Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1368: Meet the Old in the Sea

This civilized warship originally stayed in the Sihuang for defense purposes. For so many years, the war avatar has made the civilized warship sacrificed day by day. However, with the improvement of the strength of the four avatars, the Sihuang no longer depends on it. This battleship is completely rampant

Therefore, Li Xing took back the battleship. At this time, it came in handy to know that Li Xing's deity and the four avatars could not only communicate with each other, but also communicate with each other.

In one thought, you can transfer all kinds of materials and cultivation experience to the four avatars. Of course, this is already the limit. His deity cannot leave the ancient road, otherwise it will be directly obliterated by the ancient road rules.

The four wastelands have been able to develop rapidly in recent years, not only training a large number of masters, but also building a stronger military force, all of which cannot be separated from Li Xing's material transportation.

You know, he encountered all kinds of perverts along the way, the master of the ancient road, who is always twenty-broken, and thirty-broken capable people, killing one is equivalent to getting a treasure house.

As a result, a considerable part of these treasures were transported back to the Sihuang, and he also reserved a part for the growth of the Hunyuan Empire and the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce to supply the development of the Hunyuan level.

The four avatars have been able to make such rapid progress in these years. The promotion of Li Xing's deity is inseparable from their progress. They need not only cultivate their feelings, but also cultivate their resources.

For example, Jiuyang's avatar has a very high level of strength, but it will take a huge amount of resources to expand the scope of the plane, and the growth of the plane's creatures. All of this requires resources to complete. It is like a child who wants to become a leader. Must eat food in general, and chicken, fish and eggs

In particular, thousands of ancient masters beheaded by Li Xing, most of them have a large number of battleship weapons parked, and many Li Xing have never seen or heard of them.

These things can directly arm the military power of the mixed Yuan empire, so that the empire can rapidly develop and grow, sweeping the Quartet, and become the four wasteland overlords. It can be said that without Li Xing's ancient road trip, the mixed Yuan empire cannot grow so quickly.

But then again, the growth and growth of the mixed Yuan empire is also a help to the mixed Yuan empire for Li Xing, but it is a part of Li Xing's strength. If he can unify the wasteland in the future, his own strength will rise to higher levels.

Civilized warships traveled on the vast sea. Thousands of mixed real people manipulated this giant ship, cutting waves and breaking waves, and sailing at high speed. It is indeed a high-level civilized warship with a high level, so that Li Xing will not waste too much on navigation. time

In fact, civilized warships are also distinguished, and match the master ’s level of civilization. For example, Li Xing is now a high-ranking civilization, and this civilized warship is naturally upgraded to a high-ranking civilization.

Li Xing and You Xiang stood at the bow of the ship, watching the warship sailing for half a day, and not seeing the coastline, he could not help frowning: "It seems that it is not easy to get the best of brutalism, we must be mentally prepared"

Youxiang said: "The Archaic Beast Volume is not a trivial matter. It has a very important position in the middle of the 72nd stage. If Xingge can get this thing, it will be of great help to break through the 25th heavy fragmentation. He must get it."

Li Xing nodded: "It's just a matter of time. No one can compete with me on this road."

Speaking, a real Yuanren staring at him suddenly called out, "Your Majesty, there is also a big ship in front!"

Li Xing took a closer look, and sure enough, he saw a large ship advancing at a rapid speed, but the speed was much slower than that of a civilized warship, and the shape and volume were not as grand as those of a civilized warship.

This is a building ship with eight floors. Each floor is equipped with deck railings. Men and women ###, young and old constantly appear, lively, and I do not know what it is

The people on the floor saw a faster and taller ship appear, and they all came to see Li Xing curiously. They had all the sight of the ship at a glance, and finally his eyes gathered on a woman.

This woman was Bai Bing who had a relationship at the beginning. At this moment, she was kneeling on the deck, her head bowed, her face humiliated, her lips clenched, and she was kneeling without saying a word. Young men's training, with purple shirt and crown

The male practitioner admired the songs and dances on the deck. The dancing girls did not cover their clothes one by one, and even some were completely naked, accompanied by the extravagant sound of silk bamboo.

The male practitioner looked up, suddenly reached out to touch Bai Bing's chest, Bai Bing turned away from one side, and looked up and glared.

The male Xiu was so angry that he lifted his feet and bailed Bai Bing aside, sneering: "Cheesy. Goods, shameless to the face, it seems that Ben Ben can only overpower the king."

Bai Bing lowered her tears, her strength was imprisoned, and she could not resist at all. At the thought of a possible expression of despair in her eyes, everyone suddenly looked at the stern, even the male repair was no exception.

Looking at Bai Bing's face, he saw a huge battleship breaking through the waves. The speed was very fast at the bow of the ship. He stood with a pair of men and women who were majestic and had the power to swallow the world.

At the sight of this person, Bai Bing couldn't bear anything else, and opened his mouth to scream, but found that he couldn't make any noise, so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

The male practitioner saw that someone ’s boat was bigger and faster than him, and he could n’t help but feel annoyed. He asked an old man behind him and said, “General manager, who is the person who came, it looks like an arrogant person. You come forward and ask”

The manager was startled at this, but here is the broken ancient road. Ai masters are like clouds, crouching tigers and hidden dragons. One thing is not as good as the other. His master is arrogant and arrogant. He was not protected by the masters and other masters along the way. what's up

He quickly said: "Master, who is the other person, has nothing to do with us, do not need to say hello to them, we go our way, they go their way."

This man, known as the master ’s Xiu, said, "Fart! I think my family is a thirty-three-day clan, who is arrogant in the world, and this person has eyes and no jealousy. He dare to steal the power of me to break the sky. "Let me know, I used to ask him where he came from, and he dared to show it to Ben Shao."

The director was speechless for a while. What he was most afraid of was that this kind of thing was in the thirty-three days. This young man killed anyone who wanted to kill. No one dared to offend him because there were several thirty-three broken powers in the family support

But this place is more than thirty-three heavy days ~ www.readwn.com ~ How can it be nonsense? In case of kicking on the iron plate, I would cry without tears, so the manager fell to his knees and said, "Master, old slave, tell the truth, the ancient road is not thirty-three days, especially this level, Heroes gather, heroes gather, let alone random mess. "

The master snorted: "Master, you said that along the way, but are there fewer people who kill less?" He pointed to Bai Bing and the dancing women. "None of these people were looted by me, and Who dares to control it? "

The director also said that the civilized warship had already caught up, and more than half of the bow had broken what Tianyu was about to say, but Li Xing stood up with a fragrant volley and landed accurately on the deck.

The manager suddenly became nervous. With a wave of his hand, a large number of guards rushed out behind them. The strength of these guards is not weak. There are twenty-four people in Yishi's crushing master!

Moreover, the repair of the director is even more remarkable, he is a master of thirty broken pieces

These people were suddenly blocked in front of Li Xing, and the manager said coldly, "His Excellency, what are you going to do?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Find someone"

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