Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1378: First entry

In the face of such a horrible attack, he deeply understands that with his current strength, there is absolutely no way to fight it, otherwise there is only a dead end. However, he is uncertain, and spit out four mysterious syllables: two parallel!

"Parallel parallelism" is a kind of mystery of civilization. Compared with the stasis of space at that time, the magic is performed, and Li Xing has entered a completely different time and space.

This level of time and space is not affiliated with the current level of time and space, and is parallel to each other. No one can influence who. So, Li Xing is Li Xing, the people around are the people around them, they are already in a different world.

So there was a very weird scene. When I saw Li Xing sitting cross-legged, he released the door of time and started to cultivate.

However, the time rules of the two equal worlds are different. Obviously, it is only a short moment. For the world where Li Xing is located, it is quite a long time, at least enough for Li Xing to break through.

The four captains of the prison sentence were surprised to see all this happen, but they could n’t help and could n’t give a helping hand. In fact, for them, the attack of the supreme killer came instantly, covering Li Xing.

But for Li Xing, due to the means of equal world, the attacking Fu Guang approached him very slowly, and I do n’t know how long it will take to come.

At this moment, he experienced so much in the 72nd retreat in the retreat in the gate of time. Regardless of his mentality or accumulation, it was no longer good. It was time for a breakthrough.

His first breakthrough was the mixed-yuan civilization. The mixed-yuan civilization is currently a tenth-class civilization, and the tenth-class civilization is already quite remarkable. It allows him to have many wonderful means such as the parallel execution of the Second World, which can create two An irrelevant parallel world, leaving you in absolute security

You Xiang is also a tenth-class civilization, but her method is not as good as Li Xing. Both are tenth-class civilizations, but the nature of civilization is different, and Li Xing's civilization is even more unpredictable.

In recent years, the four majors have been divided into four fields, which have overwhelmed the continent of countless civilizations. They belong to the advanced civilization continent and even the first-class civilization continent.

The four avatars transmitted the civilized forces extracted from these continents to Li Xing for their enlightenment and cultivation to nourish the ancient trees of civilization

In addition, he also killed many heroes on the ancient road, observed many avenues of civilization, and benefited greatly. Until today, the ancient civilization tree has finally improved again, and a series of deep changes have taken place.

This change has taken his level of civilization one step further, reaching the advanced ninth grade

The most direct beneficiary of the advanced nine-level civilization is the war celestial prince, because he is a condensed part of the strength of the ancient tree of war, so his strength soared in the first time, making the war civilization to a high level of fifteen. Wait

The strength of the avatar of the war also suddenly reached 30 levels of fragmentation, and the instant combat power also touched the top edge, and you can touch the top one step away.

In contrast, Li Xing's progress has been more rapid. Due to the advancement of civilization, his realm has also broken through from the 27th, to the 28th, and then to the 29th!

Twenty-nine is broken, and his strength has been increased by two levels. At the same time, the instantaneous combat power is even more unpredictable.

Just as his power touched a more mysterious level, the ancient civilization tree conveyed part of his will, which made him understand the true meaning of the word "Supreme", and he better understood his power. leap

This wise understanding has also greatly promoted his strength, so he continued to be broken from the 29th and broke through the 30th! Thirty-one heavy! Thirty-two! Until thirty-three!

When his realm broke through to thirty-threefold fragmentation, it felt like a void and etherealness, and he actually improved three times, breaking through the **** of thirty-threefold fragmentation and directly entering the edge of supremacy.

He felt as if it were very close and as if far away. There is a great place that exists in nothingness. It seems that as long as he reaches out, he can touch this place; as long as he takes a step forward, he can enter this world.

However, when he really wanted to enter it, he found that this place was so out of reach and elusive.

"My" Supreme "is just an introduction. Ai ca n’t even touch the side of the upper bound." Li Xing sighed in his heart. Although he had an idea of ​​trying to make a desperate attempt to rush to the upper bound, he knew that his strength was insufficient.

If he rushes into the upper bound at this time, he may fall into the boundless void and never come out unless he is absolutely sure, otherwise he will never try

He had some thoughts in his heart and murmured: "I have just touched the side of‘ Supreme ’, and it seems that it ’s only possible to reach the true absolute power by entering the‘ Supreme ’.”

At this time, he speculated that the outermost surface of the main plane is the upper bound of the thirty-three heavens, presumably the last barrier outside the thirty-three heavens, or that the upper bound is outside the main plane. ?

He couldn't be sure which answer it was, but there was a feeling in the subconscious, as long as he entered the upper bound, he would understand a lot of things.

Ca n’t think too much, because the time is running out, the two parallels will disappear, so he walks out of the door of time, removes the two parallels, and hits with a punch

The supreme killings issued by the two Supreme Spells were so powerful and sharp that Li Xing, who had been out of the customs, was wrapped in Li Xing. He practiced a long time, but the destiny on the outside would grow by two. It felt like they hit Li Xing without any pause.


Killing light and body, Li Xing shattered it with a punch. This is a supreme power, above all other powers, and even the supreme rune can not compete with it.

In fact, although this charm is known as the supreme attacking charm, its attack power is just the level of power that Li Xing can reach when he breaks through the eighth formula of Li Yuan before the breakthrough. Power, ten thousand miles away

Two kinds of power, one outside the door and one inside the door

Breaking Fu Guang, Li Xing just flicked his sleeves, he was stunned, could not believe the destiny of the matter in front of him, and the middle-aged monk beheaded in one fell swoop, it was easier than pinching a reptile.

The four major sentence-prosecutors were astonished and shouted, "You have actually stepped into the Supreme Supreme. How is this possible?"

All their faces were frightened. With one word, they disappeared immediately, and they did not know where they had fled.

Li Xing ignored them, he glanced at the Merit List, and found that he was in the top ten at this time, already in the top ten, at this time ranked ninth!

The entire broken ancient road can be ranked ninth on the broken list, which means that he is now an extreme master, at least able to protect himself, no longer afraid of life being threatened

His promotion this time was too violent to promote the promotion of civilization and strength, and promote each other.

Looking at the merit list again, due to the success of the challenge, he has a record of more than a thousand points, so he received twice the merit reward, which is seven billion points. Finally, the number of merit he has has reached 10 billion points!

In the ranking of meritorious service, it has also reached the top ten and is currently ranked tenth!

In comparison, the ranking on the record list is slightly inferior. Currently, it is still 72, failing to enter the top ten.

Out of the challenge platform, You Xiang and Tu Ba couldn't believe that your eyes You Xiang and Li Xing felt intimately, knowing that he had made great progress, and rejoiced, "Xing brother, you have finally come to this step!"

Tu Ba was still not sure, he couldn't help but ask, "Brother, you ... what level are you now?"

Li Xing smiled and reached out to the sky

Tu Ba sighed and couldn't help but gave him a thumbs up and praised him: "Little brother admire! This state, not everyone can reach, I'm sure that on this ancient road, you can enter the top ten "

Li Xing nodded: "I am currently ranked ninth. I don't want to have so many experts in front of me. I am really surprised."

Tu Badao said: "There are six levels below. The killing in these six levels is called tragic. The master and the master are connected with each other, that is where the brother shows his strength."

Talking, Li Xing suddenly said: "The four tortures are secretly accounted to me, you guys, wait until I kill them."

His strength is soaring now, he is arrogant, and he does n’t even put his torture in his eyes and grabs the void, he has an incomparable force that penetrates countless time and space, and directly captures the four torturers who escape

These four prisoners were not weak, but at least thirty broken masters, but under the grasp of Li Xing, they exploded in the flesh, turned into a mist of blood, completely disappeared. They even had no chance to shout. The ashes disappeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ completely disappeared

Easily killing four people, and there are four explosions on Li Xing's innocence, which are considered to offset the sin.

Li Xing's strength has increased greatly. Naturally, it is not necessary to continue to be smashed at the 75th level, but to continue to hone it for a while, then he decided to break up with Li Xing.

So Li Xing took the fragrance and quickly completed the task of this level, and then stepped into the 76th level, the first level in the last 3 levels.

Immediately after entering the 76th level, Li Xing was transmitted by a force into a relatively small space. In this space, there were hundreds of monks. These monks stood quietly and remained motionless. Look at who

Li Xing glanced at the commemorative monument and saw that the mission objectives and task requirements appeared above him. He had to kill all the monks in this space.

This is undoubtedly a **** rule. Hundreds of experts, among them are no less than thirty broken people, can only survive one!

Maybe the number is not yet gathered, the slaughter has not yet begun, everyone just waits for that moment to come (dear friends, remember to sign in on a new day)

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