Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1401: 1st grade

The young man knew that it was very difficult to surrender such powerful figures as Li Xing, so he decided to completely defeat Li Xing's confidence and pride at the level of supreme power, so as to save his income.

Of course, Li Xing also knew the purpose of this person and the strength of the other person, but he did not change his look. He said, "Yes, you are right. The power of nine suns is the most amazing nine kinds of power between heaven and earth. You have mastered the power of Bai Yang, and Supreme Power is naturally stronger than mine. I can't fight you. "

Hearing this, the teenager laughed: "You know the current affairs manager is Junjie. You can see the situation clearly and show that you are a smart person. A smart person often has a good future."

Seeing Li Xing frowning, he again said: "You have never entered the upper circle, and you are ignorant and unclear about the situation of the upper bound and the source of civilization. In fact, breaking through the 9th level, After mastering the Supreme Power, I can control the many powers in the world for my use. This is the essence of the Supreme Power. It transcends the power, but it also needs the power to show its power. Therefore, the Supreme Power is also called For leadership. "

The teenager talked eloquently, and seemed to want to use this to further influence Li Xing's will.

"The power in this world is as much as a cow's hair, and people are divided into twelve grades, the highest one, the lowest twelve. The power of the nine yang belongs to the rank of the first." He said the magic of the power of nine yang. Come out to show your strength and honor.

"This kind of power between heaven and earth cannot be controlled by any 9th-level Supreme Master. I am a descendant of the Protoss, so I can control it," said the boy proudly.

Li Xing said, "So, can the protoss naturally control Bai Yang's power?"

"That's nature." The young man said, "Because the blood of the Protoss contains the weak power of Bai Yang, and there is an affinity between the power of Bai Yang and the power of Bai Yang. If not, how can one get the power of Bai Yang Approved? "

Having said that, the teenager said to Li Xing: "You are a personal talent, and you will follow me as a follower in the future. I guarantee that after you enter the source of civilization, you will be able to develop better and have stronger power than now."

Li Xing sneered suddenly, and said, "I have what you can do. It turns out that there is naturally the power of Bai Yang in the blood, so that's how I got it."

The boy raised an eyebrow: "I said so much, but I just want to show you a clear way. Since you are so uninterested, let you know my strength." Then, he stabbed Li Xing in his hand.

At the moment of his shot, Gui Yuan's avatar suddenly appeared in front of him, crossing between the two. The breath of Guiyuan's avatar also has the characteristics of a protoss, which immediately made the youngsters aware of it.

He stopped attacking and frowned. "You have the breath of the Protoss blood on you?"

Li Xing laughed and said, "Thank you very much today. If you didn't tell me that there is the power of Bai Yang in the blood of the Protoss, I don't know how to break through this barrier."

As the words fell, Guiyuan's avatar stepped back slightly, like a shadow, united with Li Xingben. For a long time, the powerful power of Guiyuan's avatar, as well as the Guiyuan plane, etc., are integrated into the mixed yuan plane.

At the moment of integration, a sea of ​​blood rose into the air. This is the sea of ​​blood. At that time, Li Xing received the power of the ancient blood of the ancient protoss, which was very magnificent. Even if the Guiyuan avatar has reached the eighth level of supremacy, it still cannot fully absorb it.

At this time, the sea of ​​blood was directly shrouded by the supreme power of Li Xing, and in a split second, all the power in the sea of ​​blood was absorbed. Suddenly, his body swelled up and seemed to explode soon.

Seeing this scene, the teenager was taken aback and quickly speared his spear. However, at this time Li Xing had merged the sea of ​​blood and sensed the power of Baiyang contained in the sea of ​​blood.

Guiyuan's avatar was born in the sea of ​​blood, and it can be said that the sea of ​​blood is closely related to it. At this time, the Guiyuan avatar merged with Li Xing's deity, then Li Xing also possessed the traits and abilities of the Guiyuan avatar, could completely control the sea of ​​blood, and could refine it in a short time.

At first, he had no avatars and wanted to refine the blood sea, but due to the limitation of the realm, he has been unsuccessful. Today, there is nothing to hinder the implementation of the Supreme Master's deity, and it can be said that it will be done overnight.

The sea of ​​blood is definitely left by a great figure of the Protoss. The power of Bai Yang contained in it is very huge. At this moment, it is extracted by Li Xing. He urged supreme power, and instantly merged with the power of this white sun, so that the attack power of supreme power reached the first grade!

The attack power of the Supreme Power is divided into 12 grades, and now Li Xing has mastered the Xeon of the 12 grades.

A beam of light lit up in his hand, and Hua instantly turned into a spear, holding the opponent's spear.

All this is slow to say, but it happens in an instant. From the integration of the avatar and the deity, to the fusion of the sea of ​​blood, until the appearance of Bai Yang's spear, it was just a moment's effort.

The spear and the spear collided to produce a fierce spark, and the spark splattered, which actually burned the space out of a mottled black hole, showing how powerful it is.

The teenager's face changed greatly and he said, "You actually have the blood of the Protoss, and it is more pure and powerful than my blood. Who are you?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that you have to lose." As he said, he fluttered his pistol and pointed to the other side.

With this blow, his power increased digitally.

This method of attack is the result of Supreme Power's control of the power of Bai Yang. The scope of the attack is extremely wide, so it cannot be avoided, but can only be blocked. The spear and the gun collided twice. This time, just hearing a "ding", the teenager's tiger's mouth cracked, the skin on his arms exploded directly, and the flesh was blurred.

Li Xing remained motionless and said coldly, "Yipin is really powerful. Thanks for your guidance, otherwise I don't know the secret at all."

The teenager gritted his teeth and stared fiercely at Li Xing.

However, it is obvious that the power of Jiuyang he summoned is obviously not as good as that of Li Xing. In addition, the supreme power of Li Xing is absolutely stronger than his. You know, his supreme power, but the merits of many war spirits in one, can be called terror.


In the third blow, Bai Yang's spear was broken into three pieces. Li Xing's spear remained unabated, and "pounced" into the opponent's body.

The boy's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and resentment. He said, "Do you think you can really control the power of Bai Yang? A product of power, only the nobles can have, you enter the source of civilization or supreme World, that's rebellion. "

After that, he didn't say much, just laughed wildly.

Li Xing's gunshot shook, and his entire body was torn apart. The strength of years of hard work was cheap, and he was accepted by him one by one. In addition, from this person, he also obtained a lot of meritorious points.

When he stepped out of the challenge platform, the monks all around looked at him with awe. There is no doubt that Li Xing has now firmly ranked first in the ultimate list, and I am afraid no one can shake this position.

The teenager was beheaded, Li Taichu was quite excited, and smiled: "You look crazy before him, not the same as his father was killed."

Tu Badao said: "The boss's strength has far surpassed us. Even when he reaches the source of civilization, he is definitely a hegemon of one party."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "The period of one year is running out. You should quickly use up all your merits to avoid waste."

The crowd nodded and went to the Miracle Shop together to consume all the merits.

After beheading the Protoss teenager just now, Li Xing immediately gained more than 900 billion meritorious service points, rising directly to the top of the meritorious list. Now, he naturally wants to consume these things as soon as possible.

After entering the Miracle Shop, Li Xing devoted most of his merits to the materials used to build the Supreme Tower. A small amount of meritorious points for daily use of the plane.

After consuming all the meritorious points, he teleported the nine ladies, as well as Li Ba, Li Gui, and Li Jiao through the teleportation plane in the plane, preparing to let them pass the Supreme Tower to enhance their strength.

The time of the plane of the mixed yuan has been changed. One day outside, the inside will experience a long time.

Li Xing has enough resources and enough experience, so the family's progress is very fast. Including You Xiang, Li Xing's ten wives have mastered the power one after another.

In addition, Li Ba, Li Gui, Li Jiao, Li Taichu, and the war avatars have also advanced to this step, and the strength of the family has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Now that it is safe, the nine ladies return to the plane of the mixed Yuan and all meet with Youxiang. For such a woman in the family, Li Xing's nine wives did not care much.

They had known about this matter for a long time, and Youxiang was able to follow Li Xing so persistently, which moved them.

Of the nine women, four have given birth to children, and the remaining ones have already been pregnant and are about to give birth. This is the second reason Li Xing brought them into the mixed Yuan plane.

As a result, several women entered the ninth grade ~ www.readwn.com ~ and gave birth to children for Li Xing.

Five newborns, two men and three women, were born almost within three days. Because of their extraordinary fathers, their mothers are also in the ninth class. So when these five babies are born, they are the eighth-level practice.

Moreover, as they grow up, they can naturally have a ninth-class practice in adulthood. Because of this, Li Ba and Li Taichu protested strongly that their parents let them be born too early.

If like these five younger siblings, it would be wonderful to have eighth grade at birth.

Of course, this protest had no effect except to attract a fat meal from Li Xing.

After the birth of five new lives, three boys were named Li Xuan, Li Sheng, and Li Zun. The two daughters were named Li Binglan and Li Hanxiang.

The birth of a small life has brought countless joys to this family. The flowers and trees and birds and beasts of the entire mixed plane are in the same mood as Li Xing.

The happy time is always short. It didn't take long for Li Xing to be in the top ten positions of the ultimate list for one year. It is finally time to enter the source of civilization.

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