Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1390: Li Taichu again

The opponent on the challenge stage, in a plain white coat and a graceful manner, was actually a woman. She smiled at Li Xingwei and saw him appear, saying, "Little brother, let your sister kill you?"

Hearing the other side said, Li Xing's heart didn't come from a cold heart, and he said that this girl was really gorgeous, cold and frosty. It was not a good person to talk about killing people.

He smiled "Hey," and said, "Since you call yourself sister, what about hugging your brother first?" Then, he strode towards the woman, hitting the snake and sticking, and shot directly.

The woman was not surprised, giggled, and a finger of Yuzhi distantly shot a shot of Li Xing towards Li Xing.

This woman's strength is at the third level, and Tu Ba is a series. Li Xing originally did not take it to heart but in the subconscious, he valued this woman very much, so she used all her strength when she shot.

In the face of that ray of murder, Li Xing just greeted him with a punch, followed by a loud bang. The ray of smashing shattered invisible, but in the dark a supreme war broke out, and he directly cut to Li Xing.

This really surprised him. Supreme warfare is a strength that is unique to the eighth level. Where did this woman come from? When the conflict came, Li Xing was surprised, and then he did something to surprise his opponent.

I saw him put up his fist, and he didn't dodge, letting the supreme warfare hit his body and his body. Li Xing suddenly brightened his whole body, and the warlike armor sealed by the infinite text was manifested.

Compared with that, a ray of warfare, such as Xiao Xiaoyu facing the great tree on the shore, can hardly shake the slightest. Before reaching the armor, he was shattered and then Li Xing's armor disappeared again.

The woman cried like she saw a ghost, "What's that? Are you eighth?"

After speaking, she did n’t wait for Li Xing to answer, she gave up her right, and was teleported to the upper bound to face a person who might be an eighth level superior. She did n’t even have a chance to fight back. Hundred times, can only escape

Before leaving, the woman giggled again: "Little brother, you really scared my sister, and my sister is waiting for you in the upper bound."

Li Xing snorted, secretly saying that if I go to the upper bound, I will take you as a slave

There was no challenge to Li Xing in this battle, he easily won, and he was sent out of the fighting space and returned to his place.

When Li Xing came out, he found that Li Taichu and Tu had been waiting outside. Knowing that they had also defeated the opponent, he nodded slightly and said, "This pass has passed, but we are not in a hurry to enter the second pass too. You Go to my plane to practice for some time "

Li Taichu knew that this was his father. He suffered a loss in the next two stages. He was forced to train him in the form of grinding guns. He couldn't help saying, "My father, all the towers are here. Is there nothing to train?"

Li Xing snorted, "I'll let you go, there's so much nonsense." After waving his sleeves, he directly put Li Taichu into the mixed plane.

Li Taichu shouted and said that he would sue his mother when he came home, but when he entered the plane of Junyuan, the whole man was shocked and couldn't help breathing in the air

"Perfect supreme will! Supreme supreme plane! Alas, there is also a grandiose tormented supreme warfare. It is truly my dear!" He cried strangely.

At this time, a hand fell from the void, and his fingers flicked on his forehead and bounced. He was so pained that Li Taichu screamed again and again, and said, "Dad, why are you hitting me?"

Li Xing said coldly: "I will let you shut up and practice more", a tower suddenly appeared in front of him, with the same breath as the tower. The difference is that this tower has only eight floors, and there is no tower. There are nine floors

Li Taichu rubbed his eyes vigorously, with an incredible expression on his face, and murmured, "Hey dear, is this ... is this a supreme tower? When did your elderly stole it?"


He took another note on his forehead and suddenly sobered up, exclaiming: "Daddy, you are worthy of my father. You even imitate this thing to emulate your son's admiration for you."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "This is a poor man. This is based on his father ’s enlightenment and spent a lot of merits to buy materials. The Supreme Tower, which was made with great difficulty, is not worse than the true Supreme Tower. It is just lacking. Ninth floor "

Li Taichu was like a mirror in his heart, and immediately understood Li Xing's intentions. He was moved for a while and said, "Dad, you are my dear!"

Li Xing crooked his nose when he heard the anger. The hand in the air played 981 times on his forehead, and the pain caused Li Taichu's ghost to be called Lian Tian, ​​yelling for life

Not long after, Li Taichu, who was covered with red envelopes, ran into the Supreme Tower with tears in his eyes. This Supreme Tower has the same effect as the true Supreme Tower. The difference is that it can be controlled by Li Xing, so as not to let Li Taichu be in Killed in the tower

Moreover, if Li Taichu fails to succeed at the first time, he can come again for a second time until he succeeds. Li Xing is confident that Li Taichu will enter the sixth floor, at least with a real supremacy.

As for the absolute power of the seventh floor, it depends on his understanding.

Li Taichu knew that he had the care of his dad, so he did not hesitate to do his best and accepted the test of Supreme Tower.

On the fifth floor, he died three times before he succeeded; on the sixth floor, he died 137 times before he finally succeeded. The result made Li Xing not very optimistic about his impact on the seventh level.

But what surprised him was that after breaking through the sixth level and having the supreme level, Li Taichu actually had the intention to be late, and broke through the seventh level and advanced to the eighth level!

Li Xing was suppressed in the eighth pass, so he paid particular attention to this level. Unexpectedly, Li Taichu still passed, but the way he passed was different from Li Xing.

At that time, Li Xing was extremely overbearing, and he wanted to suppress all the supreme warfare directly, so as to achieve his supreme supreme warfare. But Li Taichu was different. He only chose a weak and weak warfare, and slowly participated. Realize and integrate it into the early civilization

In the end, he turned into a lotus in the beginning, blooming on the eighth floor of the Supreme Tower, so the rest of the fighting spirit no longer bothered him, and he passed through this level.

Seeing this scene, Li Xing was speechless for a while, then realized that he could easily pass this level, but he was too arrogant at first, and actually wanted to surpass all the fighting spirit, so he ended up with this ending. Otherwise, he would have been with Like Li Chu, he passed the barrier easily and marched towards supreme power.

Breaking through the eighth layer, Li Taichu's breath is so different that he is already a true master of level eight!

Li Taichu laughed "haha": "Father, son must continue to pass the ninth level, gather supreme power"

But Li Xing awakened him with a word: "The chance to enter the ninth floor is only one time, you missed it"

Li Taichu sighed. He stepped out of Li Xing's position and saluted Li Xing deeply. He said authentically: "Daddy, thank you for your success."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Okay, my ranking on the merit list has now fallen to third place, presumably you are either second or first now"

Li Taichu proudly said: "Average, average, second in the world"

Li Xing snorted and said, "Don't be proud, there is another world leader in the next two levels."

Li Taichu dismissed it and said, "Father's strength has been sealed, otherwise the goods are not worth mentioning."

At this time, several people had entered a teahouse. Tu Ba and You Xiang were both outside. Li Taichu had seen You Xiang, but this time they changed their names and called out auntie.

Youxiang responded with a smile. I wanted to give a gift to this junior, but when I saw Li Taichu's cultivation and attitude, he gave up, knowing that he had nothing to do with his baby.

When Tu Ba looked at Li Taichu, he stared like a bell, and cried, "I said, big nephew, what level of cultivation are you now?"

Li Taichu said solemnly: "Confidentiality"

Tu Ba tickled in his heart and turned his plea for Li Xing

Li Xing shrugged, and said, "Brother, I built a Supreme Tower in the plane to help Tai Chu improve his strength. However, the materials of the Supreme Tower are limited and can only be used once. People use it unless they buy more materials "

Tu Ba was not disappointed at all, and laughed: "It's not easy yet? The remaining two levels have a lot of challenges. I'll get more credits and buy the materials you need."

Li Xing nodded: "Okay, as long as you have the materials, of course the big brother will help you."

Several people stayed here for a few days. On this day they decided to leave. As they were about to leave, the teahouse suddenly poured into a group of monks, including the three people who blocked the road, and Ma Susu and her guards.

The person who was beaten pointed at Li Xing and said, "My lord, this is the person. In recent days, he has been staying in this teahouse and has not been out."

The so-called protagonist, Ming Ming, is a young man with a blue complexion. He took a look at Li Xing and said in an indifferent tone: "This brother is so bold, he dare to refuse the less"

Li Xing didn't even look at this prince, and drank tea by himself, seeing nothing

Underworld's face couldn't stand anymore ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ shouted: "Friend, don't toast without eating and drinking, don't think that the son doesn't kill!"

Li Taichu was furious, stood up tensely, sneered, and pointed at the son of the underworld: "Grandson, you have been pretending for a long time, and you should let your grandfather say something?"

Emperor Ming was so angry that he stretched out his hand and caught Li Taichu's shot. There was a light of civilization flowing between the five fingers. It was obviously a civilization secret. Once this skill was released, Li Taichu felt that his early civilization was greatly suppressed.

But it was just a momentary feeling. When he established the supremacy, he had already been stronger than his own civilization, so it was enough to resist this suppression.

Immediately after that, Li Taichu snorted and punched the punch with one punch. There was nothing fancy, just a punch. A lotus flower was attached to the punch, but it was the supreme war effort.

As soon as the war broke out, Ming Ming's face changed greatly, and he shouted, "No. 8!"

It turned out that Li Taichu followed Li Xing in a similar way, concealing his strength, and made people mistakenly think that he was third. Until the time of his shot, the eighth level of terror was exposed, giving the opponent a surprise.

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