Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1369: School of fish and challenges

This time Li Xingle was out, and my heart said where did the goods come from? He didn't have to kill this person, he just asked, "Who are you, just like a bear, dare you run to the broken ancient road to die?"

The general manager who was not carried by him spoke, saying, "This Taoist, my young master is the one who lives in the 33rd Heavenly Family, and the family member is the 33rd Heavenly Family. If Daoyou can raise his hand, I won't forget Dae-En in the future. "

Li Xing said coldly: "What do you mean, this emperor will enter the thirty-three heavens sooner or later, so he can threaten me if he breaks his house, doesn't he?"

"Dare not dare" the manager sweated coldly on his forehead, "We have absolutely no such idea, just admire Taoist means, you can be a friend."

"Friends are absent," Li Xingdan said indifferently. "You have tied my friend. You should have been beheaded. However, because you have the possibility of repentance, the emperor decided to temporarily ### 尔等, and discuss other things in the future.

In fact, after Li Xing had left his hand to enter the source of civilization, he still made a trip to the 33rd Heaven. After all, it was only there that he could enter the upper bound and the impact was supremely broken.

By that time, it was necessary to interact with the indigenous people for thirty-three days. Keeping this masterpiece, maybe it was useful.

Everyone is relieved when they hear it, everyone is relieved. ### It's nothing to get up. As long as you don't die, you will have a chance to run away or be saved by the family. It is finally hopeful.

In other words, Li Xing throws his family members into the mixed plane ### 说 是 ###, in fact, he is doing hard work for the real people in mixed yuan, the mining of the mine, the cultivation of the farming, in short there is no a waste of resource

### Zhuren, one big building boat stopped at the sea and Li Xing found that this building boat is not bad. It is equipped with quite powerful firepower. The highest one is a 30-level broken ancient cannon with 200 doors.

Moreover, there are many singers and dancers on the floor boat, each floor is a casino, all restaurants, restaurants, teahouses, theaters, bathing gardens, bedrooms, etc.

Li Xing was interested, and laughed: "It's interesting, it's better to take this boat, it's more convenient." He took the civilized warship, called the real people of Junyuan to the ship, and continued to sail.

Li Xing didn't kill Tian Yu, Bai Bing was quite dissatisfied, but after all, Li Xing saved her life, and it's hard to say in his heart, he was still very grateful to Li Xing, and he was very grateful.

I don't know how long it will take, a few people entered the tea house, and tea and chat Bai Bing thanked Li Xing again, and then speaking of the experience during this time, she can say that she has experienced nine deaths and died many times.

Had Li Xing not appeared today, she would have been more miserable in the end, and she sighed helplessly, saying, "Brother Li, I would have known the dangers of this ancient road, I would never come"

Li Xingdao: "If you want to go down the ancient road, you must not only have perseverance, but also extraordinary wisdom and powerful combat power."

Bai Bing smiled: "I don't seem to meet these three conditions."

Li Xing frowned: "If you hold this idea, sooner or later you will be killed or become a slave"

Speaking of the word slave, Bai Bing was icy for a while, she raised her head, took a peek at Yuxiang, and then said, "Brother Li, I want to follow you"

You Xiang said coldly: "I am Xing's follower, so I can follow you. Who are you?"

You Xiang's eyes are very indifferent, full of scornful beautiful women, born to be enemies, and this woman is also tired of her own man, that is absolutely intolerable

It was normal for her to show this attitude

But Bai Bing could not bear to earn her. She was a respected character in her hometown. She had an extraordinary status and was proud of being controlled by these days. She was ridiculed by other women today.

She stood up freely, and said, "It's my fault, Bai Bing's departure!"

She said go and go, jump directly into the vast sea, and actually want to continue to swim

There was no expression on Li Xing's face. When she jumped down, she said, "Youxiang, if she swims, she will be swallowed by sea monsters."

Youxiang sneered: "On this ancient road, I don't know how many people are going to die every day. What is more of her?" Although she said that, her eyes were narrowed to the sea. The building boat was stretched farther away, and finally turned into a small black spot

Li Xing stopped talking, but she couldn't hold her breath, and finally said, "Xing brother, why didn't you stop her?"

Li Xing replied coldly: "Is it abnormal for someone to die on this ancient road? Besides, we have saved her life and have done enough."

You Xiang was silent, then sighed, and said, "Stop the boat."

Li Xingming asked: "Why stop?"

You Xiang glared at Li Xing with a grudge, saying, "You keep on, don't blame me if she is dead."

Li Xing smiled and said, "You know that she is just afraid of the blood and rain of the ancient road, and you want to seek asylum around us, why bother to think about it", she ordered the ship to go back

Bai Bing was swimming in the cold sea water. The restrictions of the rules prevented him from flying, so he could only swim a little and slowly uttered a lonely and desolate mood in her heart, and her eyes couldn't help crying.

"Why don't I have a man who can protect me? I have pursued spiritual practice all my life, but I have nothing to do today, but what about today? Compared with the masters in the world, such weak shoes are still vulnerable."

In this way, she didn't even have the wandering mind, and the whole person seemed to float on the sea, turbulent with the waves, closed her eyes, as if waiting for death.

Suddenly, she felt the sky dark, and opened her eyes. She found that the tall ship actually returned to Li Xing and stood on the bow of the boat. She reached for a shot, and a suction force was generated, which lifted her up from the sea.

She was like a cocky chicken, standing in front of Li Xing with embarrassment, but felt that she should not have this feeling in front of an outsider. This feeling of grievance was only at a very young age, in the care of her parents. Only occasionally

With a wave of Li Xing's big sleeve, the steam was steaming, and her body had become clean and fresh.

"Well, you are also a person who has practiced for many years. How can you be so irritated? You will follow me in the future, everyone is a companion, and I will keep you safe."

Li Xing's words warmed her heart, but her mouth said, "Isn't she opposed?"

Li Xing: "If she opposes, you must still be in the sea now"

Therefore, on the way of sailing, there was another Bai Bing. This Bai Bing was also interesting. When it was all right, it was always cultivated by oneself, and it would not appear in front of Li Xing and You Xiang, as if avoiding something.

Unconsciously, more than ten days have passed, and there is still a vast ocean ahead, and suddenly there are strong winds and waves, and even the building boat is swaying.

Li Xing looked dignified, his eyes were doomed to the front, and he had ordered the real people to enter the combat state.

Not long after, a sharp silver light suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea in front of it. With a sound of "swipe", it drove thousands of miles away from the silver light, setting off a violent wind.

Li Xing's eyesight was very good. It was seen that it was a swordfish, about ten feet long, with a bone spur in front. It was extremely sharp and even more frightening. The swordfish revealed a powerful breath.


The swordfish swept through a silver light, and stabbed quickly towards the direction of the ship. Although the ship was strong, if it was pierced by it, it would have to be penetrated.

A mixed Yuan real person controls a broken ancient cannon and yells, "Go to death!"

There was a loud bang, and a big bang, hit the swordfish body accurately, blasted it into pieces, but the bone spur was not destroyed, and was still intact, showing how sharp it was

Li Xing's eyes brightened, and he stretched out his hand to inhale the bone spur. The bone spur was long and thick, and some people had thick legs at the back end, which was very heavy.

"This is a good material for refining soldiers," Li Xing said after watching it, and then put it away. This kind of thing will definitely cost a lot if it is sold

The swordfish was killed by a cannon, and the real people in Zhuanyuan were cheering. At this moment, countless swordfish appeared suddenly in front of them in black. Among them, a lot of them were bigger and stronger.

When Li Xing's face changed, he would release a civilized warship without a word, and let the two ships side by side to meet this wave of attacks.

When the fish approached, he calmly gave the order: "Hit!"

"Boom boom!"

All kinds of ancient artillery fired repeatedly, and each swordfish was slag, but more swordfish appeared in the back, and it seemed that it could never be killed.

Like this method of firing guns, the ammunition is consumed so much that Li Xing has ample money on hand and can keep making money but also thinks this is not a long-term strategy.

Both the floor ship and the civilized warship have fierce firepower and tens of thousands of broken ancient cannons, so these swordfish cannot really approach, and the two sides are deadlocked.

But ~ www.readwn.com ~ The size of the fish school is getting bigger and bigger. At a glance, all the swordfish are beating. I do n’t know how many of them. A thick layer is laid on the sea surface, like a silver light creeping.

The siege of the school of fish caused the warships to stop advancing and fully blocked Li Xing's thinking about how to deal with it. Suddenly a challenge message appeared on the meritorious monument.

The person who challenged him, named Huang Gong, was twenty-four broken, and the broken ranking was far below Li Xing.

At the moment, he was dealing with the school of fish, but there were some people who were challenged, and there was a little bit of coldness in the heart of the unknown man Li Xing. He gave the supreme beheading to Youxiang, and said lightly: " Resist for a moment, if not, then do this. "

You Xiang nodded: "You must also be careful, although the other party is slightly lower, they may have a killer."

When Li Xing moved, he accepted the challenge, his body suddenly disappeared, and he entered into a dazzling space-time. Below is a round battle platform, and the surrounding area was blurred.

On the battlefield, there was already a man in Tsing Yi who stood with his hands on his shoulders. His eyes were purple and his clothes fluttered.

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