Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1342: Rambutan

[Rejects the pop-up window and reads m] Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter 1342 Red Blood Dan

Chapter 1342 Red Blood Pill

Faced with such a fierce attack, Li Xing sighed secretly and had to take out the newly acquired invisibility. .. When he died, he disappeared as a whole, and even Duan Shaoxiong couldn't find his position.

"What's the matter, he's gone!" Someone exclaimed, unbelievable.

Duan Shaoxiong's face was very ugly, and he yin yin: "This guy, he actually has an invisibility on his body, and it is very advanced, otherwise I can't find him by looking at the crystal."

When everyone heard it, they were very surprised. One person said, "There are few males. The kind of invisibility is very expensive. This person is willing to buy it, and it seems to be a ruthless character."

You must know that if the ancient monk did his duty in his own way and succeeded in passing the mission, he would have limited merit points. It would be good to have a few dozen points. And this stealth amulet is worth thousands of merits at every turn, and it is not something that ordinary people can afford to buy.

Anyone who can buy such items must have blood on their hands and kill them all the way, so as to capture the merits of others.

Duan Shaoxiong smiled yin and yin: "There will not be too many invisible charms on his body. As long as he swims, the runes will disappear, and it is not too late to kill him!"

Li Xing's mood was very depressing. The monster in the blood sea was really terrible. If he didn't use the invisibility charm, I'm afraid he would have been eaten by the bones, and he would be miserable.

With the help of the invisibility charm, he flowed silently in the sea of ​​blood, all the way smoothly, without encountering mission danger. However, when he crossed the sea of ​​blood and appeared on the scarlet beach, the effect of the invisibility disappeared automatically.

He was bloody, stepping on the blood sand barefoot, and immediately began searching for several blood sea herbs, the first medicine of which was the flower of the sea of ​​blood. After searching for several herbs, you can use the blood Haidan furnace to make elixir.

He searched along the beach, and it wasn't long before he found a blood-sea flower. This flower has three leaves and one flower, its color is red, and it sparkles with flame-like brilliance.

However, Li Xing was not happy at all, because there were five monks waiting for him not far from the other side of the flower. These five people, all sixteen-fold broken masters, stared at Li Xing with the eyes of the dead.

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, he kept walking, and slowly walked to the other side of the flower, then bent over, picked up the flower with both hands, and got it in his pocket. After that, he told everyone, "Okay, you can shoot."

At this time, there is no need to say extra words, five people shot together. Like Li Xing, they are all masters of the 16th, and they are powerful.

Li Xing has no fear. His strength reaches the peak of sixteenth, and there is no trick to mix and match. If he tries his best, he can hit the eighteenth level of attacking power that only the Great Celestial Master can break.

The five took close-to-hand combat, and they wanted to win more. Five sixteen broken, besieging one sixteen broken, this should be a battle of bullying. However, when Li Xing shot, the situation was beyond everyone's expectation.

A gunman is so bright and sharp, like an electric light, it flashed ten million times in an instant. Li Xing's figure also turned into countless foggy illusions.


A few muffled sounds and three of the five heads were stabbed with a shot. When they were dying, they couldn't even see how Li Xing fired his guns. They just felt that as soon as the eyes were dark, people died.

The fifth type of mixed yuan gun was exhibited, which made Li Xing have a strong attack power of eighteen pieces. In addition, these five people were invincible and careless, and as a result, Huaxun lost three of them.

The remaining two hearts chilled, the war was gone, and they turned away. But Li Xing was even more impressed. His marksmanship was quick, his guns fluttered, and two Xingmang shot out.


There were two more muffled sounds, and the remaining two were shot dead by him.

Duan Zixiong still observes everything by peeping at the crystal. This scene made him stunned and shot: "Waste! A bunch of waste!"

None of the followers behind him dare to talk and all bowed their heads. You know, the five siege people, but carefully selected, are the masters of Broken Ancients, and they were cut off in person!

This person is terrible! Everyone is terrified, and the fear in their hearts spreads and grows hard to contain.

After being angry, Duan Zixiong calmed down his emotions. He said in a deep voice: "I borrowed it from the beginning. To deal with this person, there must be a lore!"

Next, Li Xing successfully found several herbs, and began to fight the second sub-task, that is, entering the Blood Sea Marsh, looking for the fragments of the Blood Haidan furnace. The periphery of the Blood Sea Beach is the endless Blood Sea Marsh.

In these swamps, many terrible creatures live, full of danger.

Li Xing's movement was fast, and he didn't have much time to find half of the fragments. In the meantime, although many marsh monsters were encountered, they were easily killed by him, and nothing could pose a threat.

According to the map on the meritorious monument, when he found the next piece of debris, he found that there was a lot of poisonous smoke and heavy fog near the fragment. He couldn't help but frown, and the task didn't mention that there would be poisonous mist and smoke here. What happened?

Looking through the crystal, Duan Zixiong watched coldly. Next to him, a monk patted the fart and said, "Xiong Shao is a perfect match, and he actually brought poisonous smoke over. Now this person is dead. He doesn't have red blood Dan on hand, and it is impossible to resist These poisonous gases. "

Duan Zixiong said lightly: "The poisonous mist was sprayed by a toad. This toad has a relationship with me. I would like to help him with a word."

The crowd praised again, and Duan Zixiong finally showed a smile on his face. In his opinion, Li Xing either did not enter and could not complete the task. Either enter and die within the poisonous smoke.

Li Xing stood outside the poisonous smoke with his arms folded, and suddenly he found a 20-fold double amulet and raised his hand to hit it. As soon as this sign came out, there was a ray of human figures screaming out of the mang, and the poisonous smoke was cut open at once.

At the deepest point of the poisonous smoke and thick fog, a house-sized toad was killed and cut into two halves, and died by death.

One hit of this spell is equivalent to a full-strength attack of the twenty-fold broken master, not only breaking the poisonous smoke, but also killing the toad essence. This move greatly disappointed Duan Zixiong, then gritted his teeth, and resentfully smashed another table.

The avatar went deep into it, took a piece of debris out of the mud, and ran out again. This figure is the same as Li Xingyiheng, but at this moment there is pus in his whole body, and it turns into a pool of black blood.

Although this avatar took out fragments on behalf of Li Xing, it was also infected with poison gas and was difficult to last.

On the other side, Duan Zixiong was not angry, he said lightly: "Very well, this will slowly consume the props on this person until there is no defense means."

Packing up the debris, Li Xing continued to the next target line. Until all the remaining fragments were collected, he never encountered any difficulties.

The next step is to find Qiqiao Blood Mud, which will fuse the fragments of the Blood Haidan Furnace into a complete Dan Furnace, thereby refining the Red Blood Dan.

The location of Qiqiao Blood Mud is deeper in the Blood Sea Marsh. Among the **** mud, there are countless blood salamanders, who can spray poisonous needles in their mouths, and the middle ones die. The power of that poison needle can kill the fierce deity above fifteenfold.

Of course, even people with fifteen or more weights will lose some repairs after being injured by a poisoned needle. Therefore, the Qiqiao Blood Mud is not easy to obtain. Many people have died here and failed to complete the task.

At this point, Li Xing stood outside the hundred steps of the blood quagmire. The quagmire is less than a hundred steps wide, but there are thousands of blood sacrifice inside. They will attack when they encounter people. If they want to get mud, it is impossible not to deal with them.

Li Xing walked around the quagmire a few times and never shot. When he did this, he saw Duan Zixiong and others very nervous. Some even whispered, "Fast forward, fast forward!"

Duan Zixiong also held his breath. He laid a trap in the quagmire. As long as Li Xing entered, he would definitely die.

Li Xing smiled slightly, he suddenly took out the mixed yuan gun, and then slammed and slammed on the ground. With a loud noise, the ground cracked a huge gap, and the **** mud in the quagmire fell into the gap.

This time, the hidden blood puppets in the **** mud were exposed. They rolled, hopping up and down, turning into a ray of blood, and rushing into the blood grass next to it. Li Xing even saw that in the blood mud, there were some blood puppets with the first word "king".

He didn't know that the poisonous needles spit out by these kings could kill the twenty broken masters.

The blood puppets scattered, and after a while, there was no blood puppet in the **** mud.

However, Li Xing was still not assured, he threw a slap into the air. This palm caused the surrounding air to spin up, and soon formed a small tornado, blowing towards the **** mud.

The tornado rolled up the **** mud, turned it into a pillar of mud, and flew towards him again. Then, he reached out and grabbed the **** mud in his hand, smiled, and turned to leave.

Behind Duan Zixiong was a pity. They did not expect that Li Xing would use this "soil" method to get the **** mud into their hands ~ www.readwn.com ~ not even using the amulets.

Duan Zixiong was very angry. In order to get the Bloody King into the quagmire, he spent a lot of effort, even at the expense of the right to guard, but still failed to leave a sweat of Li Xing.

After finding the materials, Li Xing looked for a place, and quickly merged the blood Haidan furnace, and put those herbs into it, and started to make alchemies. This process is very simple, as long as you put things in your heart, the Dan furnace will run on its own, making red blood Dan.

When the furnace opened, a blood light flew out of the furnace and was caught by Li Xing. This Dan is extraordinary. If he is not caught, it is very easy to let him fly away. He has been careful to stay beside him and pay attention at all times.

As soon as he caught red blood Dan, he swallowed it directly. Immediately, I felt a cool breath, filling his limbs and bones, and felt that there was no discomfort and uncomfortableness all over his body.

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