[Reject pop-up window to read m] Chapter 1341

Chapter 1341: The Killer's Murder

Li Xing stayed in the teahouse and talked about ancient times. At the moment, there is an ancient castle in the broken ancient road at the Red Blood Pass, which is the second pass. [.. The castle is built in the middle of a sea of ​​blood, and it is extremely difficult for people outside to reach it.

The castle is the place where the red blood guardian lived, and it was also his family's residence. Keeping the ambassador is both a mission and a right, so the family that calmed it also developed and became a giant on the ancient road.

Inside the castle, a middle-aged monk suddenly turned cold, "snapped" and smashed the jade case in front of him, shocked the male man ### around him did not dare to say a word.

After a long time, a woman asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

"Yu'er was killed!" Zhenshou made his face angry and murderous.

The woman almost fainted on the ground, and then cried loudly: "Which kills Qiandao to kill Yuer, lord, you must avenge Yuer!"

The young girls also filled with indignation, expressing their desire to catch the murderer, torture them to the death, and solve the hatred of the dead. They are all descendants of the guardian, calling in their mouths, in fact secretly thanking the person who killed Li Xing.

"Huh, that **** Duan Ziyu is dead. This person has been oppressing me because of his good qualifications and cultivation. He died really timely this time. We finally got rid of it, and we do n’t have to be bullied by this little beast again! "

"Good death! Good death! This **** is **** long ago. After he died, I was the first heir of the Duan family, and no one can fight with me anymore!"

These people have their own hearts in their hearts, but their faces are full of angry expressions, constantly calling for killing the murderers and revenge for Duan Ziyu.

When the guard waved his hand, everyone was quiet, and even the woman dared not pant loudly.

The dark clouds on his face made everyone present feel a sense of oppression, one by one, bowing his head, afraid to look at him. The owner of the Duan family has always held a very high status and is the only person who talks. No one can disrespect him.

"Yu'er is my favorite son. He was killed in this way, and God's will make people!" Zhen Shou's voice was very low and full of anger. It took him a long time to suppress this emotion, and he continued, "Yu'er can't die in vain, but as a guardian, I can't break the rules and can only think of other ways."

One man stood up and said, "Master Father, leave the matter to the son to make sure that the murderer has no place to be buried!"

Zhenshou glanced at the son. The son was named Duan Zixiong, and his qualification was second only to Duan Ziyu. When Duan Ziyu died, he was the most promising descendant. So he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you. If you need anything, come to me anytime."

"Yes, my father is assured that my son will not let you down!"

Li Xing spent more than ten days in Xiaoqi City, then resolutely left, and entered the second level, Chixue Pass alone.

The entrance of Chixueguan is at the corner of Xiaoqi City. As long as you enter the teleportation array, you will directly reach Chixueguan. Chixueguan, as the name suggests, is scarlet everywhere. The sea of ​​blood, the sea of ​​blood, the lake of blood, the desert of blood meal, the mountains of blood stones, the plain of flesh.

Li Xing entered the Chixue Pass and was almost vomited by this **** gas. At this time, many people have started to vomit here, and paled.

In fact, this is not that everyone has a low tolerance, and even **** gas can't bear it. It is these **** qi that contain strong grievances and murderous things, which have a great destructive effect on the monk's body. Therefore, they will vomit this breath as soon as possible, which is a kind of self-protection.

As soon as he entered the Red Blood Pass, Li Xing found that the merit monument changed, and three new tasks appeared. The first task is similar to that in Baiguguan, which is to make several sub-tasks to find a blood knife.

Once you find the Blood Sword, you can receive a second mission. That is, holding a blood knife, jumping into the sea of ​​blood, using both hands to swim to the other side of the sea, to find the flower of the other side of the sea of ​​blood.

Finding the other shore flower is actually a sub task of the second task.

Find the other side of the blood sea flowers, and find three other herbs to complete the first sub-task; the second sub-task is to enter several dangerous blood sea swamps to collect several pieces of blood Haidan furnace , And then find Qiqiao blood mud to restore the blood Haidan furnace.

The third sub-task, but also into the blood sea vortex, to kill six blood sea monsters to find a few objects. After completing three sub-tasks, all the materials can be put into the Blood Haidan Furnace and a "Red Blood Dan" can be refined.

The third task is to take the Red Blood Dan, then go deep into the Red Blood Jedi to resist the invasion of the Red Blood Etching Liquid and the Red Blood Soul Smoke, and finally successfully obtained the "Changing Blood Gong" cheats.

Seeing the three tasks, Li Xing was attracted by the "Change of Blood Gong". He reasoned that this method had the same effect as that of Bone Gong, but the effect must be stronger. If you practice it, you can make it even higher.

Without any hesitation, he immediately rushed to his destination to win the first mission. But something unexpected happened. When he rushed to the **** desert to prepare to kill a kind of gerbil, he found that there were many monks here, and all seemed to be hostile to him.

As soon as he appeared, hundreds of monks surrounded him, and he shot without a word. These monks are not weak, most of them are more than twelve broken. They join forces to attack, and their lethality is quite strong.

However, Li Xing is a master of the sixteenth. He is naturally fearless and fights against these people empty-handed. He is very powerful, often with one finger, he can kill one person, deter various practitioners, and make him afraid to approach too closely.

In the distance, Duan Zixiong watched coldly, these people naturally he gathered. As the son of a guardian, as long as he reveals a little bit of meaning, countless people are willing to work for it in the hope of receiving the care of the guardian.

You know, the ancient road is very dangerous, and everyone is dead. If guarded and cared for, the chances of survival are greatly increased. Few people can refuse such a temptation, and they are willing to die for Duan Zixiong.

The fighting continued, and more than a dozen people had died in the hands of Li Xing. Duan Zixiong is not surprised, because he knows that those who can kill Duan Ziyu must be masters. In this move, he just has to look at Li Xing's real combat power to prepare for the next action.

When the fiftieth person was beheaded by Li Xing, Duan Zixiong secretly issued an order, and the people immediately dispersed, and gave up to continue the slaughter.

Li Xing was covered with blood, and flirted with fifty people, which increased his merit by nearly a thousand points. Naturally, the treasures in these personal planes also belong to him.

However, he did not feel happy at all, because the little battle for a long time greatly delayed his progress in completing the task, and many people had already completed it one step earlier, leaving him far behind.

He was thinking in his mind, and soon he was sure which way to deal with him.

"It seems that guarding can really be against me by other means." He sneered. "Good, I'll see what else he can do!"

But the strange thing is that the next tasks are relatively smooth, and things like before have never happened again. Until Li Xing got the blood knife, jumped into the sea of ​​blood, and swam to the center of the sea of ​​blood, the danger came again.

At this point, the moving Li Xing stopped and looked around coldly, feeling that dozens of cold killings locked him, very evil and powerful.

Soon, he found that in all directions, thirty blood sharks besieged at him. These blood sharks are huge in size and can swallow a person with their mouths open. They are so imposing that monks below twelve-fold shattering are absolutely difficult to escape their pursuit.

Li Xingxuan tightened the blood knife, which is the key to crossing the sea of ​​blood, specifically restraining blood sea creatures.

The blood knife is about one foot wide and about three feet long. The end of the knife is very sharp, which is not the same as a normal knife. But its power was obvious. When a blood shark drew near, Li Xing shot and fell.

When the blood shone, the blood shark was split in half, and the dark green blood flowed out, staining the seawater nearby with a strange blue-red color.

With Li Xing's strength, naturally there will be no fear of these blood sharks. He was dazzling all over his body, and in a moment he killed all thirty blood sharks.

This scene was intercepted and appeared on a crystal ball. At this moment, Duan Zixiong was in a palace, staring at the crystal ball. Behind him, followed by a group of ancient road monks, many of them masters.

One humane: "Little male, blood shark can't kill him, what should I do?"

The other person immediately slapped the horse and said, "What do you know, the young man has a clever idea, all this is arranged in advance."

Duan Zixiong smiled coldly and said, "Yes, these blood sharks were specially given to kill him. The blood of blood sharks can attract the most fierce and horrible thing in the sea of ​​blood. It is called a shark-eating beast."

The first person who said a word stayed and said, "Little boy, since he is a creature in the sea of ​​blood, how can we call it a beast instead of a fish?"

Duan Zixiong didn't answer him, because at this moment, there were densely packed around Li Xing, countless small monsters, struggling at him in layers.

These weird things are the size of a fist. They are like a solid iron ball with a huge mouth on it, surrounded by fine animal hair. They were attracted by the blood of the blood shark ~ www.readwn.com ~ one by one, running on the water, rushing to Li Xing.

Li Xing didn't care much at first. When a shark-eater rushed to him, he reached out and grabbed one, trying to pinch it to death. With his pinch, the shark-eating beast turned into a piece of skin, just like colored clay, which can change shape at will.

When he released his hand, the monster actually swelled again, restored its original shape, then jumped up fiercely, biting his sharp teeth to Li Xing's fingers.


There was a pain in Li Xing's fingers, and he was shocked to find that his fingers were actually bitten and bleeding. Furious, he pointed out the monster and threw the monster out.

However, more shark-eating beasts rushed over and leapt up, biting and biting at various parts of Li Xing.

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