Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1391: 4 guardians

After discovering Li Taichu's true strength, the prince was shocked, but not afraid, sneer: "Do you think that the eighth grade is supreme, you can ignore the majesty of the prince? If you are king, come down to me!"

Suddenly, he violently exudes a strong sense of civilization all over the world. There is a kind of dominance over the world that conquers the universe and the supreme majesty of the universe. This is the majesty of a first-class civilization.

Seeing Li Taichu's embarrassment, Ma Susu laughed and said, "You three of you who don't know the heights and heights of the earth, do you know how good my brother is now? Today you have no place to be buried!"

When she was talking, Li Taichu also started to fight back. He knew the absolute power, knew the supreme warfare, and the civilized power was also a power in his eyes, so it was not that there was no way to resolve his three consecutive punches. The mystery of civilization restrained

Seeing that Li Taichu was able to counteract this powerful civilizational secret technique, Ma Susu was a little surprised, and quickly said: "Brother, hurry up and suppress this kid, don't let him get angry again"

The son of the underworld said: "Su Su, you are optimistic. Today I will suppress these three people together, collect slaves of eight civilizations, and take care of the home for me."

Li Taichu sneered: "Just like your face, and want to take over grandpa? Dream of your mother's spring and autumn dreams, break me!"


Li Taichu banged a punch, broke the secret of civilization with a war spirit, and began to fight back

Master Ming knew that it was definitely not easy to deal with Supreme Eighth. He did not have the certainty to win, but he was not afraid, so he played a twelve-point spirit and fought fiercely.

"Summon thousands of troops!"

After three strokes, after taking Li Taichu's punch, the impoverished puppet son suddenly issued a big secret. Suddenly, hundreds of millions of civilized warriors rushed out of the void. These civilized warriors were brave and fierce, and their strength was extraordinary. Too early to surround

Every civilized warrior has the highest level of superiority, and there are thousands of people. They all rush down and form a supreme battle.

In the face of this battle, Li Taichu just smiled scornfully, and suddenly turned into a lotus flower in the early days, and between the rotations, he shot three thousand lotus petals, blasting out in all directions

Every lotus petal crosses the neck of a civilized warrior

Suddenly, three thousand heads flew together, and blood splattered. This was a great killing move in the early evolution of warfare. The power was infinite, and the call to civilization was suddenly broken.

The prince of the underworld is irritated and has three major secrets. The civilization is fossilized, the civilization is crushed, the civilization is plundered, but it is easily broken by Li Taichu, who is proficient in absolute power. This is the extraordinary part of absolute power, which can fight against all powers.

What's more, he knows that there is supreme warfare, and the combat effectiveness has increased thousands of times, and it is even more difficult for the dude to compete.

Seeing that the boy Ming Ming was gradually falling, the mind that had already retreated, but Nama Susu yelled: "Kill Ai Mingge quickly kill this waste"

Hearing this, he thought that this was a language of ridicule. At this time, Li Taichu laughed and said, "Sun Tzu, this granddaughter is jealous, but unfortunately, your grandson is about to die. I have no chance to enjoy Up "

Ma Susu heard angrily and said, "How can you be such a waste, my brother Ming? You are not as good as one of his fingers, close your dog's mouth!"

Li Taichu laughed "haha": "Chick, I will destroy your ghost brother now, let him become your ghost brother!" After all, he suddenly flashed, a lotus sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed with a sword.

This is a method of war-style soldiers, which can increase the lethality by more than double. Li Taichu has been testing before, just because Li Xing said that the first-class civilization is not easy to mess with, so he has been on the verge of

Now, he has discovered the foundation of this prince, although it is a first-class civilization, but it seems that there is water in it, and it is not as powerful as he thought. So he tried to kill this person in one fell swoop.

The sword crossed the void, and directly cut the neck of the Puppet Prince. The latter screamed, "I am the son of the Pluto of the Utopia. If you dare to kill me, you will be condemned."

The sword flashed, the head fell, and then Li Taichu slowly said, "Lao Tzu doesn't know Pluto, why should he sell his face?"

After killing the son Ming, Li Taichu grinned at Ma Susu and said, "Little girl, your brother Ming is dead, why don't you cry?"

Ma Susu was at a standstill at the moment. She was dead for the invincible underworld boy in her mind. He died in the hands of what he once thought to be a waste person. He couldn't accept this reality.

"You ... you killed him, you killed him!" She stared at Li Taichu, her eyes filled with doubt, anger, loss and other complex emotions

At that time, Mrs. Li looked slightly solemn and said, "Yes, I have been killed by me. If you want revenge, you can always find me"

Ma Susu stared bitterly at Li Taichu, saying, "I will kill you, I swear!"

Li Taichu shrugged indifferently and turned to Li Xing and said, "Father, things are over here, let's go."

Li Xing nodded, and with a wave of his sleeves, the three left the 79th level and entered the 80th level.

80th level

There is no difference between this level and the 79th level, at least the environmental difference is that the rules of this level are more severe

The commemorative monument was posted early in the morning. At this level, everyone had to go through three fights. The remaining people accounted for only about one-eighth. At this time, the number of monks in the 80th level was about 1,200. More than eighty

In other words, only 23 people can pass this level

Before the mission was started, Li Xing was in trouble. The fourth-ranked monk on the broken list directly challenged him.

When Li Xing accepted the challenge, a major event also occurred in the four wastes, that is, when Li Xing was united to unite the four wastes, the guardians of the four wastes appeared at this time.

Li Xing walked on the ancient road for a long time, and the time in the Nether has passed by countless years. In this long time, the land government and the heavenly court are still fighting, but the mixed yuan empire has not participated much, and most of the time is a spectator. By

The Jiuyang and Jiuyin avatars have been merged with Li Xing's deity, and the remaining war avatars and Guiyuan avatars have also been improved during this period of time, basically keeping up with the advancement of the deity.

At present, the two avatars are all six-level superior strength, which is invincible in the lower realm. Compared with the four avatars who were sitting together, they are more stable.

Having operated so much, even though the four wastelands are vast, they have now all been incorporated into the territory of the Hunyuan Empire, and they have absolute control. This absolute control has finally led to the guardians of the four wastelands.

On this day, the east, the west, the north, the south, and the south are wild, and each of them rises up into four phosgenes, condensing into an old man. Each of them has gray hair, but has a proud look on his face.

"Small cricket ants, trying to dominate the wildness, are really overwhelmed and seek their own way out!" The old man in Xihuang sneered

"Damn thing, actually woke the old man, the old man wants to pinch this little reptile!" The old man on Nanhuang roared.

There are two ghosts rising from the mixed Yuan empire. It is the war avatar and the gui avatar. The war avatars had known that the four would appear, and they were not surprised. They said, "Did you four old immortals finally appear? The emperor has long been unified. Sihuang, do n’t you find yourself dead? ”

The four old men laughed and heard laughter, and the laughter was full of mockery. The old man on Donghuang scolded: "What do the little reptiles know? Do you think that the Four Wildernesses have been unified? In fact, they are far behind!"

Li Xing said in his heart, "Oh? This emperor has now included all the continents in the four wastelands into the territory, and has controlled all monks, staring at heaven and stepping on the ground, isn't this unified?"

The old man in Donghuang seems to haven't talked to people for a long time, and he can't live with this mouth. He said, "You little baby is really childish. Do you know the origin of the four wastes?"

Li Xing's face remained calm and said, "The four wastelands are naturally generated between the heavens and the earth. Is it artificially impossible?"

"I'm really right," said the old man. "These four wastelands are also called civilized cemeteries. Every time a world plagues, a civilization will fall. A civilization that has fallen is a failed civilization. For this world, there is no such thing. In order to commemorate these fallen civilizations, but also to leave traces of these civilizations, the fire is left to pass. At that time, the ancient Emperor Taikuo opened up four wastelands here for the purpose of storing the fallen civilizations. "

"The wish of Taikoo Emperor was to preserve all the civilizations that have appeared in the main plane. Therefore, he set a guardian prohibition among the four wastes. Once this prohibition is activated, he can kill everyone who violates the order of the four wastes!"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Xing was really surprised. He only knew that there was a guardian here. UU reading www.wukakanshu.com did not think that there was actually a four heavenly emperor who also related to the ancient emperor, but the ancient mother star was amazing. The characters he bans are by no means against him!

Seeing Li Xing's face, the four elders laughed, and the elder continued: "The four of us, each controlling a ban, can be activated at any time and kill you as a baby!"

Li Xing turned his eyes and said, "Why don't these four people come out early and late? Until this time, I completely unified the four shortages before they appeared?"

I thought, "And they were stunned as soon as they came up. It didn't seem to really mean anything. Why?"

He thought in his heart, and said in his mouth, "Are you four old guys, when this great emperor was scared? That's very good, then you open the ban. This great emperor has to see if he can break it! "

In fact, he knew in his heart that the other party really had to ban it. He was an enemy, but if he did n’t, he would try to be true and false.

Sure enough, the expressions on the faces of the four old men are not very natural. The old man who has been talking said: "Boy, don't give your face a shame, we haven't shot yet, we just want to give you a chance to reform!"

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