Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 137: Into the air

Chapter 56: Into the Air

On this day, Li Xing is sitting in meditation and fighting with Phantom. After such a long time of confrontation, he has learned a lot about Phantom's tricks and can handle it freely, but he can't completely suppress Phantom's mental attacks.

If one day, Li Xing can completely ignore the existence of fascination, he can break through the next level and contemplate the second kind of demon.

Time flies, and on the tenth day, a long howl came out of the forward barracks. A blood-thirsty warrior, his blood was soaring and his strength soared, and finally blood coagulated.

Next, one after another the warriors began to condense blood Dan. Their flesh is already very strong, coupled with long cultivation time, the concept of breakthrough is very large.

By the twenty-ninth day, forty **** nine-strong warriors had successfully broken through.

"I made a breakthrough! I made a breakthrough!" A warrior ecstatic, he could not imagine that he could make a breakthrough in his lifetime!

Breaking through the eternal scream, Li Xing also came to the critical moment.

This day is the thirtieth day of Li Xing's retreat and a one-month period. Until now, he has been able to completely suppress the phantom. No matter how fascinating bewitching him and sarcastic, Li Xing was unmoved, like an old monk settled.

"There is nothing to worry about, no thoughts, and the Lingtai is clear and clear, like a sea of ​​waves and a cloud of static air."

Gradually, Li Xing was in the middle of it, and he couldn't feel the existence of phantom at all.

The Heavenly Evil Emperor, observing all this secretly, couldn't restrain the ecstasy in his heart, and said to himself, "Okay! I'm finally in the air!"

In the course of confronting the fascination, Li Xing finally entered the vacancy and had no thoughts. If intentional or unintentional, his mood was like a vacuum.

This time, Li Xing woke up three days later.

When he opened his eyes, he couldn't help but smile: "Master, the apprentice lives up to expectations, and he has nothing to do!"

At this moment, the Emperor of Heavenly Evil, sneered repeatedly: "You only entered the vacancies on the last day and barely passed the level. However, vacancies are only the first step in practicing qi. The next step is to learn the innate meridians. Don't be arrogant. "

Li Xing smiled, "Here is what the Master learned."

When Li Xing was out of customs, immediately went to the military camp to check. Among the forty blood-thirsty nine-strong warriors, 26 people broke through at this moment, and they advanced to the tenth blood-thirsty and achieved great strength. Fourteen people could not break through and were still in the ninth stage of training.

In Yanwutang, 36 strikers are now trained in the forward camp, and 14 warriors are in the ranks. The blood-thirsty warriors, all of them with white faces, are about to leave the striker camp. The future is unknown.

Because Li Xing said that if he can't break through in January, he will leave the striker camp.

Looking at the crowd, Li Xing said, "In January, twenty-six people broke through, and I was very happy." Then sighed, "but there are still fourteen people who failed to break through."

"Please don't drive us away!" A warrior could not help but bow to the ground. "Even if the villain dies, he will die in the striker camp!"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Cannot break through in January, it does not mean that you will not break through in the future. However, my environment is getting more and more difficult and dangerous, and you are not suitable to stay. After you leave the striker camp, I will arrange a Locally, it's still working for me, just not in forward camp. "

The fourteen warriors were relieved. They thought that Li Xing was about to give up on them. Now it seems that it is just a different place to do things.

The place where Li Xing arranged for the fourteen blood-thirsty fighters was for them to follow three messengers. The remaining thirty-six fighters who practiced blood became the new forward battalion members.

In fact, as early as Li Xing's practice, the three emissaries had already disguised themselves as business travellers, moved away from Qingyun City and headed for Tianchen Kingdom. Before leaving, however, they sent several subordinates to be in charge of communication with Li Xing.

Through these people, Li Xing ordered fourteen warriors to find three messengers.

While rectifying the striker camp, Li Xing has a lot of work to do. After a month of retreat, many things happened in Huaguang City. In the first case, Wang Zixing sent a confidant to Huaguang City as the city's owner.

Li Xing was still retreating when the city master came, but he knew Li Xing's status and reputation, so he did not dare to disturb and took over the affairs of Huaguang City. It wasn't until Li Xing woke up that he offered to deliver.

The newly-sent city-owner, named Sima Zhang, was in his thirties and had great training.

Sima Zhang has an ordinary appearance, but he is quite deliberate and decisive, otherwise he will not be reused by Wang Xing.

Tonight, Sima Zhang hosted a banquet in honor of Li Xing, and invited people with faces and faces in the city to accompany him. At the banquet, Sima Zhang was very respectful, frequently toasting and saying some compliments.

This kind of scene has been experienced by Li Xing a lot recently. Although he is a little bored, he can't excuse himself.

After three rounds of drinking, at the banquet, a rich businessman from Huaguang City got up and gave a gift to Li Xing and Sima Zhang, and said with a smile, "Master Li Cheng, Lord Sima Cheng, the villain received two guards and sword swords."

"Oh? Why don't you show it since the sword dance is good?" Sima Zhang said with a smile.

The rich businessman clapped his hands, and a pair of men and women suddenly stepped out.

As soon as the two came out, Li Xing's face changed. The two men who came out were the two who assassinated him that day, the black panther and the spirit snake. Although the two were easy to refit, Li Xing could see the evil spirit on his body.

A master may change his appearance, but it is difficult to change his temperament. His temperament is inherent and difficult to change, unless he is a master of qi.

Li Xing knew in his heart that his situation was extremely dangerous to the last two practitioners and even to become a higher scholar.

"What a great time!"

Unexpectedly, Emperor Tianxie happily cried out at this time.

Li Xing sighed: "Master said, can I take the opportunity to break through?"

"That's right! Entering the air ~ www.readwn.com ~ can only give you the ability to sense the innate meridians, which also takes time. But people are in great danger and feel like they are keen. At this time, you are also looking for innate Meridian barrier. "

"However, even if the meridian is sensed, shouldn't they be killed by these two people?" Li Xing smiled bitterly.

"You have light electric boots on your feet, and you have a dagger in your arms. The former is a fifth-order weapon, and the latter is a sixth-order weapon. Can't you deal with two triple-kings?" Tianxie sneered. "As long as you can feel innate The meridians can immediately urge light electric boots, and they can't help you. "

When the congenital meridian is sensed, the blood pill condensed at the tenth level of blood training will be transformed into the day after tomorrow, releasing the innate true qi, and stepping into the initial stage of heavy training. With innate aura, you can urge two high-order magic instruments.

"Okay! Then try it!"

Li Xing is also a ruthless man. When he gritted his teeth, he agreed to sit still and didn't seem to know the danger of the two in front of him.

The black panther and spirit snake, holding a long sword, jumped into the field and danced lightly. But over time, the two's movements became slower and slower, seeming to be glued to their bodies, and the general heavy strength was emitted.

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