Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1346: Potential 2

[Rejects the pop-up window and reads m] Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter 1346

Chapter 1346

In Yushuiguan, there are even many people living and working in peace, farming, fishing, animal husbandry and hunting. [.., until the next commemorative monument shows the next mission, he has a slight feeling of being on the ancient road.

Li Xing's first task was actually to slaughter the three cities. For Li Xing, who was severely broken in the seventeenth day and has become a thorny sky, it is not at all difficult. Because the cities that are about to be slaughtered, there are no decent masters at all.

After seeing the task, Li Xing was silent, and he finally understood where the chalcedony was difficult. Those who have good intentions enter this stage to do evil things; those who have bad thoughts enter this stage to do good things. When the good and the evil enter the threshold, they also have to go through a choice. They must be good or evil.

Li Xing always has a principle of doing things, that is, people do not offend me, and I do not offend. This task obviously challenges his moral bottom line. At the same time, he also immediately figured out why there was a peaceful scene on the surface of Yushuiguan. These peaceful people were used to kill!

After seeing the mission, Li Xing successively discovered that a large number of cities were washed by blood overnight, and the old and young women were spared and killed. The blood bleeds everywhere, mournful griefs.

On this day, Li Xing was sitting in the void, looking down at the world, looking at the Quartet, thinking deeply.

What is good? What is evil? The so-called good and evil, with one mind, it is not an absolute existence. For example, during the war, our own soldiers killed countless people, but they are still good for the Chinese people; while the enemy soldiers, even if they only kill one person, they are also big evil people.

There is no difference between good and evil in this world, only various human hearts are struggling and rolling in the red world, doing all kinds of things. Of these things, they are artificially given the name of good or evil.

Li Xingwu communicated good and evil, smiled slightly, and said to himself: "I only ask my heart when doing things, and today hesitated here, really ridiculous."

He stood up and said with emotion: "I was supposed to be supremely broken, free from the constraints of this world, and let my heart be free and unrestrained. How can I do things against my heart today because of some merit?

In other words, he turned and returned to leave the Chalcedony Pass and leave the broken ancient road. With invincible will in his heart, even if he is not on the broken ancient road, he can still reach the highest state and enter the source of civilization.

Just as he turned around, another order appeared on the meritorious monument. This task is carried out in parallel with the first one, and practitioners can choose one of them.

What surprises Li Xing most is that another parallel task is to let him slay those who slaughter the city, and there is no restriction on the number and time until all the city slaughterers are beheaded.

This task obviously has two possibilities, one is that all the people who slaughter the city are destroyed; the other is that the people who slaughter the city will destroy all those who keep their hearts.

After watching it, he sneered in the heart, and secretly said, "This chalcedony barrier is really interesting, so I will go on!"

The meritorious rewards of parallel missions are quite generous. For every person killed, not only can they get the meritorious wealth remaining on their person, but they can also get an extra hundred points of merits.

Without saying a word, Li Xing mentioned the mixed gun and rushed to a nearby city.

At this time, an eighteen-fold broken monk, carrying a long knife, was running through the city. He slashed with a single knife. The kilometer-long sword can kill more than a hundred people, and men, women, children, and children can use their blood.

Li Xing didn't say much, he would be stabbed in one shot and shouted, "Come and come, I will fight you!"

The mixed-yuan five-style prisoner was beheaded and killed, and the monk holding the sword felt tight and completely lost his ability to move. Before he could react, Li Xing's gunpoint stabbed his head.

This monk also has powerful props, and his strength is not too weak. But Li Xing appeared too suddenly, the shot was too fast, and his consciousness had to think about where the shot came from, and was stabbed in the head.

Killing a person is to save a city, and the people in the city kneel as much as possible. Li Xing did not take a look, and left without looking back. There were still many people to kill.

Halfway through, he encountered another monk and rushed to the same city to kill the same target. The other person was extraordinary, and he nodded slightly to Li Xing, saying, "Brother, we only have three tricks for each of us. Who can finally kill this person depends on their own skills."

Li Xing glanced at each other and laughed, "You are eighteen and one level higher than me, and you will play the first game."

The other party stunned and said, "You are weak, why do you want me to shoot first?"

Li Xingdao: "Because if you don't take the shot first, you will lose your chance to take the shot."

The other party "haha" laughed and said: "You are too confident, let's see."

The people below were killing themselves happily. Seeing that two people rushed to kill him, they couldn't help sneering: "Lao Tzu is broken in nineteen, you two will both die together, and you dare to fight with me alone, really looking for death!"

The big man yelled, the two sledgehammers in his hands were wrong, and they blasted down towards convenience. With this shot, his combat power soared to the top of the twelve-fold fragmentation, and he was stronger than those below.

The following people are relatively inferior. Although he has a nirvana to break through his self-strength, he can barely reach the 20th level, so he is suppressed. I just felt a pain in my upper body, and my arms were discounted with a "click".

It was a pity that the big man was unsuccessful in one blow, staring at Li Xing, "You are cheap."

Li Xing sighed: "Where are you cheap me? This is obviously hurting me. This man didn't think much of me, so he would fight hard. But now he is injured, if I fight again, this People must use props. "

Sure enough, as Li Xing expected, after the man's arms were broken, a twenty-two heavy attack charm was struck in each hand, staring at Li Xing, saying, "Come! Come on, some Lao Tzu several!"

Li Xing coldly said, "Idiot, is it only you who own the attacker?" Then, he took out a twenty-five attacker and threw it out. Immediately there was a killing, the earth was shaking, and the lightning was about to pass.


The man was shocked, and showed both attacks at the same time. It is a pity that the difference between the twenty-two heavy attack charm and the twenty-five heavy attack charm is unreasonable. He was ruthlessly spiked, and the whole person was killed without trace, and the bones were not left.

The first big man shot Li Xing with a stern look and said, "I didn't expect your kid to use such expensive things, it seems to be a ruthless role." Then he "haha" laughed and introduced himself, "Brother Wu Zhenqiang is willing to be friends with his brother and kill the enemy together."

Li Xing was unconvinced and said, "Li Xing is polite."

Wu Zhenqiang no longer mentions killing the enemy side by side, only saying: "Brother, there is a powerful figure in front of you, there are hundreds of people under siege, but they have all been ended, do you know?"

Li Xing was shocked and asked: "Brother Wu knows who the other party is, and he can withstand the siege of hundreds of experts?"

Wu Zhenqiang was embarrassed and said, "This man is called Huang Du. He is a master of twenty-three broken pieces. He has several extremely powerful nirvana skills and is proud of the heroes. The people who have died in his hands have surpassed Hundreds of people."

Li Xing thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid this level will last a long time."

Wu Zhenqiang nodded: "Indeed, because of our side, because there are many intractable characters on both sides, it is difficult to ascend the sky to kill the other side."

Li Xing nodded: "So it's better to just pick up the weak ones and leave them to the masters."

Wu Zhenqiang laughed: "Brother Li said what is extremely important, how much strength, how many bricks, and let's not do things beyond our ability."

After the two parties said goodbye, Li Xing put on the Wuying Baoyi, let out the eyes of the spying, and began the beheading journey. Some time ago, the people he was looking for were all below the twenty-first crush. Even if they performed nirvana, few people could break through the twenty-first crush.

People at this level do not pose much threat to Li Xing. Even if he encounters a fierce man occasionally, he can explode with a combat power of twenty-four or even twenty-five.

Battle after battle, the later, the stronger Li Xing can find. In the middle, basically all of them are more than twenty-fold broken characters, and everyone has a pretty powerful nirvana.

This is a game of killing and being killed, and Li Xing had a slight advantage in the early stage. But later, he found that there were fewer and fewer people in the same group, and they were gradually suppressed by the Tucheng side.

This is not a good thing. He will be the target of a large number of city slaughters, and the situation is extremely bad.

The fighting is getting fiercer and fierce. The people Li Xing is about to kill are all masters with comparable strength. He had to repeatedly use the props, and all the attacking and substitutes on his body were used up. Shi left four 30-thousand invisible charms and five 30-thousand flying charms.

In fact, in the process of beheading monks along the way, he also seized a lot of props, but often had limited effects, usually things below the 25th level.

On that day, Li Xing had just beheaded a twenty-one broken master and was caught up by five rushed masters. These five people were all over twenty broken and had powerful strength.

In the face of such powerful enemies ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing didn't want to, he just threw away the thirty heavy flying charms and left the scene. Thirty heavy flying charms are incredible, and the visitors can only stare and watch Li Xing slip away.

After fleeing to a safe place, Li Xing trembled: "The opponent is getting stronger and stronger, and my strength is gradually unable to threaten the enemy, and it must be further improved."

Over the past few months, he has been fighting with the strong, even beheading those who are above him, and has a wealth of combat experience. At this time, he was confident that in the short time, he would develop the seventh style of the mixed Yuan killing technique.

The stabbing sky allows his combat power to soar to the 21st level in an instant. The sixth style will inevitably make his combat power rise to a higher level, breaking through to the 22nd combat power, and thus have more capital to flee and kill the enemy.

However, before that, he must find a safe place to practice.

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