Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1330: Treasure of civilization

The purpose of Li Xing's move is to create a treasure of civilization.

This method of casting was a means he learned from the civilization of the device. He took the mixed Yuanding as the core and the heaven and earth blast furnace as the base.

Assisted by the secret art of swallowing the heavens and the earth, and using the breath of civilization as the flame, wholeheartedly create this treasure of civilization. The treasure of civilization is no small matter, once it is made,

Then there is supreme power, and it can cooperate with the combat power of the Civilized Grand Celestial Master. The two complement each other, and the two are one.

A huge amount of civilization is entered into the vortex regardless of cost. One year, ten years, one hundred years, time is constantly increasing. I do not know how long it has passed, the vortex has gradually disappeared, and Li Xing has gradually stopped conveying the flavor of civilization.

To the end, the vortex ### is now the shadow of the heaven and earth flood furnace.

Yes, the last place in the world is still the Hongdi furnace, but the Tiandi Hong furnace has been reborn.

It not only opened up the plane of civilization, but also added the special features of mixed Yuandingding and mysticism, and its power is even more incredible.

Today's heaven and earth flood furnace is a fifteen-fold broken treasure of civilization. It can truly absorb all the power and transform it into the chaotic aura of the origin, which is one step higher than the original heaven and earth aura.

Heaven and earth are born in the chaos. Chaos aura is more primitive and precious than heaven and earth aura, and it is easier to be absorbed and transformed by the plane. In addition, there are more magical uses in the heaven and earth flood furnaces, such as strengthening the flesh, casting tools, ### Enemies, and so on.

Tiancheng Honglu is a treasure of civilization, Li Xing moved the color and said to himself: "With this treasure in hand, I will fight against the old Tianxue Pavilion, and I will not fall behind."

Is to find a way to resurrect the dragon elephant.

This process is much easier than casting the treasure of civilization. After all, the ancestral master has done everything → the main plane of the elephant world has been found, many core fragments and the consciousness of the great deity have also been found, as long as they are fused Together, the new Dragon Elephant can be resurrected.

In the Dragon Elephant World, the current Great Celestial Master is the Dragon Elephant Boy. This boy is not eager to become the Dragon Elephant Great Celestial King, so he gave up the place neatly. Of course, Li Xing did not let him suffer,

Directly using incomparable methods, he created a rude physical plane for him, which made his strength leap forward and increase even more than before. All the fragments, planes, and ideas were thrown into the heavens and earth's blast furnace.

Suddenly, the furnace cover was opened, a ray of strange light burst out, and a dragon and an elephant seemed to be fighting each other's shadow. That Qiguang finally condensed into a man and fell in front of Li Xing.

There was no joy or sorrow in his eyes, only a trace of vicissitudes, and said, "Are you finally waiting for this day?"

Li Xing nodded: "Da Tianzun, you are back."

Dragon Elephant Da Tianzun nodded and said, "Thank you."

"No need to thank, I just do what I want to do." Li Xingdan said indifferently,

"What is Da Tianzun's plan for in the future?"

Dragon Elephant Datian said: "I have a wish, but I want it first."

Li Xing: "If there is a need, Da Tianzun only cares about words."

"No need, you have helped me enough, and leave the rest to me to complete." Then, as he leapt forward, he disappeared into the void and did not know where to go.

As soon as the dragon elephant departed, the dragon elephant boy resentfully said, "Master, why is this dragon elephant half-dead? There is no heroism of that year."

Li Xing smiled slightly: "The hero is short of breath, and I think he is looking for a beautiful beauty."

At that time, in order to compete for beauty and beauty, the dragon elephant and the four sea gods eventually became the enemy.

Longxiang Datianzun is also beautiful and defeated, and his trip is bound to end this grudge. "Is he going to marry a beautiful beauty?" Asked the Longxiang boy.

Li Xing shook his head: "Let's not say that Beauty Tianzun is not necessarily alive. Even if he is still, Datianzun's heart has changed. He just has to finish the knot :: After the knot, he will practice for a while. "

"So, will he come back?" Said the dragon boy.

"No." Li Xing sighed, "He is destined to become a leader of one party, and how will he stay at home? If I am not mistaken, he will rise again and become the four hegemons."

The dragon elephant boy sees the killer: "Since the master knows the result, why should he be resurrected? Should this person become an obstacle to the master in the future?"

"Anyway." Li Xing looked dull. "If he hasn't fallen, he may still be a two or three point threat to me, but now he has no chance."

The dragon elephant boy's eyes brightened, and he smiled, "Yes! Although the dragon elephant Datianzun is a great man, he is not regarded by the master, the master is even more domineering!"

After casting into the earth and earth furnace, and resurrecting the dragon statue, Li Xing stepped out of the gate of time.

As soon as his people came out, they received news that Master Da Luo had sent messengers three times to see him.

During this time, Li Xing's three avatars also practiced in the gate of time, so the mixed empire only said that Li Xing hadn't come out and could not meet.

Li Xingyi knew the news and asked the process carefully, and his heart sank slightly. He immediately summoned the crowd and said, "The big three came to Yuanyuan, but they didn't achieve their wishes. They must have anger in their hearts. There must be a battle between the two."

The emperor Li Gui said: "Why did my father say this? Although Da Luomen sent the ambassador three times, they were all personally received by the courtiers.

Li Xing waved his hand: "You were all wrong. Da Luomen sent people to ask the emperor to apologize to the ancestor of Da Luo. There is something in the middle, you do not know. At first, the proud sword and jade sword of Da Luomen went to The ninth Tianzifu. As a result, in the ninth day of the son ’s photo, Yujian Datianzun was not successful, so I shot to help. In the process, I offended Aojian Datianzun and forced Yujin to promise to marry the ninth. The emperor is troubled. "

Li Ba raised his eyebrows: "That young girl can become a servant of the emperor. She should be happy, isn't she resentful to her father?"

"Resentment may not be." Li Xing said,

"I look at that Jade Sword Master, and I have a little appreciation for the ninth emperor. I'm afraid I'm afraid that the Master Luo will anger me to manage his family and come to discuss it."

"Huh! Why are you afraid of him? Fight if you want!" Li Ba proudly said, "Our mixed empire is not as good as it used to be. What we are not afraid of right now is fighting!"

Li Xing glared at him and said, "Do you think that with a little skill, you will be able to cross the border? In front of the real master, you have no chance to resist!"

Li Ba immediately shrank his head and said, "My father learned the lesson."

Li Gui said: "My father, my brother also makes sense. Our mixed-yuan empire has developed to this day. We need strength and strength, and we have to rely on the mountains and the mountains, and the potential is endless. We may not be afraid of Da Luomen."

"I'm not afraid," Li Xingdan said indifferently, "but we can't underestimate the enemy. We need to prepare in advance. Once Da Luomen really uses his soldiers, he must teach it to come back!"

The strategy was formulated, and the rest was implemented. Li Xing spent more than a full month to arrange the next big array to prevent the attack of Da Luomen. Several months later, Da Luomen sent a messenger. It's just that this time it was sent to war books.

The war books listed Li Xing's three major crimes. One was bullying the Romans, referring to Li Xing playing a proud sword and forcing Yu Jian to marry the ninth emperor. The second is to slow down Da Luo Men and ignore Da Luo Patriarch.

It means that Da Luomen sent a messenger for three times, but Li Xing did not meet in person, which turned out to be a crime. The third is the killing of Da Luomen's friend, which means that Li Xing beheaded Da Luoman.

The last place where the ancestor Wucai left was Da Luomen. He has a close relationship with Da Luo's ancestral gate. He was an old friend a long time ago. Li Xing beheaded the ancestor without robbers, and Da Luo ancestor naturally felt hesitant and listed it as the third major crime.

Three guilts were listed, and Daluo said that if Li Xing was willing to surrender half of the wealth of the mixed Yuan empire and hand over 60% of the profits of the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce to Daluomen, he would be exonerated. If he doesn't agree, Grand Master Luo will lead the masters and personally go to the door to intercede and annihilate the entire mixed Yuan empire.

When Li Xing saw the book of war, he tore it directly and cut the messenger's ears. And ordered the three armed forces to prepare for battle, ready to meet the enemy. The influence of Da Luomen was not so great, it only occupied more than 2 million continents.

However, among the continents it occupies, there are nearly 300 continents inherited by advanced civilizations, which are unmatched by other forces. Among these millions of continents, one of them is the most powerful and belongs to the core of Da Luomen.

On this continent, a Da Luo Palace was built, which is where Da Luo ancestors participated.

At this moment, the messenger who lost his ears rushed into Daluo Palace with an angry face, bowed his head and worshiped, shouting, "Patriarch! The mixed Yuan Empire not only pleaded not guilty, but also cut off the small ears, saying that if there was a kind of unnecessary To play these imaginary things, just start playing. "

Da Luo Gongzhong ~ www.readwn.com ~ The ancestor of Da Luo is with a high-ranking Da Luomen, and he is furious.

A twelve-folded monk screamed, "Patriarch, what are you waiting for? Immediately send troops to capture the Junyuan Empire and kill the Junyuan Emperor!"

Everyone also echoed, although Grand Master Da Luo didn't look well, he didn't look like them ###.

He waved his hand slightly, motioned everyone to calm down, and then said, "This emperor of Yuan Dynasty is not easy. The ancestor of the ancestors played the war, just to test it, I did not expect him to be so tough."

"That being the case, then there is nothing to talk about. Contact the Tongji Society immediately and cooperate with them to attack the mixed Yuan empire."

Someone said: "Ancestral Master, isn't it that we, Da Luomen, have come forward ourselves? Why should we join the Tongji Society?"

Da Luo Zu said: "The purpose of this assault on the mixed Yuan Empire is to gain wealth, not to kill him. Can he use the power of others, why not? Besides, the strength of the Tongji Society is not morning, he will definitely Under the help of the alliance below to start the mixed Yuan empire, Da Luomen only needs to use his power to sit down, why not do it? And, in order to ensure the maximum benefit, the ancestor will shoot himself! "

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