Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1343: Sting Sky 1 Strike

[Rejects the pop-up window and reads m] Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter 1343

Chapter 1343: Assassination Attack

After being made into Red Blood Dan, you can enter the Red Blood Jedi after taking it, so as to find the cheats for changing blood. [.., Red Blood Jedi, with Red Blood Erosion Fluid underneath, and Red Blood Soul Purifying Smoke on it, all are poisonous things. Without Red Blood Dan's body protection, it would be difficult to move.

When Li Xing entered the Jedi, he found himself covered in a layer of blood, protecting himself. This is one of the wonderful uses of red blood Dan.

Under his feet was colorful venom, and even if the twenty-something master touched it a little, it was a death. In the air, there is the poisonous smoke of refining souls everywhere. If you inhale it, there is no cure for masters.

At the same time, he found that the poisonous smoke of refining the soul was somewhat similar to the poisonous smoke emitted by the toad essence at that time. He couldn't help but think that maybe the toad essence ran out here.

In the Jedi, Li Xing was extremely careful. He searched for the location of the blood-swept tian bone according to the map. At the same time, Duan Zixiong was watching him closely.

However, in the process of Li Xing's search, he did not seem to take action, which made people behind him very surprised.

Someone asked, "Young man, this is a great opportunity. Why not do it?"

Duan Zixiong said coldly: "What do you know, Tianchang Gong is a miracle, and even my father can't get it. When this person finds Tianchang Gong, he will definitely seek cultivation. At that time, how easy is it to kill him?

When everyone heard it, they looked admired and said, "The lord is really intelligent, so this person will not have any chance to escape."

After about half a day, Li Xing finally found the cheats. Then he returned the same way, preparing to find a safe place to practice.

After coming out of the Jedi, he went deep into the swamp, took out the heaven and earth flood furnace as usual, turned into a little dust, and fell into the swamp, no one could find it.

However, this scene was seen by Duan Zixiong by peeping at the crystal. He smiled coldly and said, "None of us can avoid the observation of peeping at crystals below the level of twenty, and since we know where he retreats, the rest It's easy! "

Li Xing entered the heaven and earth blast furnace and immediately went to practice in the gate of time. He wanted to absorb this blood-changing tian gong to create his own practice.

I don't know how long it has passed, Li Xing finally created a "blood change." The blood changes in the heavens are similar to the changes in the bones in the sky. Li Xing also realized the first nine changes and began to cultivate.

The first change took 100,000 years.

The second change took 300,000 years.

The third change is 900,000 years.

Until the ninth change, Li Xing consumed a lot of time, but the benefits he received were also huge, and he made great progress. His strength broke from sixteenth to seventeenth.

As a result, the mixed-yuan civilization has been promoted, breaking through the 20th-class civilization, and entering the advanced 19th-class civilization. The progress of civilization, accompanied by a series of major changes, on the other hand, improved Li Xing's combat effectiveness, making it the peak of the Seventeenth Crucifixion.

Naturally, the Tiandi Honglu and the mixed yuan guns were also upgraded simultaneously, and when they entered the seventeenth stage, they became more advanced. At this point, Li Xing's overall combat strength reached the peak of seventeenth crushing. However, if he used the means of lore, his instantaneous combat power could reach nineteenfold.

However, the instantaneous combat power is the strongest combat power in an explosive state and cannot be sustained. Under normal conditions, his strength is still 17th. The reason for this is that Li Xing's mixed-yuan marksmanship is too arrogant, resulting in his ability to instantly increase hundreds or thousands of times.

While Li Xing was practicing, in another place, he had another Li Xing created by a stunt, but it was killed early.

It turned out that at the moment when it turned into dust, Li Xing cast a substitute, but the real body was taken away, leaving only a substitute. This is the mystery of the double amulet, and even the peeping crystal in Duan Zixiong's hands concealed it.

Time returned to a few days ago, Li Xing went into hiding in the swamp and was suddenly besieged by hundreds of experts. These people are no trivial, among them there are seventeen broken masters.

But what made people astounded was that "Li Xing", who should have been in retreat, suddenly jumped out and killed the Quartet.

Although it is a stand-in, it is still brave and extraordinary, with a combat power of nearly twenty broken masters. Although the hundreds of people are powerful, how can they be the enemy of the top 20 players?

In half a day, hundreds of people were beheaded. Of course, the stand-in was also seriously injured, because after all, everyone has a means of life-threatening.

However, it was worth it. With a substitute, Li Xing killed more than 100 people and returned 18,000 points of merit!

When Duan Zixiong finally understood, everything was too late. He was so angry that he smashed the followers next to him directly to death, and then started looking for Li Xing frantically.

However, no matter how he looked at the crystal, he couldn't find Li Xing's whereabouts, which made Duan Zixiong very confused. Isn't the dead person a substitute? Is it the deity?

In fact, Li Xing had long calculated that someone was watching him in secret, so he took out the Proto-Altar during the practice. This altar is no small matter, the evil door is tight, and the crystal can't sense its position when looking at the crystal, so naturally you can't find Li Xing.

Duan Zixiong discovered his existence again only after Li Xing's nine blood changes, his strength increased, and the altar was withdrawn.

"What? It's already seventeen broken!" The muscles on Duan Zixiong's face were twitching wildly, and he could hardly believe his eyes. Although the blood transfusion Tiangong is wonderful, it is impossible to have such obvious effects.

Generally speaking, monks on broken ancient roads must pass three levels on average before they can break through once. Li Xing, however, broke through directly after practicing the blood transfusion, which made him extremely surprised.

"Xiongxiong, this person has been given a blood transfusion, and if he doesn't kill him, there will be no chance." Someone said. It turned out that there was only one remaining task, that is, to kill a blood rhinoceros, to get the horns of the sky rhinoceros, thereby breaking the shackles of the Red Blood Pass and entering the next pass.

By that time, Li Xing was out of the jurisdiction of Chixueguan. Even if the guards of Chixueguan were to go out in person, they could not do anything about him.

Duan Zixiong angrily said: "He can't run away, Ben Jie will personally end him!"

After leaving the customs, Li Xing saw the changes in the meritorious monument. His ranking on the broken list has already reached more than 3 million, rising rapidly. The meritorious list has also improved slightly, at about six million.

Moreover, the next task is also displayed. This task is to let him enter the red blood prairie, kill a blood rhino king, and cut the rhino horn. And see the blood rhino king's big killing moves, stab the sky.

This task is relatively difficult. Learning the stabbing strike is a difficult thing for most of the ancient monks. After all, the seemingly simple blow contains too many rules and mysteries.

Moreover, even if he learns this blow, he may not be the opponent of the Blood Rhino King. He will probably die with a chance, and he has no chance to leave Chixueguan.

Li Xing attaches great importance to this task, because he expected that the stabbing of the sky would be a trivial matter, and maybe he could help him perfect the mixed yuan shooting method.

Ten days later, Li Xing entered the Red Blood Plain. On the plain, there are a lot of creatures, some strong and some weak. The blood rhinoceros is the most powerful species on the grassland. When the blood rhinoceros is angry, it can pierce the sky with one corner, which is a stinging blow.

Entering the grassland, it took Li Xing half a month to finally find a blood rhino group. Among these blood rhinos, there is a rhino king. This rhinoceros is majestic, like a hill. The rhino horns on the head are shiny and cold, and they are murderous.

Far away, Li Xing felt the power of the Blood Rhinoceros, roughly possessing seventeen broken strengths. He calculated from this that the blood rhinoceros could soar to more than 20 pieces of broken strength when he performed the Assassination Strike, otherwise it would not be enough to break the rules of the Red Blood Pass.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but be shocked. The fifth style of his mixed yuan gun can raise his combat power by two steps, soaring to nineteenth broken. But I did not expect that this blood rhinoceros is even more powerful and can soar more than three steps!

Such a method that can let the power burst is usually called nirvana. Although it can't be performed for a long time, once it is used, it is very powerful and can instantly kill enemies of the same level.

There are many ways for masters in Broken Realm to improve their strength. One of them is to cultivate secret killing skills, and the effect is often very obvious.

Li Xing had observed outside the rhino group for more than a month, but he had never seen the blood rhino king cast a stab in the sky. Because the rhino king will only perform when he is angry, and there are very few such opportunities. After all, there is no such thing as a creature willing to provoke such a powerful creature.

After careful planning, this day, Li Xing suddenly offered a substitute. I saw a figure rushing out towards the rhino group. The substitute made by this avatar has the same role as the avatar, and the command can be attacked and defended, and it is wonderful.

The strength of this avatar was about 20 times broken. It rushed past, disrupted the rhino group in an instant, and even killed several female blood rhinoceros. This moment immediately angered the blood rhinoceros, he roared to the sky and stabbed a corner.

There is no language to describe the power and mystery of this attack, Li Xing only feels that all the martial arts essence between the world and the earth ~ www.readwn.com ~ the mystery of attack is contained in this thorn. The action was slowed down infinitely, and Jade God Lightning calculated everything.

This stinger was pierced by sharp murderous anger, and it burst suddenly. Twenty-fold shattered avatars couldn't stop the next strike, which shows how terrible this stinging strike is.

Li Xing printed the mystery of this blow in his mind, and closed his eyes and pondered the realization. This enlightenment was more than a dozen days, and then he released a substitute amulet again and broke into the quiet group to anger the blood rhino king.

If this happened again and again, Li Xing used the last three avatars and observed three stabbing shots of the Blood Rhino King. Then, he took out the mixed yuan gun and started the exercise directly on the red blood prairie.

Every move he made was very slow, so slow that he could be seen by Duan Zixiong, but he did move. This slow movement contains the mysteries of heaven and earth, the mystery of martial arts.

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