicated and powerful.

However, Li Xing has advanced civilization and knows the secrets of the altar, so there is a considerable chance to repair this object.

When repairing the altar, the first priority is to find a lot of precious materials. It is the strength of the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce. Within three days, the materials were found and transported over.

These materials are extremely difficult to find, such as one of them, which is close to the skull of the Supreme Broken Man. The North Emperor's head happened to be in Li Xing's hands, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to pass the material alone.

The second thing is to provide a strong ancient blood, it is easy to replenish the vitality of the altar. Li Xing directly took blood from the golden sea of ​​blood, and took three days and three fluids to give the ancient altar to the Feed.

The third thing is the final restoration. This process depends on the construction of ancient trees and ancient miracles.

Within the gate of time, the repair process lasted for an unknown amount of time, anyway, a month passed outside the gate of time. A month later, a mysterious black light burst out of the gate of time, and the entire empire of the Yuan Dynasty was enveloped all at once.

This situation only lasted for a moment, and Wu Guang heard the news again. Later, Li Xing supported the Proto-Altar and walked out of the gate of time.

At this time, the Provincial Ancient Altar was more powerful than it was before it was restored, making Li Xingdu holding it hairy. Because he could feel that a few wisps of mighty will come directly to the altar through a mysterious channel, so that the altar has powerful power.

At this time, even the ancient altar, Li Xing couldn't estimate how powerful it was. It just felt that even the twenty-fold broken master might not be able to escape its ## 化.

As soon as Li Xing came out, he heard bad news. It turned out that the ancestor of Wucai had already attacked the mixed empire as early as half a month ago. Fortunately, the mixed Yuan empire responded quickly and directly dispatched a mother ship to round up.

The mother ship was so powerful that even the ancestors who did not rob them had to jealous, so there was not much loss, just a few warships were destroyed and several chambers of commerce were destroyed.

As soon as Li Xing came out, he went to look for the ancestor.

At this moment, Yuan Jie is fighting with four Jinyijiao. By virtue of his advantage, he has killed four Jiao blood-stained shirts. All of them were wounded. These days, thanks to the Jiao people who came forward to resist, otherwise the mixed Yuan Empire The loss is even greater.

As soon as Li Xing appeared, he shouted, "No old man, you'll be killed!" Immediately he urged the mixed gun and killed him fiercely, and replaced four Jin Yijiao.

Upon seeing the return of Li Xing, the ancestor Wujie said with a smile, "junior, have you learned anything else? Otherwise, you know you can't help the old man, what are you doing out there?"

Li Xing cried out: "Old thing, I already know **** you. If you don't leave, you will regret it!"

The ancestor of Wujie laughed: "You junior is really naive, thinking that one word can scare the old man away? No one can kill the old man, and the old man will slowly consume you until the power of the entire mixed Yuan empire is exhausted. Kill everything you can kill, destroy everything you can! "

Li Xing angered: "Old things are shameless. Since you can't fight me, what's the point of doing this? It's better for you and me to stop and shake hands, how about it?"

"Unless you want to worship the old husband's door, the others have not been discussed."

Li Xing was furious, fighting closely, the gun light flashed, stabbed repeatedly, and played the fourth style to the fullest, but did not hurt the other party.

No robbery: "You don't have to waste your energy and obey the old husband's door, otherwise you know the consequences. You can't kill me, but I can keep killing the people around you."

"Really? You see what this is!" Li Xing sighed, suddenly thrown out of the heavens and earths furnace, and shrouded his head.

The heaven and earth flood furnace, as Li Xing's ascension and promotion, is also a tenfold broken magic weapon. As soon as it came out, the ancestor laughed and said, "You junior is funny, don't you think that using this gadget can ### 于 我?"

Anyway, he did not hide, he reached out and patted the heaven and earth Hong furnace, wanting to smash this treasure with one palm ↓ At this moment, the furnace mouth of the heaven and earth Hong furnace sprayed thousands of black light, and he shrouded it all at once .

As soon as Wu Guang fell, the ancestor felt a powerful killing without robbing him. He could actually touch his body, exclaiming, "What is this?"

Li Xing stood coldly on his side and said, "You should have heard of the Proto-Altar, which was used by the great Protagonist of the Yuan Dynasty."

Yuanzhuang ancestor shouted: "Impossible! The altar has already been damaged. Even if it is, it is impossible ### 老夫, what treasure is this?"

The words fell, and the Yuan Dynasty altars flew out of the heavens and earth's flood furnaces. This made Yuan Jie ’s ancestor pale and stared at Li Xing, saying again and again: "Junior, you are doing well, good!"

Li Xingdao: "The altar under the Yuan Dynasty has been partially repaired. Although it has not reached the power of its heyday, but ### you don't care. You have said that you can go to all disasters by name, do you know if you can escape under the Altar of the Proterotype?"


Wu Guang shook violently, and Yuanzhuang's ancestor vacated a layer of golden light to protect him. But Jin Guang persisted for a while, and was crushed by Wu Guang, and a fist-sized golden bead flew out of him.

"Old man's no jealous bead!" The ancestor without jealousy was shocked and reached out to snatch, but was bound by the black beam, unable to move.

Li Xing glanced at the bead, looking very helpless, because according to the agreement, this thing belongs to the altar and he must not possess it.

Sure enough, the next moment, the will behind the altar was excited and said, "It's no jealousy, so good!"

Then he saw the bead flicker, and disappeared out of thin air. It seemed that he was forcibly absorbed into a certain mysterious space-time instead of refining.

The ancestor's body without robbery also turned into flying ash, leaving only a ray of voice: "Li Xing, the husband's deity will not let you go, we will have a period later!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Rest assured that the Great Emperor will cut his deities by then!"

The ancestor of Wucai disappeared, but the treasures in his plane appeared as much. According to the agreement, these belonged to Li Xing, so he did not hesitate to take them one by one.

The ancestor of Wucai was in the abyss of ransacking, and he didn't know how many epochs he had spent. I saw one battleship, one pile of forged alchemy, one piece of innate magic weapon, one rune of runes, and countless counts.

Li Xinglue estimated that the wealth was more than three times the total wealth of the entire Shihuang Chamber of Commerce and the mixed Yuan Empire!

This undoubtedly caused the will in the altar to fly, conveying a hint to Li Xing: "It's cheaper for your boy."

Li Xing said coldly: "What? Do you want to repent?"

"Hmm! What kind of identity do we have, will you break your word to this little guy?" A cold-willed one disappeared.

Li Xing wanted to ask a few questions, but he didn't get a reply for a long time, so he gave up.

An ancestor with no robberies filled the mixed empire and made the next development a lot smoother, at least there would be no shortage of resources.

After beating and killing, Li Xing entered the gate of time. He has two things to do now, the first is to refine a treasure of civilization. The second is to revive the dragon elephant.

Although he has nothing to do with the Dragon Elephant, he is entangled with karma after all. In order to be able to overcome this cause and effect, he decided to resurrect the dragon elephant.

In fact, ~ www.readwn.com ~ he sent the dragon elephant boy to look for the fragments, but it has been unsuccessful. Later, I got the theme of the dragon elephant world, but found that there is no vitality, civilization is lost, and it is impossible to resurrect.

However, it is not a problem now. The entire will of the Dragon Elephant and the core plane fragments have been collected by the ancestor of Wujie. It is intended to make a clone, which is convenient for Li Xing.

The first thing is to refine the treasure of civilization.

To refine the treasures of civilization, we must first understand the secret technique of swallowing heaven and earth. In the process of repairing the Proto-altar altar, he has learned everything and can display this Supreme Mystery.

At this point Li Xing's hands were printed, and a huge black vortex appeared above his head, creating a great suction that seemed to be able to swallow everything.

When the vortex became sufficiently stable, the heaven and earth flood furnace was sacrificed. Under the guidance of Li Xing, it rushed into the vortex instantly and was broken down at once. At this moment, there was another phantom of Li Yuanding above Li Xing's head, which was also swallowed by the vortex.

At this moment, he yelled and opened a mouthful of civilization, like a giant river, pouring into the vortex fiercely and continuously.

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