Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 138: Become a scholar

Chapter 57: Become a Scholar!

The air seemed to be getting more and more dignified, everyone in the room showed a terrified expression, but none dared to move. The guards outside did not know what was happening here, and no one entered.

The scene was weird, and all eyes focused on Li Xing, because people could see that the two men were dealing with Li Xing, and their eyes never left Li Xing.

The rich businessman bitterly turned his face, and the black panther and spirit snake forced him to bring them here. For his small life, he had to agree, but once Li Xing died, he would not have a good life, maybe it was also a death penalty.

The two swords exudes a sharp sword, permeating open, pointing at Li Xing. The meaning of this sword is like a bow that is gradually full, and constantly accumulates momentum. As long as the strength reaches a certain level, it will give a fatal blow.

Locked by such a powerful murderous spirit, Li Xing was sitting still as usual. In fact, he could not run away, just like a prey aimed by a bow and arrow. Once moved, it would cause a terrible attack.

The danger of death was forcing Li Xing to consolidate all his minds, and his keen sense of features and knowledge was unprecedented. At this moment, he entered a peculiar realm. This realm was clearer and more magical than the three-dimensional response when he was fighting the enemy.

When Li Xing is fighting with others, he can sense what is happening around him, but this induction is external, as if a third person was watching the battle from the side. At this time, Li Xing's three-dimensional feeling spread to the body, allowing him to sense changes in the body.

The strands of thoughts are being explored in the body, feeling. As if after a long time, and also like the moment of electric light fire, he finally sensed that a dot appeared on the chest position. This point has never appeared before, but today it appears strangely.

"Congenital Yuandian!" Li Xing was shocked and could not resist joy.

The congenital yuan point is a mysterious point that can connect with the innate origin of the human body, and then gradually expand, transforming the acquired meridian into the congenital meridian.

The a priori Yuandian appeared, and Li Xing immediately concentrated his thoughts and made a full impact.


With a thunder blast in his head, countless rays of light lit up instantly, and Li Xing's consciousness went deeper into the body. He saw that there were thirty-six mysterious nodes in the body, and this node was exactly what Qixian called the Qi Qi.

In the human body, there are thirty-six Qi qi qi, which cannot be opened, and the meridians are difficult to form. Li Xing must have thirty-six Qi qi to open up the innate meridians around him. In the body, there are thirty-six flashing qi qi, six on the arms, eight on the legs and feet, ten qi on the torso, twelve qi qi in the skull, a total of thirty-six qi qi.

The congenital yuan point is among the thirty-six Qi qi in the trunk, and it is also the largest qi in the body.

Thirty-six Qi qi appeared, and under the control of Li Xing's idea, the blood dan in the dantian gradually rose and went towards the chest.

At this time, the sword of the Black Panther and the Spirit Snake were close to saturation, and they were preparing to launch a deadly attack.

"Li Xing! Blood Dan enters the trick! Step into the innate!" Tianxie screamed loudly.

Li Xing was shocked, his eyes suddenly opened to the sky, two rays of electric light were emitted, and a long howl was heard from the sky. With this howl, Xue Dan finally rose into Qi Qi.

For a moment, as if eternal, the blood pill seemed to be greatly stimulated, and quickly spun up. After rotating 981 laps, it exploded and turned into deep blood.

Under the special environmental influence of Qi and Qi, the blood gas is transformed into the congenital, and the acquired blood gas changes into the congenital true qi!

The strong congenital instinct rushed out of the congenital yuan and entered the meridian. For a moment, Li Xing felt that his strength had soared more than tenfold. His clothes did not wind automatically, and the knotted hair broke the girdle, bursting away and flying in the air.

A strong momentum emanating from it, surprised Sima Zhang who was sitting on one side.

At this moment, Black Panther and Spirit Snake are finally full of strength. Two swords sharply stab at Li Xing. The sword is a good sword. The ninth-order magic weapon is sharp and invincible under the urging of qi. It can cut stone and break gold.

On top of the sword body, a half-meter-long sword puppet was vomited, covering Li Xing.

When this was about to happen, Li Xing injected the newly born innate vitality in his body into the light electric boots on his feet. Light electric boots, fifth-order instruments, when used, light as wind, fast as electricity, is known as light electricity.

Before the sword came, Li Xing suddenly turned into a phantom, and immediately behind the black panther, the speed was incredible!

At this moment, Li Xing was facing the back of the Black Panther, surrounded by purple light in his hand, and a dagger stuck out. At the time of the assassination, a part of the body was innately urged into the air, causing a purple awn to shoot at the front end, which was 30 cm in length.

"not good!"

When a sword stabbed in the air, the panther knew it was not good. He could not return to the sword, and gave a full back. This style of palming, called "Hanging the Palm of a Mountain", was furiously outraged, and the power was amazing. All the purple awns issued by the heavenly dagger actually turned black water into two.

However, Jian Mang was also slowed down, taking this opportunity, the Black Panther fled a dozen meters away. The spirit snake with him, dodging to the other side.

Li Xing didn't have much confidence in his heart either. If he couldn't get a hit, he immediately withdrew, staring coldly at the Lord.

Black Panther, Spirit Snake, and Li Xing stood out in a triangle, and no one shot again.

The black panther narrowed his eyes, and the black water in the body was thicker. He stared at the boots on Li Xing's feet: "At least a seventh-order magic weapon, good thing!"

Li Xing sneered, "Why are you two ghosts together?"

The spirit snake looked at the dagger and light electric boots, and her eyes flashed with greed ~ www.readwn.com ~ She giggled and said: "You have sinned against Qi Yunpai, of course you are going to die. Li Xing, hand over the magic weapon I can spare you today. "

"Haha" Li Xing laughed: "You just want to kill me?" Suddenly, he moved, turned into a white lightning, and rushed to the spirit snake.

The spirit snake gave a slap forward, and the electric power of Yin Yin rushed out, making a loud noise. And Li Xing's body flashed, and he actually bypassed Zhenji and reached behind the spirit snake, a dagger came out.

However, the snake had been prepared for a long time, and the sword in his hand was back.


The sword of the ninth-level magic weapon against the sky dagger was originally not an opponent at all, but the Yindianzheng was really overbearing, and the sky dagger failed to damage the sword tip. Instead, Li Xing was shot open, and his body was numb.

The spirit snake was extremely surprised, and secretly shouted, "Impossible! Just opened the congenital meridians. Why is there such a powerful force?"

It turned out that she had just done a trick, and she tried out Li Xing's true power, at least 15,000 fights! The spirit snake that practiced triple spirits does not exceed 10,000 fights. This person's true strength is actually stronger than her, which is shocking.

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