Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1380: Alchemy Aquarium

Of course, from different towers, the gold content is also different. Because all the characters who have entered the Supreme Trial, more or less, can basically reach the Supreme.

Because of this, the world calls monks who have not yet entered the Supreme Realm to divide their strengths based on the achievements of the Supreme Trial. Obviously, this division is limited because even when entering the ninth level of the Supreme Trial, It is impossible to enter the upper bound

But this method is more accepted by the world than the true division of the levels, and it gradually spreads the latest novel ""

A monk, if he can pass the first floor of the Supreme Tower, will be called a first-class Supreme; if he can pass the trial of the second floor of the Supreme Tower, that is the second-class Supreme, and so on. Who can Going through the ninth level, that ’s the ninth level

In the history of the ancient road, it is rumored that only a few people passed through the eighth floor. As for the ninth floor, it is even rarer. Some people say that no one passed, and some people said that someone passed

But anyway, this Supreme Tower is indeed a good way to test the strength of the ancient monks. Once the ancient monks stepped out of the tower, others would know his strength and potential.

In order to be able to enter the Supreme Tower at Level 78, Li Xing must now find Supreme Key's latest novel "" at Level 77

The two walked in the endless desert, and according to the map on the monument of meritorious service, they went in the direction of the secret key. Even if they performed the puppet technique, they could not reach it quickly. This walk took more than ten days.

On the way, You Xiang said: "Xing brother, to get the Supreme Key, you must enter the Supreme Tower. It seems that this Supreme Tower is a watershed. A considerable number of people will be intercepted. Only those who touch the Supreme Edge will have May pass, and eventually enter the source of civilization "

Li Xing nodded: "It is Ai Dalang's sand scouring, and very few can survive. But I heard that if the strength is not enough to pass the first floor of the tower, you can choose to break and enter the thirty-three heavy days, to escape a calamity. Will fall "

You Xiang nodded: "I have heard of this, but it is only the first layer, and the next eight layers have no choice, either pass or fall"

The two were talking, and they found a monk coming from the left behind. The monk came to look thirty years old.

Seeing Li Xing, the inch-inch man in Tsing Yi stepped forward with a fist and said with a smile, "This brother, are you looking for the secret key?"

Seeing this person, Li Xing was vigilant, because this person's strength is quite not weak, and he should have been exposed to supremacy, but it is not as deep and pure as him, slightly more than three points than the war avatar

Moreover, since two people appear in the same area at the same time, it is necessary to **** each other's keys because the mission has a clear description. This monk can only get one secret key for every six monks.

In other words, only one out of every six monks can succeed, and the rest is naturally the destiny that fell.

Knowing that the two sides are rivals, Chao Li Xing will naturally not have a good face, coldly: "Knowing why, I will not only find the secret key, but I will kill you."

Tsing Yi didn't get angry, smiled, and said, "Many people kill me often, but unfortunately no one succeeded." He looked at Li Xing. , Enter the Supreme Tower, at least through the first three floors "

Li Xing smiled coldly: "In this kind of place, there is no need to make a roundabout talk, what you want to say directly, I am not interested in going in circles with you"

The inch-headed man in Tsing Yi smiled and said, "You also know that there is only one secret key. We are two of the six monks. In order to obtain the secret key, I must kill you."

Li Xing said scornfully: "It's up to you, I'm afraid it's death."

The Tsing Yi inch-headed man laughed out loud and said, "Do you think you are strong? You think you can kill me, but you are wrong, you are so wrong."

After that, he clapped his hands, and four monks appeared in all directions. The strength of the four monks was comparable to those in Tsing Yi, and five people surrounded Li Xing in the middle.

Li Xing's look remained the same. He let Yuxiang enter the mixed plane first. One person should deal with five people. He said coldly: "It seems that you have already calculated it, and you want to destroy me first, and then fight for it."

The Tsing Yi inch-headed man laughed twice and said, "Brother, aren't you earning? We know that you are the strongest one. Only people get rid of you, and the rest of us have a chance."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "When you enter the ancient road, you can't help but take it."

The inch-inch man in Tsing Yi winked at the other four people at the same time, and then shot at the same time, holding a white narrow-necked bottle, throwing it forward, the bottle shot a thin white light and shot Li Xing.

Under this white light, Li Xing only felt that his spirit and energy had been fixed. He couldn't be surprised when he was completely moved. He tried his best to motivate the supreme power, but he couldn't break free in a short time.

"This is a supreme treasure!"

The bottle settled Li Xing, and the remaining four attacked him in a frantic manner. Various secrets, killing tricks, and one after another rushed to fall, covering his face and falling down.

Due to being locked by Pingguang, Li Xing had no way to run his body protection. He was killed instantly and his whole body was blood, and the wounds showed bones, which was shocking.

The inch-inch man in Tsing Yi stared at Li Xing, expressionless, and said, "This is a seventh-class supreme baby. I bought it with eight billion merit points. Today I can kill a strong man like you. Buying it Calculate a loss "

Li Xing's gaze swept across the Tsing Yi people, and he suddenly spoke at this time, saying: "It's a pity"

Tsing Yi inch-headed man: "It's a pity that you have a good future, but you have to fall here."

"I'm sorry for you," Li Xingdan said indifferently. The frantic attacks of people around him didn't seem to cause him the slightest pain. "It cost eight billion to buy such a useless thing."

Tsing Yi inch-headed man frowned: "What did you say?"

Li Xing's body suddenly moved. As soon as he moved, the white light that fixed him exploded at the same time. At the same time, he reached out and grabbed a supreme force, and immediately held the baby in his hands.

This divine seventh-level Supreme Baby can't stop him!

The face of the inch-inch man in Tsing Yi changed, and he knew that if Li Xing could not be fixed now, everyone would be invincible, and he screamed: "Retreat!"

It's a pity that everything is too late. Li Xing is ready to go. The shots are four fists and four huge fists. They are hard and powerful. They will be directly hit and four powerful monks will be printed directly into the void.

The void seemed to be broken, all four were blasted into flesh, and a piece of flesh fell into the void, still.

This is a horrible picture. The people in Tsing Yi screamed and ran away desperately.

How can Li Xing let him go? Turn the bottle upside down and shake it lightly, a ray of white light will be emitted. The man in Tsing Yi, who is flying, will hold the Tsing Yi man. He just feels his body tight, and will fly to Li Xing involuntarily.

Li Xingdan said: "You have n’t really entered supremacy, so you can never understand the power of supremacy. This bottle is a good baby. Unfortunately, you are unknown and weak, so you ca n’t exert its power now. I Let you see the true power of the "refining ingot jar"

As he said, as soon as he shook the treasure bottle, the Tsing Yi people were sucked into the bottle, and his screams and constant wailing sounded. After a while, the voice disappeared and the pure bottle was refined into pure Reiki

Li Xing turned the treasure bottle again and collected the other four corpses, refining them together

This aquarium is a good thing to call the alchemy ingot. If the seventh-level Supreme Treasure fully exerts its power, Li Xing can't compete with it. He just broke away because the Tsing Yi people are not strong enough. He did n’t realize the magical use of Aquarius, so he countered successfully.

He was in a good mood for this kind of treasure bottle in vain, and said, "He must have seen such a thing before, so he can imagine it and buy it for eight billion yuan."

In the ancient miracle, you can only buy what you have seen. If there is one thing that you have n’t seen before, you ca n’t buy it.

For example, the civilized branches of Li Xing and the fragments of the Ming extermination sword are all items that he has seen and used before, so they can be easily bought. Therefore, it is important that you want to shop in the ancient miracle tree.

A person who does n’t have much knowledge, even if there are so many merits, it is impossible to buy precious things.

After killing five people, there will be no obstacles in the rest of the journey. Until the Supreme Key is found, if you want to find the key, you will also have to kill some caregivers. But these little things are not difficult for Li Xing. He easily Got

The Supreme Key is a group of nine-colored brilliance, which contains countless complex runes, running with complicated and incomparable rules. Now, as long as he inputs power into the secret key, he will directly enter the next level, which is the 78 level. And then enter Supreme Tower

But Li Xing was not in a hurry to leave immediately ~ www.readwn.com ~ He decided to enter the Supreme Tower before practicing there for a period of time. His progress was extraordinary and rapid, and now he has entered the Supreme.

However, the creatures in the plane of Junyuan failed to keep up with his pace, and now they have been left a long way away from his plan. It takes no time to upgrade the creatures, especially the strength of the real Yuanyuan.

You know, the strength of the real person in Yuanyuan is part of his strength. The more the real person in Yuanyuan is promoted, the stronger his strength is.

In addition, You Xiang should have broken through for so long. You Xiang has been guarding Li Xing, causing her instead of much time to practice, she just took the opportunity to retreat.

The secret key of this place has been taken away, and no other monks will appear, so Li Xing will safely enter the sand cave below the desert with Youxiang, and then release the gate of time to practice

Youxiang has accumulated enough for a long time. She did n’t retreat for a long time, and broke through to the advanced nine civilizations, which directly promoted the growth of her strength. So, her realm also soared, and finally entered the thirty-threefold.

After all, it is a ninth-class advanced civilization. After entering the thirty-threefold fragmentation, Youxiang feels that there is still more power, so she continues to retreat and prepares for the supreme impact.

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