Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1389: Underworld

There are not many shops in the city, but the quality is higher. Li Xing is now a third-class advanced civilization, and his eyesight insights are much better than before. So when he saw the miracle of the ancient tree again, he vaguely felt that the ancient tree should be a perfect civilization.

Rather than say that he is here to buy items and props, it is better to take a look at this miracle ancient tree so as to provide materials for his plane construction.

Nowadays, the civilization level of the Hunyuan plane is quite high, and it is extremely difficult to develop further. Even if Li Xing had four consummate-level continents, he was still not sure that he could rush into the consummation-level civilization.

Entering a miracle store, Li Xing casually selected goods. Although it is only casual, which one of his favorite things is simple?

For example, a sword is three feet long and simple. But this sword is a first-class superb weapon with a solid foundation. If you refine it a little, you can make it into the sixth-class super.

Therefore, Li Xing did not hesitate to buy this thing, ready to give it to Li Jiao.

Li Xing finally called out a series of messy things, some extremely expensive, and some extremely cheap. The large number and variety of these things made Tu Ba and Li Taichu startled.

When the last thing needed was found, Li Xing's merit points were running low, less than ten million.

Li Taichu also has a lot of merit points, but it is far worse than Li Xing, so he did not hesitate to buy a few gadgets with his Laozi merit points, it was too expensive to die, and Tu Ba was jumping with his eyelids.

But Li Xing didn't blink his eyes and bought it with ease.

When the three people walked out of the Miracle Shop, three people suddenly came in front. All three men strode forward with pride on their faces. Two were behind and one was in front.

The man in front drew his nose, exposing a lot of nose hair. He smiled "Hey", in a commanded tone: "The three of you follow me to see the principal."

Upon hearing the word "principal", Li Xing knew that this person was a member of an organization. This kind of organization on the ancient road is very common and can be seen almost everywhere.

When a monk is strong enough, he can raise a arm and call a group of people to follow him to form an interest-sharing organization.

Obviously, these three people came to pull them together. So before waiting for Li Xing to speak, Tu Ba rolled his eyes and scolded: "His grandma dropped all the eggs, and he didn't open his eyes to see, we are also some of you little sisters. Can you please move? It's pretty much when we meet next week. "

Li Taichu smiled "hee hee" and said, "Extremely, the three of you will now call your main character and see us."

The forces behind these three people are very powerful, so few people dare to mess with them. At this moment, when he heard the ridicule of Tu Ba and Li Taichu, the man couldn't bear it, and said, "The three of you are impatient and dare to insult my host!"

Tu Ba's eyes glared, "Well, his grandma really got his nose on his face." His slap was a slap, and he "snapped" the screaming man to the ground with his mouth full of flying teeth.

Seeing that his companion was beaten, the two behind him roared and attacked Li Xing. Li Taichu blinked, and even shot three feet, easily kicked them to the ground, lying on the ground and humming.

In fact, these three people are all at the highest level. They barely passed the first level of the Supreme Tower. Their strength is many times weaker than that of Li Taichu and Tu Ba. Of course, they are not opponents.

Watching the tragic appearance of the three, Li Xingdan said lightly: "Get off." After that, he stopped looking at it again and took Tu Ba Li Taichu back to the tea shop, waiting for the task to start.

However, he only took a few steps, and he heard a woman yell and scold behind him: "That man, stand still!"

Li Xing was curious. When he turned around and looked around, he issued a place where the three people were lying. I wondered when there was an additional woman. This woman is young and beautiful, looks like a woman for two decades, and she is staring angrily at Li Xing.

This woman's strength is not weak, second-class supremacy, but it does not seem to be the ancient monk, because she does not have the kind of murderous spirit rushed from the blood sea corpse mountain.

He groaned slightly, and said, "Girls live here, what's the advice?"

The woman's halberd pointed to Li Xing and cursed, "You really don't know what to do. You missed a great opportunity. Do you know who their protagonist is?"

Seeing this woman's air, Li Xing knew that 80% of her was an admirer of that person, and said lightly, "Who is he? It makes no difference to me."

The woman raised her eyebrows a little, and she said scornfully: "You are a little third-class supreme, and you dare to look down on the son of the underworld, really ignorant and fearless!"

No wonder this woman wrongly judged Li Xing's cultivation as strength, because Li Xing intentionally concealed the strength, only to reveal the supreme will and hide the supreme plane. Of course, this method can only be effective for those who are under him.

Hearing the other party's evaluation, Li Xing still looked calm and said, "This has nothing to do with you."

This woman is really the daughter of the ultimate Sanguan guardian, named Ma Susu, with a transcendent status. She has always run rampant in the final Sanguan, and no one dares to offend her. Until not long ago, she met a boy named Ming, who was impressed by his methods and manners. He actually followed him to the heart and maintained it.

The organization established by Prince Ming can have today's achievements and has grown to more than 500 people, most of which are her credit.

Seeing that Li Xing was "not interested", Ma Susu was even more angry. At this time, two guards with swords came out from behind her. They were all three. They yelled in unison: "Bold dog thief, actually hitting Miss, you should be dead."

With that said, the two were about to crack down on Li Xing. Ma Susu stopped at this moment: "Slow, Brother Ming is now at the time of employment, these people can't kill."

Then, she took a step forward, in a tone that seemed like alms: "Although I am stupid, but my strength is not weak enough, Miss Ben will give you another chance. If you go to the underworld, I will save you from death."

Li Xing did not seem angry, and said lightly: "It seems that the girl is not a person in the ancient road. Bacheng is related to the guardian of this area. As the daughter of the guardian, you do not have the right to kill the ancient monk."

Ma Susu sneered: "Grandma has dozens of innocences and can kill you dozens of times."

As soon as Li Xing knew coldly, he turned and walked away. He had lost the patience to continue talking to the woman. What about keeping her daughter? He had slain the ambassador, and he had slain the prisoner without fear.

"Bold!" Ma Susu finally killed himself, and waved his hands, letting the two guards behind him take Li Xing.

At this time, Li Xing stretched out his hand and greeted him back, two white lights flew out, zoomed in instantly, and two guards frowned. Then, the two guards suddenly became rigid. In fact, their planes were destroyed by that little white light and difficult to recover.

Li Xing struck two masters with his fingers, and immediately shocked Ma Susu. She was shocked and angry: "You dare to kill!"

Li Xing said coldly: "Others kill me, I just defend myself."

The hit just now, in fact, hides absolute warfare. Although his supreme warfare was suppressed, it did not prevent him from using a very small amount of warfare to deal with the enemy.

The two white lights just now are the result of the release of very little fighting spirit. A small point is enough to kill the master, so the two guards died quite simply.

Ma Susu knew that Li Xing was terrible, so he stunned and turned away.

As soon as these people left, Tu Ba sneered coldly, "Brother, what are you talking about with that woman? Just kill her, no matter who she is."

Li Xingdao: "This woman is nothing. I value the naughty boy behind her."

During the period of entering the seventy-nine level, Li Xing, Tu Ba and Li Taichu have all heard the name of Mingzi. This underworld boy, ranked fifth on the Broken Roads of the Ancient Road, is already a supreme character at level six!

The Puppet Prince has extraordinary means, and he has established a Pluto society. His Majesty gathered more than 500 people and horses.

If there is any force in the 79th level that can compete with Pluto, then there is only the right path. The founder of Zhengdao League is Zhengdao Datianzun, who is also the sixth-ranking Supreme. The broken road of the ancient road is second only to the son of the underworld, ranking sixth.

Below the Zhengdao League, there are also four or five hundred men and horses, which are comparable to the Pluto. The two sides have fought two times, and no one can cover them.

Recently, in order to increase strength, the Pluto will recruit personnel, so the scene just appeared, three people arrogantly asked Li Xing to see the Puppet Prince.

The three of them knew their names, but Tu Ba obviously didn't think much of them, saying, "Are you afraid of this eldest brother? Our brother killed him and killed the grandson."

Li Xing laughed: "I value this person. It's not how strong he is, but the degree of civilization that he fears. He is said to be a first-class civilization."

Tu Ba and Li Taichu also knew this, and they didn't say anything when they heard it.

Li Xingdao: "What is the concept of advanced first-class civilization? People who are one step closer to success ~ www.readwn.com ~ are bound to be very dangerous. Even those ranked above him may not be able to fight."

Li Taichu nodded: "My father said extremely much that the first-class civilisation simply exists against the sky, and people who stand and kill may not be killed."

Li Xing nodded: "So we should not immediately conflict with it, wait for a while, see through the strength of his means, and talk about it later."

Tu Ba is also a smart person, and he said with a smile: "Big brother said, let's wait again."

Speaking, the trio's meritorious monument at the same time showed that the task of level 79 was opened. This task automatically grouped more than 2,000 people in this level in pairs to make them fight each other.

As a result of the killing, more than 2,000 ancient road monks, the remaining less than half, more than half of them will fall or be forcibly transmitted to the upper bound, or thirty-three days.

Once the mission was started, three people were each transferred into a space-time by an inexplicable force.

This is a place similar to the challenge platform. On the Quartet platform, an opponent is already standing, waiting for the enemy to appear.

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