Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1386: Invincible heart

That weird power is still eroding the civilization of the mixed Yuan. At this moment, it has spread to the ancient trees of civilization. The plane of the mixed Yuan is at the most dangerous level to face the danger. Li Xing let the four avatars transmit the continent of civilized civilization. Come and help him refine

The characteristics of the mixed-yuan civilization are that it can absorb the advantages of different civilizations, evolve itself, and strengthen itself. It breaks through the constraints of civilization's innate fixation in a certain realm, can continuously upgrade, and has characteristics that other civilizations do not have.

The ancient tree of civilization is being attacked. Li Xing used it for the first time to comprehend the four successful civilizations in order to break through the four continents, but they are all successful civilizations, but Li Xing is now only a high-level nine civilization. Two Who are at least nine levels worse

With advanced ninth-level ability, go to realize the perfect civilization, just like a child dancing a big sword. Not only does it have no combat power, but it may hurt his own life. So at the beginning, he was very careful and only tried to understand the perfect civilization.

The four major civilizations, he chose the lowest one among the successful civilizations, and carefully touched

Even though the mixed-yuan civilization has special abilities, it can still be faced with hardships at the level of consummation, but it is still full of hardships. At the moment of contact with the powers of the consummation-level civilization, Li Xing's consciousness fell into confusion.

This induction, like an old man from the countryside, suddenly entered an international metropolis, suddenly lost his eyes, panic, and became overwhelmed.

When Li Xing was lost in the power of a complete civilization, the invasion of that weird force became even more intensified, making the ancient civilization trees infected faster. The leaves were yellowing at first, and now gradually wither, even some small branches. Scorch begins to appear

But at this moment, Li Xing still couldn't get rid of the lost state, but went deeper. This put the entire plane into crisis, the ancient trees of civilization were further destroyed, and the entire civilization was on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, in the four shortages, Jiuyang and Jiuyin have some physical and mental feelings. The two majors are in no chronological order, at the same time, they break through the void and enter the plane of the mixed Yuan, meeting with Li Xing.

As soon as the two avatars arrived, they felt the weird power at the same time. At this time, the deity was still lost and could not wake up from the vortex of perfect civilization.

Jiuyang's avatar looked dignified, and said, "This power is quite evil. It seems that there is only one way."

Jiuyin avatar: "It ’s so long to practice, we ca n’t wait until today.

Speaking, the two avatars suddenly turned into a white light and a black light. They rushed into the sky quickly, collided fiercely, and the power of terror erupted. The center of the dazzling light, a huge heart, slowly and powerfully. Beating

This is a momentary change, but it has made an eternal legend. In a short period of time, there have been too many changes. The first is the Jiuyang clone. The emperor of destruction has exerted the full power of Panguzhu and raised the power of destruction to the extreme.

Then came the Jiuyin avatar. This avatar is the emperor of order. He also exploded all his power and took the opportunity to fuse the three treasures of order together. The three treasures are the gate of order and the rod of order.

Some time ago, Li Xing entered the miracle and ancient tree of the ancient road and spent a lot of meritorious points. He bought the gate of order and the staff of order to bring the three treasures together. At this time, the three treasures took the opportunity to merge together, and the Jiuyin avatar broke out to Power of order

Destruction and order are both positive and negative, yin and yang poles. At this moment, they collided together and merged with destruction at an instant of one billionth, and there was order; in order, there was also destruction.

It ’s like boxing with strength and strength, with strength and strength, reaching the optimal order and destruction of rigidity and flexibility. When they blend together perfectly, they form a heart.

Although both are the emperor of order and the emperor of destruction, this heart has the power of **** or Pangu! This heart is called invincible heart!

The invincible heart is in line with Li Xingzhan's invincible will. Its appearance immediately replaced Li Xing's lost sense of deity and temporarily became the first will of the plane.

The heart of invincibility beating, giving orders to the entire plane, and starting to drive away that strand of civilization-destroying force. It is indeed invincible. Wherever its coercion went, the destruction was immediately stopped, and the two sides were in a phase of stalemate.

Although this invasion cannot be driven away, the invincible heart has at least prevented the position from turning towards worse situations, giving the deity a precious respite

Li Xing's destiny is still immersed in a complete civilization. I do not know how long it has been through. This is a state without the concept of time. Until a certain moment, he was suddenly sober.

This is a sober awakening, a swift awareness, and time has a line of understanding of this perfect civilization. It will complete the civilization and open a gap.

Once the gap is opened, even the hardest thing can be completed.

So, I did n’t know how long it took, Li Xing realized part of the perfect civilization, which improved his level of civilization.

A few years later, the ancient civilization tree suddenly revived, and with the mixed Yuan civilization entering the advanced eighth class, it completely expelled the force of invasion and restored the truth

For another few years, the ancient civilization tree has entered the seventh, sixth, and fifth successive ascension. With the cooperation of the invincible heart, it drove that force to the periphery of the plane.

At this point, the Zunyuan plane shifted from passive defense to active attack, and launched a comprehensive counterattack with the invincibility of the invincible heart.

The battle was arduous, and the shortcomings exposed by the mixed civilizations were patched up one by one during the evolution of civilization, leaving the power unmanageable.

The power of invasion has instead become a force for promoting the evolution of civilization, so that advanced civilizations that are not easy to evolve become traceable, law-based, and much easier than usual.

Therefore, after the fifth-class civilization, they pushed forward again, and gradually entered the fourth-class civilization and the third-class civilization.

After the Junyuan plane possessed a high-level third-class civilization, the power was completely beyond his control, completely retreating the plane, and restoring the tranquility of the past.

Li Xing immediately seized this rare opportunity to restore the mixed Yuan civilization

It's a long time again, and the recuperation of the plane is thousands of times better than ever! At this time, he also formally incorporated the invincible heart into the Supreme Will, which made the Supreme Will even higher, and his strength was also improved by a few points.

This fusion does not have the power of Jiuyang and Jiuyin avatars, but has invincible heart! This invincible heart is a trivial matter. If it were not for it, Li Xing would have to fall on the sixth floor of the Supreme Tower.

After integrating the invincible heart, Li Xing's strength has steadily surpassed the level 6 supreme state that it should have at this time, which is very conducive to the following three layers of trials

At this point, Li Xing passed the test of the sixth floor of the Supreme Tower and had the Supreme Plane!

In the first three layers, achievement is the highest will; in the middle three layers, achievement is the highest plane; in the last three layers, achievement is the highest power!

The ninth floor below is obviously the one related to Supreme Power. He took a look at the commemorative monument. The above shows that he can choose to enter the seventh floor of the Supreme Tower and accept the next level of trials.

Of course, Li Xing will not give up the opportunity below. Supreme Will will let him truly understand the essence of Supreme Supreme and Supreme, and then make his plane stronger, making the plane a living civilization, and the three aspects of synchronous improvement, the benefits are huge!

It can be expected that the trial of supreme strength will also benefit him greatly, and he will not give up.

Without hesitation, he stepped out and entered the seventh floor of the Supreme Tower!

The seventh floor of the Supreme Tower was actually inserted into it, and it was found that this is an ancient land. On the surface, there were countless ancient souls Li Xing, and when they appeared, they encountered an ancient giant elephant.

The giant elephant glanced at him, and then lowered his head and continued to eat grass on the grass. There were three people tall, full of aura.

The environment here is not important. Li Xing has experienced so much. What disapproves him is that as soon as he entered here, he found that his own abilities were blocked.

In other words, he ca n’t perform mystery, ca n’t use killing, or even cricket. He is now an ordinary person, and can only do things with stupid energy and walk.

When he discovered this, he knew that this key risk was not easier than the previous one.

He walked along the grass, and within a few steps, he encountered a group of indigenous people with wands. These indigenous people lived here about ancient times. Once they met an alien from Li Xing, they all faced fiercely and shouted loudly.

Li Xing was expressionless, staring at this group of people and not talking. He knew that friendship was useless at this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ The indigenous people must be part of the trial and must be his enemies

As he expected, the group of indigenous people called out a few times, and they shot them directly, pointing the wand in their hands, and a cursing force fell on Li Xing. Suddenly, he felt an itching rash on his plane. Produces a lot of foul odor, thick juice sewage

Thanks to Li Xing's supremacy, King Kong is not bad, and all evils do not invade, so Li Xing does not have to react. The evil cursing power is excluded by itself, and the negative effects quickly disappear.

Seeing that a blow was not possible, these people connected the wand into one piece, and they wanted to send a second wave of attack on Li Xing. Of course, they could not get a chance, so they rushed forward and punched.

He doesn't have special ability, but he still has stupid energy, and can use his fists

He was so fast that he arrived in an instant. Three times, he knocked them all down, disrupted their next wave of attacks, and the rest of them attacked with anger.

They were too late to cast a curse. They talked about boxing and fists directly. No one in this world can beat Li Xing. Naturally, they are not opponents. So they screamed and screamed, and all of them lay down. On the ground

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