Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1403: Civilians and nobles

But they never expected that what they waited for was not ordinary civilians among the slaves, but masters who came from the broken ancient road. Although people who walk on the broken ancient road can only be classified as civilians.

However, there are also three, six, and nine other civilians. For example, among the civilians, there are monks below the upper limit, and their status is the lowest. Moving up, there is a level one, level two, and up to level nine.

Like the seven gangs who appeared in the hall at this time, the one with the highest strength was first-class. Compared with those low-level talents like Li Xing, those masters who have been killed on the ancient road are simply reptiles, the latter are simply inconspicuous.

Moreover, monks coming out of the broken ancient roads often have more potential than the indigenous peoples in the source of civilization. They will often have extraordinary achievements in the future, and in all likelihood they will become nobles.

Therefore, when these people heard that Li Xing and others came from the broken ancient road, they immediately respected each other and put on a stance.

After hearing this, Li Xing asked: "Since this is the place where the slave camps are connected, how can you send me over?"

Xu Lao thought about it for a while, and said a possibility, saying: "Return to the Lord, the transmission channel of the source of civilization sometimes occasionally becomes inconvenient, resulting in transmission errors. Xiao Laoer thought that there might be an error in the channel, and it was wrong. Adults teleport here. "

Li Xing reluctantly accepted this explanation. He nodded and said, "We have just arrived at the source of civilization, and we are not familiar with our lives. We will live here temporarily for a while, do not disturb you?"

Xu Laoyi was so excited to hear that Li Xing was willing to live here, and said loudly, "This is our great honor at Crow Gate! Please, please!"

The other six forces saw that Crow Gate had so many high-ranking enthusiasts, and they all regretted it. They hated why they hadn't volunteered to go forward and talk, and finally missed such good opportunities.

Xu Lao and his team of six led the way and took Li Xing and others out of the hall. Out of the hall, the scenery in front of them suddenly opened up, they entered a mountain forest. As soon as he came out, Li Xing felt a faint civilization.

Although the atmosphere of civilization here is very weak, his ancient civilization tree vibrated fiercely, greedily absorbing this small amount of civilization, like a thirsty fish seeing a small pool of water, very urgent.

With a move in Li Xing's heart, he had no time to admire the beauty of the mountains and asked, "Brother, why is the civilization of this place so thin?"

Xu Lao laughed: "Adults have come to the source of civilization, and some things are still unknown. This source of civilization has been divided into many areas according to the level of civilization. The places like ours are only areas of primary civilization, very weak, Of course there is not much civility. "

"However, if an adult arrives at a middle-level civilization area or even a high-level civilization area, there will be more civilization atmosphere. Civilians of different civilization levels can only live in the corresponding civilization area."

"Take Laoer, for example, the primary civilization is developed below, so you can only live in the area of ​​primary civilization. This rule also applies to nobles. If a noble is an intermediate first-class civilization, then he can only be an intermediate first-class Settle in a civilized area. "

"To put it bluntly, at the source of civilization, the level of civilization is the most important, and it is also the external manifestation of the nobility and lowness of the blood of civilization. Some people, although not high, have a high level of civilization, which means the blood of others Pure and noble, can also become aristocracy. "

When Li Xing heard this, he understood the truth here and said, "I am a high-level second-class civilization. Presumably in this place, I can also be regarded as an upper class aristocrat. However, it has not yet been enshrined by the royal family. noble."

Then he thought of the words of the Protoss. It seemed that he was telling the truth. He controlled Bai Yang's power by himself, and indeed broke the rules of this morning, maybe he would be punished by the royal family.

Thinking about this, he secretly said: "Take a step and look at it. If the royal family here finds me, then I will go to the four masters of the foreign domain."

As soon as he heard the four masters, Li Xing felt that the "Eastern Evil" among them was most likely his teacher's respect for the evil ancestors. If this is true, what is he afraid of such a master who dominates the world? It's a big deal to follow Master, but it's better than doing nobles.

Finally arrived at the mountain gate of Crow Gate. Crow Gate is built on a mountain peak. There are more than a hundred disciples in the door, and the repairs are generally not high. A small number are broken masters. Most of them have touched the Supreme. Only Xu Lao and a few others have reached the first level.

Crow Gate treats Li Xingyi as a distinguished guest, and treats him with sincerity and sincerity. After staying for a few days, Li Xing mainly explored the situation of the source of civilization. As the so-called plan followed, he was not ready to act until he had a thorough understanding of the place.

Except for Li Taichu and Tu Ba, the rest did not have much friendship with Li Xing. The reason why they stayed here for a few days was to give Li Xing a face. Soon after, the other seven people left, and they were ready to venture into this new world and find their chance.

For the masters to leave one by one, Xu Laomen of the Raven Gate was anxious. The reason he enthusiastically retained Li Xing and others was actually asking for something. It turned out that although this place is not large, it has seven forces.

The strength of the seven forces is equal, and no one can destroy each one alone. Now, he meets masters such as Li Xing who came out of the broken ancient road, and naturally wants to use their power to destroy the remaining six forces, so as to unify the area.

Seeing people are about to die, there are only three Li Xing left. As soon as Xu Lao gritted his teeth, he decided to speak out the request in his heart.

This evening, he took out the best wine, and took out many of the precious fruits that he had watched to entertain the three of Li Xing, and was ready to tell the matter during the dinner.

Xu's old name was Xu Diaogong. He set down the banquet and invited Li Xing, Li Taichu and Tu Ba to toast. In the meantime, he was about to talk about the request, Li Xing suddenly said: "Brother Xu, how disturbing these days are, I am very disturbed. In these days, we are leaving. If you have any needs, though Open your mouth. "

In fact, Li Xing had already seen that the Crow Gate had a plan, and today he suddenly offered a banquet. It seems that there must be something to say, he simply raised it directly.

Xu Diaogong was overjoyed, and said quickly: "There is indeed one thing for the little old man to need to help Master Li." As he said, he told about the other six forces in Malaysia.

After listening, Li Xing smiled slightly and said, "How small are these small things?" He said, as soon as he thought about it, three ninth-ranked mixed Yuan real people came out of the plane. Respectfully, they gave Li Xing a gift: "What is your command?"

Li Xingdao: "A few of you, listen to Lao Xu's assignment these days, help him do something, and go back quickly."

Xu Diaogong still has some eyesight. Although he can't see the strength of the three, he knows that he is far above himself. He must be able to help him to conquer the other six powers. He was immediately overjoyed and said, "Thank you for your success!"

Li Xing smiled and said, ‘these small things, they can be done in an instant, without any dispute, I have something to ask you. "

Xu Diaogong said blatantly: "Adults have something, but please ask, the little old man knows everything."

Li Xing groaned, "I have probably understood the source of civilization, but there is one more thing that is clear. That is, in each epoch, how is the civilization of the theme determined? Who decides?"

When hearing this from Li Xing, Xu Diaogong was startled and said, "How do adults ask this? Which civilization entered the training of the epistemology? That is a matter for the royal family and the Supreme Court. Outsiders cannot intervene. . "

After speaking, he thought for a while and said, "Little Lao Er has lived in a remote little place for a long time. He has no knowledge, but once heard a passing guest say it. Under the royal family, there are seven powerful people who control the royal family. The strongest power under control can influence the decision of the royal family. Presumably, which civilization comes into the dominion may be related to their will. "

"Oh? What are the origins of these seven powers? What's special?" Li Xing became interested and continued to ask.

"These seven nobles are different!" Xu Lao's face showed admiration. "Every big noble has an ancient tree of civilization, so they have developed extremely powerfully, which is not something other nobles can compete with."

"Of course, there is also an ancient civilization tree in the royal family, and it is stronger than the ancient civilization trees of the seven nobles. These are rumors that I heard. As for the truth, it is unknown."

Li Xing's heart twitched, it took a long time to calm down, and his heart trembled: "In this world, it's not just me who owns the ancient tree of civilization. The ancient tree of civilization is the dependency that I can go to today. It seems that it is not unique. Be careful in the future what!"

Thinking of this ~ www.readwn.com ~, he no longer asked other things, and on the spot ordered three real people to help Xu Diaogong do things. The Xu Diaogong was so anxious that he accompanied Li Xing one day, and then left in a hurry.

Three nine-level supreme mixed-yuan real people helped, and when Xu Diao stallion succeeded, the other six gates were sent down in three days, all of which were merged into Crow Gate.

The reason Raven Gate is called Raven Gate is because the monks of Raven Gate opened up all Raven civilization. Having said that, one has to mention a phenomenon of the source of civilization.

That is, a monk of a sect or a family often cultivates a similar civilization. For example, this crow gate, all cultivate the crow civilization.

This situation is somewhat similar to that of the real people of the mixed Yuan plane. The mixed people of the mixed Yuan people also developed branched civilizations of the mixed Yuan. Although the subtleties are different from the mixed Yuan civilization, they are similar in nature.

It can be seen that the forces of the source of civilization should all be attached to a certain civilization, and that attached civilization is called the root civilization. For example, Crow Gate, its root civilization was developed by a Lao Su. This Lao Su is hidden in the secret time and space of Crow's Gate, and usually does not go out.

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