Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1402: New civilization

This was a solemn moment. The ten monks on the ultimate list gathered together, waiting to enter the source of civilization. . . They all stood on a round platform, which was nine feet nine inches high and extremely wide.

Around the round platform, there are three or five hundred monks watching the bustling, trying to witness the moment when the source of civilization opened.

On the round platform, Li Xing naturally stood in the central position, with Li Taichu and Tu Ba standing on his left and right sides. The top ten monks did not wait long before seeing a circular gap open in the void, and shot a ray of civilization within.

In this light, there is a very strong sense of civilization, noble, magnificent shore, irresistible, giving people a shock of soul. Everyone present felt a desire to worship at the heart, and some even fell to the ground.

Li Xing welcomed the light of civilization, but he didn't relax in the slightest. He knew that entering the source of civilization is just the beginning, and the real challenge is still behind. He still remembers the words said before the death of the Protoss youth, that a product of power is the privilege of the aristocracy, it seems that he should not have this power.

The source of civilization, what kind of pattern it is, he still does not know, everything is unknown. Before entering the source, he can only plan the future through imagination.

Under the bath of the light of civilization, the ten monks were all shining with sacred breath, then rose up gradually, with the light of civilization, straight into the source of civilization.

Many of the monks watching below shed tears in the corners of their eyes, and their hearts were bleak. Some of them have been waiting in this place for a lifetime, seeing that they are about to die, but they still have not improved.

They knew that they had no chance, either to enter the upper bound or die here. How can these people's state of mind be described by a bleakness, even with a hint of despair.

No matter what outsiders think and think, whether it is envy or hate, it has nothing to do with Li Xing. He felt that space was changing, time was passing, and he soon appeared on a larger round platform.

This round platform is also nine feet nine inches tall, but the texture is more extraordinary. The round platform was built in a magnificent palace. When ten people such as Li Xing appeared, they found that there were seven people around the driver.

Each of these seven groups of people has five or seven, and they stand apart, seemingly very alert to each other. In addition, the eyes of these people were staring at the round platform. When Li Xing and ten other monks appeared, their eyes were all bright.

Seeing that these seven groups of people were about to hug each other, an old man on one side suddenly coughed and said in a deep voice: "All of you, in the old sense, we still follow the rules, everyone introduces each other, let these new friends Make your own choices, don't make it difficult for strong men. "

An old man on the other side looked at the other six parties. If they fought, it would be difficult for them to end, and no one would get the benefit easily. They echoed: "Yes, Mr. Xu is right, let ’s follow the rules and let They make their own choices, and I ca n’t wait to interfere, otherwise the other six parties will pursue it together. "

The two elders expressed the same will, and the rest were not good enough to object, and both agreed in silence. The two talking elders looked at each other, and then Mr. Xu said to Li Xing and others: "Ten friends, welcome to the source of civilization. This place belongs to the primary civilization zone and is located at the outermost edge of the civilization source. It is the most prestigious organization in the neighborhood, and came here today to welcome all of you. "

When Li Xingyi saw these people, he was somewhat surprised. Because of the implementation, the cultivation of these people is really daunting. For example, this talking "Xu Lao", his cultivation is considered the highest among the seven groups.

But this strongest monk is actually only a weaker one. As for the other people, they either only touched the edge of supremacy, or they didn't even touch it.

In comparison, these people of Li Xing are almost masters. They can blow these people to death. Among the crowd, some laughed aloud.

However, when they saw Li Xing still looking serious, those who laughed immediately converged and smiled, very serious. Li Xing, however, ranked first. After beheading the Protoss, he has established absolute prestige. What these people do depends on his eyes and actions.

Li Xing carried his hands, Shi Shiran walked in front of Xu Lao, holding his fists in a stun, and said, "Man, we are from the 81st stage of the broken ancient road. We are new to the land. There are many things that we do n’t understand yet. Please enlighten me more. "

The smiles on the faces of Xu Lao and others suddenly stiffened. He could hardly believe his ears, and asked with a tremor, "What is Your Excellency? Are you from the 81st level? Is the 81st level of the broken ancient road? ? "

Li Xing also hesitated and asked, "Why, don't you know where I waited for ten people? Isn't this the place to connect the broken ancient road?"

The old man was stunned, it took a long time to respectfully pay respect to Li Xing and ten others, and said in a deep voice, "I will wait until the end of school. See the ten adults, please adults forgive me for the disrespect."

Li Xing knew that there must be inside information, and he was not surprised. He said, "Brother, don't be rude. Please tell us what is going on here, how did you come here to greet me, since you came to greet me, how could you not know me? Waiting for identity? "

The old man hurriedly replied, "Master Uighur, our place is just a deserted place in the source of civilization, a marginal area, and there are no powerful characters. The transfer station where several grown-ups stood actually led to the slave camp. "

"Every year, there are people in the slave camp who are ascending to the top, and those who are ascending to the monks will pass through this teleportation array and be transmitted to us and become ordinary people."

Then, he explained the reasons to Li Xing, and said the general situation of some sources of civilization.

At the source of civilization, all monks were divided into three levels, and the lower levels were slaves. The cultivation of slaves is often under the supremacy, and their blood is low, so they can only carry out underground mining activities in the mines below the source of civilization.

If slaves can break through supremacy, they can be promoted to civilians.

Under the source of civilization, a large number of civilization spar debuted, and the civilization spar is a hard currency of the source of civilization, so it is very scarce. In order to obtain enough spar of civilization, the major forces will hoard a large number of slaves to engage in mining activities.

Due to the special geological conditions of the source of civilization, the spar of civilization can only be artificially mined, and cannot be displayed by other methods. Coupled with the huge demand for the spar of civilization throughout the source area, the entire source area requires a large number of slaves to engage in mining activities.

In the source of civilization, the middle class is called civilians. There are not as many civilians as slaves, only about one percent of the number of slaves. In terms of strength, the strength of civilians is often between the first level and the ninth level.

The civilians do not need mining. They constitute the mainstream of the urban society. Although they have a higher status than slaves, they are far inferior to higher aristocrats.

When the strength of the civilians reached supreme level nine and realized the supreme power, they became quasi-nobility. The so-called quasi-nobility are those who have the nobility qualifications but have not been enlisted by the royal family.

The quasi-nobles that have not been enshrined by the royal family are not allowed to control high-quality forces. The high-quality power here refers to six-strength power to one-strength power. In addition, quasi-nobles can harness the power of the twelfth grade to the seventh grade.

The power referred to here only exists in the upper bound and the source of civilization, and it is difficult to find it in the lower bound. This is because the upper bound and the source of civilization are extremely free and high-end places, where all the powerful forces between heaven and earth exist.

Above civilians, there is nobility. The aristocracy is a group of people who have realized the supreme power and can control the high-quality power. In addition, they have the blood of nobles. The so-called aristocratic bloodline refers to the bloodline of civilization, that is to say, these people have a noble heritage of civilization, and have profound heritage.

Nobles are the least, but they are the rulers of the whole source of civilization, and the status of civilians is far worse than them. When the civilians saw the aristocracy, they must retreat to the sides of the road and bend down to salute.

In addition, nobles can mine civilization, but civilians cannot; civilians can only be erected under the aristocracy and cannot hold official positions; nobles are different. They are natural leaders and often hold positions of officials at all levels.

Among the nobles, there is also a very special group. They are kings of the nobles, and they are called royal families. The royal family originated from a higher consummate civilization heritage, and is the most powerful of all nobles.

It is the king of nobles, the nobles of all nobles, governs the nobles of the source, and commands the world.

Of course, this does not mean that the royal family has completely controlled the source of civilization, according to Xu Lao. In the source of civilization, there are four figures who do not respect the royal family, do not respect the nobles, smile outside the territory, and dominate the party.

These four characters, ~ www.readwn.com ~, are so powerful that even the royal family can do nothing about it. They gather in the mountains and are at ease. These four people are known as east evil west poison, south madness and north chaos.

In addition to these four people, there is another place that is not under the jurisdiction of the royal family, and that is the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is a place where members of the royal family visit regularly. It is said that through the Supreme Court, they can communicate with the Supreme Will.

Many important decisions in the source of civilization were made after communicating with the Supreme Will of the Supreme Court. In the Supreme Court, there are 12 Supreme Masters who are responsible for the management and protection of the Supreme Court.

The seven forces at the scene were originally monks who came to select a nearby slave camp. These slaves ascended to the supremacy, so they became civilians. These seven groups came to fight for civilians.

It turned out that in a small area nearby, there were only these seven forces. The place here is small and the location is partial, there are not many masters. Therefore, in order to enhance their own strength and potential, the seven forces will not let go of the civilians who have risen among the slaves, and will pull them into their own camp to serve their own side.

So these seven groups of talents gathered here, waiting for the ascending civilians among the slaves to appear, and ready to take the plunder.

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