Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1388: Absolute fighting spirit

Each of these horrors of abnormal airflow can hit and kill the supreme. Even if Li Xing, such as the sixth level, is facing them, it feels very laborious. Numerous wounds appear on his body and the plane is affected.

After just about thirty or fifty breaths, Li Xing was bathed in blood, and his face was pale. But his expression remained strong, and he wisely resisted every air impact.

"It seems that these airflows are not as simple as they appear on the surface. Each of them is extremely powerful, and there must be some secrets in it." Li Xing secretly thought, thinking about it, he simply ignored the rest of the airflow and only devoted all his energy. Concerned about the smallest and least lethal airflow.

His gaze locked on the airflow, followed it to the west, completely disregarding the muscles and bones caused by being hit by other airflow.

When he concentrated so much, he immediately discovered some mysteries. The essence of this stream of air is actually absolute power, but this absolute power works in a special way and actually produces a powerful destructive force.

Absolute power is the understanding of the essence of power. After enlightenment, all forces in the world are the same for Li Xing. But now, he found that he had absolute power and could use ten times and ten times as much attack power in a special way, which made him very shocked.

"When absolute power is up against absolute power, only the more powerful absolute mode of operation can gain an advantage and gain the upper hand." Li Xing suddenly realized that his heart was overjoyed.

He simply let go, and chased the airflow to the end, and it took half a day before he finally stripped it out and absorbed it. When he was operating absolute power in the new enlightenment mode, a stream of air swirling around him appeared just like the stream of air that he tracked. It was amazingly powerful.

As soon as these airflows appeared, an air wall was formed around Li Xing, completely blocking the attack of external airflow.

The "Boom Boom" air stream collided with Li Xing's body air stream, sending out successive explosions.

Li Xing knew that he had grasped the main points and found the core, so he laughed and continued to find other airflow enlightenment. The airflow around them is different, and the power is also different.

Just like the way of air flow that Li Xinggang realized, it is only the lowest and weakest. Next, he found a slightly stronger airflow and continued to enlighten.

With the first experience, the rest is much easier. Over time, the same and the same air flow was realized by him, and the air flow outside his body became more and more diverse and colorful.

When he succeeded in understanding the operation of the 64th airflow, a new reminder appeared on the meritorious monument. It turns out that these air streams are substances formed after the absolute power is revealed, and they are called absolute combat qi.

Absolute warfare is a high-level fighting force. It is all-encompassing and powerful. Only a few people can master it.

Absolute warfare can also be distinguished. Li Xing is now from weak to strong, and constantly learns about all kinds of absolute warfare in order to improve self strength. At this time, the hybrid civilization shows its extraordinaryness.

Every time you learn an absolute war spirit, Li Xing will extract its subtle operation method. Then, he combined many of the advantages of absolute warfare to form his own absolute warfare.

This is a arduous and long process, during which often encounter some terrible warfare, a shock can make Li Xing seriously injured, rest for a period of time to recover.

It was during the trials of life and death that it sharpened Li Xing's own mixed Yuan war spirit. His mixed Yuan fighting spirit, gradually formed a set of armor on his body, Ambilight, mysterious and extraordinary.

When the war-style armor was formed, Li Xing happened to realize three thousand kinds of supreme war-style. The advantages of the three thousand war spirits were integrated into one, and Li Xing's own mixed yuan war spirits.

The moment the mixed Yuan fighting spirit was formed, the infinite amount of fighting spirit in the entire space suddenly stopped. They are like hundreds of birds and phoenixes, approaching in the direction of Li Xing's mixed war.

Then, each kind of war spirit condensed into a text on its own. These words are mysterious, and each word represents a method of absolute power.

The words "broken", "collapsed", "away", "smooth", "quoted", "shocked" and so on turned into a flood of words. They first flew a few laps around Li Xing's war gas armor, and then projected.

Then, this is an opportunity for Li Xing. If he can absorb these warlike words, his war armor will be upgraded to a higher level. However, the number of these words was too large, forming a sea of ​​words. Densely wrapping Li Xing, he directly sealed his unique strength.

Li Xing was really happy at first, but soon became stunned, because the absolute strength that he managed to cultivate, the supreme warfare, was actually sealed off by endless words.

Of course, he can clearly feel that if he is arrogant enough, he can refine and absorb these words. By that time, his strength will make a qualitative leap and step into a state of supreme terror!

Li Xing stole the armor of war, and the words of the seal disappeared. At present, Li Xing's strength is limited to the sixth level of supremacy, that is, the sixth level of supremacy.

In fact, his real strength has surpassed the eighth level of supremacy, and it is possible to reach the ninth level of supremacy.

At this time, text was displayed on the meritorious monument, allowing Li Xing to choose whether to continue to the next level.

Li Xing hoped to enter the ninth floor, but his power is now sealed to the sixth level. If he really entered the ninth floor, there is almost no chance of surviving. So after some consideration, he decided to give up and leave the Supreme Tower.

In fact, with his current understanding of the Supreme Tower, he already knew in his heart that the so-called Supreme Tower's ninth level should be the level he had when he broke the seal of words, and he would have supreme power!

Supreme power is a kind of power after the sublimation of absolute power. It is stronger and more extraordinary, far exceeding the power of absolute power.

"Although I haven't entered the ninth floor, I will have to build supreme power sooner or later!" Li Xing secretly said.

Leaving the eighth floor of the Supreme Tower, Li Xing was directly transferred to the first level of the ultimate three levels, that is, the 79th level of the broken ancient road!

This level feels like being confined in a narrow boxy space with a sense of congestion. However, at this point, the strength of the monks was not restrained.

As soon as he entered this level, Li Xing found that the monument of meritorious service shows that his ranking on the ancient road broken list has already ranked second! In comparison, the Merit List and the Record List are not so prominent, both are outside the top ten.

Li Xing frowned, but he who entered the eighth floor of the tower was actually only in the second. Did anyone enter the ninth floor?

But after a little thought, I realized that due to the role of the text seal, his supreme warfare could not be exerted. Therefore, his strength fell to the sixth level and he was ranked second.

At the same time, he was also curious, what kind of character was that guy in the top ranking, did he also enter the eighth floor? Have you even entered the ninth floor?

While he was thinking, two figures came from left and right. These two people, one is Li Taichu, the other is Tu Ba. Li Taichu's progress has been so great that he actually entered the fourth level! In other words, he has a perfect supreme will, and has taken a small step in the construction of the supreme plane.

In comparison, Tu Ba is a little weaker. He is third-class Supreme, and he has achieved a complete Supreme Will, which is also a huge gain.

Li Taichu smiled "hee hee" and stepped forward to worship: "Congratulations, Dad!"

But he could see that Li Xing's cultivation was unfathomable, and he did not know which level he had reached, but at least it would not be lower than level six.

Tu Ba was even more shocked and shouted, "Brother, are you really terrific, have you reached level five?"

Li Xing smiled, and said, "I'm a little bit lucky, and now it's the sixth grade."

Tu Ba was even more shocked, admiring again and again. If he knew that Li Xing was in fact eighth grade, it was only when he was sealed that he could not show his strength. I didn't know what to think.

When the three met, they chatted naturally. After a few words, Li Taichu said, "Father, this 79th level has not been officially opened yet. Let's find a place to sit."

Li Xing nodded in agreement, and the three entered a very small city under the guidance of Li Taichu. The 989 level above the ancient road, the further back, the smaller the level, and the smaller the small rest city in the center.

Because later, the fewer monks on the ancient road, the larger the city is no longer needed.

Although the city is small, there are a lot of people inside and it is quite lively. The three found a common tea shop and sat down to talk about their experiences. In the meantime, Tu Ba said: "Look, at this 79th level, the number of monks is less than three thousand."

Li Taichu laughed: "I have estimated that there are about 2,300 people at this level."

Li Xing nodded: "Yeah ~ www.readwn.com ~ This place is the ultimate Sanguan. There are very few people who can come here."

Tu Badao said: "Through these three levels, we can reach the source of civilization, and that is where we grow up."

Li Taichu sighed and said: "It looks like more than two thousand people, but only half of them can enter the next level." He clearly knew what the task was, and said, "At this level, every Every monk will face another at random. "

"On the occasion of the match, the loser was disqualified and was directly transmitted to the upper bound or thirty-three days." Li Taichu said, "This is the news I heard from a friend."

Speaking of this friend, Li Taichu sighed again: "Unfortunately, my friend fell off in the Supreme Tower. This ancient road is really a place to eat!"

Tu Ba dismissed it authentically: "Since we embarked on this path, we should have been prepared for this death."

Li Xing said at this time: "The mission of this ancient road has not yet been started, and there is still a lot of time. I think we might as well go to Miracle Shop." It ’s natural to spend money in advance, so as not to waste it in the end.

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