Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1377: Prosecutor

The young man's heart is completely desperate. Even in his heart, he can do everything, and the invincible father's will cannot defeat the person in front of him. Could he possibly fight the other person?

No suspense, the remaining three games, the teenager still lost

Immediately after the juvenile car fell off, Li Xing's merit monument reminded him that his merit value reached 3.5 billion!

The juvenile **** was numb, got up indifferently, turned and left, without saying a word

Tu Ba was so happy that he yelled, "Big nephew, walk slowly!"

He made 1.5 billion merits in one fell swoop. Li Xing was quite happy. Later, his ranking on the meritorious list also rose from 99 to 78!

Because he showed great strength and won the unbeaten boy, so no one dared to gamble with Li Xing. He could only regret to leave Tuyi Casino with Tu Ba.

Out of the gambling house, Tu dominated: "Brother, your record is as high as 995. As long as you challenge once more, you can reach a record of 1,000. In this way, you can get twice as much reward as you have 3.5 billion. The reward is seven billion. "

Li Xingdao: "At the 75th level, Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons, I'm not afraid of no chance to challenge and I feel that the person who challenges me will not be morning."

Tu Ba dismissed it authentically: "Brother, your combat power is unreasonably powerful to the infinite, who else can defeat you? Don't say that the 75th level is counted, even if it is the last three levels and the final three Off, you can also spend it easily "

The two were talking, Li Xing looked cold and domineering Tu: "We have a life, let's do it"

Just now, while listening to the news in the tea house, Youxiang was suddenly surrounded by two monks. The two monks were above Yuxiang, one was twenty-nine, one was thirty.

A monk of this strength is not unusual at the 75th level. Occasionally, it also illustrates the danger of this level.

This tea house where You Xiang is located has a lot of customers. She was lucky to get a seat next to the window. It was not long before another three women repaired it. Four people talked and made friends.

After talking for a while, You Xiang realized that the monks in this city tended to gang up with each other due to their long-term livelihood, and build their own territory, so as to squeeze the new monks who entered this level.

These three women wanted to come to recruit You Xiang to join an organization called "Xiongong Gang". Youxiang's strength is not weak. All three female nuns are very able to join.

The three women practice bitterness and use all kinds of means. However, You Xiang just inquired useful information from their mouths, and just joined them with ease.

At this time, two male Xiu rushed over and gave the fragrance to the three female Xiu Xiu, who was much weaker. When his face changed, he didn't dare to put one, and left silently.

Seeing that the visitor was not good, Youxiang secretly informed Li Xing, calmly and authentically, "What's your advice?"

The left eyeball of the man on the left has only white eyes and no pupils. He smiled and said, "This Taoist friend, you who are only competing with you can help you out. Why don't you agree?"

You Xiang frowned, "You guys are also Jingxiong?"

"Jingxiong helps count!" The man on the right had a fleshy face. Three vertical eyes were born side by side on his forehead, which was very weird. He said scornfully, "We are destiny people. See you look good, just pass by. Would you like to be our wife with our president? "

You Xiang smiled slightly: "If you want me to be your wife, first ask my master." She said, looking behind them.

I do n’t know when Li Xing and Tu Ba arrived at the tea house, standing coldly behind them, and both turned around hurriedly. They were vigilant when they saw that Tu Ba ’s repair was not weak.

Li Xing said nothing to the three-eyed monk: "I want to challenge you"

After that, on the three-eye monk ’s meritorious monument, the challenge information Li Xing ’s ranking appeared below him, so he could n’t refuse to see Li Xing, a twenty-seven monk, dare to challenge his thirty The heavy monk couldn't help sneering: "Well, if you want to die, I'll fulfill you!"

On the other side, Tu Ba also smiled to the blind monk and said, "Your grandma drops, I will challenge you."

Although this man saw that Tu Ba was not easy to mess with, he was also not afraid. He was also a master of thirty brokenness, so he sneered and agreed directly.

The next moment, two pairs of challengers enter the challenge platform respectively

The battle on Tu Ba's side was quite lively, because the strength of the two was not too different, so he killed 300th trick, and Tu Ba cut off the blind monk.

In contrast, Li Xingke simply has a lot of fun. He just shot it up and picked him up with one move.

When he died, his record increased by two points

Li Xing stepped out of the challenge platform and sat with You Xiang, waiting for Tu Ba to step out. Before this challenge was over, another person entered the tea house. The face of this person was very strange. There was only one mouth on one face and no eyes. Ear nose

The mouth was very large, occupying more than half of his face, with red lips and white teeth. It was very weird. Although the man had no eyes, he could see everything. You killed my subordinates "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Oh? The waste just now belongs to you."

Destiny president smiled grimly: "You are arrogant, but in the city, a weak person like you is destined to be eaten by others"

Li Xing laughed and said, "Really?"

At this time, Tu Ba also jumped out of the challenge platform, appeared in the tea house, and laughed: "Wonderful, there are people who are not afraid of death."

Although President Destiny only has one mouth, his expression is also very rich. He grinned broadly and said, "If you have the courage, can you fight with this club?"

Li Xing looked at the record and saw that it was only three points away. He thought that it would be better to get the double merit now and get into the post three stages. He said, "Okay, you can find another person. I challenge you both "

The destiny president laughed, one mouth almost covered the entire face, and then said, "Okay, we will call the vice president to fight with you."

Tu Ba couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Two to one, you are a female, and you have decided your grandma!"

The chairman snorted and clapped his hands. Then he came out of a middle-aged monk. The middle-aged monk has ordinary facial features, but his strength is not weak. He and President Tianming are all 31 masters!

Thirty-one is broken, which is already a very strong opponent for Li Xing, but he is not, because it can be seen that although the strength of the two men in front of them is not weaker than Tu Ba, it is not enough to touch the "Supreme Supreme" "The two sides are hands-on, and have enough grasp to overcome

As soon as the two of them appeared, the agreement took effect. The challenge message was displayed on their respective commemorative monuments. At the next moment, the three disappeared simultaneously and entered the challenge platform.

Seeing Li Xing enter the challenge platform, You Xiang frowned, "Tu Ba, I always think this is a bit wrong."

Tu Ba thick and thin, said: "I have also seen it, this destiny will not find others, but they will find you, I'm afraid they deliberately led us over."

"Then take advantage of the fact that Xingge's record is only a few points behind, and deliberately induced him to make a point to earn points" You Xiang sighed, "It seems that the other party is not a solution to us"

Tu Ba said indifferently: "We can see that Da Ke can see that since he dares to do so, he must have full confidence. We must not worry about it, and when he returns from victory, he will break the record by a thousand!"

On the challenge stage, the two sides suddenly appeared four voids before the two sides even started. These are four monks. Their breath is very strong, everyone has a disgusted expression and looks at Li Xing.

Seeing the sign hanging on the waist of the four men, he immediately recognized his identity and said, "It was the chief sentencer."

Above the ambassador, in order to provoke the captain, the rank is higher and the strength is stronger. It is also necessary to be above the ambassadors of various customs.

Like the guards, except for the first three barriers, the guards at the 72nd level are relatively weak. Basically, they do n’t ask much about things. In the middle of the 72nd level, the monks of the ancient road are more overbearing and domineering. It is not these guards. Can be bullied at will

It is the Chief Justice, their strength is not morning, and they have the power to kill and kill, so they are very overbearing, and the ancient monks who died in their hands are not a minority.

A total of one sentencer in the confession sang: "Li Xing, you beheaded and killed three prisoners. You should be guilty of death, but if you have an exemption, we will not kill you."

Li Xing sneered: "It turned out that the four captains were sent for this matter. Although you didn't take any action, you set this up and let others come to kill me!"

"Hmm!" The second torture chief looked sternly, "We didn't break the rules, it was your own challenge to speak, you died, you deserved it"

Li Xing said scornfully: "There is so much nonsense, you can start to do it."

The man snorted again: "The two people you challenge ~ www.readwn.com ~ are our carefully selected masters, one is the faceless deity, and the other is the heartless deity, each of them has one No superior props "

As soon as he spoke, Li Xing, who was just talking, found that the two people who were to challenge each took out an attacking sign in their hands. This was not an ordinary attacking sign, but a supreme attacking sign, capable of issuing a superior attack. !!

Li Xing's look changed and he said, "How can there be a supreme attack sign on these two people? This should be a prop that can only be sold after the last three levels?"

Destiny President Hehehe laughed and said, "You stupid, how do you know how to raise the Chief of Justice, they are privileged, so you are dead today, no one can save you!"

The middle-aged monk calmly said: "This man has 3.5 billion merit points. It is a huge amount. Kill him, and we will make a lot of money!"

After all, the two shot at the same time, and at the same time, they shot the supreme attacking charm in their hands. What ’s more terrible is that once the two runes are shot, the supreme killing light is combined into one, forming a more powerful light. Slammed into Li Xing

Li Xing's instantaneous combat power can be described as arrogant. He can face such a powerful attack and become colored in an instant.

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