Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1347: Advanced 16th civilization

[Rejects pop-up window to read m] Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter 1347 Advanced Sixteen and other civilizations

Chapter 1347 Senior Sixteenth-Class Civilization

With a shadowless robe on his body, he was not worried about being discovered, and there was a spying eye to monitor the vast area, so he quickly found a remote village with few people. [

There is a cave here, narrow in the cave, but it is an excellent place to cultivate.

After entering the cave, Li Xing placed a stealth amulet at the entrance of the cave.

He had the utmost confidence, and it didn't take long for him to enlighten. Before and after, it took less than half a day. The eighth type of mixed-battery-killing technique is named as a broken array, which breaks all large arrays and has wonderful effects.

At this rate of 10%, Li Xing did not pause, but entered the gate of time, and deeply understood the mixed Yuan civilization.

Since entering the broken ancient road, his mixed-yuan civilization is rapidly improving. In particular, ancient civilizations continue to absorb the essence of many civilizations, including the head of the Northern Emperor, the blood of the Protoss, and so on.

In addition, the monks on the broken ancient road are all civilized celestial beings. Therefore, Li Xing has seen too many civilizations, and many of them have advanced civilizations, which greatly promoted his civilization.

Unconsciously, his civilization has accumulated enough and can be promoted again. It is as easy as he is to raise the level of civilization, which is unique in ancient and modern times. You know, some people can't even improve the level of civilization, let alone his constantly evolving form of civilization.

This time, the mixed-yuan civilization showed an explosive improvement, nineteenth, eighteenth, and seventeenth, and finally entered the level of sixteenth-level advanced civilization in one fell swoop!

The improvement of civilization has also had a huge impact on Li Xing. His strength has shattered from seventeen, and has soared all the way to twenty. At this time, if he used the breakout formation, his combat power could soar to twenty-five heavy pieces in an instant.

On the meritorious monument, his ranking in the broken list also continued to break through, entering less than 100,000!

The dual promotion of strength and civilization allowed Li Xing to go out with confidence. The relationship between the gates of time did not consume much time for his cultivation. When he stepped out, only three days passed.

At this time, he has twenty broken strengths, and can already ignore the space laws of the ancient road, and can walk freely. Therefore, with the help of the eyes of peeping, he reached the wilderness in a flash of thought.

Here is a scuffle. Since the Tucheng side fought with the other side, dozens of dogfights have been fought. This kind of battlefield is the most dangerous. Li Xing has several times and almost died here.

In this battle, people in the same team are obviously at a disadvantage, because not long ago, a core master was beheaded and killed. The beheaded master has twenty-two pieces of broken power, and the highest instantaneous combat power can reach twenty-four, which is no small matter.

After Li Xing appeared, he added combat power without saying a word. A twenty-something monk was besieged by a large array of four enemy monks, and it was about to fall. Suddenly a pike was stabbed by a spear.


The violent and sharp gunman did not twist the four masters into flesh for a moment, and rescued the fellow monk. Can't wait to hear a thank you from that person, Li Xing turned to kill the second person again.

He is like a sharp sword, stabbing into the enemy, like no one, no one is his one enemy. His appearance instantly reversed the war situation, making the situation develop in a direction conducive to the same.

On the side of Tucheng, the twenty-three heavy broken master stared coldly and stared at Li Xing. He stepped out and disappeared. The next moment, the space behind Li Xing suddenly radiated a gorgeous sword light, straight to the first level.

He didn't look back, just a shot, and broke into a violent attack, colliding with the swordmang. Jianmang seems to be scattered, but it is secretly in formation, with infinite power. This sword light, I do not know how many heroes have been killed, but failed to hurt Li Xing.

"Okay!" The other party yelled, and his body disappeared again.

Although he only did one trick, Li Xing was grateful for the blood rolling, half of his body was almost numb, and he couldn't help secretly saying: "It seems that the fighting power that broke out instantly is still defective. This person is very strong and possesses a certain ancient constitution.

Li Xing's response is very sensitive. The person who just shot is possessing the Heavenly King's body, and is good at nirvana such as Heaven's Heavenly Surgery, which is very scary. From the sword of the other side just now, Li Xing felt a tearing feeling.

The opponent did not succeed in one hit, and secretly attacked. He understood that Li Xing was very powerful, and he could not kill him with three moves. This man was obviously good at sneak attacks, constantly shooting from behind, and repeatedly beheaded to kill Li Xing.

However, every time it was blocked by its toughness. In fact, the Eye of Surveillance played a significant role. Even the changes in space could not escape its eyes, so Li Xing was able to perceive the fire and capture the opportunities again and again and was in an invincible position.

After several hard fights in a row, Li Xing felt that his bones had begun to crack. This was the result of being shaken, indicating that he was injured. The opponent was also uncomfortable. He was smashed by blood and was unable to continue attacking for a while.

But Li Xing didn't stay. He was full of murderous arrogance and shot his guns in succession. One master died under the gun. In the enemy camp, only the King of Heaven could come out against him, and the rest of the masters were entangled by fellow masters.

So now the situation is very mysterious. No matter which side, as long as one more master is lost, it will immediately fall into a passive state, so that the victory will lean toward one side.

Although the strength of Tearing the Heavenly King is slightly stronger than Li Xing, he also has shortcomings, that is, his degree of civilization, only intermediate level, not even advanced civilization. The gap in civilization gives Li Xing a certain advantage.

High-level civilization has a deterrent to low-level civilization. This kind of deterrence can sometimes have unexpected effects.

After Li Xing beheaded and killed more than a dozen people in a row, Tear King's body finally couldn't help it, he must stop Li Xing's killing. But this time, Li Xing turned back suddenly, Baoxiang solemnly, and shouted, "Will you still submit?"

With his words, the high-level sixteen and other texts clearly manifested the power of civilization. Many images of its high degree of civilization instantly poured into the other side to understand the sea, making the other side stop.

"Submit me, give Ru hope!" Li Xing's voice was full of coercion, purely the coercion of civilization.

In the distance, the masters of Tu Chengfang saw this scene, panicked, and shouted, "Not good! It is the secret technique of civilization!"

Immediately someone wanted to rush over to interfere, but was forcibly stopped by the opponent's master.

What Li Xing has shown is indeed the secret technique of civilization. This is a secret technique that his mixed civilization learned after entering the 16th class.

This kind of civilization might not be lethal, but it can deter low-level civilization. This deterrence has nothing to do with the level of cultivation.

Like an aristocrat or emperor, he still has a strong sense of superiority and self-confidence when facing a folk martial art master who has no power or power. Higher civilizations are emperors, and lower civilizations are ordinary people.

This has nothing to do with strength, but only with level and status. Higher civilization is the superior, and lower civilization is the lower. It is such a simple rule that it cannot be changed.

The time to tear up the king ’s body lost his fighting spirit, and it wasn't until Li Xing's mixed-element gun pierced his chest that he woke up from the confusion. But everything was too late, his formation was smashed, his jade **** was destroyed, and it was instantly wiped out.

A generation of masters, shocked and talented, Tiantianzun was killed in one fell swoop, which greatly affected the morale of Tucheng.

However, Li Xing is not comfortable with it. Each use of the power of civilization will consume a great deal of energy and cannot be exerted continuously. He now felt a sense of collapse, but he still beat his spirits, rushed into the enemy line with a gun, and killed the Quartet.

Enemy masters have been dragged. Every time Li Xing kills one more person, the opponent loses one. So, for a long time, the convenience of Tucheng was completely at a disadvantage. When Li Xing teamed up with another person to kill another opponent's master again, the enemy was easy to fall apart.

This was the biggest predecessor battle between the two sides. The emergence of Li Xing reversed the situation and eventually defeated the other side.

One side was defeated, the other was chasing and killing. When the battle was over, the enemy men were gone, and the remaining master names remained, but they couldn't hold on for long.

In this game of killing and being killed, Li Xing killed countless people. The merit points on the monument of merit surged. By the end of the battle, his merit points exceeded 8 million, ranking 48,000 on the merit list.

In addition, his merits continued to grow, because the people in Tucheng had not died, and the pursuit would continue until the other died.

In the Chalcedony Pass, there is a white old castle suspended in the sky, surrounded by high mountains, clouds and fog. In the old castle, a woman sat in the hall.

Opposite her, Duan Zixiong charmingly leaned down and said, "Han Qiu, I'm not far away, just to tell you this thing. The man named Li Xing is very abominable. He not only killed Sun Wanghou, but also said nothing. You can't help him, Han Qiu. "

This girl is Hanqiu Datianzun ~ www.readwn.com ~ The daughter of the third guardian. Her cultivation was broken in twenty-three times, and her cultivation was high, accompanied by three thousand faces.

Han Qiu Da Tianzun said lightly: "There is only one grandson and he will die. There is more than one person around me. Why do you need to tell me. Moreover, you are the second person and you should not go to the third level, according to the rules. , I should kill you. "

Duan Zixiong had a cold heart, but he knew the woman's power and said that if he killed, he would really kill. Quickly said: "Han Qiu, I just want to report a letter to you, to know that the potential of that person is not trivial, and I like to eliminate all threats in advance. I am worried that this person will start with you. You wake up. "

Han Qiu Da Tianzun finally came to be interested. On his dignified and beautiful face, a strange smile appeared, and said: "Is that so? I will meet him to see if this person has the ability to make Master Duan Jia. Be so mindful. "

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