Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1379: After 3 levels

Li Xing's eyes glanced at all the people present and he found that only one of these people deserves a closer look at the **** gas of this person.

From this he judged that these three people should often participate in this killing game, and they have always won the face of this person, which is an absolute indifference and ruthlessness.

Feeling Li Xing's gaze, the man turned his face to the side and smiled at Li Xingsen. However, when he sensed Li Xing's unfathomable strength, the sneer on his face turned into a shock.

This person is really strong, Li Xing feels that he has touched the edge of supremacy, and his strength and war are quite equivalent. This kind of strength can't be beaten by him. He can kill this person with one stroke.

A monk who has stepped into the supremacy like Li Xing, others can see the unpredictable temperament at a glance. This man was frightened on the spot. He clenched his fists, stared at Li Xing, and seemed to want Kill him with sight

Li Xing stared at him with pitying eyes. In this space, he must kill, otherwise he would be killed.

The latter suddenly "haha" laughed, and in his loud laughter, another person was teleported to this space. There was a gap of 180 people, and the killing began.

The strong man who touched the supreme roared, killing the surrounding monks frantically. He punched and kicked at least three people with each hit, and in a short time, half of them died in his hands.

Li Xing stood quietly, not moving, just watching him kill silently

The remaining two-thirds did not resist for too long, and he was beheaded by this person within a moment. The person slowly turned around. He stared at Li Xing, his face full of regretful expression: "You Why is it so strong? I knew it so, so I left here and went to the props city to buy props, so that I might still be able to fight you "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It is very difficult for you to come to this step."

The man smiled terribly, and said, "To this day, there is only one fight, please!"

He flashed up and blasted Li Xing

However, Li Xing looked indifferent, just extended his finger slightly, which was not fast, but when he clicked the other's eyebrow in front of his finger in advance, he was silent and his body was stiff.

Moreover, his flesh turned into a bit of light and mist, disappeared, and the whole human form and God were destroyed.

The whole space is full of broken limbs and bones, an endless sense of civilization, and world energy. These things are all resources for Li Xing, and he asked the income and the earth to burn the fire.

At this time, I have to mention the heaven and earth furnace, which is Li Xing's innate weapon. With the improvement of Li Xing's strength, it has also entered the supreme realm and possessed extraordinary abilities. This state is synchronized with Li Xing. Which level Li Xing reached, he was at that level. This is the true natal tool.

The heavens and earth's furnace is not the same as it used to be. In a short time, these people have been refined into 108 broken masters of 30 and above. Ai's power of the world contained in them is extremely strong, which can greatly satisfy the growth of souls on the mixed plane.

Of course, Li Xing still has greater gains. That is, he has now killed more than a hundred monks, and his merit points have soared by nearly 10 billion, bringing his number of merit points to 200. Huge billion!

The ranking on the Merit List also rose, rising to eighth place instantly, surpassing the ranking on the broken list.

After beheading and asking his opponent, Li Xing felt a loose body and knew that he could leave this place. Of course, if he wanted to stay here and wait for the next battle, then he could stay

Obviously, the one who was beheaded by him just killed the monk here more than once, so it was a pity that he was unlucky. He met Li Xing, a master, but he finally lost it. life

Li Xing stepped out and left this space, appearing in a large hall. This hall is infinitely tall, wide and unknown, there are only a few monks, and the number does not exceed one hundred.

In front of these monks, there is a group of flashes of Guanghua. Li Xing recognizes this Guanghua. Its function is similar to the ancient miracle tree. It can be directly traded through it to buy what is needed.

Curious, he walked in front of a group of Guanghua and looked closely, and found that this Guanghua belongs to a higher-order miracle ancient tree. That is to say, this is an advanced state after the miracle ancient tree has continuously evolved. The miracle ancient tree has not reached this level

He moved in his heart and secretly said: "It seems that after this miracle, there should be more powerful characters. He suddenly thought that even if he was ninth in the broken list, it was nothing, and there was even more powerful characters on top. His head

Thinking, You Xiang came out of the plane, she looked at Guanghua in surprise, and said, "Xing brother, I feel it is very similar to the ancient miracle tree"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, it is the miracle ancient tree. Let me take a look, what kind of treasure is on sale here?" He said, he took the fragrance into Guanghua

Suddenly, the glory of the eyes flashed into a huge shop, the interior of this shop is a strange space, one after another, props, ghost images are constantly flowing in front of the eyes

As soon as Li Xing ’s thoughts move, the continuously moving virtual images stand still, turn into real props, and fall into Li Xing ’s hands for him to view and even what items he thinks of, what will appear in front of him, everything

He looked round and round in the shops and found that although there were no superior props, the attack power did not help him much. Think about it, the supreme monk, the power surpasses everything. These props are extremely difficult to play. Working

Of course, it ’s different if a monk is around 30. If you can get these items, your strength will be infinitely increased, and you can easily kill the masters at the same level.

Seeing that there was nothing he liked, Li Xing shook his head and said to You Xiang: "It seems that these merit points earned are useless, and even decent items can't be bought."

You Xiang was thinking something thoughtfully. In front of her, a brightly colored bird suddenly appeared. This was her experiment. I wondered if this miracle ancient tree could create everything.

Seeing everything moving, she said, "Xing, don't you still need some wonderful treasures? Why not try?"

Li Xing thought about it, then nodded his heart, and the rest appeared in front of him and asked to destroy the fragment of the sword

At the beginning, when he made the mixed yuan gun, he used the Ming Sword Fragment as the foundation, but later he failed to collect it completely. After a lot of movements in his heart at this time, he all appeared

He took a closer look and found that these pieces of Mingming sword were all originals, not created, but taken directly from infinity. What is this means?

Li Xing seemed to think of something, and suddenly smiled coldly

Youxiang was startled: "Xing brother, what's wrong?"

Li Xing asked, "Youxiang, do you think anyone can know everything in the main plane, can find anything in one thought, and transport it here?"

You Xiang thought about it, her face changed, and said, "Unless ..."

Li Xing waved her hand, signaled that she didn't need to say more, and sighed: "I see. It seems that the last step is really difficult to walk!"

You Xiang also looked worried, saying: "But Xing brother, aren't you a saboteur? You will succeed!"

Li Xing smiled "Hey" and said, "I will not be discouraged unless I die."

Speaking, he used his mind again and again, so the same precious treasures appeared in front of him. These things are of great value, such as the fragments of Mingming sword, worth 20 million merits.

After purchasing more than ten items in a row, a section of the ancient civilization tree suddenly appeared in front of him, and then the second section and the third section appeared one after another. Finally, in front of him, five sections of the civilization tree appeared.

These branches are obviously the treasures scattered in the main plane. They belong to the same ancient civilization tree as the one he refined before.

To the surprise of Li Xing, five branches of civilization are worth 15 billion! A small cut is worth three billion merit points!

This made Li Xing feel a lot of pain, but this thing was a treasure to him. After refining, he could raise the level of civilization, so he still bought it with his teeth.

At this point, he finally understood why someone would say that the monks in the latter three levels would kill and kill here, plundering the feats and ordering anything that could be bought in this level.

Even though Li Xingcai was rough, after buying the branches, he felt lack of energy, and he dared not spend any more money. He picked a few things that he might use in the future, and left the shop.

Out of the ancient miracle tree, Li Xing sighed: "This is the real ancient miracle tree. In one thought, create a miracle"

You Xiang could not help asking: "Xing brother, which level has this ancient tree reached?"

Li Xing shook his head: "I can't see that the lowest level is the perfect level ~ www.readwn.com ~ even too advanced, otherwise it would not be so magical"

Out of the ancient miracle tree, Li Xing's merit is less than 5 billion. In fact, he has successfully passed this level. That was the killing in the beginning. So after buying the item, he entered the next step. turn off

The seventy-seventh level is different from the previous one. When you enter this level, Li Xing enters a huge plane. This one is desert, and you can't see any other scenery.

In the endless desert, the second monk can't be seen. He found that the mission on the meritorious monument is to find the "Supreme Key" in this desert.

Only when the Supreme Key is found, can you enter the 78th level, thereby opening the Supreme Tower and entering the Supreme Trial

Before entering the Hou Sanguan, Li Xing heard about Supreme Trial. It is said that very few people can survive the Supreme Trial. There are nine trial towers. There are nine floors. You will get great benefits

Most monks often only pass the first layer and then give up. They are directly into the final three levels and they are also some powerful people who are willing to enter the second layer, the third layer, and even higher to undergo trials in order to improve their strength. Prepare for the ultimate three levels

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