Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1381: Father and son meet again

The Hunyuan Plane belongs to the advanced civilizations such as the Ninth Level. Such a developed civilization naturally has an unparalleled living environment. Under this environment, all life in the plane has extraordinary potential.

It can be said that an ant from the Xunyuan plane can run side by side in nine days and ten places. Even if he runs to the four deserts, he can achieve a career.

In the Xuanyuan Plane, a huge palace was built to call the Supreme Hall, which was specially cultivated by Li Xing for high-end monks to practice retreat. At this time, the Supreme Hall opened 3,000 times and space, and more than 100,000 monks were in the hall Contemplating the latest novel ""

It can be said that the most potential monks in the plane of the mixed element have all entered the hall of the mixed element. They are the disappearance and future of the plane of the mixed element.

Outside the Supreme Hall, many monks looked up enviously at the palace. There was a pilgrimage mentality in the tower. There was a middle-aged man who stood in front of him. This was the middle-aged son.

The young man looked envious and said, "Father, those monks who have entered the Supreme Court will have a chance to see the emperor?"

The emperor in his mouth is naturally Li Xing, a mixed Yuan emperor. In the mixed Yuan plane, only Li Xing owns the latest novel ""

The middle-aged monk laughed: "Of course it is, the emperor will personally instruct the practice, this is the highest glory."

The young man said, "I will have to enter the Supreme Hall!"

The middle-aged man touched the young man's head with approbation and said, "Son, this Supreme Court is not accessible to anyone. Your cultivation must be thirty-fold broken, and you must have certain qualifications to make it possible. enter"

"When you enter the Supreme Court, you can get the best resources. The emperor personally gave instructions, and there is a great chance to break through to the Supreme Realm." Speaking of this, middle-aged people are also envious. "Son, you must be upset ! "

The boy nodded strongly: "Father rest assured that the child will succeed!"

Day after day, year after year, the monks who entered the Supreme Court changed from one batch to another. In each batch, a small number of people successfully broke through and reached the state of supremacy, at least they could touch it. the edge of

That young man who stood in the Supreme Hall enviously of everyone at the time finally entered it and was personally instructed by Li Xing

The young man is a magnificent man. When he saw Li Xingzhi, he found that the face of the emperor was very gentle and passionate. He stepped forward and fell to his knees. "See the emperor!"

Li Xing knew everything that happened on the plane. He smiled and said, "Hu Yanpu, your teenager's dream has finally come true."

Seeing that the emperor actually knew his name, Hu Yanpu was extremely happy, saying: "It is the emperor who has created a good environment for the villain to have today's achievements."

Li Xing nodded: "There is still a long way to go. Next, you will face more difficult challenges. You must stick to it. I am optimistic about you."

This word of praise has undoubtedly greatly inspired Hu Yanpu. He nodded hard: "The emperor, the villain will work hard!"

The process of cultivation is always unpredictable. Although Li Xing provides superior conditions and personal instructions, the number of people who can break through in the Supreme Court is still less than one in 100,000.

This time, Li Xing was really calmed down. He sat in the Supreme Hall for three full epochs, hundreds of billions of years!

In such a long period of time, batches of mixed real people enter the Supreme Court. Occasionally, there will be a few elves and monsters to get the opportunity to enter here.

The real people of Zunyuan have been trained by their parents since childhood, and they have to fight against the ancient fierce beasts in adulthood, sharpen themselves, so they are extremely powerful and powerful, and a large number of peerless wizards have emerged.

The Zunyuan plane is vast and boundless. Although it is not as huge as the Four Wildlands, it is not much different. The number of real people in the Zunyuan plane is innumerable.

During the Tertiary period, the population of the mixed-yuan plane was greatly improved. Every day, countless people are making breakthroughs. This promotion is a very resource-consuming process. Thanks to Li Xing's rich harvest on the ancient road, he also provided support. Can afford

However, when the person in the Supreme Court broke through to a certain level, even he could n’t hold it, and felt the pressure of resources, so he had to stop opening the Supreme Court.

At this point, in the mixed plane, more than 10,000 people have been contacted by the Supreme Being; more than 80 people have entered the Supreme Being, which has also indirectly enhanced Li Xing's strength

Now, Li Xing's strength has improved again, which is five or six times higher than before the retreat.

When Li Xing and Youxiang were out of the game, Youxiang has officially stepped into the supremacy, a high-level nine civilization.

At this time, Li Xing took out the secret key, urged them a little, and the two were teleported to the 78th level, the last level of the last 3 levels, which is also the place of the highest trial.

The two entered a staring sky. In front of them, there was a pagoda with nine floors. A lot of light was released. As Li Xing was preparing to enter the tower, a figure appeared on his side.

The figure was dressed in white and Yushu was facing the wind. He was very arrogant. His nostrils were sky-high, but when he saw Li Xing's face clearly, his eyes widened and he cried, "Father!"

He is not someone else, it is the three children who have been with Li Xingkuo for a long time, Li Taichu

Seeing this long-lost son, Li Xing was very happy and laughed: "Smelly boy, where have you been without you for many years?"

Li Taichu is an arrogant person. Even if he can let go in front of Li Xing, he smiles "hee hee" and talks about all the past experiences. The Four Elephant Grand Master also came out to meet Li Xing

Behind Li Taichu, eight women slipped out, all of them were beautiful in nature and temperament.

Mrs. Li took out the master's shelf and said loudly, "Don't you meet yet?"

These women, all the women who were accepted by Li Taichu all the way, worshiped, saying respectfully in their mouths: "See father-in-law"

Li Xing was so happy that he deserved to be my son. He went out to cheat so many daughters-in-law and repeatedly said, "Okay, don't be polite."

As a father-in-law, how could he have some gifts? He reached out and took out eight baubles and gave them to the eight girls. Some were bracelets and some were pendants. Although inconspicuous, they were real superiors.

These were all made by Li Xing at nothing during the retreat. A total of more than ten pieces were refined, which happened to be a gift for younger students at this time.

The eighth girl was shocked and delighted when she saw her hands.

Li Taichu was jealous and said, "Father, haven't seen your baby for a long time, don't you give a gift?"

Li Xing said with a smile: "You are indispensable." Then he took the piece of alchemy ingot and said, "This is the seventh-ranked treasure. You enter the Supreme Tower. You can use it to save your life.逞能 "

Li Taichu took it, and Wu praised it, saying, "It's still my son to get close to Ai and give me one of the best." He put it away and said, "Father rest assured, I have something in mind"

At this moment, Li Xing glanced at the radiant Supreme Tower and said, "It's time, let's go."

In other words, he and Li Taichu walked side by side towards the Supreme Tower, which looked very far away, but he took one step and arrived in front of the tower door.

The two felt that Supreme Tower exuded a wave of supreme coercion, and it was difficult to even approach it without contacting it.

The door of the tower is not large, it is open and dark inside

Li Xing glanced and said, "In the beginning, the Supreme Tower could only run alone, you and my father and son broke up here."

Li Taichu nodded: "Father, let's meet at level 79"

Talking, he first entered the tower gate, and Li Xing also entered

At this moment, the mixed Yuan empire has been fighting with the prefecture for many years, stepping on the absolute advantage, making the prefecture continue to shrink the defense line. At this moment, the battlefield has completely moved to the vicinity of the ten places.

The ten places are actually ten huge defensive bases. At this moment, each one emits an unparalleled breath. The ten places are connected into one piece, making it difficult for the Yuan Empire to advance.

Nowadays, the main force against Difu is the mixed Yuan empire. As for the people in Heaven, they are completely under the command of the Imperial Army.

On this day, Li Xing was preparing to launch a onslaught to break the defense of ten places. Someone came to report that it was the messenger sent by the local government.

Li Xing ordered people to let the messenger come, and not long after, he saw the reincarnation of the great demon into the military account, and worshiped: "See the emperor"

Li Xing laughed: "It turned out to be reincarnation, we haven't seen each other for a long time"

The samsara of samsara samsara is now known for his cultivation, and he seems to be a master of twenty-five broken pieces. However, such cultivation is really nothing in front of Li Xing.

Reincarnation: "I haven't seen the emperor for a long time. Goodbye today. I am very happy in my heart. I am here under the order of the emperor and want to make peace with the emperor."

Li Xing sneered. In the reincarnation, he was ordered by the Marshal of the Prefectural Government to send him the light of order, thinking that he would win. But now and then, he is almost unified, and naturally will not be restrained. What to do is to do. what

This reincarnation does not mention the events of the year ~ www.readwn.com ~ He is not a fool, smart people are acting when they see things. At this moment, he promises that when he mentions the old, it will only make the situation worse, so he smiles slightly and only talks about the current things

Li Xingdao: "Reincarnation, if you come here to make peace, how can you show some sincerity?"

Reincarnation smiles: "After so many years of hard fighting, the army of the prefecture has been greatly depleted. What about the emperor?"

Li Xing sneered: "This world will be unified sooner or later, you know what I know, the emperor will not know that the emergence of the emperor to help the heavenly court is actually a help to the land government."

Reincarnation has to admit that Li Xing is justified. The conflict between heaven and earth is inevitable, but one side may rule the other, but it may not be able to achieve it, because the two realms have the same strength.

But as a man of the land government, he has his own Lichao bitterly smiling: "Why doesn't the emperor help the land government? If the land government is assisted, with the power of the four wastelands, it will be able to unify the heaven."

Li Xing sighed: "There is nothing to hide, this emperor and the court of heaven have civilized contract restrictions, and they must do so. This is also a last resort, or they may really help the local government."

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