Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1345: Cut bronze

[Rejects pop-up window and reads m] Chapter 9345 Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter Bronze

Chapter 1345 Cut Bronze

When he entered a shop and was about to purchase props, he unexpectedly found that the price of the exemption had actually increased. [.. when he was at Chixueguan, the price of free charms was one thousand merits, but now, its price actually mentions five thousand merits!

Discovering this change, he immediately asked the merchant if the effect of the exemption had improved. The merchant's answer is that the price of the thing is higher.

Li Xing also realized that this exemption charm has the same effect, giving the owner the privilege of violating the rules. When the person who buys is still weak, it takes less merit points to buy it. However, as the strength of the buyer continues to increase, and the accumulated merit points on his body are more and more, the value of the innocence also goes up.

So after a little thought, Li Xing said, "I want to buy six exemptions!"

He already had ten exemptions, and bought six more, that's sixteen, so that in the future, he would have to pay more for it.

In addition, he sold the remaining five flying charms and the props obtained from the slayer. Shops recycle props, but the price is only 50%. But even so, Li Xing still sold 30,000 meritorious points.

For merit points, he has no reservations, the rest is used to purchase props. He knew very well that the merit points were only valuable if he survived. He loves his merits at this time, which is equivalent to increasing the risk of survival in the future.

Only by purchasing all the props can you have as much defense and attack power as possible and survive to the maximum.

There are more than 28,000 meritorious points remaining, and 31,000 merits obtained by selling props. A total of more than 59,000 achievements, Li Xingquan used to purchase props.

These props include twenty-five heavy attack amulets, twenty-five heavy substitute amulets ten, thirty heavy flying amulets five, and thirty heavy stealth amulets. In addition, Li Xing also purchased a special anti-peeping prop, called "the shadowless treasure". And you can observe the enemy's props and peeping eyes.

Putting on a shadowless robe, like things like peeping at crystals, could not capture his position. The peeping eye is an intangible and intangible thing. Li Xing can place it anywhere, and he can observe all the activities in the nearby mile.

The role of the peeping eye is similar to that of human consciousness. On the ancient road, Li Xing is currently unable to develop consciousness. With this object, he can know the situation nearby.

In particular, the eyes of the spy can be matched with the map on the monument of merit, and the use effect is more obvious. Anyone's every action cannot escape his eyes.

With these props, Li Xing's merit points are very low, not even a thousand. But he was not distressed. For him, something like merit was a kind of use.

Leaving the shop, Li Xing still entered a tea house. This time is very different from the last time. It used to be crowded, but this time it was two or three big cats. In a large tea house, there are only Li Xing and two others.

Coincidentally, these two people Li Xing both knew, one was the Yuanxue treasure Zhu Bai and the other was the bronze warrior ancient mine. The two men were truly extraordinary and successfully passed the Red Blood Pass, where they met Li Xing.

Zhu Bai and Gu Lei's cultivation has been improved, and now they are all nineteen broken masters. When they saw Li Xing, they were both surprised and stood up.

Gure frowned, "Are you not dead?"

Zhu Bai said, "Brother Li, I finally saw you. It's a great achievement to cultivate, it's gratifying!"

Li Xing nodded to Zhu Bai, then glared at the bronze war body, and said, "I think you are still sparse and ordinary, not much progress, so disappointing."

Gu Lei was furious and stared at Li Xing. "Boy, you are still so arrogant. Believe me or not I will abolish you now?"

"Is that right? I'm going to fight with you to see what a **** bronze warrior is!" He said, he blasted a guilt, and then punched Gulei.

This time, Zhu Bai and Gu Lei were taken aback, especially Gu Lei, how could he never imagine that Li Xing really dared to do something to him, and he used a pardon.

It is not possible to attack and kill each other in Xiaoji City, but Li Xing has a confession and can get privileges to kill people who want to kill here.

Li Xing blasted out and directly used the fifth style of the mixed Yuan killing technique. In the fifth style, there is a name, called a prisoner, which can be used to restrain the actions of the enemy and is powerful.

With this punch, Li Xing's combat power soared directly to the peak of the nineteenth broken, which was close to the lethality of the twentyth broken.

Gure quickly calmed down and immediately returned a hand. His palm was also a slaying type, and it reached 21 pieces of broken attack power and shot with all his strength.


Li Xing was pulled away with a single palm, and half of his body was numb. Gu Lei, however, relaxed easily, not even feeling the shock.

He "haha" laughed and said, "Since you want to die, Lao Tzu will bear you!" He strode to Li Xing and launched an attack.

As for the rules of Xiaoqicheng, if Party A shots to Party B, then Party B can fight back in self-defense. Even if Party A is killed, he will not bear the blame and will not have to consume the exemption. Seeing this and discovering that Li Xing's strength is not as good as hiss, the bronze warrior will take the opportunity to get rid of Li Xing.

The fist of the bronze war body was constantly enlarged, and finally reached the tip of Li Xing's nose. At this moment, a cruelty appeared in the corner of his mouth, and he suddenly pointed out. Mixed Yuan killing technique, eclectic, can be used to fist.

He pointed out that the sixth stabbing sky show. Suddenly, his combat power soared, reaching the level of twenty-one heavy fragmentation.

This time, the bronze warrior Gu Lei was surprised, but his strength was not weak and he still withstood. However, at the moment when the two sides were fighting hard, Li Xing's free left hand threw a rune, a twenty-five heavy attack rune!

As the name implies, the 25th Attacker can send out 25th killing power to attack the enemy. Under such an attack, Gure had no chance to resist.

If he didn't take Li Xing's finger, he might have the opportunity to use his props to save his life. But at this moment, all his energy is used to fight against Li Xing, so he has lost the opportunity to dodge resistance.

In fact, Gurley also had two twenty-five heavy attack symbols. But this amulet is extremely valuable to him, and he will never cast it unless absolutely necessary. Coupled with Li Xing's weakness, he also lost his vigilance, and eventually regretted being hit by the 25th attacker.


The distance is too close, the movement is too fast, and Fu Guang is too fierce. All this caught Gu Lei off guard and was directly penetrated by Fu Guang. Before dying, his eyes widened, staring blankly forward, then turning dim.

With an innocence amulet and an attacking amulet, Li Xing successfully killed Gu Lei, an enemy with comparable strength, and saw Zhu Bai's heart beating, his eyes could not help flashing a light.

As soon as Gu Lei died, Li Xing received more than 8,000 merit points and all his wealth. Regardless of other props, things that are useful to Li Xing include two twenty-five heavy attack symbols, two twenty-five heavy substitutes, and one thirty heavy stealth.

After clearing up Gu Lei, Li Xing laughed and sat across from Zhu Bai, saying, "Brother Zhu is so motivated that he should get a lot of benefits at the Red Blood Pass?"

Zhu Bai's face was already full of smiles at this time, saying: "There is little gain, it is absolutely impossible to compare with Brother Li. Brother Li has extraordinary means, killing such a peace as Gulei in one fell swoop. admiration."

"Brother Zhu, you have won a prize. Gulei and other wastes, killing him like a dog, is not a big deal." Then he shifted the topic and asked, "Does Brother Brother know the next level?"

Zhu Bai smiled bitterly on his face: "Brother Li, have you heard what our predecessors said?"

Li Xing laughed: "I don't know what it is, is it related to the third level?"

Zhu Baidao: "The first three stages are fatal, the middle seventy-two stages survive, and the last three stages are dead."

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "So the first three barriers are the easiest to pass, and most monks are blocked here."

Zhu Bai nodded: "Exactly, but once you pass the first three levels, the remaining seventy-two levels are peaceful and not so exaggerated. The last three levels are even more dangerous, claiming no life.

Li Xingdao: "Eighty-one pass, there are still three passes, why not mentioned?"

Zhu Bai shook his head: "It is said that very few people passed through the last three stages, and naturally they rarely knew the conditions inside, so I also don't know."

"It turned out that it seems that as long as you pass this chalcedony barrier, the rest of the road will be easier."

"You can't say that." Zhu Baidao, "Because Dafan has no basic qualifications, they are blocked in the first three levels. Huangsha pans for gold, and the remaining people are more likely to pass the 72nd level . But even so, each pass will reduce the average staff by 20%. "

Li Xingdao: "Brother Zhu really has a wide range of insights and let his brothers know a lot. I invite this tea today."

A few words in a few words, and various archaic constitutions were mentioned in the middle. According to Zhu Baiyan, the Archaic ethnic groups of the Archaeological Mother Star did not disappear ~ www.readwn.com ~ They lived in seclusion and multiplied and established their own civilization groups.

Li Xing was very vigilant about this news. He realized that in the following ancient roads, various archaic constitutions would continue to emerge. These people are powerful and have a long history and are not easy to deal with.

Just like Zhu Bai and Gu Lei, the strength at this time is not weaker than him, and the potential in the future is infinite.

After spending three days in Xiaojicheng, Li Xing said goodbye to Zhu Bai and went to the road alone to officially enter the Chalcedony Pass of the third pass.

The environment of Yuchenguan is much more leisurely than that of Chixueguan. There are clear mountains and green water, red flowers and green leaves, rare birds and animals, beautiful scenery, rare in the world.

If you do n’t know it, you would think that you have reached a fairyland on earth, not a dangerous ancient road.

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