Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1348: King Kong is not bad

[Rejects the pop-up window to read m] Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter 1348 King Kong is not bad

Chapter 1348 King Kong Is Not Bad

Duan Zixiong was overjoyed. He knew that Han Qiutian ’s power was arrogant and his methods were extraordinary. As long as she was willing, Li Xing's life could be taken with one thought. ┝ & Net, of course, at this time Duan Zixiong did not know the status of Li Xing, let alone the ancient road monks at Yushuiguan were in a melee.

There has been no news of Li Xing for a long time. At this moment, he can't wait to know the current situation of Li Xing, and says, "Han Qiu, have you paid attention to that Li Xing? I wonder how he is progressing now, but is he still alive? "

Han Qiutian said faintly: "I haven't asked such things, it's the father's business." She glanced at Duan Zixiong lightly. "Zixiong, you seem to be very concerned about this person, is it under his hand? Have you ever suffered a loss? But I know your character and I will report it. "

Duan Zi ambition said that if it wasn't for the kid who entered the chalcedony site, Ben Shao wouldn't bother to tell you more. He said, "Han Qiu, you laughed. There is no profound contradiction between this person and me, but he has beheaded and killed the Duan family."

Han Qiu Da Tianzun nodded: "I see. It must be Duan Guanzhu who asked you to deal with this matter, because as a calmer, he is inconvenient to take the shot. And you are too wasteful, and then you smash things, so you hurried over Please, am I? "

Duan Zixiong could not wait to kill the woman in front of him because the woman made him feel extremely insecure, as if nothing could be hidden from her eyes.

"Yes, I can't hide anything from you Han Qiu. To be honest, this person is really very good. If I'm not wrong, he is now in the chalcedony turmoil and can be regarded as the number one character."

In this case, Duan Zixiong just talked casually, so that Han Qiutian ’s attention to Li Xing was aroused. He never imagined that he would come to a conclusion. Li Xing is now really the number one figure and a master.

Han Qiudao: "If you say so, I want to see this person immediately." Then, she took out a mirror. This mirror is the size of a slap. It is blue on one side and red on the other.

Hanqiu Datianzhuang throws the mirror into the air, and the mirror is set in the middle of the sky. The green light shoots a ray of blue light, forming a dynamic picture below, showing the entire chalcedony situation.

Duan Zixiong's eyes lighted up and shouted, "Xiao Zhou Tianjing! You are really good, Han Qiu, you have this kind of baby. With it, you can peep into the heavens and the world and observe Zhou Tian. It is a strange treasure!"

Han Qiu Da Tianzun ignored Duan Zixiong's admiration, she said to Xiao Zhou Tian Jing: "Mirror, find the position of Li Xing."

The blue light changed, and the terrain of the characters inside flickered constantly. When it stopped, there was no one on top, and nothing was displayed.

Han Qiu Datianzun sneered: "It seems that this person is very cautious. He is invisible, and even Xiao Zhou can't find it."

Duan Zixiong anxiously said, "What should we do? To deal with this person, we must first know his recent situation."

Han Qiutian said faintly: "It's okay, you can't find him. You can use an indirect method to determine his position." Then, he ordered, "Mirror, all-round search, everything about Li Xing, Junyuan University. Celestial Message. "

Not long ago, Qingguangzhi ### now has dozens of images, all related to Li Xing. One of them showed that a monk had been killed. This man yelled before he died: "It's you, Li Xing, don't kill me ..."

Then the man was torn apart instantly, but Xiao Zhou's sky mirror still couldn't show the image of Li Xing, only to see the man killed.

In addition to the images of some people when they were beheaded by Li Xing, the scenes of several people talking to Li Xing were recorded by Xiao Zhou Tianjing. It is such a synthesis that sorts out the recent situation of Li Xing.

It didn't take long for Qing Guang to convey the final message.

Li Xing, Taoist mixed Yuan Datianzun, twenty broken, killing countless, terrible nirvana, currently in the top ten of chalcedony.

After reading the information, Han Qiutian Tianzun looked very serious, turned and stared at Duan Zixiong, coldly: "Duan Zixiong, how can you stupid pig get such a powerful role? The top ten characters of Chalcedony, Do you know what it stands for? "

Duan Zixiong was even more surprised than Han Qiutian Tianzun, murmured: "How is this possible? Not long ago he was still seventeen broken. Why did he suddenly rise to three levels? Impossible! Never!"

"Huh!" Han Qiutian turned away, "This man, I won't offend, what you want to do is a matter of your family, it has nothing to do with me."

Duan Zixiong was so cold-hearted that he could not move Li Xing without the cooperation of Han Qiutian. But as soon as he thought, what seemed to come to his mind, he found a picture from his arms.

This picture is three feet wide and four feet long. Han Qiutian Tianzhuang frowned, "Did you get the karma map of Duan Guanzhu?"

Duan Zixiong nodded solemnly: "Han Qiu, you also know that karma maps can view people's karma. I have used this map before and found that one person in the chalcedony pass has a significant relationship with Li Xing."

"Do you mean, do you want this person to control Li Xing?" Han Qiu asked, "you have to think clearly, and then entangle with this person, the end may be miserable. You do not understand how terrible these people are, and the potential is How huge. "

Duan Zixiong gritted his teeth: "But things have already reached this stage. I must not let him go. And I said before that this man had killed Sun Wanghou, and it can be regarded as Han Qiu's enemies. You already have Karma is entangled and cannot escape! "

The so-called karma refers to the causal relationship between the various categories of the universe. No matter how high a person's realm is and how strong he is, as long as he walks in the world, there will be karma entanglement.

From top to bottom, to ordinary people, all have karma. Even if a person who is indifferent to the world and retired from time to time, sometimes has an accidental thought, he has karmic entanglement with the mountains and rivers, and sometime and someday.

In short, all living things have karma.

In order to prove his point, Duan Zixiong shook the karma map, only to see an image on it. Above the image, a manly Yu Xuanang, a woman kneeling at his feet.

The woman with open eyes spreads her hair like a dog who shakes her tail and begs for mercy, but who is not Han Qiu?

Seeing this scene, Han Qiu's face revealed the murderous power for the first time. Duan Zixiong calmed down and said, "Han Qiu, you know the magic of karma. This is not something I made up, but it's true. If you don't get rid of this person, you will come into this one day sooner or later field."

Han Qiu Datian respected and hummed, then fell into deep thought. She naturally understands that this cannot be Duan Zixiong's fraud, and karma is not something that can be faked. She is a proud woman. She has always played with men in the palm of her hands and cannot accept the fact that she bowed to a man.

After a moment, Han Qiutian resigned coldly: "Zixiong, tell me all the information about this person, and we have to discuss a countermeasure."

Duan Zixiong was overjoyed and said, "Naturally, I will assist you with cold autumn."

Also in Yushuiguan, when Li Xing chased down enemy monks, a woman was in danger. This woman's face is peerless, elegant and elegant, and the jade and body are bursting with fragrance, which can be smelled by men from afar.

Behind her, a blue robe man chased with a smile. Holding a folding fan in his hand, a jade crown above his head, he smiled, "Beauty, where can you go?"

The woman turned and yelled: "You are so unreasonable. The monks on the side of the slaughter lost or lost. You still have the leisure to chase a person of little value. Are you afraid that those people will kill you in the end? They also slaughtered the city! "

The man said indifferently, "What are they? How can they be compared with me? Huh, don't mention a small chalcedony level. Even in the last three levels, I don't fear any of them!"

"Don't make a fuss, as far as I know, there is someone above you, which you absolutely can't match." The woman said coldly, when referring to this person, her face was full of admiration and admiration situation.

The man was immediately annoyed and said, "Who are you talking about? Is he in the last three stages?"

"He's not at Hou Sanguan, it's at Chalcedony." The woman said, "He is my man, and I'm worthless compared to him, so I advise you to leave quickly and don't dwell on me anymore."

Manly angrily smiled, and said, "Good! The more you say that, the more I want to get you! And I will play with your body fiercely in front of that man!"

There was a vicious and mean expression on his face, and without any slight teasing, he reached out and grasped the woman, and said Yinyin, "Take me to see him!"

In another direction, Han Qiu Da Tianzun and Duan Zixiong saw this happening through Xiao Zhou's sky mirror. Duan Zixiong was shocked and said, "Yes, this woman is a man who has entangled with Li Xing. It is just the origin of this man. Do you know Han Qiu?"

Han Qiu Datian Zun stared at the blue-shirt man with a complex look, and said, "He is called Gongsun Wuji, and he is a devil! This devil is very powerful. He is twenty-four broken, and his instantaneous combat power reaches the peak of twenty-seven. And, in this man's hand, there is a twenty-seven piece of broken inborn treasure, Ruyi Whip. "

Duan Zixiong was jealous ~ www.readwn.com ~ said: "It seems that he must have come from which clan, or he would not have such strength."

"Yes, he is King Kong's indestructible body, a branch of the ancient blood, family power is even more huge, dominate the side in the theme, invincible."

After listening to Han Qiutian's words, Duan Zixiong's eyes lit up and he laughed: "Wonderful! So, Li Xing is already dead! This woman has a relationship with Li Xing, and Gongsun Wuji got this again at this moment. Woman. Hehe, a great show is about to happen, I'm really looking forward to it! "

Hanqiu Datianzun said coldly: "Nothing looks good, because Gongsun Wuji will surely kill Li Xing. This life is very jealous, even if the woman he has glanced at, it cannot be obtained for other men, otherwise all To die. "

Duan Zixiong was even happier and laughed: "That would be even better! I only want Li Xing to die!"

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