Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1344: Ascension

[Rejects the pop-up window and reads m] Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter 1344

Chapter 1344: Ascension

Seeing this scene, Duan Zixiong and the people behind him looked dignified. Someone sighed and said, "This man is indeed a wizard. Only after looking at it three times, he can fully understand the essence of this stabbing!"

"Yeah, this stabbing strike has forced us to stay until now, and we have failed to pass ..... Legend has it that the pass rate of this task is less than one ten thousandth! This person is indeed a genius of no other. And Counting on his qualifications that he can comprehend three times, there must be no one in a million. "

Duan Zixiong hummed heavily: "No matter what he is a genius, a grotesque, a crooked one, if he offends the Duan family, he must die!"

The crowd hurriedly said, "Yes, this **** offended Xiong Shao and offended Duan's family, and that naturally would not end well. No matter how extraordinary he is, he must also hate the Red Blood Pass."

Surprising and surprised, Duan Zixiong did not intend to let Li Xing go. At this time he ordered the people around him to say: "This man is participating in the assassination strike, which is a good time to kill. How are you preparing over there?"

A monk involved in the incident stood out and said, "The young man reported a great deal, and things went very smoothly. Our people in four directions are angering the four blood rhino kings, and leading them to the designated position, let them Enemies on all sides formed a lore. "

Duan Zixiong nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Very well, once the four blood rhinoceros hit together, the stabbing strike will change, and it will turn into a stabbing strike, and the power will be increased by a hundredfold. Hugh said that he is seventeen heavy A broken character is twenty-fold broken and will be killed in one blow! "

Everyone patted their horses, saying that there were few masters and clever calculations. At this time, Li Xing was still in evolutionary reasoning.

He is a high-level civilization of high civilization, and the martial arts derived from it belong to the category of civilized artillery and his lethality is very powerful. The essence of this stabbing strike was blended into the mixed Yuan civilization by him, thus forming a unique style, and a higher level of martial arts in attack power, that is, the sixth type of mixed Yuan.

It's true that the current mixed yuan marksmanship has already left the scope of marksmanship. At this moment, this mixed-element gun method can be called mixed-element killing technique. Li Xing's enlightenment is the sixth type, the thorn-style.

In addition, during his enlightenment, the previous five types of mixed yuan guns were also sublimated, and became the first five types of mixed yuan killing techniques.

A change in name represents a qualitative leap in Li Xing's strength.

He is like a sculpture, moving quietly, hiding in the movement, moving in the quiet, the yin and yang are in harmony, the rigid and the soft are in harmony.

Just then, there was a terrifying roar in all four directions. The four blood rhinoceros, one by one, opened their eyes, rushing towards Li Xing. In front of them, there is a master to guide, the goal is to lead all four forces to Li Xing's side.

At this time, Li Xing's calculation of the attack on Citian was falling into a bottleneck. Because the mixed civilization has calculated that the stabbing strike should be far more perfect than this, it still has room for improvement.

However, the mixed-yuan civilization has no way out and cannot find a breakthrough. This brought his understanding to a standstill, and the slow-moving body turned into a state of extreme silence.

"Boom boom!"

The earthquake shook and the four blood rhinoceros finally approached, and the figure in front of them disappeared instantly. After losing their targets, the blood rhinoceroses projected their eyes full of murderous hostility on Li Xing and rushed forward.

At this moment, they simultaneously launched a stabbing strike to kill Li Xing under the rhino horn.

A bizarre scene happened when four blood rhinoceros simultaneously launched a stabbing blow to a target. There was actually a mysterious connection between them. The four styles struck the sky and merged into one. They turned into a more powerful and terrifying killing technique and attacked Li Xing.

Li Xing's eyes were confused at first. It was not until the four heads of blood hit the stabbing smash that he felt bright, and everything was suddenly bright and full of understanding. At one billionth of a second, he digested the stabbing blast, transforming it into the sixth form of the mixed element killing technique.


With a faint sound in his mouth, he was calm and calm, and the gun in his hand moved. No one can describe the mystery of this gun. It is like a glorious sun shining in all directions, and like a sharp sword in all directions.

It was powerful, stately, and indomitable, killing, and collided fiercely with the stabbing blast.

When the light hits the light, more bright light bursts out, tens of millions of lasing towards all directions, stabbing people can't open their eyes, the entire red blood steppe was lifted to the bottom by this force, all beings were slaughtered Off, none survive.

Even the monks who were also doing missions here, the four who caused the anger of the blood rhinoceros and conspired against Li Xing were not spared, all of them were stabbed to death.

These people can't believe their eyes until they die, and someone can stop the assassination!

After the big bang, the red blood prairie was a mess. At the same time, the bodies of the four blood rhino kings also fell from high school, and each head was pierced.

Li Xing flew in white and slowly landed from the air. There was a little blood on his chest. He killed four blood rhinoceros in one shot, and he was inevitably injured, but not fatal.

The injury made his face pale, but his expression was smiling, and he was more energetic. He glanced into the air, there was a sense of provocation in his eyes, and he seemed to be telling Duan Zixiong the fact that he is still living well.

Duan Zixiong was so shocked that he couldn't believe it was true. How can it be possible for a person not only to understand the stabbing strike of the sky, but also to understand the stabbing strike of the sky at the moment of life and death?

The next moment, he immediately issued a hysterical scream: "Kill me! Use all means, use all means, and leave this person, you must not let him leave!"

No wonder Duan Zixiong is so anxious that he has no time. Because after learning the Assassination Strike, Li Xing can leave the Red Blood Pass at any time and enter the third pass.

As a result, countless monks swarmed towards Li Xing. These people are the subordinates that Duan Zixiong subjugated in the name of the ambassador. They ordered the ambassador in order to obey, and obeyed him.

Li Xing's injury has not recovered. When he felt that someone was approaching, a mocking and cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he shot his way and waited for the enemy. Even if he was injured, he was sure to wipe out all the people.

In all directions, there are many people around Hula Ladder. There are more than 3,000 people. They are all monks on the broken ancient road, because only the ancient road monks will not let the guards to break the rules.

These people said nothing and yelled at Li Xing. Among them are seventeen and eighteen masters, and those who are lowered up have a twelve-folded and powerful combat power.

Unfortunately, this kind of strength is unbeatable for Li Xing. He has a shot in his hand, arrogant to the world, and the Quartet has exclusive respect. A shot is moving, a killer, a ray of guns, heavy and elegant, sharp and soft.

As if the spring weather turned into rain, all of a sudden, the crowds fell silently, and hundreds of heads fell to the ground.

This is Li Xing's newly-built sixth type of mixed-battery killing technique. The power of the stabbing sky, even in the face of the 20th fragmentation, Li Xing can surely strike with a blow! This nirvana can instantly increase his combat power by more than three levels.

No one can see Li Xing's movements clearly, and no one can see his body, they can't even feel the pain, people die, and everything is destroyed.

After ten breaths, less than two thousand were left for three thousand people. The rest were terrified, and I wondered which one shouted "Escape!". Everyone began to retreat desperately, as if death was chasing them behind.

Li Xing looked stern, he pursued with a gun, ten kills in one step, killing was like mowing, and the man was invincible.

In the end, only less than a thousand people fled, and the rest became dead under the gun, and they did not stare. Why can't they figure it out, how can such a person have such a sharp killing technique that can fight more than three thousand masters?

The enemy retreated, Li Xing smiled slightly, and the gun pierced the sky. I saw a gunburst exploding, tearing the sky, a gap appeared, and he flashed in and left Chixueguan.

Duan Zi's arrogance was so desperate that he wanted to cry without tears and stomped his foot fiercely: "Here he is! He is gone!"

Not only did he fail to complete the task entrusted by the ambassador, but he also offended Li Xing, a potential monk with such great potential, not to mention how depressed he was.

At this time, a follower whispered: "The young man does not have to be angry. One of the people who was killed before seeing the villain is an important person."

Duan Zixiong froze and asked, "What important person?"

"That man is called Sun Wanghou, who is a brilliant figure, fifteen-fold broken. This person is of good quality, and his other identity is the face of the daughter of the third pass, Han Qiutian. His expression was a little ambiguous. "The villain is also the third one, so I know this very well."

Duan Zixiong was silent. After a moment, he patted the man on the shoulder and said, "Okay, thanks to your reminder, there are few ways to cure him!"

But he said that Li Xing rushed out of the Red Blood Pass and reached the ancient road between the second pass and the third pass. Similar to before, there are ancient stars on the way and monks come and go frequently. However, compared with the first section of the ancient road, there are much fewer people here.

The vast majority of people were left in the second level of Chixueguan and failed to come out. This has led to very few people who can continue on the road ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nothing.

The journey was very smooth, and he soon reached the third level, Chalcedony level.

In the same way, before entering Yushuiguan, there was a small rest city, and he settled down again for some time to buy the required runes.

Five of the 20 double amulets purchased in the previous city and one of the 25 heavy amulets have been used up, and he must add some. Before buying, he looked at his condition.

The meritorious monument shows that his current broken ranking has reached 230,000; the meritorious service has also reached 54,000 points, which is less than 1 million.

These meritorious points were obtained by him in the killings and holding kills at Chixueguan. Especially in the last battle, he killed more than 2,000 people, not only collected a lot of wealth, but also earned more than 50,000 achievements!

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